Jews invented PUA?

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Post by Repatriate »

IntoTheWild wrote:LOL That is exactly what I was thinking, isn't that the argument all you guys get about going overseas. Those 'feminazi's' say only losers go overseas..... haha now I get the same shit. Brilliant.

If your innocent little sweet virgin mary, mother teresa girl from the Philippines is so pure and innocent like gold, then you shouldn't have to worry about her cheating on you with me.


If you think every girl overseas is some pure saint, or that there are only two types, saints and whores, no in-between, black and white, you got some simple mind. Yeah keep telling guys that..... all those Billions of girls over there, they're all pure as gold saints. Oh yeah. Right.
Who is saying all women are innocent virgins or whores? You seem to be arguing against non-existent arguments that people aren't making. So far you're the only person i've seen making unequivocal statements about all women being promiscuous deep down and that it's normal for your Chinese girl from some hillbilly province to be turning tricks at swingers clubs. :lol:

IntoTheWild wrote:
The fact that I had a 4 year loving relationship means nothing to you, because I wish to get better with women, and meet many before I settle down, you find that threatening instinctively... Only weak men find this threatening. Confident men do not.
Doth thine heart burst with joy and happiness at the sight of her getting railed by some sleazebag at a swinger joint? There's a reason why groups like that tend to have only nasty looking and acting people.
Last edited by Repatriate on November 26th, 2011, 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Repatriate »

IntoTheWild wrote:MAN, can you not think in any way other than black and white?

In your mind a woman is either a whore, or a mother teresa.... with no in-between.
That's just the thing. No one is saying this you f***ing idiot.
My girlfriend did some sexual experinentation with me, so she is automatically on the whore side. No in-between. So not, I am not arguing against non-existent arguments, you're simply stuck in black or white, this or that type thinking and it's irritating.
   [hawr, hohr or, often, hoor]
a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet.
verb (used without object)
to act as a whore.
to consort with whores.
verb (used with object)
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Post by Repatriate »

IntoTheWild wrote:We WENT to a swingers club, did I say anything about her f***ing a guy there? lol. You guys are messed.
Right. Don't backpedal and change the story now because you were all about her not being prudish and sexually open in your happy relationship on here.
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Post by Repatriate »

IntoTheWild wrote:I'm the idiot, meanwhile you are still continuing with the black and white thinking, non-stop.

Whore, Madonna, no in-between, what did I just say, or are you not capable of understanding. Is your brain not capable of understanding degrees of in-between?
There's degrees of inbetween and then there's attending swingers clubs to get cummed on by some balding salesman named Albert. :lol:
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Post by Repatriate »

IntoTheWild wrote:Yeah well, didn't happen. So your point is?
Quit lying and trying to change the story.


With me, she was open to threesomes with other girls, and swinging in swingers clubs. All because I was non-judgemental and open minded with her. This is a girl who wouldn't reveal that to you, because you'd now view her as a worthless whore , poor girl.
You're saying right here she was into swinging ie. an active participant and not just there for a look.
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Post by well-informed »

I don't get it with you and your posts lol. I say you're trolling or riling up controversy for no reason

You're claiming that most of us don't get how women think. Okay professor BUT WE ARE NOT AVERAGE BLIND MEN in the sense on how we think about women. We are NOT the norm of the average american p***y-whipped male who feeds the egos of dysfunctional western women. This is not a politically-correct forum, so we say things that are not mainstream, you dumbass

Most if not all experienced posters here WILL NOT MARRY the first piece of ass that is being given to them, heck most won't even marry at all. We have higher standards than that (whether it'd be marriage or not), you human bag of decomposing waste. So don't come here to the forum acting like a messiah and believing your doing us a favor by listening to your shit. You're basically telling us that we already know. Thanks for telling me the obvious "not all girls are saints", well no shit Sherlock Holmes.

Hi guys i'm IntotheWild i have the found the secrets on how to figure out women. Yayyy now listen and obey my teachings

You can bed 376 women and i can bed 7, do you think that makes me less masculine and more of a mangina than you haha please.

Do you think that the amount of p***y you get is the measure of who's masculine or who's the average mangina. If you really believe that which sounds
like you do, then you're coming from the wrong mindset in this forum.


If there's one thing i want you to leave with this post is this..... shut the f**k up already, your annoying, you post way too much, you think you're all that, quite frankly i'm getting tired of seeing the same stupid avatar being plastered all over the forum, etc.

