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Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, bright light

Posted: December 31st, 2012, 7:27 am
by ILoveBlackAmericanWomen
jamesbond wrote:
Winston wrote:I hope this question doesn't make me sound like a nerd, but I've never understood something. What is the appeal of nightclubs? I'm talking about places with darkness, disco lights and loud deafening music. What is so fun about that kind of environment? What's the appeal? How is it relaxing or pleasurable? I don't get it. Can someone explain?

First, the loud deafening noise in such places makes it hard to hear other people talking, so how can you have a conversation? It's funny how movies portray nightclubs and discos as places where people can talk and hear each other. lol

Second, the environment is dark with artificial disco lights spinning around. How is that fun, relaxing or pleasurable? It seems like an annoying experience with overstimulation - and very intrusive to one's "inner world". Plus the dark environment makes it hard to see people clearly. And the bright lights and loud music make it hard to think clearly, which subdues your awareness and consciousness.

How is this supposed to be a positive, fun, or relaxing experience? I don't understand the logic in it.

Also, how is drinking alcohol pleasurable? It just makes me feel dizzy, buzzed and lightheaded. I don't get how that is pleasurable enough to be addicting. Can someone explain this logically?

Apparently, I don't follow the "logic" of this world and am alien to it. Why?
Me and my friends have been asking this question for years, ever since we were in college. I absolutely do not understand the fascination with bars and nightclubs.

I started noticing the fascination people had with bars and clubs back in college. There were so many "party animals" at my college that I felt like a fish out of water. So many guys on my floor went out on Friday and Saturday night, got wasted then vomited in the mens bathroom. They then had a hangover the next day BUT DID THE SAME THING the following night or following weekend! :shock:

A couple of guys did manage to bring back girls to their dorm rooms and bang the crap out of them (you could hear the moans and groans throughout the entire floor) but for the most part the guys didn't get laid, they just got drunk.
Thank you so much for this topic. I'm the same way. It seems like people put "nightlife" on this pedestal as the upmost thing to do they go to clubs and seem to be in a trance and I never got why nightclubs are valued so much. I mean I seen pics of people in nightclubs the girls in a wet t shirt contest the guys and women extra drunk. I know people also take drugs in clubs. I think maybe they come there because it temporarily fills a void I guess? They have for the moment instant "friends" and they meet someone, take them home, snort drugs and have sex together. I guess that is a attractive life for some people but I never liked the nightlife, rave party, club scene. I know everyone doesn't do drugs I'm just mentioning in my opinion the clubscene seems very superficial.

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, bright light

Posted: December 8th, 2014, 7:55 am
by jamesbond
Clubs only inflate women's ego's and they also get free drinks from men. Here is a good video explaining why nightclubs are a complete waste of time for men.

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, bright lights?

Posted: July 24th, 2021, 9:59 am
by Will N. Dowd
I'm glad to find others with the same opinion as me on the subject of nightclubs.
I too hate them and have only gone to a handful of them in my entire life.
I think rationally and logically so they make absolutely no sense to me, but of course most people have an IQ below 100 and don't think like I do and happily line up and pay to get into idiotic night clubs.

The issues I have with them are:
The music is always so loud it is essentially impossible to talk to someone without shouting and even then they usually still can't understand each other.
It's like you start off mad at each other by shouting in your very first conversation.
If they turned the music down a lot so people could talk without shouting they would be a lot better, but it still wouldn't solve the other issues.
The lights are low so you are not really seeing people the way they really look.
Often when you see people in dark nightclubs they look worse in daylight.
People are usually drunk so they don't behave the way they would sober.
I don't drink and I won't buy drinks for women so yet another reason it makes no sense for me to go to a nighclub.
If they go to nightclubs to begin with, they are probably of at best average or below average intelligence.
Most men that go there are simps and the women are manipulators looking for simps.
I actually feel stupid whenever I'm inside a nightclub and can't wait to leave.
I have reluctantly ended up at a few in my life when accompanying friends that went to them.

When you add up all these issues I have they make no sense to me and that's why I hate them.
Each time I have regretted it soon after entering and make my excuses and leave soon after.
I have never in my entire life picked up a girl from a nightclub and taken her home for bedroom fun.
I probably never will either.

Congratulations to all other men and women who have realized that nightclubs are terrible places.

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, bright lights?

