Negro Riots in Baltimore

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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

Yohan wrote: ... 16804.html
New York City man charged in shooting of police officer

May 3, 2015 7:15 PM

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A man sought for illegal gun possession was charged on Sunday with the attempted murder of a New York City plainclothes police officer who was shot in the head while in an unmarked car, authorities said.

Officer Brian Moore, 25, was in critical but stable condition at Jamaica Hospital, a spokeswoman for the New York Police Department said.

Arrested in Saturday's shooting in the New York borough of Queens was Demetrius Blackwell, 35, of Queens.

Police said Blackwell shot at Moore and another officer early on Saturday evening as the officers were sitting in their unmarked car in a middle-class Queens neighborhood, police said.

The officers had been trying to question Blackwell, who has an extensive criminal background, after they saw him seeming to adjust an object in his waistband, police said.

Blackwell pulled out a gun and fired several times into the vehicle, police said, adding that the officers did not have a chance to get out of the car or return fire.

Blackwell was charged on Sunday with two counts of first-degree attempted murder as well as aggravated assault on a police officer, first degree assault and weapon possession.

He was ordered held without bail.

"Last night’s shooting once again reminds us of the dangers that our police officers face each day," Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said in a statement.

If convicted, Blackwell faces the possibility of 25 years to life in prison.

Police said Blackwell was wanted on outstanding charges including grand larceny, criminal possession of a weapon and menacing.

The shooting took place five months after the fatal ambush of two uniformed New York City police officers in Brooklyn.

The gunman in that case had said he wanted to avenge the deaths of black men killed in confrontations with white officers.

The shooting of Moore, who is white, initially sparked concern it was a replay of the Brooklyn murders. It occurred as tensions are running high in Baltimore over the death last month of a black man from injuries sustained while in police custody.

But asked if the suspect expressed any anti-police sentiment, Police Commissioner William Bratton said there was no indication of that. "We haven't identified any activity on his part whatsoever on social media," he told reporters.

Moore is the fifth New York City officer shot in five months, police said.

New York policeman dies two days after shooting
4 May 2015
From the section US & Canada

A plainclothes policeman has died two days after he was shot in the head in New York City, officials say.

Brian Moore, 25, was shot on Saturday while attempting to question a suspect from an unmarked police car in the borough of Queens.

Officials said he died from his injuries on Monday at Jamaica Hospital, where he was taken after the shooting.

Demitrius Blackwell, 36, was arrested soon after the incident and has since been charged on several counts.

Moore is the fifth police officer to be shot - and the third to be killed - in New York in the past three months.

"Our hearts are heavy today as we mourn the loss of Police Officer Brian Moore," he said.

Police said Mr Moore and his partner Erik Janssen were in an unmarked car when they saw a man adjust something on his belt.

Suspecting he was carrying a gun, the officers approached him. Blackwell pulled out a gun and fired several times at the vehicle, they added.

Blackwell was recently paroled after serving seven years in prison for attempted murder and reportedly has a history of assaulting police officers.

Demitrius Blackwell was charged on Sunday with attempted murder, although more serious charges are now likely

In December, two officers were shot dead in their car in New York by a man who then committed suicide. The gunman in that case had posted anti-police messages on social media but there is no indication of a similar motive in the latest shooting.

It comes amid heightened tensions in the US over the police's use of force, with riots sparked last week in Baltimore after the death of a black man in police custody.

Six police officers are facing criminal charges over the death of Freddie Gray, which has been ruled a homicide. They deny any wrongdoing.
Straw man.

BlackManFromEngland has position X.
Yohan presents position Y (which is a wrong version of X).
Yohan attacks position Y.
Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by travelsouth »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote:
travelsouth wrote:
The wrote:
You were the one who started off on a tangent about how we are generalizing all black people....Not the thread again....
So you are taking it personally that this thread is full of generalizations about black people? You want to make sure we know you aren't the one doing it? That still means the thread is full of BS. Simply the title of the thread gives it away as the equivalent would have been "Crackas indicted in white collar crime ring".

