Dispute Appeal Against Moonlite Bunny Ranch



Dear Chase Merchant Dispute Department:


Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to appeal my dispute with the merchant Moonlite Bunny Ranch for $1,200. Here I will present my case to you in this document and appeal to your better judgment, reason and common sense. Please consider the following facts that prove without a doubt that I was scammed, hustled, tricked and deceived. I swear under oath that the following is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have also included the scam report I posted on Yelp.com (See Appendix A). I ask that you please read it so you can properly evaluate this case.


From my story, it is apparent that the merchant is guilty of the following wrongful and illegal actions:


1.      Disrespecting my decision after I said “No!” many times, which is a violation of my basic rights.

2.      Unauthorized swiping of my credit card against my will and without my permission.

3.      Forcing me to sign the receipts under duress after I refused the charges.

4.      Breach of contract in not delivering the agreed upon services they promised at the agreed upon price.

5.      Scamming an exorbitant amount from me ($1500) via the use of aggressive trickery and hustling.

6.      Providing little or no value for the $1500 they scammed from me, which they did not earn or deserve.


I know that the first three are harder to prove, but the rest are apparent and self-evident, constituting a legitimate dispute. Thus I technically have two legal recourses against the merchant.


1.      Forced signatures obtained under duress and unauthorized swiping of credit card.

2.      Non-Delivery of services agreed upon, breach of oral contract, and use of deception.


I will elaborate on these, justify them, and tell you what I think would be the most logical resolution. But before I begin, here are a few things to take into account regarding their shadiness vs. my credibility.


Non-disclosure of their real name


First, note that in the letter to you from Tom Potter, an account for Moonlite Bunny Ranch, (which I received a copy of) that they did not even disclose their real business name. Instead, they called themselves “American Adventures”. This is an indicator of shadiness, that they would hide their real name from you, and is unprofessional as well. That is a red flag against their credibility.


No response from merchant


Second, I have attempted to contact the merchant directly to try to resolve this. I called the number on their home page (BunnyRanch.com) at 775-246-9901. Someone named Kathy took a message for Madam Suzette, the manager at the Bunny Ranch, and told me that she would return my call. However, she did not return my call. I also emailed Madam Suzette at madamsuzette@bunnyranch.com after finding her email on the Bunny Ranch forum, but received no reply from her either.


Thus, the fact that their management staff refuses to discuss this with me is another indicator of their lack of good intentions. As they say, “actions speak louder than words”.  They know that they are in the wrong. That is why they refuse to discuss this with me and prefer not to deal with it.


My verifiable public credibility, reputation and references


Third, I am not just another person out there. I am a public person with a highly credible reputation and track record. You can verify this by contacting any of my references (personal and professional) about my character and integrity at the following link on my website: http://www.happierabroad.com/Portfolio.htm#References

You can also check my credit rating and you will see that it ranks in the top 10 percent of Americans.


Now contrast this with the shady reputation of the merchant and you can see that there is no question which is more credible and honest. In addition, I can provide names and contact info of several people who have known me a long time who can vouch for my integrity and credibility.


1.      Forced signatures obtained under duress and unauthorized swiping of credit card.


Now as to the signatures on the receipts provided by the merchant, you need to know that they were NOT signed under my free will. The girls took my credit card and swiped it without my permission after I REFUSED the additional charges of $400. I told them “No No No!” many times but they would not respect my decision or take no for an answer. That is a violation of my basic rights. They then proceeded to remove my wallet from my left pocket and extracted my Chase credit card to swipe it at their office. As you know, swiping a person’s credit card without their permission is illegal and unethical. It’s simply wrong. Thus the swiping of the card itself was technically unauthorized.


After that, I refused to sign because these additional charges were NOT part of our deal. But they forced me to AGAINST my will. Two of the girls had their hands on my shoulders and arms, and the cashier was laughing at me. They would not let me leave and would not take NO for an answer. Thus the signatures were obtained under duress. As you know, under US law, signatures obtained under duress are invalid.


