Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by Shemp »

Tsar wrote:
August 7th, 2021, 7:16 pm
I will be getting experience with whores, maximum age 25.
Big mistake. You're first time should be with a friendly (non-jaded, non-bitchy) prostitute in her 50's, who you get along with but whom you cannot possibly see as a love object. This allows you to focus on pure physical technique. You should plan on like 5 sessions once you find a competent prostitute. Then get her to recommend a few other older prostitutes so you can try a variety of bodies to notice the differences of feel.

Make sure you learn to manipulate her sexually with your fingers, preferably to orgasm. Not all prostitutes will allow you to bring them to orgasm, but this is extremely useful practice. With fingering, you don't have to worry about controlling yourself, so can focus on the woman. What you learn from fingering can later be used to improve f*cking technique. Bringing the woman to orgasm with penis in vagina intercourse lasting 20-30 minutes is the gold standard for quality sex. Again, most prostitutes won't allow orgasm during PIV intercourse (or they'll fake it, which is worse than nothing, because then you get misleading feedback) but maybe she will if it's her last session of the day and she likes you, and especially if she is older than 50 and single. Young whores usually have boyfriends, and won't have real orgasms with clients.
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by yick »

TL/DR: Seek help.

In Depth: I didn't want to reply to this but seeing as respectable posters have - I will put my two bob in the ring as well.

First of all, your post was amazingly repulsive and disgraceful and I am glad most posters on here have condemned it.

You want something that you haven't had yet so whatever you have done up until now hasn't worked - it won't work in Bulgaria or Mexico or wherever you go.

You're getting older and older - I teach girls of that age of what you're looking for and the last thing they're interested in is a man a decade or more older than them - the older women get the less age gaps matter but what you're searching for, the age gap matters a lot.

Stop thinking about teenagers - it is socially unacceptable for thirty plus year olds to be thinking about women over the legal age ( 15 or 16 or whatever...) and they're not going to be interested in you however you look once they find you're ten years older than them, when I was 20 or so, I wouldn't have wanted to go with some 30 plus something woman and it wouldn't have mattered how she looked.

At this moment in time, you need to seek counseling for the mental blocks you have to forming relationships with women. Your views are very very disturbing and they're not normal and they probably never ever were - you need to talk all these things through with a professional who can help you work things through regards women and forming relationships with them instead of coming out with this turgid, horrible crap!

I think women do have that sense where they can see when a man is 'off' not at your level of offness but if he lacks self-confidence or sexual confidence or he doesn't have that verve that women like in a man that he can protect her or he can fulfill her desires... so, men do exist where they seem to have a lot going for them (on a superficial level) but they can't get women and they wonder why as does everybody else - women like them as people but they can't get romantic partners - some men can get lots of romantic partners - I have never had a one night stand in my life whereas there are men who are capable of getting such if and when they desire.

What do you want out of this? If it is something stupid and unrealistic like - one night stands with attractive, pert teenagers in a foreign country - well, that won't f***ing happen ever - it might in the Philippines or some part of Africa if you have money - but you need to sort out what you want and make sure it is realistic.

And though I am a big self-improvement advocate - it can only do so much with what you have - I can practice the 100 meters outside my house daily but I will never be Usain Bolt - you can only do the best with what you have so do that - become the best you can be with what you have. I am sure it is enough to get someone you want.

If you want the life of a rock star then tough shit! You're not that person and nor am I - look for a realistic outcome and try your best to improve yourself to the extent where you can be satisfied with a final outcome even if it takes years.

Look for people instead of perfect scenarios.

But sort yourself out first - your views come out in how you present yourself for sure and it scares women off - I am sure it does!
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by Tsar »

Shemp wrote:
August 8th, 2021, 1:17 am
Tsar wrote:
August 7th, 2021, 7:16 pm
I will be getting experience with whores, maximum age 25.
Big mistake. You're first time should be with a friendly (non-jaded, non-bitchy) prostitute in her 50's, who you get along with but whom you cannot possibly see as a love object. This allows you to focus on pure physical technique. You should plan on like 5 sessions once you find a competent prostitute. Then get her to recommend a few other older prostitutes so you can try a variety of bodies to notice the differences of feel.

