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If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 2:12 am
by clowny
Does anyone know? Is it because these american men are so desperate for female companionship that they will risk their health, their happiness and their immortal soul just to be with one? Or is it because these women are good actors who merely play a role during the dating phase of the relationship to entice a man to propose to them? I must say, even working with western women can be a soul-destroying experience, so I have NO CLUE how some men put up with these vile, self-righteous creatures 24/7 after marrying one of them.

Modern western women are cowardly, insidious beasts who will exploit the feminist-extremist legal system to steal from men. May they rott in hell, if such a place exists.

Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 2:31 am
by Teal Lantern
clowny wrote:Does anyone know? Is it because these american men are so desperate for female companionship that they will risk their health, their happiness and their immortal soul just to be with one? Or is it because these women are good actors who merely play a role during the dating phase of the relationship to entice a man to propose to them? I must say, even working with western women can be a soul-destroying experience, so I have NO CLUE how some men put up with these vile, self-righteous creatures 24/7 after marrying one of them.

Modern western women are cowardly, insidious beasts who will exploit the feminist-extremist legal system to steal from men. May they rott in hell, if such a place exists.
All of those reasons plus more.
There is also the method of gaming/shaming the man into "doing the right thing".

Start at ... I have a friend
(riiiight, a friend :wink:) that is involved with a great guy. He treats her very well ... ... ble-advice

First the DNA, then the dinero. :roll:

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 6:24 am
by expatasiaseeker
It's because the MEN are "so worthless". Like attracts like, or rather, garbage attracts garbage. Most American MEN are SCUM, just like their females. They DESERVE such low class trashy women.

It's all simply karma. Why waste time trying to "wake up" such men? They DESERVE everything they are getting and more. Let them rot and focus on yourself and developing your own life. Who gives a shit about anyone else, they certainly wouldn't help you.

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 6:50 am
by Billy
because they are lower. - sing it: let´s get low-low-low

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 7:50 am
by Andrewww
When you're surrounded by low class women you don't really have a choice (if you wanna get married that is).

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 8:55 am
by Robert77
lack of exposure to something else

when i was in the navy and we would go overseas, many sailors would be shocked at how different and much nicer women were in these countries we'd visit

many would go like... "f**k i am married!!"

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 9:51 am
by ILoveBlackAmericanWomen
Because there are some women in North America who are good women. To act like all women from a certain place are bad would be unrealistic just like to say there is no good N American men would be unrealistic. Some NA women are wife material and some man found them and married them.

Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 10:58 am
by S_Parc
clowny wrote:Does anyone know? Is it because these american men are so desperate for female companionship that they will risk their health, their happiness and their immortal soul just to be with one? Or is it because these women are good actors who merely play a role during the dating phase of the relationship to entice a man to propose to them? I must say, even working with western women can be a soul-destroying experience, so I have NO CLUE how some men put up with these vile, self-righteous creatures 24/7 after marrying one of them.

Modern western women are cowardly, insidious beasts who will exploit the feminist-extremist legal system to steal from men. May they rott in hell, if such a place exists.
Believe it or not, the pressure is on for younger guys. The only chance one has of finding the right American woman is either in high school or college. Afterwards, it's basically curtain call. I'd called it quits on AWs, starting at the age of 24 & have pretty much, never looked back.

From another thread on AWs ...

Looking back, one of the few gals from my graduating class worth dating/marrying, married a decent *beta male* during her undergrad. Her husband was a techie, not a frat junkie. She then got herself an advanced degree and now teaches at a New England college while consulting for the water treatment industry. They're still together after a dozen years and she's still in great shape. I remember her on track/field and lacrosse, and she kept it up. Also, she'd avoided the catty clubs of women, who routinely tease/put down men or were social climbers. She was more studious and introspective and was rather cute and wore nice dresses from time to time, outside of jeans/slacks. And what's obvious is that neither her nor the husband are in the rapid aging dept because they're one of the few couples, who have a healthy daily dynamic. Unfortunately, as others have stated, they're in the top 5-15% of persons in the country. The rest, the so-called Alpha Male to Vapid { Ally McBeal/Sex In The City/Desperate Housewives } woman, are more typical.

Ok, so there you have it. Out of my HS graduating class, there was a verified *one person* worth marrying, who had a brain and used it & didn't hop around the world, pouting pseudo-intellectualisms about Yankee Feminism. She did what Feminists actually talked about doing, and that's making a life for herself and her family, & didn't run around with a stick, whacking men because they'd kept her down for centuries.

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 11:20 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
They are socially programmed to marry. Who raises American boys? Women do. Which sex numerically dominates in the teaching profession? Women. What ideology dominates our politics, our legal environment, our courts, and our society in general? Feminism.

Men are at a disadvantage in having access to the red pill, when the blue pill is given to them from birth.

Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 11:47 am
by Jester
clowny wrote:Or is it because these women are good actors who merely play a role during the dating phase of the relationship to entice a man...
I've experienced this. Two women admitted doing it.

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 11:49 am
by Jester
Billy wrote:because they are lower. - sing it: let´s get low-low-low

I will think of that every time I hear the song from now on

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 12:30 pm
by fschmidt
Sexual desperation caused by prostitution being illegal in America.

Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 1:36 pm
by gsjackson
Jester wrote:
clowny wrote:Or is it because these women are good actors who merely play a role during the dating phase of the relationship to entice a man...
I've experienced this. Two women admitted doing it.
On this topic, a joke I kind of like: Why is the bride smiling at her wedding? Because she knows she's given her last bl*w job.

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 2:25 pm
by abcdavid01
My dad married my Chinese American mother in college because he has a poor relationship with his mother and that probably turned him off white women. Plus my mother was very beautiful and still is for her age. She looks like a model in a painting by my dad's favorite artist, Paul Gauguin. Unfortunately that's only looks. My parents have fundamentally different values and should have divorced a long time ago. My dad even said for me not to marry someone like her. He's just too old and lazy to bother with divorce now. He just wants to be left alone. Plus he's a good guy who believes in family and knows he'd have lost my sister and I if they had divorced when we were kids.

I take after my father and my sister after my mother. The differences between us are even more stark. I am a traditionalist while my sister is a radical feminist. Actually radical feminist is now an oxymoron since feminism is the norm. Anyway, I am luckily able to maintain a civil relationship with my sister since it is a more casual relationship than that between parent and child. There is a serious rift between my mother and I. My family is divided right down the middle.

Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 2:46 pm
by Jester
gsjackson wrote:
On this topic, a joke I kind of like: Why is the bride smiling at her wedding? Because she knows she's given her last bl*w job.
:lol: :lol: :lol: