Cultural Characteristics

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Re: Cultural Characteristics

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 1:14 pm
I was having a very interesting conversation with @Lucas88 a few days ago over a coffee at our local café. I noticed that when we interact with the waitress there that Lucas88 is very blunt. Where I will say something like: "Two coffees please. Thank you." Lucas would be like: "Two coffees."

I pointed this out when we sat down and asked him if this was something to do with his autism maybe. Basically, the conversation that followed was pretty eye opening.

Lucas88 explained that in Spain people are blunt as he was and it isn't considered rude at all. Whereas in the UK, such bluntness is considered pretty rude. Another thing that was interesting was that in Spain, despite people being blunt in everyday interactions, they are actually really friendly. Lucas has always said that he prefers the Mediterranean culture to Anglo culture. Here in the UK people are pretty unfriendly, judgemental and cold towards you if you don't fit the mould. In spite of all this rhetoric about embracing individuality and all the rest of it if you don't fit in with the crowd then you are usually shunned for having different opinions or beliefs etc.
That conversation was quite interesting.

Afterwards I started to ask myself why I am so blunt when it comes to business transactions even in the UK. One might suppose that it could be a habit that I picked up while living in Spain but I don't find that explanation alone very plausible. People can adapt to new customs and indeed I've shown a formidable level of cultural adaptability throughout my various years living abroad. There must be another explanation.

After giving it a little more thought I came up with two explanations:

1. I tend not to bother with the superfluous pleasantries that many British people use and instead opt for a more direct and economic style of communication because I don't find British English a very pleasant language and even dislike speaking it. Whenever I have to speak it, it's always with some level of reluctance and disdain, and so in the UK and when speaking to British people I have little desire to pepper my speech with anything beyond what is absolutely necessary for making myself understood. When speaking Spanish, on the other hand, I have much more enthusiasm to express myself and often become extremely animated and logorrheic. I find Spanish pleasant and musical and therefore greatly enjoy speaking it. But in the UK my lack of enthusiasm for the local language results in me being more minimalistic and less expressive.

2. I understand that the friendliness and politeness displayed during the business interaction are fake and so, as a person who prefers authenticity, I subconsciously harbor a feeling of disdain for the whole situation. I know that the same waiter or waitress probably wouldn't give me the time of day if I tried striking up a conversation with them in the park or on the bus since most British people are cold and antisocial. So I don't even bother with the any of that stuff. I just say the minimum, pay my money and receive the service. I'm not unfriendly. I'm just real and authentic.

In Spain, being blunt and straight to the point during business transactions is the norm, but ironically I'm more likely to make conversation than I am in the UK. I suppose that I just enjoy interacting with Spanish people more.
yick wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 1:42 pm
One night I was out with my mother in Cadiz, it was about 10 pm and me and mum were sitting at the bench in a small park and on the bench next to us were these two old guys talking away and this young couple walked past them, the young macho and his pretty Andalucian girlfriend all done up to walk around - and the two old guys started on their 'piropos' going 'oooh, an angel has fallen out of the sky and landed in front of us' albeit in Spanish and the couple both laughed along at these two old guys and their cheesy chat up lines - can you imagine that happening at 10 pm in the UK? The chances are of the young guy giving them a shoeing and the woman saying 'f**k off you pair of old pervs' are pretty high - because though the UK has a veneer of politeness (that is disappearing by the year...) it is a very violent culture - which Spain isn't. Latin America is on the whole a violent place though a lot of it is down to poverty issues but the cultures there are very very polite.
Wow, this last paragraph made my day (or night)! Lol!

I agree that the UK is a violent and antisocial culture. People get offended very easily and then the situation can escalate really quickly. Spanish people, on the other hand, know how to joke around, even with strangers. They don't take everything so seriously. This is one of the reasons why I feel so much more comfortable interacting with Spaniards and am able to come out of my shell. It's rare that things will turn nasty over a bit of banter or a minor misunderstanding. In the UK though say one thing that somebody interprets as being out of line and you'll have some wannabe tough guy threatening to thump you or some nasty trashbag bitch mouthing off at you and making a huge scene.
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Re: Cultural Characteristics

Post by MrMan »

They say that Javanese people are polite to you until they are ready to kill you. I worked with a lot of them. There was this one pretty 20-something at work that go to where I could tell she didn't like me or was angry about something. I tried to talk it out with her. I'm still not really sure what it was. My wife thought maybe the girl was attracted to me, really. It didn't make sense that she would be angry at me, not to me.

There was another half Java half Sunda at work, not a pretty young thing at all, middle aged, fat, short hair, not attractive. But we got along well. But I shut her down when she was going to tell a chewing gum condom joke again. Maybe she felt like that was disrespect. You've got to be careful razzing people too, over there. I think I did that once or twice. I probably got too friendly with her. Anyway, she was really open telling me her concerns, complaining about stuff at work to me at first. But then, she just looked a me angrily if I talked to her. I was probably me shutting her down about that gross joke I didn't want to hear along with me teasing her a bit about something she didn't like. But I couldn't make up with her. I think I even tried at the end of Rahmadan and it didn't work. But my co-worker who became my bosses boss, a nice guy, said she treated other people that way, and when they had to let people go, they let certain people go first. In her role, though, it was really hard to find someone to replace her with her qualifications.

