The Deception of Catholicism (all forms)

Catholic beliefs:
-You are saved by both faith AND works, and you need works to maintain your salvation
-The Pope is the representative of God on earth, and he can alter Scripture if necessary
-Literal ceremony involving bread, water, and wine
-Saints are special people that must be approved by the Catholic church
-Mary is held in very high regard and made part of prayer
-The existence of purgatory
The Bible:
-You are saved by faith alone, but works show your faith, true salvation can never be lost
-Jesus is God in flesh and the only mediator between man and The Father
-Bread, water, and wine are symbolic depictions of Christ's body and blood
-All true believers are Saints
-Mary was a woman devoted to God and chosen to be the earthly mother of Jesus, but had no special status besides that
-Heaven or Hell, nothing in-between
-You are saved by both faith AND works, and you need works to maintain your salvation
-The Pope is the representative of God on earth, and he can alter Scripture if necessary
-Literal ceremony involving bread, water, and wine
-Saints are special people that must be approved by the Catholic church
-Mary is held in very high regard and made part of prayer
-The existence of purgatory
The Bible:
-You are saved by faith alone, but works show your faith, true salvation can never be lost
-Jesus is God in flesh and the only mediator between man and The Father
-Bread, water, and wine are symbolic depictions of Christ's body and blood
-All true believers are Saints
-Mary was a woman devoted to God and chosen to be the earthly mother of Jesus, but had no special status besides that
-Heaven or Hell, nothing in-between