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Getting out for me is life or death

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 2:18 am
by bafw43
It's killing me. Our culture is sick, and it's on purpose. My family is non-existent. My friends are drunks. America is a cruel, sadistic nation. Most of us know who is behind it and why. Hillary is going to win and things for us males will further deteriorate. Yes, Americans are that stupid. Hillary probably has re-education camps set up for us. I've been thinking about suicide a lot lately. It feels like I have nothing to live for. Everything that meant anything has been destroyed, corrupted, or bastardized, including relations between men and women. Women here are flat out cruel. Many of them completely lack empathy. They've been brainwashed and are beyond hope. Of course, if you dare point out these things you will be accused of being a woman hater because you can't get laid. My parents are selfish scumbag boomers. My dad is on his third wife and is the meanest, cruelest, most miserable person I've ever met. Nobody in my family talks to one another. No birthdays, holidays, graduations, etc. Zilch. The isolation, lack of community, and loneliness are physically killing me.

The good news is that I'm an experienced English teacher with a masters degree and enjoy my work so finding work abroad shouldn't be too hard. I've done it twice in the past. Right now I teach in an intensive English program at a college. I interact with people from all of the planet. These people don't have a chip on their shoulder like so many Americans. However, I've seen some transform into American assholes right before my very eyes. This culture is corrupting. Many students saw the reality and turned back and went home. I agree with the posters on here who say that this evil tyranny is inescapable. There are better places though. America is ground zero. I've been looking at going to a Spanish speaking country, mainly because I speak Spanish. I've done East Asia. In many ways it's worse. China is horrible. The place is soulless. I lived there. I also lived in Korea. Korea is awful too. They are a lot more into money than we are. My East Asian students mostly suck. They can't form original thoughts. They are drones. Getting them to talk is like pulling teeth, and they know everything. I was screwed over royally by employers in both countries. I've had much more positive experiences with SE Asians. Hopefully I can find a nice mellow place to go and live out my remaining years. Being in this cesspool is eating me alive. Statistically I'm already on the back 9.

It's refreshing to know I'm not the only one feeling this way. These forums and this site give me hope. Thanks Winston!

Re: Getting out for me is life or death

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 5:22 am
by Eric

Keep hope, this song may help you though.

Re: Getting out for me is life or death

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 6:47 am
by Guhji
They say you see a person's true nature when you observe him interacting with customer service. I managed a Japanese steakhouse so I got to see the good, the bad, and the ugly up close, daily. There were far more monstrous natures, than lovely ones. Far and away, white Americans were the nicest and most considerate. I think perhaps this is due to America's Christian background. The culture here is changing, but then the culture is changing everywhere. OP is right to say that East Asia stinks. It does. The poorer countries of SE Asia and Latin America offer up their own set of problems. Prosperity is the best protector of principle, and it is the lack of money that is the root of all evil.

Too many young guys on this board thinking that life abroad is a better life. Is anybody honestly envious of Winston's life? Life is hard, it's hard everywhere. At least though America has good social services, and economic opportunity. Regretfully, I was very bitter and angry in my youth. I see a lot of guys on this board acting out the same play, wasting precious time. Just remember while you're complaining, somebody else is working, somebody else is winning.

Re: Getting out for me is life or death

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 2:24 pm
by MattHanson1990

Re: Getting out for me is life or death

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 6:36 pm
by livefreeordie
There are serious issues with western countries even and Australia can be just as bad in some respects

Its important to maintain a positive focus, exercise, eat healthy, create some goals and purpose, and have some joy and fun in your life. I also recommend sleep programming and hypnosis to direct your mind towards the positive

We tend to be quite animated by a positive future, and that can really lift your spirits high, especially if you have something exciting to look forward to like travel, an attractive foreign woman etc

Re: Getting out for me is life or death

Posted: August 5th, 2016, 1:28 pm
by Guhji
Matt, you're a young guy so you still have time, but not much time. The unemployment rate here is below 5%, so what is your excuse now? You need to toughen up a little bit. There's no reason why a guy who looks like a young Matt Damon can't make something of himself in America. White, blue-eyed and blond puts you at the top of the food chain by default. Running away to Mexico, or the Philippines, or teaching English in China/Korea/Japan isn't going to fix anything. Most importantly, you are wasting time.

If it's hispanic women you want, there are plenty of lovely Latinas residing in the US. You don't need to travel south of the border. I think you, like everyone else posting on this board, is just making excuses for the epic failure of their own lives. But complaining only brings scorn and derision, and commiseration with fools avails naught.

Obviously it's none of my business what you do, but you really could be doing a lot more. Start by being more humble

Re: Getting out for me is life or death

Posted: July 3rd, 2017, 6:55 am
by mand38
bafw43, You are probably right in everything you say. But, there are many nice places on this world, especially in Europe and Asia, so I hope you will find some place where you can enjoy your life... :)

Re: Getting out for me is life or death

Posted: July 4th, 2017, 12:19 pm
by MattHanson1990
Guhji wrote:Matt, you're a young guy so you still have time, but not much time. The unemployment rate here is below 5%, so what is your excuse now? You need to toughen up a little bit. There's no reason why a guy who looks like a young Matt Damon can't make something of himself in America.

If it's hispanic women you want, there are plenty of lovely Latinas residing in the US. You don't need to travel south of the border.
You may be right in some ways. But I have some news. I'm already in a relationship with a Mexican woman who holds more traditional values. Many Hispanic women in the U.S. were nothing like my girlfriend (or even a lot of the Mexican women I dated and befriended), although there were a few exceptions. And I'm especially talking about the ones born and raised in the U.S. At least that's my experience.

I'm in a better state of mind than the last couple of years. But honestly speaking, living in the U.S. of Gay isn't for me (difficulty making genuine friends, lack of decent dating opportunities, rat race, keeping up with the Joneses, having to drive everywhere, soullessness, etc.). However, the U.S. is a great financial base to have, hence, I make passive income from there. And every now and then I'll go there to visit friends and family and enjoy the nature (heck, there are some parts of the country I want to visit that I have never been to before or in years). It's just that once I've had enough, I'll go back abroad again.

Last but not least I go by what Ladislav says, which is to quote your world and don't look for water in the desert.