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Blue Murder
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Post by Blue Murder »

And why did somebody link that film in response to something I wrote? That is a movie I'm very interested in seeing, but I fail to see the correlation.
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Post by Jester »

djfourmoney wrote:
Jester wrote:
djfourmoney wrote: Stop saying Black People can be racist when it as NO IMPACT ON YOU DIRECTLY. For every White child or Man/Woman that is beaten up by a group of Black or Brown people, how many hundreds of thousands never made the voyage across the seas to the new world and died at sea? How does the French get away with making the Haitians pay for the revolution that kicked out the French? When is the legacy of debt servitude (Haitian Revolution) and Slavery going to be dealt with, without people like you avoiding the responsibility?

We aren't equal, what fantasy land do you live in -
You are balancing today's transgressions with the outrages of two to four centuries ago.

Think about it.
Because debt servitude was not only used on Haitians, but South Americans since the 1950's. Read Diary of an Economic Hitman. Argentina stood up against the terrorist bankers and said we're not paying our debts. The investor/banker class said "Aarh, you can't do that, we'll never loan you another dime." Today Argentina is one of the fastest growing economies in South America, so much for bankster terrorist threats....

Again I love these deflection tactics from people that believe issues from even 40 years ago have no barring on today. Think about it? I have thought about it. Are Black People self-destructive to a certain degree? Yes, but no more self-destructive as Whites, yet look how the media shapes the debate. About the time LBJ signed into law the 14th Amendment, the stories of Black Welfare mothers with Cadillac started to appear on the news, that hardly happen by accident.

I'm sort of done with this subject because as I've said ignorance is bliss when it comes to deep cultural issues that nobody wants to come to terms with but then a riot happens in London and people start saying "That's embracing Black Culture" even when its pointed out the majority of the destruction was carried out by White kids.

Or how about the fact that Occupy Oakland which has more Black Activist involved in it than the other movements has gotten such a militaristic response from the mayor and police departments. Never mind there's a history of law enforcement problems in Oakland one of the more recent national outrages is Oscar Grant.

The problem is so systemic you don't even see it half the time. The truth is, I grew up Middle Class by White Standards and didn't experience much racism directly but it doesn't mean I didn't experience any. Unlike many of you however I have been exposed to the powerless feeling that most Black People feel, especially around societal and political issues. There is great despair among minorities, however this reality didn't come home to roost until the economic crisis and caught a majority of White America in the pain that is all too familiar to Black and Brown America.

That is why I keep coming back to solving other cultural issues as Feminism start with solving the grander inequality issues that dog us constantly.

If you don't agree fine, if you want me to stop blaming "Whitey" fine, but that is not what I am doing, so asking me to stop doing something I am not doing is incorrect.

I do get some of what you are saying.

I guess you don't want someone picking out Black criminals as being typical. Maybe I misunderstood. I trust you understand that I wouldn't be keen on anyone justifying hate crimes today against innocent Whites because of what some totally unrelated White did long ago - or more recently.

I do agree that Blacks get picked on by cops and others in various ways, I think it's whoever they think they can get away with picking on. I've seen poor Whites mistreated as well. Likewise with payday loans, lousy schools, government-funded family breakup, etc.

As you point out, one can tire of batting around this kind of issue.
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Post by zboy1 »

Blue Murder wrote:
djfourmoney wrote:I only bring it up because its the core of equality but if your not Black you've been taught by Anglo societies to not be concerned with it, until its time to vote anyway... Then more conservative politicians will tout fiscal responsibility (in cutting social programs) and that "some" don't pay any taxes at all, which is conflation of the truth, you cheer and pull the lever without either asking WHY yourself or forcing the media to ask WHY....

There en-lies the disconnect. You may not personally feel racist but your actions speak louder than words.

The Men's movement won't be united because Men ourselves are not united on issue, after issue, after issue. Some rather put push all those issues aside and focus on Feminism. Okay, we can go that route but then we always, always, ALWAYS come back to ECONOMICS....

So until we tackle equality and the pursuit of it is not invalid at all, but a life long struggle, recognize that it will solve so many other problems at the same time, then this movement will never gain widespread approval or the diversity it needs to make it valid.

Women's movement succeeded because it was diverse (all types of Women, rich, poor, working, white, black, yellow, etc, even men). The fact it was co-op'ed later is really not a concern and a diversion in the grand scheme of things. They became powerful enough for the powers that be to try and successfully co-op it. This phony concern with national security agencies monitoring the Men's movement is fallacy at best. When you've been taken to a Fusion Center, have a GPS tracker on your car and have your phones tapped let me know.

