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Quotation marks/apostrophes from phpbb2 posts turned into strange symbols. How did this happen?

Posted: June 4th, 2020, 1:08 pm
by Winston
Hi everyone,
I noticed that some of my posts from phpbb2 that were converted to phpbb3 have this weird thing where the quotation marks and apostrophes are turned into strange symbols. I noticed this from some of my web pages created in Microsoft Word too. Here is an example.

In the Philippines, I observed that generally within most families, children don’t tend to argue, whine, complain or fight for control with their parents and siblings. There seems to be this natural symbiotic harmony and balance within the family that makes such ego/control battles unnecessary. It’s as if the family is one symbiotic unit that gets along without effort. I see this especially in my Filipina girlfriend’s family (and in fact they are what inspired me to write this chapter). There isn’t this “separate individual identity� that needs to assert its will and struggle for control.

But in the US of course, disagreements, arguing and fighting for control between family members are all too common. Children yell and whine to get their way. And parents inflict constant control, yelling daily orders such as, “I told you to put away your toys! It’s bedtime!� and “Alright I’m gonna count to three and if you don’t go, then…�. The parents often have to resort to disciplinary measures to counter disobedience such as threatening to take away privileges. It’s a constant struggle for control in the typical American family.
As you can see, quotation marks and apostrophes have turned into strange symbols. Originally they were like this:

quotation marks


This happened with many of my old webpages too. Maybe with those, I can use a search and replace text tool to fix them. But how to fix them on the phpbb forum? And does anyone know how and why this type of thing happens? Have any of you seen it before?

Also, Steve Neese's Research Paper has been filled with question marks everywhere too. See here:

How the F did that happen?!

@Traveler, @droid any idea?

Re: Quotation marks/apostrophes from phpbb2 posts turned into strange symbols. How did this happen?

Posted: June 4th, 2020, 1:13 pm
by Cornfed
People probably copied and pasted quotation marks from a word processor that uses different codes for different kinds of quotation marks which evidently the software doesn't recognise.