Now, I know that it can be argued that I am weak willed. But being weak willed is not a crime. However, not taking no for an answer and forcing a guy to agree to exorbitant extra charges he didn’t agree to, is definitely a crime! So you must consider evidence of intent here as well as strong circumstantial evidence.


I know that it is difficult to prove that a signature was obtained under duress. However, there are visible indicators here. See the attached photocopy of my signature on two of my Chase credit cards (Appendix B). Now compare them with the signatures on the receipts the merchant provided. Notice that they are significantly different. This is because the signatures on the receipts were obtained under duress, against my will, in a mood of fear and reluctance. Any trained graphologists or handwriting expert can see the negative emotional indicators in the handwriting. The signatures on the receipts look forced, distorted and unnatural. Have a look at them and compare.


Furthermore, let’s use basic logic here. If I had intended to pay $1500, I would have paid all of that upfront, not in increments. Since the girls knew that I would not, they had to resort to hustling and deception by pretending to agree to $300 first, then charging $400 several times afterward to get the amount that they wanted to scam out of me. It’s was a classic hustle, done dishonestly. Thus, I think you should look at evidence of intent as well.


In addition, they lied and did NOT follow through on our agreement of $300 for one hour, which constituted breach of contract. And that is a legitimate claim for dispute, which I will describe in the next argument. So if you can’t accept my claim in argument #1, then at least consider #2.


2.      Non-Delivery of services agreed upon, breach of oral contract, and use of deception.


As you can see in the attached report (Appendix A) that I posted on Yelp, the agreement was $300 for one hour. But they BROKE that deal and after 5 or 10 minutes, said the time was up and wanted to charge me $400 more. This time they promised to do the full hour as I wanted. But they broke the deal again and 10 minutes later, charged another $400, all AGAINST my will. So they lied and broke the deal multiple times during their hustling ordeal.


Also, when we first made the initial $300 deal, their EXACT WORDS were: “Ok we will give you everything you said you wanted, for only $300.” I swear they said that. They used those exact words “everything you said you wanted”. Well they did not follow through on that. Obviously, they used deception to scam me out of an additional $1200 later on. You should definitely NOT honor that at all.


Technically this constitutes NON-DELIVERY of services agreed upon and a breach of oral contract as well. There is an obvious difference between 10 minutes and 1 hour. Time is a measurable unit. It is something clear, measurable and objective, not subject to interpretation. Thus they did breach our oral contract here. No question about it. Therefore, this is technically a breach of oral contract and thus I have a legitimate claim in this case based on that. So I ask you that you seriously factor that in.


Furthermore, basic logic will tell you that if they had kept our deal of $300 for one hour, and performed reasonably, then I would not be disputing this vehemently like I am now. Therefore, they must have done something wrong. Instead, they hustled an additional $1200 against my will, in increments, since I absolutely REFUSED to pay such an exorbitant amount because the last time I was there, I only paid $200 and was not willing to pay much more.


Note: I have visited this establishment several times before, and this did not happen, so perhaps I ran into some “bad apples” this time, but the management doesn’t seem to care.


Also, let’s use common sense here. No guy, especially a sensible guy like me, would have agreed to pay $300 for only 5 or 10 minutes at a brothel. That is an unreasonable rate for this industry, and no one would have willingly agreed to pay that much for only a few minutes. Therefore, common sense alone should tell you that that was NEVER my intent, nor was it part of the deal that they promised.


Receiving little or no value in exchange for the exorbitant amount scammed


Another important aspect of this case is that I received little or no value in exchange for the amount they scammed. Thus they did not earn it or deserve it. The performance of these girls was lame. I’ve had way better experiences in Europe and SE Asia for $30. And the whole thing only lasted about 40 or 50 minutes, which for $1500 is a total and absolute ripoff. No way am I going to pay that. What they gave me was barely even worth $200. So they are dreaming and should be treated as such if they expect to get $1500 for nothing. No way. Such a bad attitude of “wanting something for nothing” should not be rewarded. It’s an insult to all the hard workers out there.


