I Love Winston Wu Cause He's A Rebel

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Post by Winston »

Chemist, one more thing. It's not true that all my Russian trips were sponsored by my dad. I saved up money from work to do those things from good jobs that I had.

So please stop spreading that lie.

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Post by Chemist »

If you don't see me as a hero chemist, then that's fine. Everyone has a right to their opinion. But some people do see me as a hero.

Like I said before. Some people have low standards.

And a lot of people don't see going to a developing economy to have sex as being heroic. I think you are confusing heroic in the context of accolades with heroic as what most people define the term. One is a figure of speech, the other is an adjective.

Besides, I thought you told me that all men exaggerate. And now you want me to take it literally??

I'm a hero because I have guts to go against the system to find happiness.

Go against the system????? The system literally trampled you underfoot in the US and Russia. Get real. You were seeking refuge, not going against the system.

Not everyone does that. Some just sit on the couch watching TV and drinking. They don't know how to do anything else. Don't you at least admire me over them?

I actually regard you and the couch potato in the same category since you both using your life to pursue shallow escapes. I don't condemn it. I just don't think it's anything profound.

Which would you prefer? To do what I'm doing, or stay home in a futile depressing life in the US? Those were my only two options. I made the right choice. What would you rather have me do?

I would be asking myself what was responsible for my lack of success and use that as a personal growth experience. I've done this already.

I had good jobs in the past chemist, and you know what? When I told girls about my nice job, all they did was say "that's nice". Not once did having a good job create attraction in the ladies.

Of course not, because you were boasting. Women generally don't like that. And I said that getting a job will help you develop the social skills in dealing with women, not get women in and of itself.

Once again, you fail to understand plain english.

I think your advice is very old fashioned and similar to what elders in Asia say.

It is advice that has been around for a while. It has been around for a while because it generally works well. You should listen to the elders more. You think when they were younger that they didn't try the same things a lot of us younger people did. What make you think we have things any differently than they did. Show some humility.

Honestly, no one has dumped me for being poor. Having a job NEVER helped me get dates. (other than the modeling agency job I had) In fact, God doesn't usually let me have love and money at the same time. I guess my karma isn't good enough for both at the same time.

Because when you get money or a job, you won't shut up about it. Women don't like that. In your trip reports, you seem to go on and on about it.

It's only when you have no job and no money that you get a date because you're likely not talking about it. Sheesh, don't you see the connection????
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Post by Chemist »

W: Suit yourself Chemist. You can choose to live in fear. I don't.

Who's said anything about living in fear? Actually it seems that I've confronted more in life while you fled the country to coppulate like a wild monkey.

Actually you CAN travel long term without a lot of money. Why are you blind to that?

Remember Kinga (http://www.ledbydestiny.com, http://www.hitchhikingtheworld.com)? I have her book and read it. When she and Chopin ran out of money, they simply stopped traveling and worked for a few weeks or a month, to save up enough to continue traveling. What's wrong with that? It worked for them.

Oh, yeah. I remember this story. One of them ended up dead, right.

It can be done, Wu. Not saying it can't. But it is risky and dangerous. And I don't think you know the difference between fear and stupidity.

That's all you do. Jobs are everywhere overseas, and a traveler who is short on funds can simply do some work somewhere, by talking to people, and getting what they need.

It sounds alot like mooching if you ask me. And there's nothing to protect you if an unscrupulous stranger tries to take advantage of your labor and make you work inharsch conditions for little pay.

People do it in real life. I've seen it. So what is YOUR problem with that Chemist? Answer.

No problem here. My problem is that you are trying to speak in the capacity of an expert on a subject that you don't know anything about. I've seen some of the worse that humanity has to offer Wu. It's from doing the same things that you are advising others to do.

Your logic makes no sense again Chemist. No I don't have a job now. Nor do I need one. But I've had many jobs in the past. You can see my nice resume on my index page if you want.

You don't need a job because you are receiving money from your father. If you were advising other to do this, than fine. But you are advising people that there are jobs everywhere and that you can work from place to place. You haven't done any of this Wu. You haven't worked an honest day since you started traveling overseas. But you talk about it like it was easy.

If I need a job, I can get one anytime I want. So what is YOUR problem?

My problem is that you DON'T have a job, yet advising others that you can work your way around the world.

YOu sound like you have an old fashioned mindset that loves to condemn anyone who's not working. It's very chinese and outdated and judgmental.

I'm not judgemental. Sheesh, you can't event get certain logical concepts right. I accept the fact that you can get through life without working a day in your life and rely on the generosity of others, picking out of garbage cans, etc. It's just not sustainable from a logical standpoint. And if we are to talk about quality of life, we need to be a bit more demanding. Do you think you were able to get as far as you are now without your father's hard work? It's odd that you have such little respect for people that work hard to make life better for themselves and other people, and yet you depend on them for your own survival. This is a reality that I think you are afraid to face. You have had to rely on people's generosity and symapthy all your life. But you'd rather think that everyone likes you instead and that you have some good karma coming for you.

