Racism is inherently and genetically successful survival strategy,egalitarianism is due to pavlovian conditioning

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Racism is inherently and genetically successful survival strategy,egalitarianism is due to pavlovian conditioning

Post by Kalinago »

Like all traits, there is an optimal amount of altruism. Too little or too much
means resources are not being used to maximize reproductive success and, as with
other traits, populations will tend to evolve towards the optimal amount of altruism.
A population that is reproductively isolated, and therefore inbreed and less diverse,
will have a higher optimal amount of altruism because the likelihood that others
carry the same alleles is higher. If two reproductively isolated populations, one high
in altruism and the other low in altruism, are intermixed, they will each continue
expressing their differing degrees of altruism, the low altruism population taking
advantage of the generosity of the high altruism population. This is the situation that
now exists in the multicultural western nations, where genetically different
immigrants from the warmer climates, who are less altruistic, have been allowed to
move into northern wealthier nations whose populations are genetically closely
related and who have a higher optimal amount of altruism.
Now that you know the behavior predicted by the logic of our genes, let’s see
if real people actually behave that way. Altruism is most commonly seen in animals
that live in inbreed groups, such as humans, especially if they care for their young. 12
We make our greatest sacrifices for our children 13) because, unless we have an
identical twin, our children carry more of our alleles than any of our other relatives
(your parents may carry about the same number as your children but, since they are
older, they may be less likely to reproduce and less in need). Your child has at least
half of your alleles, 14 so if you help him survive (so that he can reproduce), you are
helping at least half of your alleles to survive and, hopefully, make you a happy
grandparent. The more related you are to another person, the greater the number of
your alleles he is likely to carry, and the more your sacrifice for him increases your
fitness, your likelihood of reproductive success. 15 Alleles in common, and therefore
altruism, decreases with increasing genetic distance, i.e., from blood family members
to blood relatives to ethny to race to species to genus, etc. 16 If you have a will and
your wealth goes mostly to your relatives in approximately the order they are related
to you, then you behave as predicted.
If you have ever been to a funeral, you have probably observed that the
amount of grief that you and other mourners feel is proportional to how closely you
and they are related to the deceased. Indeed, that is so obvious and normal that
people would be puzzled if it were not so. Grandparents grieve more for their
daughter’s children than their son’s children, because they are more certain they are
related (Littlefield, 1986), i.e., their son’s wife may have cheated on him. And
identical twins grieve more for their dead co-twin than do fraternal twins, who
sharer fewer alleles. (Rushton, 2005a; Segal, 2002). In general, people grieve more for
someone who has more of his alleles (e.g., a child of the same race), as that is a
greater genetic loss. 17
Unrelated people living together are more likely to kill each other than are
related people. (Daly, 1988). Children in the U.S. are about 100 times as likely to be
abused or murdered by a parent if one of the parents is a stepparent. (Schnitzer, 2005;
Daly, 1988). We care more about our own children than the children of strangers, we
practice nepotism, our charity is greater when we give to our own ethny, and we
even care more about how we treat gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans than we
do about mice, which aren’t as closely related. A man will help his sister’s children
more than his brother’s children because his brother’s wife may have cuckolded him,
but he knows his sister’s children are related to him and carry his alleles. 18 For the
same reason, we help our mother’s sister’s children more than our other cousins
(Jeon, 2007) and maternal grandparents are more willing to travel to see their
grandchildren than paternal grandparents. (Pollet, 2007). “Blood is thicker than
water” because our alleles are pulling the strings, and those persons who did not
have alleles pulling their strings to induce them to pass on their alleles have long
since departed without progeny. 19
And how do we know how closely related another person is to us? It was only
recently in man’s history that he kept records of who his relatives were, but there are
two methods that can be, and are, used, even by animals: (1) Location – if it is in your
nest, it is probably yours. That is why, when cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of
other species, the non-parents feed them even when the rapidly growing cowbird