They have nothing to lose whereas I do


In the final analysis, they have nothing to lose whereas I do. The merchant did not incur any expenditures or losses in obtaining the amount they scammed from me. So yanking it back from them would not be a real loss to them you see, because it would be simply removing a gain from them that they never earned or deserved in the first place, and thus did not belong to them.


But on the other hand, making me pay this exorbitant amount ($1500) would be an unfair hardship and loss for me since 1) I NEVER agreed to that amount in the first place, and 2) I would never agree to such an exorbitant amount under my own FREE WILL, and 3) I received little or no value in goods and services for the amount scammed from me. Thus, if you look at this big picture perspective, it makes perfect sense to yank back my stolen money from them and teach them a basic moral lesson. To do so would be an act of pure justice.


Conclusion and Suggested Resolution

As you can see, this was a clear cut case of being SCAMMED through aggressive trickery, deception and hustling tactics. 
Thus, they (Chanel in particular) are guilty of the following wrongful and illegal actions:


1.      Disrespecting my decision after I said “No!” many times, which is a violation of my basic rights.

2.      Unauthorized swiping of my credit card against my will and without my permission.

3.      Forcing me to sign the receipts under duress after I refused the charges.

4.      Breach of contract in not delivering the agreed upon services they promised at the agreed upon price.

5.      Scamming an exorbitant amount from me ($1500) via the use of aggressive trickery and hustling.

6.      Providing little or no value for the $1500 they scammed from me, which they did not earn or deserve.


The bottom line FACTS are:


·         I NEVER agreed to $1500. I also NEVER agreed to $300 for 10 minutes. And I did NOT agree to being charged $400 every 10 minutes!

·         All of this was obtained through aggressive trickery, deceit and hustling tactics, in particular by Chanel. She was extremely pushy, aggressive, and would not take no for an answer. Her tactics were tantamount to borderline coercion. This is wrong and unacceptable. All of it happened AGAINST my will and wishes too.

·         Thus I was technically SCAMMED. There's no way around it. I NEVER agreed to all of this and it was all AGAINST my will too. There was NO mutual consent or agreement at all. 


That's why I have every right to be pissed off about it.


Please note that there was NO misunderstanding between us. A misunderstanding occurs when both parties are honest and misinterpret each other. But they were not honest. If they were, they would have said "$300 for 10 minutes" rather than "$300 for everything you wanted" which is what they actually said. But they couldn't be honest and say that, because I would have replied "No way!" and their scam would have failed. That's why they had to resort to trickery and deception. Now I may be guilty of being weak-willed. But being weak willed is not a crime, only a character flaw. On the other hand, what they did: Using willful and deliberate deceit and trickery in order to extract a large amount of money from me, definitely IS a crime! And they definitely should not be allowed to get away with that.


Finally, let's use common sense here. Why were the receipts charged in increments of $300, $400, $400, and $400, instead of $1500 all at once? The explanation is simple and obvious. I did NOT agree to the total amount they wanted, which was a thousand dollars. But they did not want me to walk out of there without profiting from me. So they resorted to trickery, by pretending to agree to $300, and then charging $400 every ten minutes afterward, AGAINST my wishes. Thus the increments were due to trickery and scam tactics. Otherwise there would have been one bill for $1500, instead of in increments. Simple logic. Thus, they scammed me, and the circumstantial evidence from these increments alone make this obvious.


These illegal acts clearly invalidate the charges.