Usually, though, Javanese are nice and easy to get along with. I generally like them. I think Sundanese are a bit like Javanese, but maybe not quite as extreme with the politeness and face-saving. Batak wear their hearts on their sleeves and probably will tell you what they think. Chinese can be that way, too, but sometimes they absorb local culture of wherever they live. Betawi... I don't know really, probably more generic Indonesia, just a bit Javanese. Probably for most of the other tribes, they probably aren't as extreme as Javanese are about face-saving and as outspoken as Batak are, so I probably can't really stereotype them.
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Re: Cultural Characteristics

Post by galii »

Cold climate cultures have no time for bullshit. The reason they are formally correct is to make things work easier. The cold makes you tough.

Filippinos know they live in kind of *paradies' so they think if you don't smile something is wrong with you. Why would you not smile when you live in 'paradies' where there is no cold to kill you? At least you can fake it idiot.
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Re: Cultural Characteristics

Post by publicduende »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 2:15 pm
Filipino's have always struck me as being ultra fake as hell with all their
I'm always positive no matter what" attitude. I hate that, and then they expect you to never display any negative traits I'm like "f**k you, get the hell out of here. I'm negative sometimes, deal with it." As for the being born into the wrong culture it's possible to feel this way, but in the case a lot of blacks they want the entire world to be BLACKNESS or try to claim they invented and created everything.
Like most cultures with a long colonial history, Filipinos have massive identity and self-respect issues. The very educated and wealthy elite will have studied abroad and travelled extensively. They know enough about the world out there enough to hate and self-alienate from their own home culture, to an extent which, to a foreign observer like me, feels unhealthy. They can't stop complaining about the poverty, the corruption, the inaction, the shitty habits, the junk food. They say they can't wait to leave Manila to go to possibly any other world destination because it's inherently "so much better than this shithole".

Yet - and this is where the hyocrisy lies - they are deeply entrenched in the system they hate: they are the ones who can afford paying little or no tax, they use their connections all the times to receive privileges and get ahead of any queue, their businesses pay less than minimum wage, with no benefits. They complain about the Philippines not being civilised but, in any civilised country with a strong rule of law, they would be in jail within a year. In Naples they have a very effective saying to describe them: "chiagne e fotte"...cries and f***s.

The vast working class is completely oblivious of the world out there. They perceive living in a world that is designed to screw them at every turn and favour the tiny ruling elite on top, yet, perhaps by a caricature of the American dream, many of them revere the elite because they secretly aspire, hope to become like them. Every TV series is about an upper class family where everybody is good looking, fair-skinned and live in a large house full of light. Every TV show is about winning money for simply sitting there, smiling and being lucky.

To both of these categories, to display their negative traits would mean "lose face". Both the ruling and the slave classes prefer to keep their respective appearances up. After all, the former know that they are far luckier living in their privileged shithole than in a proper democratic country, where they would have to pay 50% taxes and their lifestyle wouldn't have nearly as many elite-status privileges. The latter feel they are deep to their scalps into the gutter, yet trust their ability to navigate around the sewage and, as soon as they have some extra cash, jump on yet another Ponzi scheme, hoping to turn their lives around.
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Re: Cultural Characteristics

Post by 88jose88 »

The Dutch are cold and reserved in the north,and I notice they don't make sincere friends.

Americans tend to be twofaced.As are the dutch.maybe it's a white thing?

I don't trust any white person as the murican injuns said white man speaketh with forked tongue.
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Re: Cultural Characteristics

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

88jose88 wrote:
January 18th, 2024, 2:54 pm
The Dutch are cold and reserved in the north,and I notice they don't make sincere friends.

Americans tend to be twofaced.As are the dutch.maybe it's a white thing?

I don't trust any white person as the murican injuns said white man speaketh with forked tongue.
So as the Germans. Very socially closed off and narrow minded or two of them are alright, but some are mute and some are assholes. I met several of them during online gaming in the past.

Yes, I notice that some White Americans are good liars and quite dubious. Other white Americans are willfully ignorant, cliquish and politically correct maggots.

I don't know about dutch men or dutch women. They seem to be alright.. but I can't really explain it, but I feel the Dutch white people
doesn't have high standards, bit shoddy, scammy, disingenuous, and shallow kind of people. Based on my observation on youtube and others.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Cultural Characteristics

Post by 88jose88 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 18th, 2024, 4:03 pm
88jose88 wrote:
January 18th, 2024, 2:54 pm
The Dutch are cold and reserved in the north,and I notice they don't make sincere friends.

Americans tend to be twofaced.As are the dutch.maybe it's a white thing?

I don't trust any white person as the murican injuns said white man speaketh with forked tongue.
So as the Germans. Very socially closed off and narrow minded or two of them are alright, but some are mute and some are assholes. I met several of them during online gaming in the past.

Yes, I notice that some White Americans are good liars and quite dubious. Other white Americans are willfully ignorant, cliquish and politically correct maggots.

I don't know about dutch men or dutch women. They seem to be alright.. but I can't really explain it, but I feel the Dutch white people
doesn't have high standards, bit shoddy, scammy, disingenuous, and shallow kind of people. Based on my observation on youtube and others.
disengenious?for sure.dutch people also are obsessed with their image over integrity,kind of like thais.
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