Yours truly,
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Post by MrPeabody »

IntoTheWild wrote:
MrPeabody wrote:the "How to pick up girls" theme was reworked and framed as a "superior" technology using the pseudo science NLP and Hypnosis. This is just marketing flim flam.
Straw man, only a minority of PUAs buy into or sell NLP and Hypnosis. If you think you know everything about women, and psychology in general, then good for you. Nothing to learn then right?

I suppose you think women are exactly like men, just without penises, and they have no psychological differences from men. That's what you seem to be suggesting. There is 'nothing to know of'. So anything teaching it must be bullshit, it is just unknowable. Yes, SOME stuff is going to be bullshit. But not ALL info on that topic is going to be bullshit, unless there is nothing to know and you subscribe to the idea womens minds are biologically the same as men. I can see a creationist buying into that idea.

I, on the other-hand see women as biological creatures who have differences from men, that can be understood, and yet those differences are not always obvious to someone who prefers to keep a 'simple view' of things.

It is known by science that a womans brain is physiologically different from a mans. If you think there would be no measurable consequences of that, then you're deluded.

Oh yawn, another pretender.
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Post by DarrenFW »

Man this is silly. Why are we even discussing this? Ross Jeffries invented it. He was Jewish. So was David D'Angelo and Neil Strauss.
But they had no idea it would take off and guys would buy it.
Seriously, from what I heard, the whole thing was a bit of a lark.

The crap doesn't even work. You have keep going back and buying the new products just to keep up.
Its also necessary to follow ALL the steps so you do it correctly. And that way, you can have a pletora of women.

Mastery, that's what we're after not just once but time after time with LOTS of women.
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Post by lavezzi »

PUA is about manipulating women into wanting to have sex with you by tapping into their primal sexual instincts. These instincts originate from the earliest stages of human history when male-female relationships basically consisted of bouts of non-consensual sex. We've evolved since then and now we have (or should have) deeper relationships, yet our raw sexual urges remain. If you're a genuinely decent man and want to treat women well and with respect, you will be viewed as a potential romantic interest; their idea of having sex with you will be viewed as "making love". They're not interested in this, because they've been integrated into a society where they're held in such high esteem; put up on a pedestal if you will. Their humility diminishes as a result and along with it their capacity for and interest in loving relationships.

Women from outside the West are far more humble and may still reciprocate to PUA bullshit, but it's pointless because you can generate interest through normal healthy human interaction; as in actually getting to know one and other.
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Post by odbo »

pcg wrote:To the hateful anti-Semites who define being Jewish as being bad: You are ignorant and probably jealous. I've observed that accusation of Jews is usually out of jealousy. Don't be jealous and don't attack Judaism or any religion for that matter. There are many kinds of Jews. Your common Jew who rests on the Sabbath, keeps kosher or follows what he/she can from a sect of Judaism (there are at least three major ones) would probably be oblivious to your accusations of a conspiracy, be offended and want to get on with his/her life.

Just because a persons faith is Jewish, that does not in any way instill intentions to create how-to guides like PUA for the negativity you attribute, much less to have any kind of detrimental effect on society!

Keep in mind that anyone can convert to any sect of Judaism they want if they are willing to go through the necessary studying and testing. Ask yourself why hate what you could be and truly are not excluded from.

And regarding religion in general: I believe the same applies to Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. I believe the whole point of any religious system on a personal, non-institutional level is for spiritual growth, and that most people convert to Judaism from conviction and not to join a power club bent on world domination.

Hateful anti-semites? Semites are the Arabs! Jews hate Arabs and have gotten the rest of the world, (at least anyone who watches tv) to hate them as well. Now around the world whites, blacks, Asians, South Americans, and of course Jews hate Arabs for no reason!

Why are people angry with Jews? Take this "Pick up Artist" bullshit. They are turning our women into self-entitled whores and our men into bitches who will never become men. Nobody is jealous of the Jews. That is a ridiculous argument to make. If someone mentions war crimes committed by American soldiers in Afghanistan, or police brutality, would you say "You're just jealous of them."

One thing people don't seem to understand is that depraved people are never happy, regardless of how rich and successful they are! To be happy the first requirement is that you have to like yourself, and I know for a fact non of these Jews do. But it is easier to destroy than to create, and it is easier to conform to a methodology thousands of years old than it is to pick your own path in life.