So far, I have established my credibility, sincerity, evidence of intent, and given a plausible explanation and account of these events. I hope by now that you are able to gauge the sincerity, rationality, and legitimacy in my words and writing, which lends credence to my case. In contrast, notice that the merchant does not even wish to discuss my case and did not even address it in their last document to you (which you sent me a copy of). Try contacting them to discuss my case, and you will see. They don’t care. They are only interested in taking the money they scammed and running with it. That’s how “the bad guys” think and operate.


Here is what I think would be the fair solution to this.


Since 10 minutes is 1/6 of 60 minutes, which is about 15 percent, this means that they only gave me 15 percent of the time promised. Based on this, I ought to be entitled to a refund of 85 percent of what I paid in total, mathematically speaking. I request that you use this as a basis of refunding my money. It seems logical, fair and mathematically sound.


In addition, I would also humbly request that you refund my initial $300 charge as well, to compensate me for the loss of time I incurred in producing this report, for the duress I suffered under the forced signature, and for the dishonest tactics used by the merchant as well. They do not deserve a penny. And I ought to receive some compensation for all this trouble.


Besides, they have nothing to lose here anyway. Rightfully yanking back from them the money they stole from me would not even be a real loss to them. It would only be removing a “gain” that they did not earn or deserve in the first place, but obtained via aggressive trickery. On the other hand, the amount they stole would be an unfair loss to me, since I never really agreed to it and received little or no value for it. Hence, from this perspective, it makes perfect sense to retrieve my stolen money.


These people deserve to be taught a lesson - that scamming, deception and breach of contract should be punished, NOT rewarded. They need to learn the old adage that “crime doesn’t pay” which we have all been taught since childhood by our favorite TV shows.


Based on their behavior and refusal to resolve this dispute or communicate with me, the merchant is clearly a sociopath with no conscience. They don’t care that they scammed me, deceived me and breached our oral contract. Things like that don’t matter to them. These are clearly scumbags that we are dealing with. And they should NOT be allowed to get away with this. I’m sure you understand. So I appeal to your reason and better judgment.


Therefore, I ask that you review the details I’ve provided above and factor my legitimate claims into my case. Please do not view this as a simple black and white case of “signature vs. no signature”. Rather, review my claim of breach of contract using reason, logic and common sense, so that you can make a fair decision based on the totality of the situation. Also consider the credibility of the two parties involved, as mentioned earlier. I request that this case be sent to someone with a reputation for good sound judgment in seeing the big picture, rather than someone who only does everything “by the book”.


Thank you for your time and attention. Please review the attached Appendixes in support of my case. Also, if the merchant will receive a copy of this report, please send my message to them in Appendix C.







Winston Wu


Enclosed: Appendix A, B, C

Appendix A


Here is the story I posted on Yelp about the merchant:




Warning to all regarding the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in Mound House, NV


I am a public person with a highly credible reputation and track record, not an anonymous person. (See the links in my Yelp profile)


I was robbed and scammed out of $1200 at Moonlight Bunny Ranch in November of 2013. I will not let them get away with this crime and intend to take action. So I am disputing the charges with my credit card company, and publicizing my story on many high ranking websites. Here is what happened.


First, I went in and selected a stunning blonde called "Six Shades". Then we were joined by another blonde named "Chanel" who said that because I looked at her, she wanted to join us for a threesome. But their prices were way too high. In the past, I paid $200-300 and had a good time, not only at the Bunny Ranch, but at the other three across the road as well. But now they wanted $800-1,000. WTF?! No way. How could their prices increase 500 percent?! On what basis?


Moreover, the standard rate for escort services in the US is $200-300 on average, and the brothels in Canada still cost around $200 total (for room fee and tip). Further, you can get this kind of P4P in Europe for $50 or less, even in Amsterdam. So there is NO BASIS for all these NV brothel girls wanting $1,000 now, other than pure greed. .


Also, back in 2001 the girls at the Mound House brothels charged $200. I was there and know this first hand. Then in 2006, they wanted $400-500. And now they all want $1,000? WTF? I have no idea if Dennis Hof had anything to do with this, since he owns all of them now. Perhaps he priced hiked them and corrupted the girls?


