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American Girls don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 23rd, 2016, 9:48 pm
by gravity25x
So I was in high school years ago. Couldn't get any dates and didn't understand "what was wrong with me"? I was always nice and polite. A good citizen. Just a decent guy. Good looking. Deep voice. Tall. But no dates whatsoever.

Then one day I decided I would try acting like a total ass in class. I flunked all the tests (on purpose), because I didn't need this particular class to pass high school. I mouthed off at the teacher a bit. All the usual tom-foolery I'm sure we've all seen guys do in class during high school. By the middle of the semester I was on a date with a petite, hot vietnamese-American girl from that class. Super hot, super cute, and super small (basically my type). But of course, the thing is, once I get around women I revert to my REAL self. I am very nice and respectful, I am sincere, I care about good women even though I don't know them. And of course, this turned her off, so we never went on another date again -_-.

Of course a few years later I went to the former USSR and they loved me for how nice and sincere I was, so I left those bullsh1t American ladies behind, never to desire them again.

/rant off

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 23rd, 2016, 9:51 pm
by droid
Of course a few years later I went to the former USSR and they loved me for how nice and sincere I was, so I left those bullsh1t American ladies behind, never to desire them again.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 23rd, 2016, 10:17 pm
by Cornfed
A female is a biological robot and robots that function in the world run on heuristics. One of those heuristics is to favor males who are genetically adapted to their current environment, and in the West this means scum. This is short sighted in the case of the modern West as the environment is unsustainable, but females are not real sophisticated. This has been discussed here.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 5:20 am
by Adama
Despite what everyone tells you, there are many women who want to be bossed around. They are seeking a dominant man because they are submissive.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 5:28 am
by Zambales
They will when they reach forty, but not before they've been used for years as a punchbag both physically and mentally by some nasty thug.

By that time no decent guy will be interested.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 5:53 am
by Kradmelder
Zambales wrote:They will when they reach forty, but not before they've been used for years as a punchbag both physically and mentally by some nasty thug.

By that time no decent guy will be interested.
But 40 is a good age to find mistresses. Many have income from the husband they farked over, his home, lost their inhibitions so no problem giving sex no strings attached, are at their most horny, and past the age where they want kids, but wants lots of sex because they are approaching their sell date where no man will want to sleep with them.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 6:25 am
by gravity25x
Adama wrote:Despite what everyone tells you, there are many women who want to be bossed around. They are seeking a dominant man because they are submissive.
I can understand that many women are submissive. But there's a difference between deciding to be submissive and acting the way that young women do in America. The way they act has no purpose in reproduction or the survival of the human race: because of this, you can know it isn't natural. It isn't natural to want a man who lives a destructive lifestyle, because that will likely lead to her children and herself also being destroyed/impoverished: women are naturally wired to work for their own survival and the survival of her offspring above all else.

If a woman wants to be dominated she needs to BE submissive. A man can't just beat a woman in America today (Which I actually disagree with in principle, but that's irrelevant). You'll go to prison for quite a few years. And since you committed a crime against women, the other inmates won't take too kindly to you. In fact, they'll probably introduce YOU to a form of domination. Let's see how dominant and "alpha" you feel after that.

Just so you are aware: The western ("PUA") form of "dominance" and "alpha behavior" that you're referring to is absolute bullsh1t (no offense meant to you, just the reference). It's not "alpha" in any sense. Arrogance is plain stupidity, and can get someone killed in the wrong situation. A german guy that was in my exchange program from Sweden to Russia was "gaming" Russian girls with "alpha" behavior (which is recommended by the moronic PUA industry). One Russian girl in particular told him that if he didn't stop, she and her family were going to beat his ass. I bet a "pick up artist" would feel very "alpha" and "dominant" while 5 Russian men are kicking and beating his ass into the dirt while he screams like a little b1tch. LOL

Just realize the only thing this fake-"alpha" behavior is, is taking advantage of mentally ill women with no father figure in their life by acting like a complete moron. If that's the sort of thing you want to do with your life, that's your business, just don't try it on my female relatives and you'll be alright. Personally I'd rather be a good decent person who marries a good, decent foreign wife and has a clean conscience for how I treat the rest of humanity.

