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Reliable Interpreter, Guide, Assistant in Kherson, Ukraine

Posted: April 28th, 2014, 9:10 am
by UkrainianGuide
It's not easy time for Ukraine at the moment, but we believe it will be better soon!
Here, in Kherson region and southern part of Ukraine people live regular life and
enjoy warm spring weather.
So, if you plan to visit Kherson or other city of Ukraine and need reliable and
affordable interpreter/guide/assistant who can also arrange airport transfer and
an apartment in Kherson, I would be glad to help:


Posted: May 12th, 2014, 2:56 pm
by Jester
Great offer, great website, great service... great timing!

I don't know how many Westerners you will get at this time... but the ones you get will be the smartest ones!

Posted: May 12th, 2014, 4:45 pm
by TopSpruce
Если мужчине нужен переводчик, он уже проиграл. Я 3 года жил в Украине и в Беларуси и не нашёл хорошую девушку. Как вы думайте что мужчина который не знает русский найдет хорошую девушку?

У меня была возможность работать в брачной агенстве но я не хотел обманывать людей каждый день на работе. Эта грустная и грязная професия. Я советую вам найти работу в частной школе английского языка. В Харькове и в Одессе много работы. Правда что лучше можно зарабатывать на обманах, но такая работа уничтожит душу.

Уже забываю как писать по русски, но я думаю что понятно что я написал.

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 12:10 am
by Jester
I was able to understand the general drift of that BEFORE using google translate... giving myself a pat on the back - it's been 40 plus years.

Spruce, your comments here on Belarus, Ukraine et al here are respected and eagerly read.

But just because you didnt find a woman there, doesnt mean that all men are tearing up their tickets. Some will still go, some will find a wife, some will even find a GOOD wife.

How can they do it when you didn't? Maybe you're not that outgoing? Not got the gift of gab? Not a charmer? Or maybe some just get lucky?

The part of Mexico I'm in is, IMO, NOT optimal for finding a beautiful young bride. YET, a single fifty-something friend of mine is coming down here next weekend - after seeing my FaceBook page. It's not that I've found Miss Right - but the signs are positive. He needs a change. Why discourage him? Doing SOMETHING rather than staying put and getting older has got to be a plus.

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 6:57 am
by TopSpruce
Jester wrote:I was able to understand the general drift of that BEFORE using google translate... giving myself a pat on the back - it's been 40 plus years.

Spruce, your comments here on Belarus, Ukraine et al here are respected and eagerly read.

But just because you didnt find a woman there, doesnt mean that all men are tearing up their tickets. Some will still go, some will find a wife, some will even find a GOOD wife.

How can they do it when you didn't? Maybe you're not that outgoing? Not got the gift of gab? Not a charmer? Or maybe some just get lucky?

The part of Mexico I'm in is, IMO, NOT optimal for finding a beautiful young bride. YET, a single fifty-something friend of mine is coming down here next weekend - after seeing my FaceBook page. It's not that I've found Miss Right - but the signs are positive. He needs a change. Why discourage him? Doing SOMETHING rather than staying put and getting older has got to be a plus.
I'm sorry, sometimes I forget that there are people of different age groups on here.
Yes, if you are 50 something you can probably find a Ukrainian woman in her mid-30s who would like to get married.

I guess I should be more specific in my comments. If you are in your 20s, and looking for a Ukrainian girl in her 20s for marriage, you should think carefully about your plans.

Also, my recommendation was for the translator to find a new job. My friend works at a major marriage agency and he explained how it is 100% a scam. I was offered a job there too... but I think that lying and cheating people every day is not a good life. Perhaps the translator here is honest, but I have seen that most people in this business are not.

If you're looking at meeting girls in Ukraine in their 20s, you should learn the language and develop your pick-up skills. You should be out in the clubs and making social circles to game girls. Its the same thing as in the US, except the girls are more attractive.

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 10:29 am
by Jester
I understand you are speaking from experience.

Personally I would never shop for a wife in a night club - unless it was a wedding party or other family event, with good girls attending with their families.

In a bar, I am more interested in a quiet girl working hard as a waitress than in girls who are out drinking with friends.

But I would still prefer to pick up in an art museum, rather than a bar. To me, what's interesting is the shy girls, who have some depth of soul. Artists, art lovers, yoginis, etc.

I am not, btw, shopping for someone in her 30's. Oddly I WAS - ten years ago. But not now.

Re the OP, I don't think we should assume she is a scammer. She states her rates on her website, and while not dirt-cheap, she is also not charging thousands for a marriage tour either.

Making a day-game approach is tough. Having a local "wingman" would make it much easier, if the vibes are good. Especially a female.

