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Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 1st, 2016, 8:42 am
by Eric
Yes, I know how to write - and enjoy writing; furthermore I am capable of it - unlike yourself. Sorry I'll disappoint your forever skeptical expectations of putting others down to make yourself feel better - you have a disgusting, pathetic and grimy, warped self-esteem and personality... which is glaringly obvious & to anyone who isn't you, apparently. Find something to do. You're shitting up the forum with your nonsense.
You don't insult anyone? - hah. Your every post is insulting someone, for something, somewhere...
What kind of a pathetic low-life has to go online to insult people all the time??? just to feel okay...just to feel okay.
Your responses are juvenile, "you're a bigger bitch" .... really? That was original, grow up. All I asked you to do was to carry your personal tiff off my topic - and you responded like a little bitch, immaturely. Notice, how Ghost didn't respond the way you did -it was only you.
That says something.

People like you should be taxed for the air that they breathe.

You're a bitch.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 3rd, 2016, 4:00 am
by D_Athlete
Like I said, foreigners in China have quickly gone from being a positive novelty/curiosity to loathed and looked down upon over the last few years. Girls will automatically assume you're a lowly English teacher making table scraps. What question do I get asked in my shitty little tier 2 city every time I meet a new girl now? It's, "Are you a teacher?"

They have attitude, and this air of superiority/holier than thou mindset about them, and they think they're better than you.

Nationalism and anti-foreigner sentiment is also on the rise in China, so this doesn't help the foreigner's image at all. The average Chinese girl is highly materialistic, extremely vain and shallow. They only care about money and status.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 3rd, 2016, 4:21 am
by Eric
D_Athlete wrote:Like I said, foreigners in China have quickly gone from being a positive novelty/curiosity to loathed and looked down upon over the last few years. Girls will automatically assume you're a lowly English teacher making table scraps. What question do I get asked in my shitty little tier 2 city every time I meet a new girl now? It's, "Are you a teacher?"

They have attitude, and this air of superiority about them, and they think they're better than you.

Nationalism and anti-foreigner sentiment is also on the rise in China, so this doesn't help the foreigner's image at all. The average Chinese girl is highly materialistic, extremely vain and shallow. They only care about money and status.
My observations as well. Thank you. I've decided that I don't give a f**k anymore what anyone thinks of me. It's so freeing. And it's so soul crushing/destroying to care always what someone is thinking of you. It leaves your self-esteem in their hands each time and is stressful; it really makes no sense.

I don't give a f**k. Once you stop giving a f**k it really doesn't matter what anyone things. It all starts in the MIND.
China is weird. The people are really unhappy/repressed here. You'd think they'd be making money bucks with that attitude or something so at least it would payoff - most of them don't, they maintain a shitty middle class I think....I make more than most of them do. It's really strange, and kind of funny.
It doesn't make sense.
I could try and maintain status and respect and dignity - but I have none here - it's a losing battle. It's hard back home, the whole world's being "LIBERATED" from their responsibilities, and so there's this tidal opposition to making something of yourself, and even then.......humankind has never been able to collectively do this before, not care. So there is wisdom in being a fool - if you look at it that way.
You have to see a battle you can't win.
Why hang onto a dying branch, or a dying tree, for that matter. Just let go.

Posted: September 3rd, 2016, 8:09 am
by Ghost

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 3rd, 2016, 2:29 pm
by Mr Natural
Ghost wrote:Hot girls .... Too bad that apparently no culture puts them in their place anymore.
Not sure any ever really did as you suggest. And actually they are in their "place", that is, a small percentage of women that are desired by the overwhelming majority of guys. If you think about it, it's surprising they aren't even more demanding.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 3rd, 2016, 11:11 pm
by D_Athlete
Those of you in China now, are you guys noticing the massive influx of foreigners recently?

Europeans, Russians, Slavic types, etc. The tier 2 city I'm in has gotten absolutely swarmed within the last few years, which I think is part of the reason why I'm treated poorly or not acknowledged in the streets here now, compared to 2-3 years ago when I first came to this city.