The most powerful men in America are the ones that obey the law; the system is designed that way. Think lawyers, executives of mid-sized companies, doctors, state/local political types. And even moreso the ones that live above the law (like the federal politicals and fortune 500 CEOs), but you and I and any "Thug" are not at that level, so for this argument that is irrelevant)

So, to conclude: there's nothing dominant about being a destructive assh0le (like I experimented with being in highschool for a semester). You just make yourself look stupid and attract mentally ill women that will eventually divorce you and take everything you have. :P

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 6:45 am
by gravity25x
Kradmelder wrote:
Zambales wrote:They will when they reach forty, but not before they've been used for years as a punchbag both physically and mentally by some nasty thug.

By that time no decent guy will be interested.
But 40 is a good age to find mistresses. Many have income from the husband they farked over, his home, lost their inhibitions so no problem giving sex no strings attached, are at their most horny, and past the age where they want kids, but wants lots of sex because they are approaching their sell date where no man will want to sleep with them.
This is definitely true. I was in my apartment complexes leasing office and the new manager had just arrived a few days earlier. She was a 40-something blonde lady. A real stunner. You could tell she was HOT back in the day, and she was still hot now, just to a lesser degree. And yet she was very interested in me??? I didn't get the cues because I don't look for them with older women like that; to me they were almost like mothers (I was 21 at the time). She asked me to come back to her office to get a package they had for me (the office did actually hold packages for residents), she said it was "too heavy" for her to carry. It must have weighed 10 pounds... -_- :lol: Again, I didn't get it until later. :roll:
It's quite normal for us guys really (to never get the cues girls give us). Despite the fact that most (even here, I'm sure) will not admit it.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 7:27 am
by Eric
I think some of us don't want to get it. I'm honest, especially when I'm younger - when a lady or woman comes onto you that fast, that's shocking. It almost never happens in real life, so you're not able to process it in the miniscule amount of time you're standing there trying to understand what's going on.

By this time, her looking at you...and you feeling like a total dweeb make you usually walk out and miss the opportunity.
When you come back or realize it, she's shifted onto someone or something else. Or the time's passed.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 7:59 am
by Kradmelder
gravity25x wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:
Zambales wrote:They will when they reach forty, but not before they've been used for years as a punchbag both physically and mentally by some nasty thug.

By that time no decent guy will be interested.
But 40 is a good age to find mistresses. Many have income from the husband they farked over, his home, lost their inhibitions so no problem giving sex no strings attached, are at their most horny, and past the age where they want kids, but wants lots of sex because they are approaching their sell date where no man will want to sleep with them.
This is definitely true. I was in my apartment complexes leasing office and the new manager had just arrived a few days earlier. She was a 40-something blonde lady. A real stunner. You could tell she was HOT back in the day, and she was still hot now, just to a lesser degree. And yet she was very interested in me??? I didn't get the cues because I don't look for them with older women like that; to me they were almost like mothers (I was 21 at the time). She asked me to come back to her office to get a package they had for me (the office did actually hold packages for residents), she said it was "too heavy" for her to carry. It must have weighed 10 pounds... -_- :lol: Again, I didn't get it until later. :roll:
It's quite normal for us guys really (to never get the cues girls give us). Despite the fact that most (even here, I'm sure) will not admit it.
The ones that come on the fastest and most blatant are fat chicks. The good looking ones it is a bit more hidden and often a catch. I used to duck when the fat chicks did it. Noe i figure fark it, They have the least drama and demands for a relationshit, so stick your dick in their mouth, get your balls emptied, just don' t come inside them.

Most women have mostly come on to me. I never chased. When i do, they lead you along and I am not going to play that game of putting her on a pedestal. I used to no most of the time, now if it doesn't involve any form of strings, why not. If I smell relationshit, I duck quick and don't stick my dick in there. The only relationshit I will ever have again it must be a really decent girl. Those dont proposition you, and they are generally already married.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 8:50 am
by Zambales
Kradmelder wrote:
Zambales wrote:They will when they reach forty, but not before they've been used for years as a punchbag both physically and mentally by some nasty thug.