Posted: July 24th, 2021, 11:54 am
by Gali
Most nightclubs suck specially if you are old.

That is why HISO in Angeles was quite nice.

The rap song for HISO

Winston dancing

Girls gaming

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, bright lights?

Posted: July 24th, 2021, 6:20 pm
by Cornfed
The other problems with trendy nightclubs is that they are set up for rich tossers and skanks. The average man has no place.

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, & bright lights in nightclubs?

Posted: July 25th, 2021, 10:43 pm
by Winston
But why do american women like nightclubs so much? Especially if u cant even hear yourself talking?

And why doesn't America have ballroom dance halls and barn dances to meet and socialize with women like they did in the 1950s and prior? Movies always show them, especially historical movies, but why don't you see them in real life?

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, & bright lights in nightclubs?

Posted: July 25th, 2021, 11:25 pm
by Gali
Winston wrote:
July 25th, 2021, 10:43 pm
But why do american women like nightclubs so much? Especially if u cant even hear yourself talking?

And why doesn't America have ballroom dance halls and barn dances to meet and socialize with women like they did in the 1950s and prior? Movies always show them, especially historical movies, but why don't you see them in real life?
I guess because it is boring.

Texas Best - Dance Hall (Texas Country Reporter)

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, bright light

Posted: July 26th, 2021, 11:37 pm
by dancilley
ILoveBlackAmericanWomen wrote:
December 31st, 2012, 7:27 am
I know people also take drugs in clubs. I think maybe they come there because it temporarily fills a void I guess?
I have never tried illegal drugs in my life, I have never tried alcohol in my life, I have never tried weed in my life, and I have never tried psychiatric medication in my life. I also have never tried coffee as a drink, and I am against caffeine in all forms. I am also against chocolate.

As I have grown older, I have become even more strongly against intoxicating oneself.

I regard the above toxic "pastimes" as clearly perversions. If one chooses to engage in them, he is on a path toward destruction, that is, he is moving away from a state of health and happiness, and toward mental or physical illness, or worse.

I am solidly against using toxic substances for pleasure and fulfillment, more than ever before.

When I was younger, I could feel that it was popular to drink and go to bars and clubs and parties. Before the advent of Tinder and the ease at which females could access men available via the swiping feature, going to bars and clubs and house parties was the "cool" thing to do, so I could feel the "pull" socially; the peer pressure or what have you was "in the air."

In recent years, I have developed a solid morality, a solid plan, that if followed, will produce the happiness and fulfillment that those who attend toxic social events are seeking.

What people want is to be accepted, loved, and specifically, to engage in harmonious sexual activity with a member of the opposite sex, to build a family, to be accepted by one's community, etc. That is the main thing in life.

Harmoniously mating with a fertile female is what a man wants. A genetically superior female who will totally cooperate with him is what is desired.

Due to the reach the Internet grants females, only the top men are seen as desirable, so the only way to compete in a given sexual marketplace is to be in the top 20% or whatever. So, as a man, you first need to ask yourself if you have any shot at being perceived as being in the top 20%. If you don't see that as being possible for you in the location you are in now, you need to change your location to one where you are perceived as of higher value.

And, if you are going to attract a healthy and happy, cooperative wife, you need to be healthy and happy yourself.

You don't want to engage in perverted activities. You need to acknowledge that partying is sinful, a perversion, etc. and will not lead you toward long-term happiness.

Having a one-night stand will provide very temporary pleasure, that's it. I've done it before, many times, but it got old fast.

After you have realized that casual sex is not fulfilling, you will attempt to create a better lifestyle for yourself, especially if you have the experience of developing a long-term relationship with a female, and actually making love with her. I have done this before.

Making love is much different from casual sex.

I define making love as having sex with someone who you know extremely well, and the person is serious about being dedicated to the relationship.

One of the main things in life is making love. Making love is insanely gratifying and meaningful. When you are in mental cooperation with the female, if you believe that she is dedicated to you, then the physical act of sex can become a spiritual, heavenly experience. The pleasure you feel will be incredible, out-of-this-world, without exaggeration.

You have to get to know the girl extremely well in order to make making love possible. Marrying the girl is ideal.

The ideal female is one who is a virgin, because you are her first, so she is much more likely to take you seriously, because she has no other men in her past experience.

You need to meet a girl who is probably very young, even underage.