Russians and Slavics coming here in droves to teach English for table scraps or do other assorted white monkey jobs that don't require any talent. Even Western and Southern European students that come here to 'study' Chinese are trying to get in on it and teach English illegally. F***ing pathetic.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 10:00 am
by Bao3niang
@ D_Athlete About Chinese women as a whole being vain and materialistic, I would have to disagree with you. However, there are certain subsets that have been corrupted by feminist and liberal ideology, especially those in first tier cities. As China is pretty hell bent on development, I can only see it getting worse. Better find a good, authentic Chinese woman before it is too late and make sure you STAY in China. The whole world has become a shit hole. I'm not optimistic at all.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 3:29 pm
by Adama
D_Athlete wrote: The average Chinese girl is highly materialistic, extremely vain and shallow. They only care about money and status.
Then that would nullify the whole motivation for living abroad and pursuing a foreign wife, at least IMHO.

And when you leave the West, you are taking a step down financially. Some say you are still above the average native man in their home countries, but the posts in this thread and others make it seem as if it is simply another lower middle class wage.

I have no interest in teaching English though. So I don't know all the facts, but just going from what the men here are posting about Chinese women's materialism and desire for money and status.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 3:32 pm
by Adama
So you guys see attraction as economics? That is depends on your market value? That all you have to do is be one of the few white guys around and then all the babes will simply come? For me, attraction is personal (duh), but I mean, it doesn't matter who is surrounding you. The sex ratio matters, but the presence of other white men there shouldn't put you at a disadvantage, unless it is your whiteness itself which is attracting the woman, and not something else more individual and specific than that.

In other words, I wouldn't want a woman who has fetishized a whole race. I want a woman who wants me, not because of race, but because she is attracted to me. That way if there are lots of other guys around, it doesn't matter. I am not a fetish. I am a person. You guys want to be "fetishized".

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 8:08 pm
by cdnFA
Adama: If the Freakanomics people are right, and they are, so many things are about economics.

The ideal male body is around 10 to 12 percent body fat and a BMI of 23 to 25... well for chicks. Queerfags and male bodybuilders [same thing?] tend more to size queenery it seems.
However the roidasourases will do even better because there are a good 100 size queens for every roidaholic plus those for whom it is not a dealbreaker nor preference. A guy with a top 10% of builds might have say 7 or 9 women for every dude.
Ditto for female bodybuilders and trannies. Most guys are grossed out but they are so rare that they I'd guess are heavily outnumbered by dudes who dig it.

As for the white thing. Sure there is a fetish element but there is also the novelty element. Even if the girl has no particular preferences for whitey or even a minor preference for Chinese, being white in a place with no other white people is very useful as a conversation starter especially if you know the local lingo. When I see a normal movie, I am ignored. When I see a bollywood movie in a theatre I've actually gotten into a few conversations. Neither female wanted to f**k me, both attached, one too old however I was the only pasty white f**k in a movie theatre filled with Indians.
When I go about my day I am pretty anonymous. I'd figure if I were overseas at least I would stand out. I think the PUA douchbages would call it peacocking but instead of doing it by being a douche you just do it naturally and effortlessly.

Eric. I think you mentioned it before. Maybe you might want to look more into Taoism and even Buddhism if you got anger issues. I am not talking about becoming one or buying into the spiritual stuff but you might be able to grab something useful out of it. Or as someone said, sport. You could probably use some sort of mentor you can trust to spend some time with you and talk you through life but I haven't a foggiest how to find one unless you have a friend who would be suitable. I wouldn't pay for one.
Just spitballing.
BTW read the above. Hot chicks staring at you. Use it. If they don't dig you, at least you made it as uncomfortable for them as you are feeling.

Yo Mama jokes
. Yo mama is so fat that when she sits around the finely appointed Tuscan villa she sits *around* the finely appointed Tuscan villa.
Yo mama is so fat when she wants to lose weight she has to diet as well as exercise.

OK I stole those two, meh.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 8:21 pm
by Eric
I've been thinking about this. I'm thinking... why all this talk about women constantly? It's like we base our self esteem off of women - really, realistically - these guys talk about getting the perfect girl, a ten, with perfect personality to marry, ok - don't you think you will be tempted by tons of whores afterward?

It only gets worse.... and what are you going to do with ten women, anyways?
can you realistically imagine. Women can ruin your life - a single one can. ... How do guys mess with fire and manage it.
I understand it but I don't. I'm deep down way too conservative anyways to extend myself to do all this stuff.
Talking is fun, most guys just talk anyways.