Stopping a foreign tribe from mind-raping your family is not an act of hate, it is an act of love.

Everything good in this world is systemically being removed or perverted and when one investigates the cause, every single time a Jew is found at the root of the problem. This is not an accident, a criminal network hides behind what you claim is a peaceful religion no different from those of the goyim. Either come to grips with reality or f**k off, because you are no use to the human race defending criminals who'd like nothing better than to put us all through a meat-grinder.
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Post by FreeYourMind »

odbo wrote:
pcg wrote:To the hateful anti-Semites who define being Jewish as being bad: You are ignorant and probably jealous. I've observed that accusation of Jews is usually out of jealousy. Don't be jealous and don't attack Judaism or any religion for that matter. There are many kinds of Jews. Your common Jew who rests on the Sabbath, keeps kosher or follows what he/she can from a sect of Judaism (there are at least three major ones) would probably be oblivious to your accusations of a conspiracy, be offended and want to get on with his/her life.

Just because a persons faith is Jewish, that does not in any way instill intentions to create how-to guides like PUA for the negativity you attribute, much less to have any kind of detrimental effect on society!

Keep in mind that anyone can convert to any sect of Judaism they want if they are willing to go through the necessary studying and testing. Ask yourself why hate what you could be and truly are not excluded from.

And regarding religion in general: I believe the same applies to Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. I believe the whole point of any religious system on a personal, non-institutional level is for spiritual growth, and that most people convert to Judaism from conviction and not to join a power club bent on world domination.

Hateful anti-semites? Semites are the Arabs! Jews hate Arabs and have gotten the rest of the world, (at least anyone who watches tv) to hate them as well. Now around the world whites, blacks, Asians, South Americans, and of course Jews hate Arabs for no reason!

Why are people angry with Jews? Take this "Pick up Artist" bullshit. They are turning our women into self-entitled whores and our men into bitches who will never become men. Nobody is jealous of the Jews. That is a ridiculous argument to make. If someone mentions war crimes committed by American soldiers in Afghanistan, or police brutality, would you say "You're just jealous of them."

One thing people don't seem to understand is that depraved people are never happy, regardless of how rich and successful they are! To be happy the first requirement is that you have to like yourself, and I know for a fact non of these Jews do. But it is easier to destroy than to create, and it is easier to conform to a methodology thousands of years old than it is to pick your own path in life.

Stopping a foreign tribe from mind-raping your family is not an act of hate, it is an act of love.

Everything good in this world is systemically being removed or perverted and when one investigates the cause, every single time a Jew is found at the root of the problem. This is not an accident, a criminal network hides behind what you claim is a peaceful religion no different from those of the goyim. Either come to grips with reality or f**k off, because you are no use to the human race defending criminals who'd like nothing better than to put us all through a meat-grinder.
Your are one very aware man, Odbo. "Internet zionist commando" nails it. Having unlimited time to post their convoluted, smirking posts that always ignore or twist the actual issues is another of their characteristics.
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Re: Jews invented PUA?

Post by WilliamSmith »

LOL! Now this is an interesting find. I did a search to look for the best PUA stuff to see if there as a thread on that and found this.

Pretty sure I'm one of the most vociferously "virulently antisemitic" members of this forum, but nonetheless I'm taking the contrarian position here and saying that there's no problem at all with jewish guys learning and/or teaching PUA, and it's even a good thing.

At least as long as we're defining PUA as just the common sense skillsets we need to learn how to attract women, how to interact with women and make them happy, and of course get them into the sack (which is what all heterosexual women WANT men to do, you know, unless they're totally whacked out woke nuts or something, in which case you wouldn't want to anyway).

I essentially see the jew part of the matter like this:
Being a f***ing mentally twisted psychopathic with a satanic pedophile slave religion that teaches that goy have no souls and exist only to serve jews, and believing that your mutant/alien tribe has a messianic to subvert and conquer all gentile nations by destroying their traditional family values and institutions, while also playing goy against goy by starting and financing world wars and revolutions = bad.

Being an awesome stand-up guy teaching other frustrated/clueless/inexperienced men how to attract women so you can be happy and fulfilled (and so can the women) and also get laid = good.
You should be proud of yourself for doing something positive like that, even if you're kind of a f***ed up jew bastard like one of my best friends from the old days, who does drugs and goes off on periodic tirades about how he thinks he's losing his marbles. (I used to think that was just because of the drugs, but then when we found out he was jewish by blood, maybe he's like Bobby Fischer who was also freaking out thinking he was going crazy because of how schizo Yahweh's chosen tend to be as a genetic disorder.)