You can legally marry an underage girl in many states, and have sex with her.

It needs to be planned and expected that the girl will stay home as a housewife, and you will provide for the family. The girl must be totally in harmony with this plan.

As a man, you will feel the best if you are the sole provider to the family. The more assistance you get from others, the worse you will feel. If you utilize welfare, or if the wife goes to work to help in supporting of the family, that will destroy your personal happiness.

You need to set up your environment so that you are biochemically and mentally in an advantageous situation, where everything is working in your favor.

The wife needs to provide only support and suggestions for improvement, but not push you to change in ways against your will; you need to be assumed as the leader of the family.

The wife needs to be sexually submissive, meaning, ready to engage in sexual activity. However, she may not feel like it, which is going against her physiology. Therefore, that gives rise to the idea of attracting an additional female, that is, to form a polygynous family.

This will allow every person in the family to engage in sexual activity only when desired.

By the way, everyone's sex drive will be high because they will not be stimulating their brain with the aforementioned substances that stimulate the same part of the brain as sex does.

And everyone will be eating the healthiest diet, which is a starch-based diet with the addition of vegetables and fruits--so each person will be of an attractive body composition. Also, each person will engage in physical exercise regularly, further improving his or her appearance and vitality.

You need to choose a location in which to live that is safe and conducive to health and happiness. We've learned a lot over the past year of how an environment can devolve into chaos. Factors which are important are:

- Democrat-run government vs. Republican
- Any BLM riots/looting?
- Legalization of shoplifting
- Second-amendment sanctuary? Can the people arm and defend themselves?
- Was the National Guard called in quickly after a riot broke out?
- Is weed legal? Weed should be regarded as toxic and unhealthy.
- Is homelessness tolerated and present? Homeless people should be despised and kept away from family-oriented environments.
- Are homeless shelters nearby?
- Are jails nearby? Criminals just released from jail may be unstable mentally, and therefore, not harmonious with a family-oriented environment.
- What do the people look like? Are they fat? Do they have tattoos?
- Are liquor stores conspicuously present?
- Are there bars and nightclubs?
- Do people blast socially-dysfunctional-sounding music out of their vehicle?
- Is there graffiti? Is there a phone number to call to report graffiti?
- Is the police force strong? Or defunded and weak? Does the DA prosecute all persons cited? Or does the DA let people commit crimes and get away with it?
- Is the state and/or city a sanctuary for illegal aliens, that is, does the local government not report illegal aliens who are convicted of a misdemeanor crime to the federal government (for deportation)? Or is the place like Texas, where all illegal aliens now go to jail for crossing the border illegally?
- Is the quality of schools in the area high? Are the schools very strict and discipline delinquent students efficiently? Do the children respect the authorities?
- Is law enforcement strict? Do people obey the law?
- Is there trash on the streets?
- Is human fecal matter on the streets?
- Is dog fecal matter in parks where it is supposed to be cleaned up immediately?
- In parks, do people smoke, even if there are posted signs that say, "No Smoking"?
- Is smoking legal in the area? How many people smoke? Or has the city banned it in public places, or even in apartments and other shared housing?
- Is the location conveniently located next to a freeway? Can unstable criminals easily access the area and vandalize or burglarize the area? Or is it difficult for outsiders to access?
- Is there public transportation, making it easy for mentally unstable individuals to access the area?
- Do people have a totally inclusive mindset toward outsiders, or do they have a very conservative, analytical attitude toward new people who show up in the area?
- Is there a "neighborhood watch" in every neighborhood?
- Maybe the area is so safe that people don't have to lock their doors. Is the neighborhood in such a great location that you can afford to relax and not be so vigilant all the time?
- Do the people grow their own produce? Do they have a passion for eating the freshest vegetables and fruits?
- What percentage of the population own their own houses? Do people love the area and own their house and live in it there because they love it so much? Or do they rent there because they are not sure of settling down there, because they don't think the location is that good?
- Do people get married often there? Do people who live there frequently post their wedding photos on social media? Do families take professional family photos?
- Do people have large families there? Are they able to fully realize their reproductive potential? Or do they have small families because of financial strife or other problems which limit them reproductively?
- Do the people discipline their children properly? Is there a consensus on how to discipline children properly? Or, is there no community communication regarding family discipline?
- Is everyone socially disconnected there and living on their own? Or is there a strong, social connectedness and feeling of community spirit?
- Is there a high percentage of households with a single female present with children but no man?
- Do girls of a young age get excited to be married? Or do they have sex outside of wedlock as a teen, losing their virginity to a dysfunctional male, thereby ruining their chances of marrying a great man?
- If girls there do get married at a young age, how young? Is it socially acceptable for a girl to get married upon reaching sexual maturity, or do people think that girls must suffer for years in celibacy until they are 16 or 18 (this is why girls covertly have sex with a dysfunctional male prior to marriage)?
- Is there an enthusiasm regarding reproduction? Do girls crave to produce their first baby and intend to as soon as they are married? Or does the society irrationally have a negative attitude toward teens and reproduction?
- Does the society believe that childbirth is a magical, pleasurable experience and is aware of diet's role in influencing it? Or do they believe that childbirth is a medical emergency and a painful, unpleasant experience?
- Does the society believe that watching electronic screens is detrimental to a person's attention span and ability to appreciate interaction with human beings? Do the parents raise the kids without screen use?
- Are children kept indoors because of the fear of "predators" in the neighborhood? Or, is the neighborhood trusted to be a hospitable place for children to roam and play about?
- Are the wives allowed to use social media? Do they keep in constant contact with random men via the Internet? Are they "spinning plates" with multiple men online in privacy, unbeknown to their husband? Or, do the wives have no social media, and stay away from the Internet, and mostly interact with people in person and their children, face-to-face?
- Is the community an extremely morally upright society that prides itself on truth, telling the truth, honesty, etc.?
- Are boys in gangs or confused as to what to do with themselves? Or are boys confident and focused and getting ready to marry and working on manifesting a home for their future family?
- Are there festivities in the area? Do the people celebrate life? Is there song and dance? Is there an enthusiasm for living, and among people of all ages? Is everyone in the area thriving?
- Is the location located in a place with decent weather? Is it not in an area associated with natural disasters?
- Do the service providers provide great-quality customer service?
- Are people at-ease and happy? Do they smile easily and giggle and laugh easily? Are they feeling alive and well? Are they optimistic?
- Did the community cower to the coronavirus? Did they close businesses? Are masks required?