Thank you cdnfa, for your advice and for others who've helped with their advice - they are all useful comments, and I take them into consideration. ...The thing is, while I think any of those things are good things; ie sports, walking, meditation and yoga, buddhism, they definitely are. But I think they are all just patches or band-aids. What we really need is to come back to ourselves, love ourselves - and figure out who we really are, and be okay with it.
Self acceptance is key - you know the truth; don't also be manipulated by these self'acceptance things in media junk - a la starchild on this one; they have figured out a way to deceive and even lie about that, they've gotten everywhere into everything, so don't be fooled. This is the biggest thing.
I believe, for me, this is the cure & answer I've always been seeking. I need to talk to my brother.
I need to tell my Mom how much I love her.
I need to remember my Dad and the ways he taught me and how he loved me. I need to come back to the ways he helped me and ways he taught me how to be. It is a sad thing that I turned away from this & ignored it while favoring and listening to a media culture (that cared nothing about me to begin with) tell me how to live my life, what I should be, my attitudes, what I should like, and how I should act, and to hate my family, discard everything they tried to teach me. I cannot forgive these people. It is the biggest sin of my life. We have allowed ourselves to become hijacked by the same people and forces that created feminism, immigration, pop media culture - to tell us that we have to bang lots of women to be successful; they know it eats our self esteem....they know it will get in the way of us creating & raising families, being happy, and successful; they know it will make us waste our time, create tensions between men and women. They are playing us one side against the other. Who you are is the only stuff that matters in life; it's not how much women we bang, that stuff isn't what really matters.
Think, guys. It's about loving yourself, where you came from... and being true to who you are.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 9:08 pm
by cdnFA
Eric wrote:I've been thinking about this. I'm thinking... why all this talk about women constantly? It's like we base our self esteem off of women - really, realistically - these guys talk about getting the perfect girl, a ten, with perfect personality to marry, ok - don't you think you will be tempted by tons of whores afterward?

It only gets worse.... and what are you going to do with ten women, anyways?
can you realistically imagine. Women can ruin your life - a single one can. ... How do guys mess with fire and manage it.
I understand it but I don't. I'm deep down way too conservative anyways to extend myself to do all this stuff.
Talking is fun, most guys just talk anyways.

Thank you cdnfa, for your advice and for others who've helped with their advice - they are all useful comments, and I take them into consideration. ...The thing is, while I think any of those things are good things; ie sports, walking, meditation and yoga, buddhism, they definitely are. But I think they are all just patches or band-aids. What we really need is to come back to ourselves, love ourselves - and figure out who we really are, and be okay with it.
Self acceptance is key - you know the truth; don't also be manipulated by these self'acceptance things in media junk - a la starchild on this one; they have figured out a .

I could be wrong but I think you need more acceptance. It might be a joke religion but you might want to check out the Dudeists, or the church of the latter day Dude.
It's based on a character from the movie the Big Labrowski. However they have put together something pretty interesting and rather Taoist except without the mysticism.
In sort, The Dude Abides or accepts. If you can get into that state of mind for yourself and others...

Also nothing wrong with a patch or a band aid. Until you figure out that fiber is good, sometimes you might just need that laxitive. Also in terms of mood, exercise can set up a virtuous circle that might make any underlying issues more solvable.

As for women. We are social animals, it is normal.

As for them ruining your life, you have to be patient and pick the right one. I had my chance 25 years ago and blew it as she was too shy and I couldn't ask her out. I've met her recently and she would not have ruined my life. It was both a life affirming conversation and a depressing one.

There are plenty of horrid beast monsters and plenty of gems out there. Granted the older you get the worse the ratios are. It feels like it is too late for me. It isn't for you.

Also often but not always garbage goes out with garbage. So they get removed from the pool.

People talk about divorce rates but those rates go down IIRC from 50 to 40 when you take away second and third + marriages Those have very high failure rates partly because divorced people have been through it once before it is easier to pull the trigger and partly because people tend not to change much.

There is also a huge demographic difference in divorce rates. My father's side, it's almost unknown, my mother's side it's pretty common. Among some people here it is just about everyone they know. Among my social circles and my brothers social circles [nerd and normal] it is unknown or pretty rare.

All sorts of demographic factors change divorce rate. You take two people who are into drugs, unemployed, one knocked up by accident with basters from her teen years and high school drop outs who marry at 19 and you can be pretty sure they are toast. You take two 25+ educated, well off people who are reasonable, childfree a the time and have similar life goals wrt kids, money etc and that 40 or 50% rate does not apply. It isn't 0, but then neither is crossing the street.