But it's not on you. The forum moderator/owner has to decide if he wants all races to feel welcome around here. There is a difference between criticism and throwing an entire race under the bus. You have to decide what side of the line you want to walk on. The same is true about women. You can criticize culture, but you have to decide what side of the line you want to walk on. The amount of hate online about women (especially in the men going their own way) borders beyond criticism and into hate. I don't see a lot of value in that.

I can have a drink with a black guy. I can find a gringa to hook up with if need be, but I do prefer the Latinas from down south. I can criticism women. I can even criticize the black community without throwing everyone under the bus.
Tha face of black woman can turn me on. White women have to naked to have the same effect.

Sure if all white women were as attractive as Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Sharon stone (Circa 1992) Ursula andress (Circa 1962) then all the white women lovers may have a point when they bleat about how fine white women. And if all Latin women were as attractive as Adrianna Lima or Eva Mendes, then you may have a point about how fine Latin women are.

Truth is : Most white women look like this


Not this


Most Latin Women look like this


Not this


Most white women and Latin women I see on a daily basis are average. Problem is the media pushes these exceptions as if they all look like that.
It's all relative. Go stay around Zona T and it's latina model types all day. Works fine for me.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by The »

travelsouth wrote:
BlackGuyFromEngland wrote:
travelsouth wrote:
The wrote:
You were the one who started off on a tangent about how we are generalizing all black people....Not the thread again....
So you are taking it personally that this thread is full of generalizations about black people? You want to make sure we know you aren't the one doing it? That still means the thread is full of BS. Simply the title of the thread gives it away as the equivalent would have been "Crackas indicted in white collar crime ring".

But it's not on you. The forum moderator/owner has to decide if he wants all races to feel welcome around here. There is a difference between criticism and throwing an entire race under the bus. You have to decide what side of the line you want to walk on. The same is true about women. You can criticize culture, but you have to decide what side of the line you want to walk on. The amount of hate online about women (especially in the men going their own way) borders beyond criticism and into hate. I don't see a lot of value in that.

I can have a drink with a black guy. I can find a gringa to hook up with if need be, but I do prefer the Latinas from down south. I can criticism women. I can even criticize the black community without throwing everyone under the bus.
Tha face of black woman can turn me on. White women have to naked to have the same effect.

Sure if all white women were as attractive as Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Sharon stone (Circa 1992) Ursula andress (Circa 1962) then all the white women lovers may have a point when they bleat about how fine white women. And if all Latin women were as attractive as Adrianna Lima or Eva Mendes, then you may have a point about how fine Latin women are.

Truth is : Most white women look like this


Not this


Most Latin Women look like this


Not this


Most white women and Latin women I see on a daily basis are average. Problem is the media pushes these exceptions as if they all look like that.
It's all relative. Go stay around Zona T and it's latina model types all day. Works fine for me.
Meh....Ive seen better looking girls outside my door than the ones posted...
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by Wolfeye »

BlackGuyInEngland: I can't accurately say that I've never encountered any problems with black people. I've fought blacks numerous times (and pretty much everyone else- I only started maybe two of them in my life). That said, most of the backstabbing has had been from a white guy. Also, I've found that blacks at least tend to start fights straight-on.

The tendancy toward all kinds of passive-agressive pissy-ness, the weird abstract bullshit (blaming you in someone else's place, for instance- a thing I figure is a contributing factor to why a lot of serial killers seem to be white guys), the shit-stirring from behind a shield (acting in an antagonizing way while acting like they've got a skin-tight force field on- because if you hit/contact them they'll scream "assault" or at least use the prospect as a shield), and the loyalty to their shit rather than people- all that is quite disturbing to me.

I don't figure it's a genetic thing, but I do figure it's common enough (in America) that I've somewhat lost faith in my own race a little bit. Of course, someone almost invariably asks where this was or makes the point that this might be a regional thing or something like that & it very well may be- but I've run into things time after time to the point where I figure I'm not "of our own" with other races & I'm not able to trust my own very much.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by Moretorque »

BlackGuy is throwing down, I bet Cornfed is intimidated, he won't ever come out again.
Last edited by Moretorque on May 26th, 2015, 3:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by Moretorque »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote:
Yohan wrote: Freddie Gray was a gangster and up to his death involved in about 20 criminal cases, he was arrested many times.
I have a pop quiz for you.