chicks push their own chicks out onto the ground. (2) Traits – the more it looks like
you, smells like you, and behaves like you, the more of your alleles it is likely to
have. Although humans do smell and behave differently, appearance is more telling.
(Rushton, 2005b). A woman knows for certain who her children are, but until DNA
analysis came along, a man could never be sure. That is why the first words a new
mother says to her mate are, “He looks just like you.” 20 She is reassuring him that he
is, indeed, the father, so that he will make sacrifices that will enhance her baby’s
chances of surviving.
Amazingly, people pick not only spouses (Bereczkei, 2008) and friends
(Rushton, 1989) who have similar traits, and are therefore more genetically similar,
but even pick pets that look similar to themselves. 21 And the more heritable a trait is,
the more it is used to determine how closely related someone is. (Rushton, 2005a).
In other words, we are attracted to our own traits in others. 22 We do not have
to be consciously aware that we are doing this because our alleles provide us with
stimulation to the pleasure centers of our brain if we do it. All we have to do is “act
normally” and not consciously resist our desire for that pleasure. 23 Even though we
try to treat all our children equally, it is hard to resist favoring those who are most
similar to us.
And how could it be otherwise? People who favor carriers of dissimilar alleles
over carriers of similar alleles are killing off their own alleles. Before a population can
be moral, creative, productive, or anything else, it must first survive and pass on its
Inter-Ethny Dynamics
Now let us apply the findings of evolutionary psychology to the behavior
between ethnies, which are groups of people who are not necessarily close relatives,
but are more genetically-related to each other than to people in another group.
Nations were first formed from ethnies to reduce internal conflicts and to protect and
advance interests of the ethny vis-à-vis other ethnies, just as individuals act to
advance their individual interests. Thus, “nations” were, at least in part, founded on
genetic similarity. 24 Today, egalitarians promote “concept nations” – politically
organized groups of mixtures of ethnies who supposedly share common values, e.g.,
democracy, Western standards of behavior and justice, etc. Concept nations can not
be stable (i.e., long lasting), however, because the individuals within them can
advance their own genetic interests more by helping individuals of their own ethny
than by helping individuals of other ethnies, and that is exactly what they do, for the
simple reason that those who do not do that will have less reproductive success and
will eventually go extinct; favoring one’s own ethny can be avoided only if the nation
comprises a single ethny, i.e., multiculturalism is not stable. Moreover, the more
inbred (i.e., genetically related) people within the ethnies in a mixed ethny concept
nation are, the more ethnocentric they will be and the more they will act to advance
the interests of their own ethny vis-à-vis other ethnies.
When ethnies are in the same territory, they will compete for resources and
there will be ethnic conflicts, the severity of which will be roughly proportional to
their ethnocentrism and the genetic distance between them. 25 A mutually beneficial
relationship (“mutualism”) between ethnies living in the same territory is not stable
because the carrying capacity of all territories is limited and each ethny either
expands its own population or eventually goes extinct. 26 Only if ethnies live in
different territories and meet only to trade are stable, mutually beneficial
relationships between them possible, 27 and that is the only stable relationship
between ethnies.
When ethnies live in the same territory, their relationship will not for long be a
mutually beneficial one. Instead, one ethny will be a predator and the other its prey,
or one ethny will be a parasite and the other its host. In both cases, the prey or host
does not consent and therefore neither relationship is stable. In a predator-prey
relationship, the predator ethny uses open violence against the prey ethny, e.g.,
colonialism, slavery, war, local gangs. In a parasite-host relationship, however, open
violence by the parasitic ethny is not possible as the host ethny is more numerous
and is militarily dominant. 28 Moreover, the host ethny regards the parasitic activities
of the parasitic ethny as unfair, unethical, immoral, illegal, or criminal, making it
necessary for the parasitic ethny to either (1) conceal its parasitism so that the host
ethny is not aware that it is being parasitized or (2) incapacitate its host ethny 29 so
that even though its host ethny is aware that it is being parasitized, it is unable to free
itself. Both require controlling the media 30 and the government - a “covert coup.”
These tactics are major and expensive operations requiring years to put into place.
They are therefore available only to a parasitic ethny that has access to a great deal of