Make sure you learn to manipulate her sexually with your fingers, preferably to orgasm. Not all prostitutes will allow you to bring them to orgasm, but this is extremely useful practice. With fingering, you don't have to worry about controlling yourself, so can focus on the woman. What you learn from fingering can later be used to improve f*cking technique. Bringing the woman to orgasm with penis in vagina intercourse lasting 20-30 minutes is the gold standard for quality sex. Again, most prostitutes won't allow orgasm during PIV intercourse (or they'll fake it, which is worse than nothing, because then you get misleading feedback) but maybe she will if it's her last session of the day and she likes you, and especially if she is older than 50 and single. Young whores usually have boyfriends, and won't have real orgasms with clients.
Are there really guys that would really be cool with their girlfriend having sex with other guys for money? Wouldn't they be cucks for allowing their girlfriend to bang other guys even if its for money?

Wouldn't younger female whores 18-25 with naturally good hormones and born in a time where girls can freely enjoy sex even for money actually be more able to orgasm and more open to doing stuff with clients? I found one that actually says she loves sex, enjoys sex, gives girlfriend experiences, and loves drinks. She's 23 years old. Why wouldn't a young whore like her want to orgasm with clients?
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by publicduende »

Tsar wrote:
August 7th, 2021, 7:16 pm
I will be getting experience with whores, maximum age 25. I realized most girls aren't any better than whores. I just feel like actually dating a girl too old is not smart. She would be too experienced, too independent, and not worth my time or effort. Older females would see me as a loser and know it.

A whore might be more experienced but it is her job to make me happy and she knows if she's nice and good, she will get repeat clients. Most ordinary girls are just stupid sluts that will do the minimum or nothing and expect a guy. A whore is more deserving of my money than filthy sluts that refuse to give me any attention.

Most girls in 2021 have nothing to offer besides sex. They're all too stupid from what I have seen.

Twerking on TikTok, posing for the perfect selfie, doing a duck face, or having sex.

I use to think maybe I can't carryon a conversation but I was wrong. Girls are just too flakey or too stupid because if girls online no matter the country can't maintain a conversation with me then they're either stupid, simple, or both simple and stupid.

Maybe if she was a 25 year old African, an oppressed Palestinian in apartheid Israel, an untouchable in India, or a poor village female in Asia dreaming of city life then sure. They're desperate, probably inexperienced at age 25, or will like me because I am a European there to rescue them. They won't want to offend a superior guy that can help them.

But a 25 year old ordinary woman in any rich nation or middle income nation would see me as a loser when they would be the true losers.

I bet if I turned my Tinder age settings to 18-25, I would see no difference. I use to have it set at 18 only. Changing it to 18-20 made zero difference, neither did changing it to 18-22. I never match with any girl 18-22 unless she's 18 so it proves it isn't just me. I am not compatible with girls that are too old. Age means more social experience and more sex experience. I am bad at both. I can't imagine any logical reason people think I would actually have success with any older girl if she isn't completely desperate.

I plan to volunteer eventually when my health returns but unlike Cornfed, I am broke and wherever I go, I need to leave eventually because I would not have the legal permission to stay long-term without a visa. If I get my health back, I will tryout for the French Foreign Legion. There's really no reason for me not to at that point.

I really wanted things to be different but I am willing to be a mercenary for France for five years. At least I actually have some respect for France unlike how I have zero respect for the United States of America.
Hi @Tsar, long time no see. I haven't had time to catch up with all of your recent posts but, from what I can see, you seem to be confused as to who a "real man" should be, or what he should do. This sex + dominance thing, based on the biological imperative or procreation, is not supposed to apply to humans the same way it applies to animals.

