What It Means To Be A Good Father

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Re: What It Means To Be A Good Father

Post by MrMan »

Tsar wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 8:21 am
@MrMan It's almost like you support wealth inequality and neo-serfdom.

Some people are natural aristocrats and not suited to mundane work.

Also, before 1600, everyone owned their own business. Corporations shouldn't exist and wouldn't if it wasn't for the United States deciding to treat them as "legal persons" after slavery was abolished in the aftermath of the Civil War.

America is responsible for destroying this world more than the Industrial Revolution did, and then the Jews escalated their destruction in the World Wars and the aftermath of the World Wars, this we have the world that exists today.

I was watching a video yesterday, which I think quoted Sowell, the aged economist. It said that the left cared about complaining about the ills of the poor, but it didn't care about what actually improved the lives of the poor, except on the rare occasion that it could find a piece of evidence that supported the idea that leftist policies had benefited the poor. But it has been able to weave this myth that leftist policies have actually benefited the poor.

I think there is some truth to that. Don't you just want to complain about the evils of corporations, or do you care to actually examine whether the system we have now has actually helped raise people out of poverty? Throughout the 20th century to the present, most of the world's countries have participated to some extent in a free market system that has corporations and somewhat free trade. During that time, multitudes have been pulled out of poverty as economies have developed.

Greed is a problem, and if corporations are going to get their existence from the state, the state may need to reign them in a bit. Allowing the existence of corporations is an infringement upon a free market system, IMO. So is requiring doctor's to be licensed and handling that through an independent medical association. These associations may work in their own financial interests to the detriment of the public, but are propped up by government laws. Copyrights and other forms of IP protection are government interference in a free market system, so the government may have to keep regulating them to keep them in line with the public good.

A moral person cares about the poor and wants to share. Should we put all that responsibility onto the state? One of the problems is when rulers in the state have evil agendas and are given more money to manage. We see this also with corporations who want to engage in 'corporate social responsibility.' So they use their shareholder's money to support evil social agendas, or just radical agendas that may be moving society in an direction that is not beneficial.

Political economy is a messy business. But do you have a whole well-thought-out system to replace what we have with? The idea put forth on this forum that people don't work but have a right to food and travel... that's not going to work. Why wouldn't most of us just eat and travel if it's a right? Then who is going to farm, cook the food, and work on the airplanes and in the hotels.

Able-bodied people need to work and need to have an incentive to work to have any kind of sensible economic system. We can all try to do our best to be productive in a way that is well-suited to our desires and interests within whatever constraints we have.

If you want to go with a slightly left-wing perspective on economics, consider the fact that the Labor Party in the UK endorsed Rawlsian ethics when it comes to the economy. Rawls argued that if you were conscious before being born and could choose what kind of world you would be born into, but not who you would be, you would choose a world with basic human rights, and the world where the bottom rung had it pretty good. So Rawlsian approaches to ethics when it comes to economics allows for there to be a great disparity between the rich and the poor as long as the average person on the bottom rung of the economy has it pretty well.

In the US, there are poor people, but a lot of them are able to eat, have TVs, cell phones, and microwave ovens. If homeless is the bottom rung, that's pretty rough, and that has been a growing problem. A lot of the homeless have substance abuse problems, and some of them did bring it on themselves by their own choices even if some of them have weaknesses towards addiction that others do not have. Other people on the street may have mental problems, health problems, or a series of really difficult problems stacked up and left them unable to afford a place to live.
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Re: What It Means To Be A Good Father

Post by Pixel--Dude »

fschmidt wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 3:51 pm
1. Encourage your kids to think. Get them toys and puzzles like lego and Thinkfun.
2. Keep them off of electronics. No video games, no internet, no smartphone, no TV.
3. Do not send them to public school. Private school or home school. And make sure that 90% of work is pen and paper, not computers.
4. Do scripture readings with your kids (Bible, Quran, or whatever) and discuss it with them. This teaches morality.
5. Give them freedom to play. Don't fill their time with work.

I did those. But here is one I didn't do: Move to a place where modern culture doesn't dominate, like an Anabaptist area. When kids become teens, they absorb the surrounding culture like a sponge. Modern culture is poison, so avoid it.
I think this is a good list. I agree with all the points aside from 4. I don't think scripture is necessary for the dissemination of morals and ethics, but in the case of raising in child in principle I agree that morality and ethics are an important end, it's just the means I disagree with. But if the end result is the same then it makes no difference.