Can you name one young white victim of violence who has been publicly humiliated or degraded by tens of thousands of African Americans online or by key African-American journalists or newscasters ?

I’m waiting. Still waiting. Stumped ? I’ll give you a bonus question.

Can you name one white person, criminal or otherwise, that you’ve heard called a "thug" in the past, let’s say, 50 years ?

Even if you came up with an obscure name or two, you have to admit that you’re dealing with a pretty short list.

Yet not only are African-American perpetrators of violence labeled as thugs, but so are victims.

Jeffrey Dahmer killed, raped, and dismembered at least 17 boys and men, but he was never called a thug. He was arrested.

Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols killed 168 people when they blew up the federal building in Oklahoma, but they were never called thugs. Both men were arrested.

Jared Loughner, who had a history of drug abuse, shot and killed six people and injured 13 more, including Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, but he was never called a thug. He was arrested.

James Holmes shot and killed 13 people in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, but he was never called a thug. He was peacefully arrested.

These five men, each notorious mass murderers, were given a level of respect and due process of the law rarely afforded to young black men.

But black men are always thugs and gangsters ?

Never mind that From 2010 to 2014, according to the ACLU, the BPD (Balitmore Police Dep) killed 31 people. In the state of Maryland as a whole :
  • Of those killed, 41% were unarmed.
    An unarmed Black person was ten times more likely to be killed by police than an unarmed White person.
    An unarmed Black person was more likely to be killed than even an armed White person.
    Only 2% of killer cops were charged with a crime
From 2012 to July 2014, the city received 3,048 complaints of police misconduct. Even the police themselves admit that 1,203 or 39% of these complaints are true – about two a day. But even of the 1,203 cases the police admit to, most will probably never go to court – because citizens fear the police, because the civilian review board is toothless. From 2011 to 2014, the city settled 102 cases for $5.7 million. That does not count the $5.8 million it spent defending itself in court. The cost – and punishment – is passed on to taxpayers.

Don't you think that 5.8 mill could be spent ? Yet the president of the BPD police union blamed such cases on lawyers and “criminal elements” taking advantage of the courts ?

Even though amongst the “criminals” were :
  • a 15-year-old boy riding a dirt bike,
    a 26-year-old pregnant accountant who had witnessed a beating,
    a 50-year-old woman selling church raffle tickets,
    a 65-year-old church deacon rolling a cigarette and
    an 87-year-old grandmother helping her wounded grandson.
This is Venus Green lived. She's 87.


She tried to stop a police officer from searching her house without a warrant. He shoved her against the wall and she hit the wooden floor. He stood over her and said:

“Bitch, you ain’t no better than any of the other old black bitches I have locked up.”

He arrested her and broke her shoulder while putting her in handcuffs. They said she was a hooker and that she attacked him. Yup - An 87 year old women attacked a fully armed Police Officer 40 years her junior. Because even though she was 87 and woman. She is black and in the white imaginiation she has superhuman negro strength.

She settled with the city for $95,000 (O, n don't be thinking "Well look the system works, if the Police do wrong justice will prevail !!!!!!") she got the money, on condition that she does not talk to the press about it. The city and police say they did nothing wrong – and yet will not talk to the press either. What we know comes from court records.

O, n even when the city has to pay, the officer is often “exonerated” by the findings of the internal affairs department. That would be the same internal affairs department that did nothing when two officers beat up Abdul Salaam after a traffic stop. Three weeks later those same two officers beat up Tyrone West after a traffic stop – and killed him.


But of course they are all gangster and thugs. Right ? And the Police do nothing wrong. Right ? And why are these blacks rioting. right ? And remember these are the only ones we know of. There many we don't know of. The police break bones, cause organ failure and death. Their two favourite excuses:

“I feared for my life.”
“He was resisting arrest.”

And you believe it, because it fits into your narrative of the violent angry criminal black person. Much of Black Baltimore is a police state where the US Constitution no longer seems to apply.

Do you believe America should have constitutional law ?
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