Negro Riots in Baltimore

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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore (6 Min Video)

Post by Moretorque »

Somebody should post the film by Ed Griffin " More Deadly Than War " it's on UTUBE and filmed in 1968. He has been telling us about the elite plan for 50 years now and the morons still cannot figure the con out.

Let the elite have it, you would think humanity would be able to do better but our rulers figured long ago it was to be duped and herded. They deserve alot of credit actually for figuring this out centuries ago.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by The »

A classic from David Carroll on Baltimore and the impending race war...

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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

The wrote:And once again I'm reminded why I don't associate myself with American negros here or overseas...SMDH! Happier abroad is looking much much more attractive and the days go on.... 8)

To you who is angry about the riots, then be angry about the state-sanctioned killing that caused them. I preffered them to show that rage. That's the only way to send a message. Black folks been marching and protesting so long that we should be the most physically fit group in the world. All that cardio holding signs up over our heads and all we got to show for it is some #hashtags. Respectability politics has long since proven to be ineffective.


When Baltimore police broke Freddie Gray’s neck : The president said nothing.

When the police, who had arrested Freddie Gray for running, would not arrest anyone for killing him : The president said nothing.

When the police would not say who killed him or how : The president said nothing.

When the people of Baltimore protested, day after day : The president said nothing.

When some protesters broke car windows and shop windows : The president said nothing.

But when people in West Baltimore rioted, robbing and burning a CVS pharmacy, owned by the 12th largest company in the country, a White-owned business, the president spoke out.

How interesting.

He called what the rioters did “violence”, but not what the police did. He called the rioters “thugs”, but not the police. As if the rioters had killed someone, not the police. As if it was the CVS pharmacy that could never be brought back, not Freddie Gray.

The president said the “violence” was “counterproductive”. He, the Drone Master himself. He who helps Israel bomb women and children.

You seem to be more upset about riots than about police brutality.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by The »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote:
The wrote:And once again I'm reminded why I don't associate myself with American negros here or overseas...SMDH! Happier abroad is looking much much more attractive and the days go on.... 8)

To you who is angry about the riots, then be angry about the state-sanctioned killing that caused them. I preffered them to show that rage. That's the only way to send a message. Black folks been marching and protesting so long that we should be the most physically fit group in the world. All that cardio holding signs up over our heads and all we got to show for it is some #hashtags. Respectability politics has long since proven to be ineffective.


When Baltimore police broke Freddie Gray’s neck : The president said nothing.

When the police, who had arrested Freddie Gray for running, would not arrest anyone for killing him : The president said nothing.

When the police would not say who killed him or how : The president said nothing.

When the people of Baltimore protested, day after day : The president said nothing.

When some protesters broke car windows and shop windows : The president said nothing.

But when people in West Baltimore rioted, robbing and burning a CVS pharmacy, owned by the 12th largest company in the country, a White-owned business, the president spoke out.

How interesting.

He called what the rioters did “violence”, but not what the police did. He called the rioters “thugs”, but not the police. As if the rioters had killed someone, not the police. As if it was the CVS pharmacy that could never be brought back, not Freddie Gray.

The president said the “violence” was “counterproductive”. He, the Drone Master himself. He who helps Israel bomb women and children.

You seem to be more upset about riots than about police brutality.
Oh! Your one of those negroes that I talk about huh? The ones who refuse to take responsibility for their own behavior? Your probably the one who blames everyone else (police state, white supremacy, the President of the USA) but YOU for the problems in YOUR community?

Why was that shine Freddy Gray running from the police in the first place? If he wasn't terrorizing his own community filled with people his own color, he wouldn't have to run away from police in the first place, now would he?

Once again, Ill say that I stay far far away from negroes like you....We have nothing in common....
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

The wrote: Oh! Your one of those negroes that I talk about huh? The ones who refuse to take responsibility for their own behavior? Your probably the one who blames everyone else (police state, white supremacy, the President of the USA) but YOU for the problems in YOUR community?
You say I'm blaming (police state, white supremacy, the President of the USA) but then your blaming black people.

It's an attempt to try and change the subject, to draw attention away from what cops do. Whites know they live in an unequal society where whites benefit and blacks get screwed. Since you want to believe you are a good person, you either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses. Making up excuses is way easier. If you can blame blacks, then you have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then you can still see themselves as good people. Case closed.