Right now I'm preparing for marriage and I have to leave the country and I have to plan a wedding and honeymoon too. Getting a job now would interfere with those plans. So why should I get one, and jeopardize my life and plans, just to please old fashioned farts like you? Isn't that illogical Chemist?

Illogical, would be planning a marriage and honeymoon (with the continency of divorce) without the cashflow or money that a decent job would provide. You also need to support your child and wife Wu. How are you going to do that? With Karma? Do you understand economics Wu.

One more thing. It is not true that I am not qualified to help people find a job. I have written resumes for people in the past that GOT them the job they wanted. And here in Angeles City, I have inside knowledge of where to get jobs for people that need them. What is your problem with that?

Your inside knowledge came from other people. They are the ones to be giving advice, not you.

What do you want me to prove? I called you a fraud cause you claimed to have a great website, yet made excuses not to show it. YOu know I would never use your site in a bad way.

Cough cough sputter!!!! Winston, your tendancy of copying other peoples email that was intended to be private is legendary. As well as your skill of involving other people in your quarrels. You also spam mailing lists with your trip reports. Yes, I'm reasonably confident that you'll misuse the content of my website. I already told you that the material on my website has nothing to do with traveling abroad! I'm not hiding anything!

Also, you claimed to be great in logic, but you show no proof of it. Anyone can see in my Debunking Christian fundamentalism book and my Debunking Skeptics article that my logic is fantastic.

Actually, from a logical perspective, your ebooks aren't that impressive. I have to tell you that Wu. Nobody would be willing to publish them. Writing a book doesn't make you an expert.

Plus I am a chess champion who can beat over 99 percent of people in the world too. Not everyone can do those things. Thus I have a lot of respect for my logic.
Chess and debate require two different intellectual skills. Being a good chess player doesn't make you a good debater any more than being a good debater makes you a good chess player.

It's like saying Tiger Woods must be good at sports because he is good at golf.

Besides, your logic to date is pleading with me to accept testimonials as evidence and telling me how great you are.
There is no sense complaining. Half of the people you talk to won't care. The other half will think you deserved it!
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Post by Chemist »

Remember Chemist, you can only speak for YOURSELF. Just because I don't earn your respect, doesn't mean that I don't earn other people's respect.

I know you have your share of followers Wu. But many others don't respect you. And yet you write like you're the greatest thing since slice bread. Not everybody agrees. And you go further saying that the ones that disagree have a character flaw of some sort.

Listen Wu. Misrepresenting somebody's arguments and attacking that misrepresentation isn't a legitimate debate tactic. It's a straw man tactic that most people see a mile away.

Do you see your logical flaw here, in assuming that your opinion represents that of everyone? It's a clear basic logic flaw, can you see that mr. professional chemist?

No. I say that my opinion is that of SOME people. Before you criticize anybodies logic, you need to improve your reading comprehension.

It's also an accomplishment because NOT EVERY bar girl here will sleep with anyone who pays. Come here and I will show you that that's so. Some bar girls reject me and my friends here.

You consider it an accomplishment to sleep with a prostitute because there have been some that have said "no" to you.

I think I'll let that statement stand on it's own absurdity. You actually seem proud Wu.

But there are always enough hot girls willing to sleep with me that I CAN get one if I want.

Once again. I'm very curious as to how you would do OUTSIDE of the bar scene.

These girls are NOT robots who will go with anyone who pays. They have their own preferences too.

No shit sherlock. I said that before. If your not a sadist or beat them, I'm sure many will have you for a client. And they'll tell you everything you want to hear so that they can close the deal. But it's all fantasy Wu. It isn't real. Do you think I can't do the same thing?

Plus, I explained to you already that I've slept with many girls here for free too, including girls who would normally ask for money. Did you factor that in? Did you???????

Yes, I've factored it in. They are hoping to keep you as a client. They know that you are a playboy and will throw you a freebie so you don't forget them while your fluttering around. You seem to think that it means something when it really doesn't mean anything. It's F-A-N-T-A-S-Y Wu, and every guy would experience the same thing. Except, most guys would know that she's just trying to do her job and turn a profit. You're trying to convince me that the fantasy is true. It shows me you've been duped more than anything.

If you came here, you might think the Filipinas are attractive. They look much hotter in person.

Wu, there are Phillipine women in the US. It's not like I haven't scene one before. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway.
There is no sense complaining. Half of the people you talk to won't care. The other half will think you deserved it!
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Post by Chemist »

Chemist, one more thing. It's not true that all my Russian trips were sponsored by my dad. I saved up money from work to do those things from good jobs that I had.