But also: No, jews didn't invent PUA because stuff about scoring with women and "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and stuff like that was around for a long time by gentile authors. But if they contributed more to the body of literature than normal, I still see that as a positive contribution (unless their stuff was worse than I realize). I'm not too crazy about the techniques of any of the jewish ones I can think of except David X, who I think is a great guy even if he's jewish, LOL, but it's still a worthwhile thing to do to help men learn how to attract and be successful with women.

But this just reminded me of another of my favorite jews besides my f***ed up jew bastard best friend and my huge (non-blood related) uncle who looks like a an even jewier version of Ray Jackson from Bloodsport: Joe Weider!! The Master Blaster, LOL! He used to write awesome manuals on how to be attractive and successful with women, as well as stuff about natural bodybuilding.

Obviously literature on seducing women and attraction has been around at least since the awesome memoirs of Casanova though. I have the whole hardback set (I think it's around 6 volumes, all big ones) and recommend those for guys who like reading about women, as well as some really amazing European history through the eyes of a totally remarkable individual.
@Outcast9428 I bet you would like the Memoirs of Casanova. Have you ever read them by any chance?
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Jews invented PUA?

Post by WilliamSmith »

MrPeabody wrote:
November 26th, 2011, 10:00 am
There was "how to pick up girl" books long before PUA. But, the "How to pick up girls" theme was reworked and framed as a "superior" technology using the pseudo science NLP and Hypnosis. This is just marketing flim flam. I would suggest just focusing on your right to be an intelligent consumer and prudently avoid people who will tend to sell you an inferior product and charge you several times what it is worth.
@MrPeabody You're smart (and antisemitic, like me), and I appreciate your Stock Trading as the Ideal Business thread, but I have to object to writing off the entire history of PUA literature as being a marketing scam or hyped product somehow: I bet most good stuff a lot of you guys can also get free floating around on PDF sites or something anyway.

Key issue, as I see it: How are men who are currently challenged in attracting women and leading women in conversation (as well as "closing the deal" and getting them in the sack) going to learn it, if they don't learn by reading some books about it (or theoretically having someone teach them)?
Some men do OK fumbling through interactions with women and winging it (and an even smaller number are "naturals"), but a lot of those guys f**k up their relationships later or get cheated on because they didn't put enough effort into learning how women tick (so to speak), so they also could've benefited by reading the literature on this subject.
But frustrated confused/inexperienced men should read as much as they can on this subject, so they have more perspectives and knowledge, especially in this nutcase age we're living in now where you can barely get away from the kike porno tsunami, and yet the population is filled with throngs of "incels", and there are an abnormally high number of worthwhile men (and women) who have never even had a girlfriend (or boyfriend) in their lives?

I think we need a thread on the best PUA/"seduction" books and resources. (I don't know what the best term for "knowhow in scoring with women is." I don't like the term "PUA" because it sounds gimmicky, and don't like "Seduction" because it sounds like you're leading a woman into ruin, when really they love it if you know how to attract them and get them in the sack.)

Oh, also, I don't know who claimed what when it comes to specific PUA personalities, but hypnosis isn't some kind of a scam, and many (I think maybe even most) women love that kind of thing!
(I do agree that NLP is just weak-form hypnosis that's also overhyped and marketed, but it could still be useful to some guys as a psychological and light self-hypnosis group of techniques.)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Jews invented PUA?

Post by ArchibaultNew »

I would say they popularize it.

One tendency I have seen in Anglo-American culture is that they tend to overstate minorities' abilities and understate their own. Did Jews also invent Comic Books and Superheroes? I think what happens is that a lot of people get together white, black, Jewish, Hispanic, Indians, Asian and then Jews tend to have a "Commercial sense" and make something overly popular and the media will pick it up, no pun intended, and assume its a Jewish invention. When in fact a lot of non-Jews also collaborated in the effort to create that product.

There are a lot of non-Jewish pick-up artists who made a lot of unique contributions. For instance, Welsh PUA Tom Torero made a lot of contributions to the field. The only difference is that they are not famous like Neil Strauss and Mystery.
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