wealth. When the host ethny discovers that it is being parasitized, and it is able to
free itself, the parasite-host relationship ends, perhaps not pleasantly for those in the
parasitic ethny. Neither a predator-prey relationship nor a parasite-host relationship
is likely to last indefinitely because conflict is inherent in both relationships. There
are two possible resolutions of ethnic conflict over territory: (1) one ethny wins and
destroys or expels the other or (2) the ethnies interbreed and become a single ethny.
Expelling the parasitic ethny preserves the genetic uniqueness both ethnies;
interbreeding destroys it.
Individuals within the parasitic ethny develop a set of values, even a religion,
that justifies their parasitism, simply because those individuals who feel their
behavior is their right and feel no remorse, shame, or guilt are more effective
parasites and are therefore reproductively more successful. Individuals in the
parasitic ethny are therefore selected for a lack of empathy, i.e., for sociopathy; such
individuals differ genetically from everyone else in that their mirror neurons, which
enable people to empathize with the feelings of others, are absent or turned off. The
parasitic ethny will rather quickly achieve a high percentage of sociopaths, people
who are charismatic, charming, and often well-liked, but whose only goal in life is
winning, i.e., defeating those outside their ethny. 31 The parasitic ethny cannot
become less virulent, as microbial parasites do,32 because they are too invested –
genetically, socially, religiously, and culturally – in their parasitic lifestyle and less
parasitic individuals within their ethny are selected against even by others in their
own ethny, i.e., they do not rise to positions of influence within their ethny. Like all
parasites, they are specialized and cannot easily become more generalized. 33 Host
and parasite ethnies are on a collision course and neither can back down.
– – o0o – – –
The evidence that human behavior is so strongly influenced by our genes is
disturbing news to the egalitarians, who want man to be brain-washable, 34 so that
his behavior can be controlled, which is difficult or impossible if behavior is in our
genes, even if the genetic influence is subtle. Now the findings in evolutionary
psychology have become even more controversial and abhorrent to the egalitarians
because, as we saw in the preceding chapter, geneticists have found that individuals
of the same ethnicity and/or race share more of the same alleles than do others and,
as described in the last few paragraphs, sharing alleles can strongly affect the
behavior of genetically cohesive groups as well as individuals. To those of us whose
minds are not self-censored, this may seem obvious, but it is an unwelcome truth to
the egalitarians, for whom everyone must be genetically the same in order to be
genetically equal. And not only are people genetically different, but they are
genetically programmed to favor others who are genetically similar 35 – horror of
horrors, racism is not only genetic, but it serves our most important biological
purpose – the survival of our alleles!
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Re: Racism is inherently and genetically successful survival strategy,egalitarianism is due to pavlovian conditioning

Post by galii »

That is also why empires can crush tribal groups easily. Empires can make many tribes work together and even crush other empires who can not do it. With divide and conquer empires with bad management of tribes get crushed.

Basically if tribes are too stupid to work with others are deleted from existence one way or other.
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Mr. Mistoffelees
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Re: Racism is inherently and genetically successful survival strategy,egalitarianism is due to pavlovian conditioning

Post by Mr. Mistoffelees »

Tribalistic behaviour has always been a part of human nature, but this behaviour transcends race. We even see it on a microcosmic scale in local communities. Racism and hatred have only been inherently based on ignorance rather than having any connection to genetic success. 😁 such behaviour has only ever held us back.
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Re: Racism is inherently and genetically successful survival strategy,egalitarianism is due to pavlovian conditioning

Post by galii »

Mr. Mistoffelees wrote:
March 28th, 2023, 2:24 am
Tribalistic behaviour has always been a part of human nature, but this behaviour transcends race. We even see it on a microcosmic scale in local communities. Racism and hatred have only been inherently based on ignorance rather than having any connection to genetic success. 😁 such behaviour has only ever held us back.
Yes even in a person. If you are selfish all the time people see you as an asshole or a criminal. Time to get rid of you. That is why we have prisons.
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