So please stop spreading that lie.

It not a lie Winston.

Your father has been bankrolling your travels.

By your own admission, it's a true statement.

You seem to think that because you used some of your own money, that this falsifies the claim. Not so.

And do I really need to remind you that you were begging the Russian lists for money when you ended up homeless in Russia?

How may people ended up bankrolling your trips Winston? Just curious.
There is no sense complaining. Half of the people you talk to won't care. The other half will think you deserved it!
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Post by LukeSkywalker »

Chemist wrote: It's also an accomplishment because NOT EVERY bar girl here will sleep with anyone who pays. Come here and I will show you that that's so. Some bar girls reject me and my friends here.

You consider it an accomplishment to sleep with a prostitute because there have been some that have said "no" to you.

I think I'll let that statement stand on it's own absurdity. You actually seem proud Wu.
He should definately be proud that he slept with the bar-girls. I have seen videos of those bar-girls on Youtube, and they are even better quality videos than Wu's pictures. And after seeing those videos I think that anybody that sleeps with those bar-girls should be proud.

Wu is the man. You are nothing but a weeny little chemist.
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Post by gmm567 »

where are those videos, Luke....I'd like to go look at them.
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Post by ladislav »

gmm567 wrote:where are those videos, Luke....I'd like to go look at them.
get into
http://www.youtube.com and type in "angeles city bar girls" in the search window.
A brain is a terrible thing to wash!

Post by Guest »

LukeSkywalker wrote: He should definately be proud that he slept with the bar-girls. I have seen videos of those bar-girls on Youtube, and they are even better quality videos than Wu's pictures. And after seeing those videos I think that anybody that sleeps with those bar-girls should be proud.

Wu is the man. You are nothing but a weeny little chemist.
Ahh, yes, another member of Wu's fan club: that sick and misguided cadre of insipid, virginal voyeurs that believe a box of cereal answers their mommie's admonishment; "Get a Life!" Those closeted, socially inept losers who egg Winnie on solely for their own deranged entertainment, thereby filling the void between the next Star Trek convention, paranormal symposium, and the release of the new Transformers movie.

More likely than not, these cretinous voyeurs would NEVER do what Wu has done, but salivate with envy as they relish the vicarious thrills of reading about his buffoonery. Yep, with few exceptions, it's doubtful that most of these bottom feeders have ventured outside their own city limits, had a genuine, successful, long-term relationship of any measurable substance with another, living human being, or possess the communication skills to carry on a meaningful conversation that doesn't include topics of hate, conspiracy theories, comic books, or vibes. Mighty Wu and his gaggle of misanthropic misfits!! That's right, you know who I'm talking about.
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Post by gmm567 »

yeah gordon, I think they wear Star Track uniforms too.

They are (quote) "light years ahead of us", you know.
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Post by Winston »

Saleem wrote:
LukeSkywalker wrote: He should definately be proud that he slept with the bar-girls. I have seen videos of those bar-girls on Youtube, and they are even better quality videos than Wu's pictures. And after seeing those videos I think that anybody that sleeps with those bar-girls should be proud.

Wu is the man. You are nothing but a weeny little chemist.
Ahh, yes, another member of Wu's fan club: that sick and misguided cadre of insipid, virginal voyeurs that believe a box of cereal answers their mommie's admonishment; "Get a Life!" Those closeted, socially inept losers who egg Winnie on solely for their own deranged entertainment, thereby filling the void between the next Star Trek convention, paranormal symposium, and the release of the new Transformers movie.

More likely than not, these cretinous voyeurs would NEVER do what Wu has done, but salivate with envy as they relish the vicarious thrills of reading about his buffoonery. Yep, with few exceptions, it's doubtful that most of these bottom feeders have ventured outside their own city limits, had a genuine, successful, long-term relationship of any measurable substance with another, living human being, or possess the communication skills to carry on a meaningful conversation that doesn't include topics of hate, conspiracy theories, comic books, or vibes. Mighty Wu and his gaggle of misanthropic misfits!! That's right, you know who I'm talking about.
W: Fuller, I've banned you 4 or 5 times already yet you still keep coming back. Why do you keep returning to where you're not wanted?

Thank God my moderators keep up with all the aliases that you return under, cause I don't have time to keep track of you.

Anyway, this user name of yours and its IP will be banned again for the umpteenth time.

You are really psycho dude.
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but unfortunately, I have neither the money nor the resources to go abroad to Asia to find someone. (I also am a college student, but it's a 2 year school without a Foreign Exchange Program)
Wielding the blade of evil's bane, he sealed the dark one away and gave the land light. This man, who traveled through time to save the land, was known as the Hero of Men. The man's tale was passed down through generations until it became legend...
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