My friends are the nerds and dorks in life. I met them playing Dungeons and Dragons. Most of them are married off. The girls they married have a similar level of looks to the guy and they share the dude's nerdly interests. The relationships are solid as a rock and happy. If they could find someone... The ones that are not, are very extreme cases.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 9:43 pm
by Eric
See, this is a problem is that I spent my life being everything; I spread myself out too thin. I wasn't thinking... or I was thinking in a different way which was destructive or didn't help me - but that I thought I would get more. It seems there is this war between trying to be virtuous and good, find a good woman...

And then banging as many girls as you can.

How can you do both? You can't. Maybe, it's too late for me - I messed up... but I'll try for the sake of my soul and to make things right. I never got into dungeons and dragons. No offense, and I'm sure you probably hear this alot, but I thought it was weird...
I knew when I moved back into American culture that outside my immediate family - and decent good people who have traditional family lineage and teach their children ethics and morals and how to be... that contemporary American culture was bereft and depraved; full of lies and deceit, the most stinking dangerous toxic thing I'd ever seen. I'd known this ever since i was a kid.
My parents didn't listen or really seem to care. I think that was a dangerous mistake.

We have to stay strong. Repair and rebuild, stay strong and get on track on the path. We can always reclaim ourselves - keep control of the mind. Your mind is where it is all.
I think I've had an awakening; it's still in me what I know to do good.
For the longest time I'd adopted bad beliefs - some mix of rebellious attitude with psychology. By the way - psychology has (perhaps not so) ironically done more damage to me than anything in life. It teaches you to throw away and hate your family, blame them, discontinue their ways......
it ruined my life nearly listening to it; and it set me against myself and my family, while claiming to help me. It is great evil. It has done nothing to help me, and is the greatest regret in my life that I at some point chose it, over my family and my ways, myself - I trusted and was deceived.

These people use language to deceive & paralyze people. I think starchild illustrated it well when he said that people feel pressured and bullhorned into believing we need some Stanford doctor, some medical reviewed crap; or that we won't be okay. They use language to manipulate and lie to us.
It is the greatest evil; because with language humans can be manipulated to no end. Even if they know right from wrong...they will listen often times to the language.

These motherfuckers need to pay, and they need to burn. Why is there no justice in this world?
Why don't the evil ever pay..... why are so many good people hurt?

Why are we so deceived?

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 11:36 pm
by D_Athlete
Adama wrote:So you guys see attraction as economics? That is depends on your market value? That all you have to do is be one of the few white guys around and then all the babes will simply come? For me, attraction is personal (duh), but I mean, it doesn't matter who is surrounding you. The sex ratio matters, but the presence of other white men there shouldn't put you at a disadvantage, unless it is your whiteness itself which is attracting the woman, and not something else more individual and specific than that.

In other words, I wouldn't want a woman who has fetishized a whole race. I want a woman who wants me, not because of race, but because she is attracted to me. That way if there are lots of other guys around, it doesn't matter. I am not a fetish. I am a person. You guys want to be "fetishized".
A tumbling economy and shit tier women has Euro guys and other Westerners desperate. They're running rampant to Asia like a swarm of locusts. After a lifetime of being treated like shit and/or ignored by women in their home countries, they have low self-esteem and bad self image. Often these guys are very good looking and in good shape, lift weights, eat healthy, etc. Yet, they're f***ing or wifing up 5's and 6's.

Between an average white guy, or a super good looking fit Euro guy with Chris Evans' looks, who do you think the Chinese girls are going to pick? There's a surplus of these desperate beta faggots in every tier 1 city in China now, and more and more of them are coming to tier 2s and tier 3s.

Re: My Thread on Chinese Women and China

Posted: September 4th, 2016, 11:50 pm
by Eric
I keep asking myself if the women treating men like shit is a real phenomenon back home - or if it's just an idea in the mind, then we see it.

I mean I know it is, but we forget so easily. I've been away from the States for 3 months now and I've already lost it sort of - Im not exposed to it.
I know I did have the feeling that no matter what I did... I was useless, desireless/undesired.... a lowest piece of shit guy ever. I know I wasn't, but you're right - self esteem is so horribly low for men, and so high for women in the States; everything's imbalanced.

Another reason to unplug from modern/pop culture completely. Just do it, just unplug - don't let it affect you. The US is a special kind of toxic. We have to hold onto ourselves.