I thought this was about gaining respect, the fact that you are a productive member of society should be judged as "Good Enough" and you should be concerned by 80% of the available single women.

As you correctly state this starts with you from the moment you get up in the morning. Well when I get up in the morning, I don't see don't have a problem with men of different races we face the same issues and its equality at the core of it, to say its something else is false and no alternative will solve this problem.
Don't try to twist what I said. Just stop talking about it! I don't care about civil rights this, and understanding that. Just. Shut. UP! You're two seconds away from being a very sad person -- that is, when I go on my equal-opportunity racial rant.

You're a grown-man. Come on now. I accepted racism when I still pissed myself; understood it and everything. It bothered me at first, but I eventually learned to shrug it off. It's apart of life. And instead of whining about it, why not do something to solve the problem?

To put it simply, either solve it, or shut it.
As a new member of this forum, I don't think you have the right to dictate to the members here what they can or cannot discuss on this forum. I don't know if your aware, but we do talk about a lot of issues regarding race on this forum. A lot of the stuff we talk about would never be discussed in public or on most other forums for fear of reprimand or political correctness. If you don't like what is being discussed on a particular thread than you can choose to ignore it and spend your time on other threads you find interesting.
Blue Murder
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Post by Blue Murder »

zboy1 wrote:As a new member of this forum, I don't think you have the right to dictate to the members here what they can or cannot discuss on this forum. I don't know if your aware, but we do talk about a lot of issues regarding race on this forum. A lot of the stuff we talk about would never be discussed in public or on most other forums for fear of reprimand or political correctness. If you don't like what is being discussed on a particular thread than you can choose to ignore it and spend your time on other threads you find interesting.
Shut the f**k up. I have a right regardless of my time spent here. Hey -- I have a LIFE unlike most of you lot. How old are you, mate? You're in your 40s, aren't ya? I'm half that age and had a levelled-head regarding racism when I still believed in Santa Claus . . . then I turned 5. So, in a crazy sense, a five-year-old has more logical sense than you.

f**k it. I'm a feminist now. I cannot be around stupidity. That shit is contagious.
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Post by fschmidt »

Blue Murder wrote:And why did somebody link that film in response to something I wrote? That is a movie I'm very interested in seeing, but I fail to see the correlation.
The main point of the movie was to condemn the rising incivility in America.
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Post by davewe »

fschmidt wrote:
Blue Murder wrote:And why did somebody link that film in response to something I wrote? That is a movie I'm very interested in seeing, but I fail to see the correlation.
The main point of the movie was to condemn the rising incivility in America.
Poor irony that a thread about the anger and nastiness on HA had broken down into a series of angry and nasty comments.
Ned Zeppelin
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Re: I couldn't agree more!

Post by Ned Zeppelin »

djfourmoney wrote:
Ned Zeppelin wrote:
djfourmoney wrote:
polya wrote:
boycottamericanwomen wrote:Jesus Christ. ANOTHER GODDAMN MANGINA.

Hey, if you are too much of a p***y to fight for men's rights and try to save men from feminism, that's YOUR problem. But stop criticizing men who ARE DOING SOMETHING.

You are proof that the older generation of men are 90 percent manginas and hate younger men so much that you think we young men have no right to defend ourselves or try to save other men.

You older men are JUST AS MUCH THE ENEMY as the feminists.

You're also an extremely selfish bastard. You don't care about anyone but yourself and you don't want to spend any time trying to help save others.

Just f***ing hurry up and drop dead, you old bastard. We younger men are going to fix the mess that YOUR GENERATION created.

Really, how dare you. You older men created this feminism bullshit, and then you turn around and HATE on us younger men for not tolerating it? f**k you, hurry up and drop dead. You would be more useful as fertilizer in my garden.
I couldn't agree more! Men have to unite like women did in the 1960s to change society back to how it was before in terms of women not having all the right to kick out her man & get "mommy" support so she doesn't have to work again. Re-open women's work houses & put these bitches in them - that'll change their tune!
Only that is not going to happen Polya and I have outlined WHY. You have a disgruntled American, who is among many disgruntled White American men who believe again that Feminism is the biggest threat to humanity. When radical feminist feel they have to pick up weapons or bombs to get their point across call me. Having the ear of politicians who are largely White Males throughout Western Culture and the fact that 70% of home related purchases are made by Women is enough political/economic power for them.

