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A documentary I saw in psychology

Posted: November 25th, 2015, 2:05 pm
by GoingAwol
Yesterday my psychology professor showed my class a documentary called "Happy", it was about happiness. It featured people from around the world and delved into what made people happy. And the theme that kept popping up was close family ties and inclusive communities. One of the groups featured in the film was a primitive tribe in Africa. They live like people thousands of years ago but they sing, dance, laugh, and are genuinely happy. Why? Because there is no egos or cliques or stuck up people. Everyone in the tribe depends upon each other for their survival and they are a very tight knit group. After watching it I was even more aware of how harmful American culture is to mental and emotional health. You just dont have those kind of connections here in America. I gotta give my professor props for showing the class this. I think maybe she was trying to open our eyes to what our culture is missing because it didnt even relate to the other stuff we are learning in class.

Posted: November 25th, 2015, 8:49 pm
by Ghost

Re: A documentary I saw in psychology

Posted: November 26th, 2015, 9:32 pm
by GoingAwol
Ghost wrote:Did anyone in the class realize that America has no community anymore? Did anyone speak up about it?
We didn't discuss it at all, so I don't know if anyone else got the message. I'd like to think that some did, but I kind of doubt it.