by Winston » Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:59 am
Some of the things I miss about the US are:
1. The beautiful nature, landscapes and national parks that are unparalleled in the rest of the world. Having a car to drive around them.
2. The great variety of consumer choices and foods.
But I don't like the US in these areas:
1. Social isolation. It feels very isolating. People expect you to mind your own business. There is no feeling of human connection. Only older people in their 50's and above, are open and sociable with strangers. In most other countries, young people are more open and inclusive and sociable with strangers.
2. Flirtation is a taboo viewed negatively. It is seen as creepy. But in most other countries, it is far more acceptable, welcome and appreciated, for women are flattered by compliments and being hit on.
3. I can't just ask a girl out. If I try, she will say that she has a boyfriend or is busy or has some other excuse. Every time. Thus there is no way for me to get a date, contrary to the myth that it's easy to get a date in the US which the movies portray. In many other countries, I just ask a girl out and she says sure and suggests a day and time to me. Simple as that.
4. Constant feeling of insecurity and low self-esteem. Due to the competitive nature and mindset of Americans, and the sense of isolation, you constantly feel insecure about yourself and not accepted for who you are. So you constantly struggle to maintain your self-esteem, which is a neverending battle that should not be an issue, because it isn't in other countries.
5. High cost of living and no national healthcare for all. If you have to see a doctor, you're screwed out of a lot of money.
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