NOW is largely disorganized but very organized and powerful compared to any male related movement. I've also said one of the bigger problems is this gun-ho John Wayne attitude many Americans, Canadian and Brits have. Instead of asking why, you automatically trust your President even if he's a moron and want to shoot up Brown people not only in far flung countries people have never heard of or can find on a map, but even harassing locals who may or may not even be Afghan or Iraqi.... Just because the media chooses not to cover it doesn't mean harassment of people that aren't even Muslims continue...

So that means the lizard brained men can't be corralled until the economic crisis is solved. Plus a majority of them are anti-immigrant as well and that shit doesn't help.

Other men are economically paralyzed. What is discussed here is topically fringe and not mainstream at all, so many either don't see a problem or see a problem but don't want to join any movement for fear of being ostracized by the rest of society especially women...

Who does that leave? That's why this movement is tiny at best. WE CAN'T AGREE ON ANYTHING accept there is a problem. If equality is the problem you solve the equality issue FIRST.

Not getting equal fairness in family court is a equality issue, saying its something else is incorrect.

Attacking Lilly Ledbetter doesn't solve the issue of stagnant wages and job losses for mostly men.

All these misguided attacks are based on not understanding or not wanting to the understand the underline problem = Equality
"Equality" is a pedulum. It is always swayed to one side or another so essentially, nothing in life will ever be equal. Equality caused this problem in the first place so I doubt that it will fix it but I may be wrong.
So what your saying is that everything was fine when Women couldn't vote and Black People were 2nd class citizens? So the continued pursuit of equalization is not valid?

Yes life will be equal when people like you stop condoning it as a natural human reaction, there is no scientific proof of that premise and much like saying racism is natural among humans, is laughable. No you tolerate it as OKAY period because if your White its not one of your daily concerns.

This romanticism with a previous life which many of us were never apart frankly gets on my last nerve.

I thought this was modern society, too bad there still people in it with 19th Century thinking...
No, that is obviously not what I said. I am saying that it is impossible for everyone to be equal.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

djfourmoney wrote: I only bring it up because its the core of equality but if your not Black you've been taught by Anglo societies to not be concerned with it, until its time to vote anyway...
dude...get over are NOT EQUAL. "Equality" is another BIG LIE the Illuminati like to tell. When the declaration of independence says "all men are born equal" it is referring to their BIRTH RIGHTS.

We are "equal before the law" and THAT IS IT.


Apart from BIRTH RIGHTS we do not have EQUAL RIGHTS.

EQUAL RIGHTS is another BIG LIE that only the stupid can possibly believe. They are talking about EQUAL OUTCOMES and dressing that up as rights because greedy people will demand "rights" that are really privileges to produce outcomes beneficial to them.

And if you have not reclaimed your sovereignty YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. You are a slave.

And get over the idea of voting makes no difference.

And by the way? How many men here can even answer the questions where do rights come from, how do you claim them, how do you exercise them, how do you defend them.

I am with Blue. Men should STFU until they LEARN what it is they are talking about.

And civil rights are not rights either. They are civil privileges dressed up as "rights".
Last edited by PeterAndrewNolan on May 22nd, 2012, 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by boycottamericanwomen »

Yea voting is a f***ing joke. You might as well go into the voting booth and jerk off and blast your semen all over the voting paper, because that is about how much it is worth.
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Blue Murder
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Post by Blue Murder »

boycottamericanwomen wrote:Yea voting is a f***ing joke. You might as well go into the voting booth and jerk off and blast your semen all over the voting paper, because that is about how much it is worth.
Who wants to hear a joke?

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Post by davewe »

boycottamericanwomen wrote:Yea voting is a f***ing joke. You might as well go into the voting booth and jerk off and blast your semen all over the voting paper, because that is about how much it is worth.
Glad I'm not voting where you vote.
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Post by Jester »

davewe wrote:
boycottamericanwomen wrote:Yea voting is a f***ing joke. You might as well go into the voting booth and jerk off and blast your semen all over the voting paper, because that is about how much it is worth.
Glad I'm not voting where you vote.
Ned Zeppelin
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Post by Ned Zeppelin »

Isn't the way this thread turned out funny considering the title? lol
Blue Murder
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Post by Blue Murder »

bryansmit50 wrote:I went out and definitely desired up to now a international lady. I got on a aircraft and went there and met Winston too.
I went to a accommodation and just sent out information and it was so simple. I met most females.Many of them were hot.
Some guys have all the luck.
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Post by zboy1 »

bryansmit50 wrote:I went out and definitely desired up to now a international lady. I got on a aircraft and went there and met Winston too.
I went to a accommodation and just sent out information and it was so simple. I met most females.Many of them were hot.
What kind of nonsensical post is this? Winston, please ban this spammer immediately!
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