Rape in the animal world cannot exist because, quite simply, animals are not equipped with free will and only respond to physiological needs. Perhaps given a chance, a healthy female wolf will receive sperm from the alpha male. But if a lesser pack member chooses to impregnate her, do you really think she will turn around and say "no means no", like the average woke college girl?

I have always been fascinated by the perceived feral brutality of the animal kingdom. Besides mankind, Mother Nature offers endless life-or-death situations for its members. If lions won't run after gazelles, they will die and let their cubs die. Mantids will devour ants until they get caught by a wild rodent, who will be alive for as long as a snake won't be around. Snake will thrive until she's free from the fangs of a passing eagle. And so on. A context of relentless brutality only if perceived with human eyes. In reality, there is no violence in any of that, it's the mere food chain unfolding: kill until killed, eat until eaten.

It's humans, and only humans, who are capable of free will and all those fancy, higher-order emotions and behaviours. Lions will only eat what they can catch and what can be fed to their females and cubs, before its flesh rots and becomes a toxic meal. Men will, given a chance, rise to amass fortunes nobody will be able to consume in several generations, often at the expenses of their fellow man. Unlike a man, you will never see a lion kill for the sake of killing. Perhaps a young lion will chase a few more preys than strictly required for survival as part of their training, but that would be it.

Men may rape, yes. Men rape because they want to draw the momentary pleasure of getting sex right there where they want it, certainly procreation being the last thing in their minds as they do it. Perhaps most importantly, men rape because they get pleasure from asserting their physical power over a victim who is uncapable of denying themselves to the act. It's about the sex as much, if not more, about the dominance. It's a heinous act that has no space in the relentless yet innocent animal kingdom. In other words, evil can only exist as the product of a choice.

Back to your idea of going with pros. Sure, you might be able to get sex from a bunch of willing prostitutes, some young, some mature, and perhaps even learn the mechanics of sex from them. What I think you should not be learning, is that sex is all there is in your interaction with women. By all means hire as many cars as you want, if you want to learn how to drive. But at some point you must understand that most people drive for reasons other than the pleasure of being behind the wheel.

I don't know much about your life but I don't think you are a loser. However you will end up a loser if you don't ground yourself on reality, and fast. This is real life and there's no space for teenage virgins wanting sex with a 30-yo man who, by the way, is himself a virgin and totally unequipped - psychologically and experience-wise - to face that eventuality.

There's no space for romantic knight in shining armour dreams: you will be seen by a girl based on what you can offer. A 16 years old will probably reject you because you are not one of the cool kids in her school and you are not of the same age. A 22 years old will probably reject you because you don't tick any of the boxes of 1) good looks 2) being amazing at sex and 3) providing her with cash and other props. A 28 years old, who might start thinking of settling, will probably reject you because you don't have a job and you don't have a measure of social respect (apart from, maybe, some dimly-lit corners of the online world).

If you're 30 and still inexperienced about sex, I think you need to catch up with how to please a woman, how to move in bed, from petting to (multiple) orgasm. Prostitutes might be of some help. Another option is to actually hook up with a girl who shares your lack of experience and your relative innocence: maybe one of the sweet Filipinas down here might be a good fit. I had a Colombian ex-wife and I can tell you that Latinas, for the most part, are seen as sexually mature at the quinceanera but they start fooling around way before. If this applies to Mexico, you might find teenagers who might eat you alive if you try approaching them!

In the end, whether you familiarise with the mechanics of sex or not, you need to get the memo that a relationship with a woman is and should be much more than sex. There's the meeting of minds, the exploring life together, the life and family planning, etc. Of course women can be bitches and dump you for a Chad. The risk is mutual...there also men who dump perfectly fine young ladies and leave them to face the hardship of life with one or two kids and limited support. The idea is to find someone whose feelings you can be sure of, and who you will reciprocate.

It's a lot harder said than done, I know, but it's not impossible, even in this time and place, and it's certainly worth pursuing. This, especially if you're open to travelling and benefiting from those ever-more-elusive "arbitrage windows" that are still open in locations like South East Asia and Latin America.