By that time no decent guy will be interested.
But 40 is a good age to find mistresses. Many have income from the husband they farked over, his home, lost their inhibitions so no problem giving sex no strings attached, are at their most horny, and past the age where they want kids, but wants lots of sex because they are approaching their sell date where no man will want to sleep with them.
For sex, yes, I agree, but not for a meaningful relationship.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 9:10 am
by Adama
gravity25x wrote:
Adama wrote:Despite what everyone tells you, there are many women who want to be bossed around. They are seeking a dominant man because they are submissive.
I can understand that many women are submissive. But there's a difference between deciding to be submissive and acting the way that young women do in America. The way they act has no purpose in reproduction or the survival of the human race: because of this, you can know it isn't natural. It isn't natural to want a man who lives a destructive lifestyle, because that will likely lead to her children and herself also being destroyed/impoverished: women are naturally wired to work for their own survival and the survival of her offspring above all else.

If a woman wants to be dominated she needs to BE submissive. A man can't just beat a woman in America today (Which I actually disagree with in principle, but that's irrelevant). You'll go to prison for quite a few years. And since you committed a crime against women, the other inmates won't take too kindly to you. In fact, they'll probably introduce YOU to a form of domination. Let's see how dominant and "alpha" you feel after that.

Just so you are aware: The western ("PUA") form of "dominance" and "alpha behavior" that you're referring to is absolute bullsh1t (no offense meant to you, just the reference). It's not "alpha" in any sense. Arrogance is plain stupidity, and can get someone killed in the wrong situation. A german guy that was in my exchange program from Sweden to Russia was "gaming" Russian girls with "alpha" behavior (which is recommended by the moronic PUA industry). One Russian girl in particular told him that if he didn't stop, she and her family were going to beat his ass. I bet a "pick up artist" would feel very "alpha" and "dominant" while 5 Russian men are kicking and beating his ass into the dirt while he screams like a little b1tch. LOL

Just realize the only thing this fake-"alpha" behavior is, is taking advantage of mentally ill women with no father figure in their life by acting like a complete moron. If that's the sort of thing you want to do with your life, that's your business, just don't try it on my female relatives and you'll be alright. Personally I'd rather be a good decent person who marries a good, decent foreign wife and has a clean conscience for how I treat the rest of humanity.

The most powerful men in America are the ones that obey the law; the system is designed that way. Think lawyers, executives of mid-sized companies, doctors, state/local political types. And even moreso the ones that live above the law (like the federal politicals and fortune 500 CEOs), but you and I and any "Thug" are not at that level, so for this argument that is irrelevant)

So, to conclude: there's nothing dominant about being a destructive assh0le (like I experimented with being in highschool for a semester). You just make yourself look stupid and attract mentally ill women that will eventually divorce you and take everything you have. :P
Any woman who is pursuing after a criminal is herself a very evil person. These women know what the men are. So if they are attracted to criminals, then they themselves approve of and applaud criminality. Because you know, being natural social justice warriors, in other other area of life in which they disagree, they would avoid that person.

But I was talking about normal women. They are attracted to dominant men, and yes, naturally a woman must be submissive for that. I even wrote that above. A submissive woman is looking for a dominant man. This is what their programming tells them to do, and this makes them happy.

The women who go for criminals should be written off. That is, you know they are trouble, so why are you worried about them? Ignore them all. Don't spend your time focusing on the majority of women who are trashy. Focusing on them is not going to solve any problem. If they are the problem then avoidance takes care of the issue entirely.

As for beating women, I don't believe that is manly behavior at all. If a woman provokes a man to violence, that is a woman to avoid. That woman is one who is trying to be dominant, even if she has a sweet squeaky voice.

As for PUA, I never mentioned them. I am not talking about any animal, evolutionary definitions of alpha and all that. I am not talking about being alpha at all. Neither am I referring to playing any role other than what comes naturally as a man. Dominant and submissive. People need to stop thinking of dominance as a matter for dogs and wolves and instead think as men.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 9:46 am
by Kradmelder
Zambales wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:
Zambales wrote:They will when they reach forty, but not before they've been used for years as a punchbag both physically and mentally by some nasty thug.

By that time no decent guy will be interested.
But 40 is a good age to find mistresses. Many have income from the husband they farked over, his home, lost their inhibitions so no problem giving sex no strings attached, are at their most horny, and past the age where they want kids, but wants lots of sex because they are approaching their sell date where no man will want to sleep with them.
For sex, yes, I agree, but not for a meaningful relationship.

