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Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 14th, 2016, 10:00 am
by AW Warning
Temprano26 wrote:Frankly I wish I could punch the Donald right in the nose for being such an arrogant loudmouth. He lost credibility with me long ago because anybody that is so mean and nasty to people always lose credibility but obviously he is leading in the GOP polls and he is about the one damn thing the media covers anymore. I turn on the TV, I see Donald Trump. I go out to eat and televisions show nothing but Donald Trump or Bill Cosby.

Politics wasn't pleasant anyway but the Donald has made it into trash TV where everyone tunes in to watch him insult people. Do you imagine him being this successful in Europe or Latin America?
They love Donald Trump because they know Trump will permanently expel everyone of color, women and all, from America. They are even saying in their hearts; "The U.S. Constitution is an obsolete piece of trash! It's time for a change!" American women especially know that if Trump wins, American guys will be stuck only with the white trash women. Chances are even; American women will roar with cheer and applause when/if Trump were to even criminalize straight marriage, even separate the entire country by gender, women on one side, men on the other side, and a 300 mile wide military zone in between.

Be prepared, everyone! Next is the rise of the Antichrist, who will rule over a thousand times harder and a thousand times worse than the world's worst dictator. Before you know it, the only way you can live without the mark of the Antichrist (the implantable RFID chip) is to go camping in a tropical rainforest, eating only camp grown fruits and vegetables.

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 15th, 2016, 11:17 am
by momopi
Trump is a populist and not strictly ideological. He knows exactly what to say to stir up supporters and opponents. He is hoping all the negative publicity from opponents will push his supporters forward.

If he is actually elected, what he said previously and what will actually do will likely be two different things.

Both Trump and Hillary are pragmatic opportunists, versus Sanders is at least more consistent in his positions.


Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 16th, 2016, 3:11 pm
by w.p.o.
The Lamestream media (cbs, nbc, abc, cnn, etc) are attacking trump the same way they attacked Reagan. History is repeating itself. When the dems attack you, the repubs attack, the media attack BUT the people love you, you know you're doing something right. He's resonating with the majority of the nation (even other countries are rooting for him). The debates don't mean a damn thing. I've seen and listened to his campaign speeches and let me tell you, he is resonating big time. Those that hate him are obviously brain washed by the lamestream media... which is what the communists in america in the 60s planned to do. Control hollywood/entertainment (tv, movies, magazines, make the dad/male look like a fool...), education (common core anyone?), and the media (abc, nbc, pbs, bbc, cnn, msnbc, newspapers). Those are the big 3 the commies had to control to fulfill their agenda. Fortunately the majority of the american people (key word is "majority") have awaken to this. The sleeping giant has reawaken. Notice the same people who loved obama hates trump (how ironic). Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals ain't working, therefore the elites are in a panic.

If reason doesn't resonate with you, try common sense: choose the lesser of the evils. Kasich is a joke who wants to grant amnesty to millions of illegals (more americans out of work), cruz isn't constitutionally eligible, hilary is a card carrying commie with scandals dating back to the 60s (not to mention helped in the attempt to overthrow the US constitution!) and bernie is a red diaper doper baby who 1. dodged the draft, 2. traveled to nicaragua in the mid-80s to praise the communist government, praised the soviet union and went on an anti-american rant.

When I heard trump was gonna run, I thought "whatever." then I heard him speak....

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 17th, 2016, 1:59 am
by zboy1
My main problem with Trump is that he'll agitate many low-IQ, racist Americans to attack minorities or commit hate crimes, which is already happening now: ... nd-beloit/

Milwaukee man shoots and kills a Puerto Rican for speaking Spanish ... g-spanish/

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 19th, 2016, 5:24 pm
by w.p.o.
zboy1 wrote:My main problem with Trump is that he'll agitate many low-IQ, racist Americans to attack minorities or commit hate crimes, which is already happening now: ... nd-beloit/

Milwaukee man shoots and kills a Puerto Rican for speaking Spanish ... g-spanish/
The low IQ were agitated long before trump even announced his presidential run. No one is telling them to be idiots (with the exception of george soros funding these protests aka BLM, etc). Do you see trump supporters acting like fools? No. Cruz supporters acting idiotic? Nyet. Even Kasich supporters have better things to do. Trump isn't the problem. It's the Lamestream media failing to report the news/truth and spinning things to fit the liberal narrative. It's also the low-IQ's failure to read. Last time I checked, no one is burning books at barnes and noble. I'm there a lot and I see a truck load of people at the magazine stand and cafe section but hardly anyone at the history and/or philosophy area (I can almost hear the echo of my own heartbeat. scary). Last time I checked, Obama is in the white house....not trump. Obama was raised by communists and sought out communist professors. His mentor (frank marshal davis) was a communist. Remember, the communist agenda is to DIVIDE AND CONQUER (read 'rules for radicals' by saul alinsky and 'communist manifesto' by karl marx). Hillary is also a commie (card carrier as a matter of fact). Anytime you see protesters and agitators disrupting sh#t (like blocking off highways in arizona), guess who's at fault? Blaming Trump is like blaming Truman for the start of WW2. Makes no sense.