Getting back to the story, a thousand dollars for this was not worth it. So I declined and tried to leave. But they kept pestering me to agree to it. After a while, when I was heading out the door, they finally agreed on $300 for an hour. I accepted and they ran my credit card.


But after only 10 minutes, they said my time was up and wanted to charge me another $400 to continue! I said no way, but Chanel took my wallet and credit card out and swiped it at the office AGAINST my will, which was a clear ethical violation. 10 minutes later, they did the same thing. I felt literally forced into all this by the two girls. They would not let me leave.


They did this several times, charging a total of $1,500, which was $1,200 OVER what was agreed!!! Thus I got scammed for $1,200! There is NO WAY in hell that what they gave me was worth $1,500, considering that the standard price anywhere else is $200 or less.


In summary: First, we agreed on $300 for an hour. But they broke that agreement and started charging $400 every 10 minutes. Second, Chanel kept taking my credit card and swiping it even after I said "NO, NO MORE!" That's a clear violation of ethics. Third, I did not ask for Chanel. I only picked Six Shades. So Chanel had no right to be there and charging me for two girls instead of one, which she probably did.


This was a clear cut case of being SCAMMED. They LIED, HUSTLED and did NOT DELIVER on what was agreed upon. Thus this technically constitutes: NON-DELIVERY OF SERVICES AGREED UPON.


In conclusion, the two girls at the Bunny Ranch are guilty of the following wrongful and illegal actions:


1.     Disrespecting my decision after I said “No!” many times, which is a violation of my basic rights.

2.     Unauthorized swiping of my credit card against my will and without my permission.

3.     Forcing me to sign the receipts under duress after I refused the charges.

4.     Breach of contract in not delivering the agreed upon services they promised at the agreed upon price.

5.     Scamming an exorbitant amount from me ($1500) via the use of aggressive trickery.

6.     Providing little or no value in exchange for the $1500 they stole that did not match the price. Thus they did not earn it nor deserve it.


I am currently disputing this with my credit card company and will update you all on the progress. In addition, many webpages with this story will also be put up on popular high ranking websites.


Message and Warning to Bunny Ranch staff and Dennis Hof


I am disputing these charges with my credit card company. If I lose, I will not let this go since $1,200 is a significant amount. You cannot get away with this crime. If I have to, I will declare a cyber war on the Bunny Ranch and Dennis Hof's name, by putting up webpages about them with the words "scam, criminal, robber" in the page titles, under 6 or 7 high ranking domain names, that will easily get up to the TOP of Google search results.


I am an expert in SEO and can easily do this. To test my claim, Google "Ed Magedson" and you will see that at the top of search results at #1 is my page about him being a "criminal extortionist and scammer". I've done this with several names, all of whom deserved it. I am very good at this kind of thing.


Furthermore, I will also post this on RipoffReport.com. Once there, it can NEVER be removed, not even at my request. So take that into consideration please. I do not enjoy doing this, but I have no choice.


Therefore, I ask that your management staff, or Dennis Hof himself, contact me to resolve this. I already left phone messages for Madame Suzette and emailed her, but received no reply.


Otherwise, I will be forced to declare a cyber war, if I lose the dispute, and will go all out on it. I guarantee that you will NOT get away with this. That's a PROMISE!


Finally, I wish to let everyone here know that your prices are a big RIPOFF. Everywhere else P4P is $200 or less. US escort sites still charge $200, so do the brothels in Canada, and in Europe it's less than $50. Also, since 2001, your prices have increased 500 percent! There is no logical justification for that.


I also hope that you teach your girls that dishonesty and deceit do not pay, and only return bad karma.


Thanks for your attention. I hope to hear from you.



Appendix B


Photocopy of my signature on my last two Chase credit cards, representing my normal standard signature.




