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Re: Two Types of Single American Women - Both Suck!

Posted: September 4th, 2013, 3:17 pm
by getmyazzouttahere
If someone is medically obese ie. freakshow obese then I regard and treat them as mentally ill people because that's basically what they are. Mental cripples need medication and professional help but what they don't need is validation.
Diabetics are now mentally-ill, subhuman freakshows- really? People with bad thyroids? People on medical medications that cause obesity as a side effect? :roll:
Do your magic x-ray powers also allow you to distinguish instantly between the skinny anorexic and the skinny medical patient with any of the myriad conditions known to cause wasting and weight loss?

Posted: September 21st, 2013, 11:26 am
by OTB
In the USA, women only want guys who are tall, rich and good looking flirting with them. To American women, if your not tall, rich or good looking, you don't exist!
I can't agree with this entirely Winston. A lot of times being good looking is a strike against you. I see tons of girls with average looking guys who you can tell are not rich. I see that the most. Also, in some cases women do want to be wooed by a good looking guy. But there are so many cynical AW that view good looking men as heart breakers and cheaters they give off no signs of interest. They automatically assume that he's bad news. It's a twisted mentality in this country but that's the reality.