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'I'm ashamed of being Latin American'

Posted: February 18th, 2023, 10:14 pm
by galii
I want to explore the problematic side of the Latin culture:

I start with a reddit post:
Latin America is said to be the most dangerous non-wartorn region in the world. The only difference is that we don't have bombs falling from the sky. I have an issue with Portugal and Spain too: Portugal is the poorest country in Western Europe, and Spain is kinda falling apart and even their royals are corrupt. I'll list some countries:
Brazil: my birth country. 1- We are the sixth most populous country and have the ninth (?) highest GDP, but we seem to be an irrelevant country. We have fewer annual tourists than Slovakia (being far away from everything may be a factor, but still). 2- We seem to be in some sort of political awakening now, but I fear that the people vote for the same suckers in the general elections next year. People here vote for the guy with the catchiest jingle, and public facilities don't last very long before getting intentionally damaged by some vandal (most buildings in my birth city have ugly scribbles sprayed onto them). 3- Our non-elected elected president would rather spend money to bribe MPs to save his ass than improve the population's condition. This is why I usually support the developed country in some stuff. There is too much stuff I don't like about Brazil.
Mexico: the only LA country that didn't have a dictatorship during the Cold War and borders USA. But they still seem to be falling apart. Ciudad Juarez is often an epitome of violent city. I don't have much stuff to talk about Mexico, let's go to
Argentina: they had the potential to stay a developed country, but they seem to have wasted this opportunity. They still care about the Falklands, an archipelago inhabited by a handful of English people and a much higher number of sheeps. The Falklanders are happy being British, they don't want to be Argentinian, leave them alone. If you use the "this land used to belong to X country for some time" logic also used by "Jerusalem-is-Palestinian" people, then Kiev Crimea shoud belong to Russia.
Cuba: if this dictatorship is one of the few countries in the region that keeps most of its shit together (kinda), there's some problem. There was some education goal (I forgot which one), and Cuba was the only country in the LA to have accomplished it. It makes the "life was better during the dictatorship" people have a point.
Venezuela: Gosh, where do I start? 1- It had the opportunity to become the richest country in the region because of the oil, but relies solely on the oil and is falling apart. It had refugees without a civil war. It's usually used by right-wingers to demonize socialism (even though it isn't actually socialist). I can't take seriously anyone who supports Maduro.
Uruguay: this country is relatively organized, but their attempt to make marijuana legal failed, one of the reasons was too much bureaucracy, one of the reasons I don't like my country. Legal marijuana only worked for Colorado. I'll probably have a CMV in the future about the USA being too lucky. ... _american/