Appendix C


Message and Warning to management staff of Bunny Ranch


To Bunny Ranch management staff:


If you are receiving a copy of my report, then I am informing you that if this dispute is not resolved justly and fairly, I will resort to aggressively exposing you by putting up web pages containing my story and this report under the following high ranking domain names:


-          Blogspot.com (Google Blogger platform)

-          Wordpress.com (Wordpress Blog platform)

-          HappierAbroad.com (popular site highly ranked in Google)

-          RipoffReport.com (Note: Once posted here, it can never be removed, even at my request, so take that into account)

-          Scamchecker.com (Note: Once posted here, it can never be removed, even at my request, so take that into account)

-          WorldSexGuide.org (in the forum and trip report section)

-          InternationalSexGuide.info (in the forum and trip report section)


That’s a total of seven high ranking domain names that will be giving you very bad publicity and exposing you as a scam. The webpage titles will all be optimized to label the Bunny Ranch and Dennis Hof as “scams and robbers”. These pages will all be interlinked as much as possible, and I will place anchor links to them from several high ranking sites I own, which will result in their placement at the TOP of Google search results easily. I’m an expert in SEO (search engine optimization) and internet marketing so I can do this easily. I make my living online, so this is my forte.


Please understand that you will NOT get away with robbing me of $1200. That’s a promise and guarantee. You have my word on that.




Two blogs exposing the Bunny Ranch have already been put up. Their URL’s are below:






To Chase Merchant Dispute Department

Attn: Supervisor

Re: My unresolved dispute case that was not properly reviewed


Dear Chase Merchant Dispute Department Supervisor,


I am card member Winston Wu. The last four digits of my card number is 2585. I am contacting you regarding my $1200 dispute with the merchant “American Adventures” whose real name is “Moonlite Bunny Ranch” owned by Dennis Hof.


I was outraged and shocked that my appeal and winning 9 page report proving that I was scammed, was dismissed without an objective fair investigation by competent staff. After spending many hours preparing my report -- which would convince any rational person -- all I received back was a form dismissal letter (from Natasha Lalla Jeffrey), not much different from the one I received the first time. The form dismissal letter did NOT address any of the facts of my case such as me being scammed, tricked, deceived, or hustled AGAINST my will, which was clearly explained in my report. No mention was made regarding the content of my report at all. Whoever sent it was just a robot who treated my case as a black and white issue of signature vs. no signature, and did NOT review the facts of the case at all!


Yet your reps on the phone assured me that my case would not be treated like a black and white case! When I called the Chase Dispute Department prior to filing my appeal, the rep told me that a qualified person of good judgment able to see the big picture would review my case. But that did NOT happen. No person of good judgment reviewed my appeal. They also told me that Chase was on my side and that “we are here for you”. All that turned out be a lie and not true! How can Chase be on my side if it won’t even help me after I was scammed? WTF?! I am hugely disappointed. Chase let me down. My case was dismissed without a serious review and none of the legitimate content in my report was addressed, such as the fact that I was scammed, hustled, and forced to sign receipts AGAINST my will.


Outraged at the quick dismissal of my appeal, I called the Chase Dispute Dept and voiced my outrage. The rep told me to send a new letter to them to request a review by a supervisor. So that’s what I’m doing now. Can you PLEASE have a SUPERVISOR review my case properly? Preferably someone with good judgment, wisdom, and is able to see the big picture? This time, can you make sure that the reviewer is NOT another robot automaton who is going to send me the same stupid form dismissal letter again? Ok?! Come on now. I want a real human being with good sound judgment to review the case.


The report I wrote was a clincher, full of logical persuasive arguments in an organized format. I am a professional writer and made a winning case, which your department did not review properly. I am tired of jumping through hoops with this case. I was scammed $1500 and I REFUSE to pay it and I want some JUSTICE done. You should not let them get away with it. You need to teach the bad guys a lesson. I emailed the owner but he does not care. He knows that I was scammed, but he will not listen to reason or help resolve this case like civilized gentlemen.


