Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?
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Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Obviously, women come here from the main forum to get away from the women bashing there. So should we make a rule here that no "women bashing" is allowed? I mean constructive criticism is one thing, but bashing and ranting is another. Where do we draw the line?
I already noted this rule in the Basic Rules thread in the Announcements section. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2 Do you make overseas calls? For the lowest rates, check out my .
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Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Absolutely not. In the main forum we are generally allowed to insult each other to an extent. I've never come across that in any forum, and I like it. As long as it doesn't go on and on and get out of hand, I think it's fine. I think we should all be able to bash each other a bit if we feel justified, as long as it doesn't turn into a soap opera.
Winston, you're very laid back when it comes to moderating. At first I thought what's going on, why does he let people insult each other like this? Then I noticed that not only does it make the forum more fun, but it also shows that actually, left to themselves, people generally either resolve their differences, or they just stop arguing after a while. Having said that, a bit of moderation would be good, just not too much. At the top of the main forum it says : Warning: This forum operates on the principles of truth, free speech and freethought without politically correct censorship. So I don't understand why we have this thread. I know you're trying to make a good impression, and I understand that, but the women who come here may as well get used to the idea that we're not keen on holding back our opinions. Let this be a forum where everyone can say what they really think. In your book you talk a lot about how certain topics are considered taboo by the mainstream, so I don't get why you're even considering stopping people from bashing whoever they want to bash. You bash western women in your book, we bash them on the main forum, and presumably this forum is for likeminded females who get where we're coming from (whether they be western or foreign). I'm sure they can handle a bit of bashing of western women or women in general without taking it personally (unless it applies, of course).
Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Yeah but Johnny, what goes for the other forum isn't the same for this one. Put yourself in a woman's place. Would you want to come here to be bashed? Of course not. You have to be sensitive to that fact. Plus, this forum is supposed to be focused around women's issues and perspectives. You wouldn't want a woman coming into the main forum and bashing men would you?
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Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Do you make overseas calls? For the lowest rates, check out my .
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Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?I don't like censorship Winston, but throwing out personal insults is just crass ... I've done it twice on your forum to shut people up but it's the not the right way to do things.
I welcome debate. Lets leave everything to the wind' and see how the forum shapes up. ![]()
Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Johnny,
Regardless of the free speech principles, you simply got to understand something. With women in general, you have to be more sensitive than with men. I mean, you don't talk to your male buddies the same way you talk to your female buddies right? Everyone knows that. That's just the way it is. Therefore, it makes sense not to allow women bashing on here. I mean it's one thing to complain about women having an unfair advantage. But it's another to rant on an intense militant tirade as if anti-womenism were a religion. The key point is that we cannot allow this place to descend into women bashing, which would alienate women from here. This is supposed to be their forum, and we have to be sensitive to that. Try to understand that. Therefore, we cannot run this forum the same way we do with the other forum. After all, how would you like a ton of male bashing on the other forum? Do you make overseas calls? For the lowest rates, check out my .
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Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Winston, you wrote a book and started a website which is all about bashing western women. There's a difference between justified, generalised bashing of western women, and just bashing women indiscriminately for the fun of it.
I would assume that any woman who joins this forum would understand what the concept behind it is, as well as the grievances that we have, and therefore not only have no problem with the justified, generalised bashing of western women, but actually agree with it. Unless this forum is just going to become another general women's forum, completely detached from your original concept. I know you're trying to attract women here and you don't want to create a bad impression. But your whole concept is based on what can very reasonably be called bashing. What kind of women do you want here anyway? Women who have no clue about why you think men would be happier abroad, or women who get it, and who agree with us that western women are mostly dysfunctional and deserve to be criticised? What if you had an influx of foreign women who start bashing western women? What then? Would their bashing not be justified?
Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Last edited by Entrepreneur on Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Indecision may or may not be my problem - Jimmy Buffett
Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Do you make overseas calls? For the lowest rates, check out my .
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Re: Should we have a "no women bashing" rule here?Johnny,
Just to clarify something important: What this means is that essentially, this forum is like a "Ladies House" or "Ladies Home Base". This means that as a male, you are a GUEST here, and ought to act like one. This means that you can discuss and debate topics in a friendly manner, but you should not be pushing your views onto others like a missionary, or trying to proselytize. So please keep that in mind. And as a guest in another's house, if you don't like something, you can always leave of course. Also, try to keep in mind that you should try to discuss topics that the ladies are interested in too, not just ones that you are interested in. That way, you can keep yourself interesting. Hope you understand. Thanks. Do you make overseas calls? For the lowest rates, check out my .
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