Drop the obsessions and embrace real life. Good luck.
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by Tamingstrange »

Don't dolphins rape?
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by Winston »

Why do click bait threads like this get a ton of responses, but when I post something deep and philosophical, no one replies? lol

Btw Tsar, you never answered my question. Where did you get the idea that female animals in nature get raped? All the nature programs I watched show a mating process that is similar to that of monkeys, which is mutual and consenting. Which animal species do females get raped in?
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by Tsar »

Winston wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 6:05 pm
Why do click bait threads like this get a ton of responses, but when I post something deep and philosophical, no one replies? lol

Btw Tsar, you never answered my question. Where did you get the idea that female animals in nature get raped? All the nature programs I watched show a mating process that is similar to that of monkeys, which is mutual and consenting. Which animal species do females get raped in?
I posted a Wikipedia link about rape in nature as my answer.

I also watched an animal documentary as a teenager where the narrator actually talked about how an adult male rat would sneak into a nest of baby rats and rape the baby females, because rats mature so fast, they would get pregnant from that rape.

Anyway, before abortion, contraception, and birth control pills, among early humans and up to even past the Medieval times, a man that raped a girl and got her pregnant was guaranteed she would birth the baby if pregnant. Especially because in Christianity to kill an innocent baby would be considered evil and sinful. Maybe the female in a place like Ancient Greece might leave it out in nature or throw it into the sea, but I think most females would keep it. Especially because they might not get a second.

In 2021 but especially the last century, rape has mainly been about dominance or because some men would get fun out of taking a girl by force and making her eventually submit to the rape.

I think rape is bad and don't justify it, but if men are denied females, eventually they need to buy a slave girl or rape a girl.
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by Tsar »

Tamingstrange wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 5:31 pm
Don't dolphins rape?
Yes and dolphins are one species of besides humans that have sex for recreational fun.
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Re: Why Raping Single Fertile Females is Part of Nature!

Post by MrMan »

Shemp wrote:
August 7th, 2021, 11:43 am
Uncharacteristically for me, I have to agree with @MrMan here: these rape fantasies sre doing Tsar no good. He would be better off reading appropriate threads at International Sex Guide forum regarding Mexican brothels, so he knows the protocols and safety precautions and can get some experience in preparation for a real girlfriend.
Just to clarify, I did not recommend sex guide sites or Mexican brothels.
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by MrMan »

Tsar wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 7:45 pm
Tamingstrange wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 5:31 pm
Don't dolphins rape?
Yes and dolphins are one species of besides humans that have sex for recreational fun.
How would someone figure that out?
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by Tsar »

MrMan wrote:
August 13th, 2021, 7:51 pm
Tsar wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 7:45 pm
Tamingstrange wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 5:31 pm
Don't dolphins rape?
Yes and dolphins are one species of besides humans that have sex for recreational fun.
How would someone figure that out?
Scientific obversation.
I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by MrMan »

Tsar wrote:
August 13th, 2021, 8:00 pm
MrMan wrote:
August 13th, 2021, 7:51 pm
Tsar wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 7:45 pm
Tamingstrange wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 5:31 pm
Don't dolphins rape?
Yes and dolphins are one species of besides humans that have sex for recreational fun.
How would someone figure that out?
Scientific obversation.
What are the scientific criteria for fun?
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Re: Are Female Creatures Raped in the Animal Kingdom?

Post by Tsar »

MrMan wrote:
August 13th, 2021, 8:09 pm
Tsar wrote:
August 13th, 2021, 8:00 pm
MrMan wrote:
August 13th, 2021, 7:51 pm
Tsar wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 7:45 pm
Tamingstrange wrote:
August 10th, 2021, 5:31 pm
Don't dolphins rape?
Yes and dolphins are one species of besides humans that have sex for recreational fun.
How would someone figure that out?
Scientific obversation.
What are the scientific criteria for fun?
Don't ask me. I'm not a scientist that observes animals and animal emotion. I assume being playful, doing swim chases, and other things that dolphins would do.
I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑
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