Anyhow, your rep told me that you still have my 9 page report on file. But you can read an updated version on my website at the following URL:



I also put up a scam site about the merchant on a blogging platform containing my story at:



Please review the above links which explain everything.


As you will see from my report and story above, the bottom line FACTS are:


·         I NEVER agreed to $1500. I also NEVER agreed to $300 for 10 minutes. And I did NOT agree to being charged $400 every 10 minutes!

·         All of this was obtained through aggressive trickery, deceit and hustling tactics, in particular by Chanel. She was extremely pushy, aggressive, and would not take no for an answer. Her tactics were tantamount to borderline coercion. This is wrong and unacceptable. All of it happened AGAINST my will and wishes too.

·         Thus I was technically SCAMMED. There's no way around it. I NEVER agreed to all of this and it was all AGAINST my will too. There was NO mutual consent or agreement at all. 


Please note that there was NO misunderstanding between us. A misunderstanding occurs when both parties are honest and misinterpret each other. But they were not honest. If they were, they would have said "$300 for 10 minutes" rather than "$300 for everything you wanted" which is what they actually said. But they couldn't be honest and say that, because I would have replied "No way!" and their scam would have failed. That's why they had to resort to trickery and deception. Now I may be guilty of being weak-willed. But being weak willed is not a crime, only a character flaw. On the other hand, what they did: Using willful and deliberate deceit and trickery in order to extract a large amount of money from me, definitely IS a crime! And they definitely should not be allowed to get away with that.


Plus, let’s use common sense here. Why were the receipts charged in increments of $300, $400, $400, and $400, instead of $1500 all at once? The explanation is simple and obvious. I did NOT agree to the total amount they wanted, which was a thousand dollars. But they did not want me to walk out of there without profiting from me. So they resorted to trickery, by pretending to agree to $300, and then charging $400 every ten minutes afterward, AGAINST my wishes. Thus the increments were due to trickery and scam tactics. Otherwise there would have been one bill for $1500, instead of in increments. Simple logic. Thus, they scammed me, and the circumstantial evidence from these increments alone make this obvious.


Technically, this merchant is guilty of the following wrongful actions:


1.      Disrespecting my decision after I said “No!” many times, which is a violation of my basic rights.

2.      Unauthorized swiping of my credit card against my will and without my permission.

3.      Forcing me to sign the receipts under duress after I refused the charges.

4.      Breach of contract in not delivering the agreed upon services promised at the agreed upon price.

5.      Scamming an exorbitant amount from me ($1500) via the use of aggressive trickery and hustling.

6.      Providing little or no value for the $1500 they scammed, which they did not earn or deserve.


I SWEAR that all of this is TRUE! Therefore, I want my case properly resolved with JUSTICE and FAIRNESS. I am tired of jumping through the hoops with this case. I was clearly scammed against my will. That is a certainty! I was charged an exorbitant amount against my will, and there was NO mutual agreement or consent at all. The facts and circumstantial evidence make this obvious. Can’t you see that?


If so, can you please resolve this case finally? I refuse to pay this huge amount of $1500 they scammed from me. It’s NOT right or fair! It’s simply wrong to leave it on my balance! Please do what’s RIGHT and yank it back from them. Teach them a lesson that crime and scams don’t pay. All I’m asking is that you do the right thing. Is that so much to ask? Please think about it. And forward this letter to someone with wisdom, rationality and a good sense of judgment. I’m anxious to put this case behind me.


You can verify my honesty and integrity at the third party references I’ve listed on my website at: http://www.happierabroad.com/References.htm. There, you will see that I’m a highly credible source and public figure, not just another common person out there.


Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, call me at ***-***-**** or email me at winston@happierabroad.com. I’ve included a copy of your form dismissal letter.



Winston Wu


Enc. Copy of your form dismissal letter which did not address my case properly.