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 19th, 2016, 6:35 pm
by Adama
Donald Trump is an insider. You know he is when Newt Gingrich goes on national TV to blatantly state Trump hasnt taken initiation rites and isn't a member of the secret societies.

Since when is it kosher to mention anything about secret societies? That is a psy-op. They want us to believe he isnt part of it when he really has always been. For three generations the Trumps have been connected to the Rockefeller clan. But you know, when a politician specifically comes out to mention something that they aren't supposed to mention, like secret societies, that it is much more likely that they are lying, stating the opposite of the truth to deceive you.

He's not a member of the secret societies. hahah He's uncontrollable. Ahahaha, while he borrows money from billionaire you know who's and has to conduct business with all of them. Sheeple are easily fooled and will get taken again. They will not realize stuff has gone bad until 8 to 10 years from now, if ever.

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 19th, 2016, 9:24 pm
by w.p.o.
Adama wrote:Donald Trump is an insider. You know he is when Newt Gingrich goes on national TV to blatantly state Trump hasnt taken initiation rites and isn't a member of the secret societies.

Since when is it kosher to mention anything about secret societies? That is a psy-op. They want us to believe he isnt part of it when he really has always been. For three generations the Trumps have been connected to the Rockefeller clan. But you know, when a politician specifically comes out to mention something that they aren't supposed to mention, like secret societies, that it is much more likely that they are lying, stating the opposite of the truth to deceive you.

He's not a member of the secret societies. hahah He's uncontrollable. Ahahaha, while he borrows money from billionaire you know who's and has to conduct business with all of them. Sheeple are easily fooled and will get taken again. They will not realize stuff has gone bad until 8 to 10 years from now, if ever.
if trump is an insider, then why are the dems, repubs AND the media attacking him? He's never been a politician and is financing his own campaign. :roll:
You're right about the sheeple being easily fooled. Just take a look at what "we" have in the oval office. look at the bernie and hillary supporters.

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 19th, 2016, 9:31 pm
by Adama
Because it is a psychological operation to trick the public into thinking he's an outsider. They are acting. He is an insider. He has to borrow money from them, and he has to conduct business deals with them. He even admits to having bought politicians through donations. He's a liar. Besides that, you can't trust a man who knowingly and admittedly has slept with many other men's wives. That is highly immoral.

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 20th, 2016, 12:31 am
by fightforlove
Not a Trump supporter, but it's been comedy gold watching him get so many conservatives and liberals' panties in a wad!

Lessons (that should be) learned from the Trump phenomenon:

- Unless you are a corporate whore living in an ivory tower in a posh luxury city, Free Trade Kills.
- American Foreign Policy has been broken for at least 15 years.
- 11 million people living in darkness amongst us, one way or another something needs to be done about it.
- Health insurance is a scam and the ACA worsened the scam for most people.
- Yes, Islam does hate western civilization.
- Lots of average Americans are tired of the excesses of petty tyrants aka social justice warriors.
- Political Correctness is a jackboot that walls off people from coming to understand each other, and, hence, learn to get on with each other.
- By presenting himself in a non-PC manner, Trump outshines his opponents on stage by being the only masculine man in the debate.
- Trump's fusion of marketing and politics with a heavy dose of GAME may be a game-changer in the way future aspiring politicians will present themselves to win viewers, and voters.
- For the lion share of Americans, from far right to far left, FEELINGS will always trump FACTS. Pun intended.
- and finally, as bad as the Establishment can be, being Anti-Establishment doesn't automatically make you good.

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 20th, 2016, 11:44 am
by w.p.o.
The establishment won't attack each other. They attack only outsiders. Those who are "not in the club" to quote the late great comedian George Carlin. Notice they stopped all the attacks on Cruz. My question is; have you seen/heard any of his campaign speeches in their entirety? Screw the edited clips you see on the liberal news channels (abc, nbc, cnn, etc). Have you seen the 60+ (I lost count) of his speeches? That's the beauty of youtube. The last candidate to be attacked like this was reagan. I'm not sure it was to this extent. Death threats. family members receiving death threats. I'd pretty much say trump's an outsider.

ps. Don't confuse Trump with bill clinton. Trump has been married 3 times. His ex-wives speak highly of him (that's saying something). He's got himself a non-western woman this time - which means this one will be his last! Bill's marriage with hitlery is a sham, not to mention a serial rapist. Did you know billy boy has a half black son from another woman 30+ years ago? The difference is most people don't know this, but they know about trumps children (there's another attack on the donald yet no attack to an insider). It is common knowledge among politicians. So is web hubble's daughter - aka chelsea clinton. You read that right. btw, foreign policy has been broken for 20+ years. Clinton was a piece of sh#t too. Thanks to him, North Korea has nuclear weapons! The repeal of glass steagle. Military personnel are not permitted to carry fire arms on base (the first piece of legislation he passed when he stepped in office).

