Why is Catholic teaching a deception though? The Catholic Bible contains the Apocrypha books which contain such doctrines you describe. Who's to say the Apocrypha books aren't as valid as the other books? It's humans who decided which books to put into the Bible, and humans are fallible. The Bible was written by humans and is fallible too.
Just because fanatical Christians say that the Bible is infallible doesn't make it so. Every book, especially of that size, contains flaws and human errors in them. A book isn't an authority just because someone says it is.
See my essays:
Christianity's Irresolvable Problems, Circular Reasoning and Lack of Foundational Basis
http://www.debunkingskeptics.com/Christian_Problems.htmSummary of Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions Debunked
http://www.debunkingskeptics.com/Debunk ... Page36.htmMy debate with two Christian Missionaries - A summary of points I wrote up to two devout Christian missionaries I met, who were never able to refute or address them.
http://www.debunkingskeptics.com/Respon ... naries.htm