Considering the above factors, and trying to situate oneself in an environment conducive to health and happiness, and living a healthy lifestyle, is better than seeking instant gratification through drugs, alcohol, casual sex, etc. and living in a chaotic area.

I am personally planning to create a great lifestyle for myself. I am already on the right track because like I said, I have never tried drugs, smoking, drinking, weed, psych meds, etc. I am about to break through and soon should be showing myself in videos living a great life, and I intend to teach others how to manifest one like mine also.

Please join my free-speech social media accounts (links below) to watch my videos and keep in touch with my latest innovations!

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, & bright lights in nightclubs?

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 5:29 am
by Archibault
Excellent question Winston.

I have been trying to figure this out and what I got is that nightclubs where for the purpose of selling alcohol. The owner does not care about people socializing, its primarily a business.

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, & bright lights in nightclubs?

Posted: August 28th, 2021, 5:50 am
by Archibault
Winston wrote:
July 25th, 2021, 10:43 pm
But why do american women like nightclubs so much? Especially if u cant even hear yourself talking?

And why doesn't America have ballroom dance halls and barn dances to meet and socialize with women like they did in the 1950s and prior? Movies always show them, especially historical movies, but why don't you see them in real life?
It seems American society and British society is all about getting drunk and then if "hook ups" happens they can blame it on the alcohol. They are strange cultures compared to other cultures around the world. It because sex its a somewhat taboo topic and it makes people uncomfortable.

Re: What is the appeal of loud music, darkness, bright lights?

Posted: August 28th, 2021, 3:23 pm
by Neo
Will N. Dowd wrote:
July 24th, 2021, 9:59 am
the women are manipulators.
Nightclubs and bars are far too dark.

But the reason here that WND listed is the major one that I have a problem with.

Maybe only a few women that go to clubs would seem to be decent people. However, many of the women there have boyfriends and looking to cheat, or they are simply attention whores, or they are playing some kind of mind game.

Also, many of the women who go to clubs and bars do not seem to understand the basics of relationships. For example, if she isn't looking for a man, then maybe she shouldn't be flirting with a man, etc.