I am busy sourcing 2 at the moment, at this time of year to exchange greetings with people you haven't heard from in a while. of course Christmas is not the time for this lol, but you can identify prospects for later. Besides many people are away now.

One sent me a photo. She used to be very fit, and still looks very attractive but the pic stops at the chin, and the indications are there that there could be ALOT more there now than there used to be. The chin doesnt lie :lol: Never married, blonde, well educated professional woman. Not the mistress type, but certainly the kind you can go out with. Has her own home, so if I make a move it could be something until the talk turns to relationshit and moving in. Will have to make that clear upfront. She told me she is at the coast and we can catch up later, but I told her early jan Im gone on my bike trip. I am wary about investing time and effort in chatting until then, then find out she inflated into a land whale. I need to somehow get a full body pic. if she avoids this, got my answer. If she hasn't expanded, then she is promotable to taking out and doing things besides pomping. Educated and intelligent and perhaps decent. Why she never married, she was a bit evasive. Maybe she is that trap for women where they are too educated and successful, hence intimidate men.

Other option would be full on mistress. Visit for sex only. And she lives close to my work. Ideal. Also never married career girl but more of a homebody type. Not as hot as the previous one, but that is not the main criteria for a mistress. It is good sex with as little drama and kak as possible. No asking you where you go, no tantrums, no demands to meet family and friends and be taken out etc. Might be worth a spin to see if it is suitable.

I am very wary of old contacts. I knew one once that was a hottie and beauty queen in high school in Bloem. When I saw her like 20 years later she still had a very pretty face still but was huge. She was open to just a sex relationship but was far too big for me to even consider. Then she tried to ask me for a R35 000 'loan' as she was emigrating to australia, that she would pay back once she started working there. LOL!! Do I look stupid? So there was the catch behind the NSA offer. I said no to the NSA and the loan :lol: Land whale is not for a mistress. It is for a last resort just unload into their mouth if no other option at present.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 4:03 pm
by Eric
Reading this thread, last night. I couldn't sleep all night...I don't want to believe American women are this bad, I realize some men go on and on about the feminist stuff. But I've seen it, back home, it's not like it's in my head... this is like some kind of a nightmare. How could it be this bad?

Yet I remember, and relate to all men's experiences of being ignored and can't getting a date back home. I used to think something was wrong with me...Just like other guys.
I don't want to deal with this...

I'm in Asia and it's different here, but I know I'll have to go back home one day and face this, again. Why's it so unfair? I want to avoid the heartache and not again get low confidence in being around shit women.

Men deserve much better than this... I can't even think about it; it makes me so damn depressed and full of this horrible feeling, in the pit of my stomach.

I'd rather just not think about it. I think going on about it makes the problem worse, honestly.

Re: American Girls Don't want you if you're decent

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 5:50 pm
by gravity25x
Eric wrote:Reading this thread, last night. I couldn't sleep all night...I don't want to believe American women are this bad, I realize some men go on and on about the feminist stuff. But I've seen it, back home, it's not like it's in my head... this is like some kind of a nightmare. How could it be this bad?

Yet I remember, and relate to all men's experiences of being ignored and can't getting a date back home. I used to think something was wrong with me...Just like other guys.
I don't want to deal with this...

I'm in Asia and it's different here, but I know I'll have to go back home one day and face this, again. Why's it so unfair? I want to avoid the heartache and not again get low confidence in being around shit women.

Men deserve much better than this... I can't even think about it; it makes me so damn depressed and full of this horrible feeling, in the pit of my stomach.

I'd rather just not think about it. I think going on about it makes the problem worse, honestly.
Unfortunately it really is that bad. They almost have no soul or sense of caring at all (caring is something women should do MUCH more than men, but western women don't care at all)

I think you should look at your time in the USA as a break from women. Instead of concentrating on the fact that you can't get any women in the US, just see as a from women...yeah it sucks, but it's better than allowing it to reflect on YOU. Just put your hours in, save up the money, and go back to Asia eventually. Good luck.

What country in asia are you in? Do you like it? What are the women like?