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Hysterical Jew denial

Posted: January 31st, 2019, 9:28 pm
by Cornfed
The situation with Talmudic Jews is simple. They are a hostile foreign nation at war with us. The required response is obvious. We should rally the troops and crush them. Yet most people spout all manner of logical fallacies to avoid this conclusion. Some examples:

Fallacy: The Jews didn’t invent feminism/communism/whatever so they can’t be behind it.
Rejoinder: You don’t need to invent something to be using it as as weapon.

Fallacy:: The Jews succeed because they have high IQs.
Rejoinder: Jews are grossly overrepresented in important positions even allowing for their IQs.

Fallacy: Jews disagree with each other on certain things, therefore they can’t be in a conspiracy against us.
Rejoinder: Any group of people is going to have internal disagreements. That doesn’t mean they aren’t part of a larger conspiracy.

Fallacy: It is not in the Jews’ interests to destroy Western civilisation, therefore they aren’t doing it.
Rejoinder: The empirical evidence is that they are doing it. Just because you don’t understand why something is happening doesn’t mean it isn’t happening and people act outside their apparent interests all the time.

Fallacy: Complaining about the Jews is so whiny and passive.
Rejoinder: With any problem that takes more than one person to fix the first step is to rally the troops. To motivate them it requires persuading them that the current situation is bad - i.e. complaining.

And so on. It is a very strange phenomenon.

Re: Hysterical Jew denial

Posted: February 1st, 2019, 7:55 am
by Moretorque
Corny some of them are waking up to the fact they are just a pawn in the financial dictatorship that has been errected world wide, it is very easy to control any group of people if you have set a system up to where you are the banker with unlimited monopoly money.

Attacking a complete group of people solves nothing, the real crux of the sistuation is in the CITI of London. Das capital was written in the London Museum so we have ample bread crumbs leading us back there as the origins of this world wide conspiracy.

I was reading somewhere but could not verify it that after the CivIl War Lincoln was going to round up some troups and take out the CITI of London because he knew..... and they new so they killed him first maybe ! All their troops are out conquering new territory so you can just walk in and capture the big chess pieces just as they have done here in America since they took the country over following the FED act of 1913.... That was then this is now and the ape grafted with technology did not have NUC missles back then to hold the entire planet hostage if the board game did not go as they desired.