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 20th, 2016, 1:50 pm
by Adama
You people are too naive and will never wake up to the reality of the false system we live in. The system is all theater for the benefit of the voter.
Attacks are not attacks. It is acting. What part do you not get? The media is controlled. Government is owned.

"The last candidate to be attacked like this was reagan." That only reveals your bias. Reagan may seem like an outsider.
The Republicans of today idolize him. However, he had all the bankers in the background doing whatever they wanted.
Reagan wasn't a hero. He was just a good actor. The man was even an actor before he went into politics. A professional liar by another name; actor, politician, lawyer.

Yes, we know Bill is likely a murderer, rapist, serial adulterer, sexual harasser, and everything else the democrats claim to be against.
However this thread is about Trump. Saying one man has done more evil than another doesn't make the man who has done less evil a good man.
It just means he has done less evil, or less evil that we know about. However, he is still an evil individual.

Speaking of which, do you honestly believe in this day and age that anyone could become president without actually belonging to secret societies?
Is it coincidence that both GWB and Kerry belonged to the same secret society? That chances must be very small. Why is it that there is always a Clinton
or a Bush up for an election? Because the system is controlled. They are middle level satanists coordinating with the rest of them. Why do you think it is a secret?
The secret is they worship Satan.

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 20th, 2016, 1:56 pm
by Adama
Postby momopi ยป Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:17 pm

You can see in the picture posted here that Trump gets along well with the Clintons.
You can even see that Hilary is wearing a necklace of the cross.
Now if you were a person who only examines the surface, you would say, "Oh look, she must be a Christian, even
though she's obviously a lesbian." Go deeper.

Everything they do is meant to create an image. It is about their image. They want to look the way they need to for you
to believe the lies they tell you.

For example, some of these candidates will even change their accents, as best as they can, when they tour throughout
our country. Would you trust such a person? Do you still believe these people are genuine? They are all deceivers, acting on
a stage. Their goal is to fool you into thinking you have a choice. You don't. You're merely a spectator who thinks he is a member
of the team, similar to the people who root for their favorite sports teams on TV. But that is all you will ever be.

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 21st, 2016, 6:15 am
by w.p.o.
trump is a businessman. Being a business man means getting along with everyone... even your enemies (remember america allied with the soviets during ww2). Remember the saying "business is business. It's never personal." Hillary is a fraud in every sense of the word. trump knows it, which is why he's attacking her.

btw, trump has vowed to indict/prosecute hillary if/when elected. You obviously missed that part. Also have to take into consideration that the police back trump. The FBI backs him. ICE backs him. border patrol backs him. state troopers back him. Army, navy, marines, air force, etc back him. He's been endorsed by other outsiders (ben carson being one). Endorsed by joe arpaio and backed my Mike Zullo (lead investigator of the obama fraud case). Former liberal news reporters who had enough with the bs are backing trump. Larry Nichols (google him) is backing him. Larry has killer evidence that serves as a silver bullet to hillary's chances of being potus.

Keep in mind, obama never received support from the military OR law enforcement when he was campaigning. hillary isn't receiving any support from the law or the military (she actually loathes the military). bernie isn't receiving their support, neither is kasich. Only trump. Just those things that make you go "hmmmm."

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 28th, 2016, 6:52 pm
by momopi
Adama wrote: Everything they do is meant to create an image. It is about their image. They want to look the way they need to for you
to believe the lies they tell you.
For example, some of these candidates will even change their accents, as best as they can, when they tour throughout
our country. Would you trust such a person? Do you still believe these people are genuine? They are all deceivers, acting on
a stage. Their goal is to fool you into thinking you have a choice. You don't. You're merely a spectator who thinks he is a member
of the team, similar to the people who root for their favorite sports teams on TV. But that is all you will ever be.
Experienced actors like Regan can at least put up a consistent, professional image. But when you have amateurs like Bill Clinton...

But at least Bill and his daughter are polite enough, versus Hillary:

Re: Why do Americans love Donald Trump?

Posted: March 29th, 2016, 6:51 pm
by w.p.o.
momopi wrote: But at least Bill and his daughter are polite enough, versus Hillary:
Bill doesn't have a daughter. Chelsea is HILARY'S daughter. She was impregnated by former coworker webster hubble. Billy boy had nothing to do with that. This is common knowledge among politicians and other insiders (look it up). Bill has a half black/white son with a woman 30+ years ago. They're both disgraceful parents. Btw, chelsea is a chip off the ol block. She's just as devilish as her mother. Secret service and other staff members HATE working with chelsea. They say they don't know who the bigger bitch is! There is nothing polite about chelsea. Nothing polite about bill either. He violates campaign rules and denies the freedom of speech to those who aren't even protesting! Don't kid yourself. That whole "family" is comprised of dysfunctional crooked pieces of sh@t.