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 12:18 pm
by TopSpruce
Either way my message is the same:

If you are looking for a girl in Ukraine: Learn Russian or Ukrainian Language

If you use a translator: Your are going to get scammed 99% of the time ....unless you set your expectations way low and marry a 35 yo divorced single mom. (and even then it might be a scam).

Learn the damn language. It will only take a few years. If that's too much time and effort if you are searching a mate, then you deserve your fate.

If the OP offers language lessons at a reasonable rate... that's fine. Translators are for businessmen looking to invest and even then I would recommend knowing some of the language. If you're looking for a life partner you need to speak her language or go for English speakers.

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 8:41 pm
by Jester
TopSpruce wrote:Either way my message is the same:

If you are looking for a girl in Ukraine: Learn Russian or Ukrainian Language

If you use a translator: Your are going to get scammed 99% of the time ....unless you set your expectations way low and marry a 35 yo divorced single mom. (and even then it might be a scam).

Learn the damn language. It will only take a few years. If that's too much time and effort if you are searching a mate, then you deserve your fate.

If the OP offers language lessons at a reasonable rate... that's fine. Translators are for businessmen looking to invest and even then I would recommend knowing some of the language. If you're looking for a life partner you need to speak her language or go for English speakers.

I guess you're mostly thinking of the no-social-skills truck-drivers you see in the marriage tour videos. Guys who are swooping in to meet Miss Right and get engaged and head home, all in two weeks. But even if they are targeting English-speaking girls (as they should, generally, I agree), still they still need SOMEONE to guide them around.

Everyone told me I needed to learn Spanish before going to Mexico. I didn't. Don't get me wrong, it's hard. And I did break down and take a week of one-on-one classes after I found I couldn't communicate with a maid etc.. And I will take more lessons. But I am surviving.

Noone is going to invest a few years learning a language before going to visit a country, unless they are happily attending high school or college. Much easier and cheaper to learn in-country.

I DID know one couple here who showed me around a bit. Would NOT have been able to get established outside the tourist zone, if I hadn't had that heads-up. Of course they had their own agenda (different tastes than mine). A guide who would listen and adjust to my interests in a rapid, cost-effective manner would be perfect.

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 8:51 pm
by TopSpruce
Well, I guess in that context it makes sense. I would still recommend finding a pen pal on VK first instead and making friends with them once you get there. I'm sure there are people who will help you out for free. I for example helped people set up their lives when they first arrived in the FSU and also I helped out foreigners who first came to the USA. For me, it was fun showing them around. It made old things seem new to me.

In general, I agree with Winston Wu's opinion of the FSU.

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 9:17 pm
by Jester
TopSpruce wrote:Well, I guess in that context it makes sense. I would still recommend finding a pen pal on VK first instead and making friends with them once you get there. I'm sure there are people who will help you out for free. I for example helped people set up their lives when they first arrived in the FSU and also I helped out foreigners who first came to the USA. For me, it was fun showing them around. It made old things seem new to me.

In general, I agree with Winston Wu's opinion of the FSU.
I should do that here in Ensenada.


Make some friends etc.

Posted: May 29th, 2014, 7:45 am
by UkrainianGuide
TopSpruce wrote:Если мужчине нужен переводчик, он уже проиграл. Я 3 года жил в Украине и в Беларуси и не нашёл хорошую девушку. Как вы думайте что мужчина который не знает русский найдет хорошую девушку?

У меня была возможность работать в брачной агенстве но я не хотел обманывать людей каждый день на работе. Эта грустная и грязная професия. Я советую вам найти работу в частной школе английского языка. В Харькове и в Одессе много работы. Правда что лучше можно зарабатывать на обманах, но такая работа уничтожит душу.

Уже забываю как писать по русски, но я думаю что понятно что я написал.
TopSpruce, your Russian is really great! I understand your concerns about importance of knowing the language for a man to find a good lady. Of course it helps when he can speak and understand some Russian or Ukrainian. But to be realistic those languages are not easy to learn, many men have no spare time for regular language studing. So, should they give up and forget about finding a feminine, modest, educated and beautiful soul mate? During almost 15 years I helped some people from different countries to find life time partners. Some of them married more than 10 years ago and all the couples are still together.
I understand that there's more and more scam connected with many marriage agencies last years. But I don't work for an agency and have never scammed anyone. My main occupation is a private English teacher, translator and interpreter. During my interpreter activity I made friends with some sincere ladies with really good personality, so I'm just glad to help them and to their future husbands.
It's not always easy to meet right person even if people speak the same language. So, the language is just one factor and there are many others, such as a level of demands, etc.
I also encourage men to learn some Russian, or at least some phrases, it would please your lady that you are interested in her language and take efforts to understand her.