It's pretty difficult these days I think to find a place to raise kids free from the many influences of modern culture. As a father to a 6 year old little girl it worries me that she might be influenced by some of the more toxic facets of society.

How old are your kids now? Do you feel your child has adequately adopted the values you've tried to instill into them, despite the many negative influences of modern society? And don't worry you don't have to answer anybody these if they are too personal. I'm just curious.

@MrMan what about you and your kids? Same questions as posed to fschmidt.

And how about you @MarcosZeitola?
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Re: What It Means To Be A Good Father

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 8th, 2024, 3:38 am
fschmidt wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 3:51 pm
1. Encourage your kids to think. Get them toys and puzzles like lego and Thinkfun.
2. Keep them off of electronics. No video games, no internet, no smartphone, no TV.
3. Do not send them to public school. Private school or home school. And make sure that 90% of work is pen and paper, not computers.
4. Do scripture readings with your kids (Bible, Quran, or whatever) and discuss it with them. This teaches morality.
5. Give them freedom to play. Don't fill their time with work.

I did those. But here is one I didn't do: Move to a place where modern culture doesn't dominate, like an Anabaptist area. When kids become teens, they absorb the surrounding culture like a sponge. Modern culture is poison, so avoid it.
I think this is a good list. I agree with all the points aside from 4. I don't think scripture is necessary for the dissemination of morals and ethics, but in the case of raising in child in principle I agree that morality and ethics are an important end, it's just the means I disagree with. But if the end result is the same then it makes no difference.

It's pretty difficult these days I think to find a place to raise kids free from the many influences of modern culture. As a father to a 6 year old little girl it worries me that she might be influenced by some of the more toxic facets of society.

How old are your kids now? Do you feel your child has adequately adopted the values you've tried to instill into them, despite the many negative influences of modern society? And don't worry you don't have to answer anybody these if they are too personal. I'm just curious.

@MrMan what about you and your kids? Same questions as posed to fschmidt.

And how about you @MarcosZeitola?
We have two kids we have in home/electronic school. The others go to a state university. So we don't forbid devices. They have an online curriculum. We cracked down on one of the kids because we saw her online activity, and took her out of public school because of that. The pro-child-castration movement is crazy in the schools these days, too. There are a bunch of kids who are confused now because of how it is promoted on TikTok, TV, radio, etc.

We read the Bible and pray together just about every night. It's a little difficult to do that the same way as we did with two children working and another one about to get a job.
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Re: What It Means To Be A Good Father

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
March 13th, 2024, 7:52 am

We have two kids we have in home/electronic school. The others go to a state university. So we don't forbid devices. They have an online curriculum. We cracked down on one of the kids because we saw her online activity, and took her out of public school because of that. The pro-child-castration movement is crazy in the schools these days, too. There are a bunch of kids who are confused now because of how it is promoted on TikTok, TV, radio, etc.

We read the Bible and pray together just about every night. It's a little difficult to do that the same way as we did with two children working and another one about to get a job.
I agree with you. My kid is six years old and one time when I picked her up a few months ago she asked me how can we tell if someone is a boy or a girl. I told her to tell me if she thinks various family members are boys or girls. I also told her if you stand up to pee you're a boy and if you sit down to pee you're a girl :lol:

Thankfully my ex, the kids mum, agrees with me that this woke leftist bullshit is harmful for children rather than conducive. It seems to be less about raising awareness and more about trying to promote that kind of lifestyle where you can just choose to be a girl if being a boy is too hard.

As for prayer, obviously I don't believe any of that stuff so I don't talk to my kid about religion. Though I do try to share important values I think she will understand. For example the importance of showing kindness to others, but at the same time defending yourself against bullies if necessary etc.
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Re: What It Means To Be A Good Father

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 14th, 2024, 4:46 am
I told her to tell me if she thinks various family members are boys or girls. I also told her if you stand up to pee you're a boy and if you sit down to pee you're a girl :lol:
My kids are older, but we've discussed the LGBT agenda during our Bible study times, and I believe this has staved off the indoctrination into this bizarre agenda of evil idiocy. The two youngest are homeschooled, but they have all been to public school.

As for the peeing thing, that might work on a little girl, but if you told a little boy that, he might ask if he's a girl if he pees while he's taking a dump. :lol: Especially with all the confusion they are promoting with the kids in school.
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Re: What It Means To Be A Good Father

Post by calmlife »

Theres's no a perfect father but always showing up for your children will be.
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