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Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 1:24 am
by Winston
abcdavid01 wrote:I've searched for things in Google before like "buying a van" or "Malaysian Travel" or any number of random, unrelated searches and found websites created using SBI. That really impresses me because I wasn't looking for anything even related to Sitesell and I still found websites made with it. Just yesterday I did a Google search for "America Fall Roman Empire" and the first website that comes up was made with Site Build It. Shows me that it really does work.

Here's their reply to scam reviews:
Ok but if you use SBI, doesn't SBI own your website? If so, your site is in their hands, not yours. Right? The link above doesn't address that.

Also, what's the point of using SBI? Whether you use it or not, you still have to build your site and generate content that draws traffic right? How does SBI give you any real advantage or shortcuts? Does it have any way of getting you instant regular traffic? Either way, it's hard work plus you have to work smart too, not just hard, right?

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 2:37 am
by expatasiaseeker
Winston wrote:
expatasiaseeker wrote:Went through those links, so all you have suggested so far is building your own website and earning passive income through that. There must be millions of people already doing that, and I doubt if most of them are earning anything from it at all.

That Odesk site was decent cause it actually listed jobs. Does anyone else know of any sites like that, that list online jobs online? Thanks
Yes. Didn't you see my overview to making money online article I posted above? In it, I posted these links that list jobs on them: ... nce-sites/

You can even make money teaching English online! For example:
Thanks for this list, Winston. That is exactly what I am looking for.

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 3:17 am
by Winston
Your welcome expatasiaseeker.

Btw all, check out this video tour of I just went through it. It looks pretty good like the real deal. The presentation is very good and inspiring and introduces what they offer pretty well.

Start here:

Maybe I should sign up as an affiliate for them?

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 3:55 am
by Banano ... -uk/313615

Established T-Shirt Business

England, London

Freehold Price: £3,499
Annual Net Profit: £19,710

Is this for real
Why would somebody want to sell successfull online business for so low?
whats the catch

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 5:29 am
by Banano
Steve Pavlina is big fan of site build it!

They make it sound easy to build profitable website but you still need quality content to get traffic

Does anyone here has SBI website

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 5:38 am
by ladislav
I have written a book on how to teach English online and make $1000-1500 a month- I will send it to you for free if you PM me an email address for it.

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 10:08 am
by abcdavid01
I'm working on an SBI site. Once I get the ball rolling on it I'll post more about it here. I own the site though, not SiteSell. I've barely done anything with the site and there are less than ten pages, but I already am receiving daily traffic and got a few leads for the affiliate product I'm promoting. If I just made a WordPress site I'd probably have zero traffic. SBI is great because you can integrate HTML, but you don't need to learn it to create a website. It's just a lot easier. Plus they help you pick keywords and integrate things like a mailing list without having to buy a whole bunch of different things. So really all I have to do is keep writing articles (they have this tool that determines if an article is good for search engines) and posting them on the site. They even have a network of other SBI website owners so you can get backlinks.

Posted: January 23rd, 2013, 11:21 am
by Winston
Well I just signed up as an SBI affiliate. So if any of you are interested in trying it out, please use my affiliate link. This one below takes you to the Passion landing page of SBI which explains how SBI can help you turn your "passion" into an online business that you can work from home or while traveling.

For an easy to understand Video Tour of what SBI can do for you:



Posted: January 30th, 2013, 12:41 am
by expatasiaseeker
Wasn't that Phoenix guy, I think he was from Arizona, doing some kind of online writing job and making big bucks from it? Can Phoenix share with us the details of that job and if they are looking for more writers? Thanks

Re: Are there any real Online Jobs or places to make money online?

Posted: May 8th, 2020, 3:27 am
by Winston
What about this listing of remote online jobs from where you can work for various companies? Are these legit? ... admin-jobs

Re: Are there any real Online Jobs or places to make money online?

Posted: April 23rd, 2023, 2:34 pm
by 69ixine ... experience

this is a good primer on how to do this.You can also learn how to create hemisync like products and effective subliminals(be creative!)and make money on the side from your own website selling such products.

Re: Are there any real Online Jobs or places to make money online?

Posted: May 30th, 2023, 9:40 am
by Natural_Born_Cynic
1) You can try freelancing on Fiverr or We-work if you have any marketable skills. However you have to market yourself on social media constantly and you have to compete with thousands of coolies abroad as they will do anything for less than $50. You also have to deal with non paying clients and pay 30% on taxes as your self employed.

2) Become a youtuber. Post videos of your walkthrough on video games or do video game reviews. Or you can post movie summary or review videos. Post video on topics that your passionate about. But it will take years to build up adequate fanbase.

3) Invest in Dividend generating ETF funds and stocks. Sit and collect passive income, but you have to constantly be up to date on financial news, do adequate research on companies your investing and expect upswings and down swings. That's what I am currently doing.

4)Sell Ebooks on amazon. Winston Wu is doing it. You can ask him.

Re: Are there any real Online Jobs or places to make money online?

Posted: October 26th, 2023, 3:52 am
by milevaa
Investing in crypto is a great way of making money online. It's essential to ensure that any investment or license purchase is made through reputable and licensed sources to avoid potential legal or financial issues. Always verify the legitimacy of the seller and the product or service being offered. I personally bought crypto license here and I'm pretty satisfied with how it works.