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Re: Looking for information on

Posted: January 12th, 2018, 7:44 am
by TruthSeeker
Please note: We see from our experience that no men who are over their mid fifties were able to attract attention of the ladies in our agency, therefore Mordinson services are only available to men who are less than 55 years old.
How stupid is this guy? Guys who are over 55 are usually have money and are better established. Why not offer them ladies with a reasonable age difference instead of discriminating against them?

"For girls to 35 years"

How stupid is that? There are guys 55+ that would be interested in ladies over 35. This guy is missing this market segment.

Re: Looking for information on

Posted: January 15th, 2018, 6:02 pm
by NMBob
Good point, I have seen two different places where stated guys in their 50s have the highest history of success and thus the highest chance of success, so seems to me 50-60 would be of interest to a business. Seems maybe the 40 year old women are the ones no as much out just for a free date and willing to leave? Perhaps though, the company can only really know/screen a certain number of women, and don't want to have to handle more. Although perhaps being different in age would make that not so difficult?

Posted: April 13th, 2018, 2:52 am
by Zanzabara
I have never heard of this site before.

Re: Looking for information on

Posted: June 20th, 2018, 2:33 am
by SteveUKR
Hey guys what do you think of this? She's charging $7200 for
(under 37 years old only)
My question is why does she set an age limit for men? Wouldn't men who are financially established be able to afford this price? So guys that are 37 and above would be cut out of this 'premium' event.

Re: Looking for information on

Posted: June 26th, 2018, 11:06 am
by NMBob
well, if you believe alot of the youtube stuff by matchmakers etc, saying 10 years difference is common or acceptable or likely, it would seem the mens age limit would be 10 years or so more than the women, but it is not. Perhaps Diolli knows something about what age/looking type of men they think will really work out for these women. Or is the average age of the women that they plan on having, 10 years less than the womens limit. ie, the limit is 35, but i know i have a ton of 25 year olds already ...

Re: Looking for information on

Posted: June 26th, 2018, 11:34 am
by snede
Since my goal is to have a family, that is going to require a much greater age difference, I know this makes finding a woman quite a bit more difficult and some matchmakers as well as romance tour operators don't want a customer like me. Or, they lie through their teeth just to take my money.

Re: Looking for information

Posted: June 25th, 2023, 4:12 pm
by UltimBeast
Why i cant not see the Dream Connections post anymore?