If this goes to Trial. Freddie Gray - better had been a perfect student, or been nice to all his co-workers, and been obedient in every way possible, he had better not fought for your life, or stolen anything, or had children out of wedlock, or been on welfare, or been a gang member, or drug dealer.

He had better not been wearing a hoodie, or Nikes, or baggy pants. If you can, please put on a suit before you get killed. He had better not had gotten into a fight recently. Because having had done those things means that you were worth zero. That he deserved to die. Please try to keep that in mind.

We black people expected to be angels when we’re faced with demons. We’re expected to hold hands, sing, “We Shall Overcome,” We are expected to act all humble like John Coffey in Green Mile and take death without a struggle, without anger. Ppl are comfortable with black tears and black fears but uncomfortable with black rage.

In short : No justice, no peace.

That is what youths in Baltimore are demanding : Justice. That is what was demanded on the streets of Ferguson : Justice. That is what will be demanded in the next city and the next city and the next city because there is no pause button on revolution.
The wrote:Once again, Ill say that I stay far far away from negroes like you....We have nothing in common....
Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ?
The wrote:Oh! Your one of those negroes that I talk about huh? The ones who refuse to take responsibility for their own behavior? Your probably the one who blames everyone else (police state, white supremacy, the President of the USA) but YOU for the problems in YOUR community?
I’ve always found it funny how you view this as a one-way street: In other words, they need to clean up their act, but we don’t need to do anything. I mean, if you can’t see the irony embeddeds in those remarks – After all, to blame people for getting killed by Police and then accuse me blaming the police, white supremacy, is the epitome of self-contradiction, then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything.
Why was that shine Freddy Gray running from the police in the first place? If he wasn't terrorizing his own community filled with people his own color, he wouldn't have to run away from police in the first place, now would he?
Did Freddie Gray deserve to die ? And if he did not. Then what should they do to get justice ? (This should be a laugh)

I assume you'll come with the black on black crime argument or say that "Africans sold slaves" now...right ?
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by Traveler »

It's interesting that these kind of problems still exist when the mayor and police chief are black and the majority of police officers are either black or Latino. I think it's not so much a race issue, but more of a crime fighting strategy that originated in NYC: flooding high crime areas with police officers who very aggressively enforce the law. NYC is a much safer city than it used to be so many police departments all over the US look at that city as their model for fighting crime. The police have developed the attitude that you don't reduce crime by being nice to hardened criminals like Freddie Gray, but sometimes they take things too far.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by Yohan »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote: In short : No justice, no peace.
That is what youths in Baltimore are demanding : Justice. That is what was demanded on the streets of Ferguson : Justice.
What about all these policemen of any race who are killed by gangsters of any race? Are youth in Baltimore and Ferguson demanding also justice for them?

Looting shops, beating up people, setting fire on houses and smashing cars has nothing to do with 'demanding justice' - this is plainly said, criminal behavior and all participants in such riots should be identified and sent to jail.

It's also a strange form of justice to complain only about white cops when shooting a thug even in self-defense, while remain silent when black cops are firing on gangsters of any race. USA is unfortunately still unable to solve racist issues.

What do you expect police to do in case of robbery, burglary, car theft, armed assault etc. etc.?
To look away and do nothing, because doing nothing = justice or what?

Sorry, but police must interfere and do its best to stop criminals.

The risk of criminal activity, when something is going wrong is with the criminal - and not with the police whose job is to protect us against such outsiders.

If a burglar is entering a house during night and is badly attacked by a dog of the house owner, is this the fault of the burglar or the fault of the dog?

I would say, it is the fault of the burglar, regardless his race, and it is not the fault of the dog, regardless if it's a white dog or a black dog...

If black people in USA want to earn respect they have first of all to work hard to reduce the crime rate of their own brothers and sisters - to blame police is the wrong way they go.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by Wolfeye »

Apparently, the president just signed some Blue Alert Act. It's something to the effect of legalizing the attack of people deemed a threat to law enforcement. Isn't that bizarre? The "protecting the police" idea doesn't make all that much sense anyway- because who's going to do it? The civilians that are getting attacked by them? The military they pretend to be- while going after the people that this same military at least thought it was protecting from being terrorized?

It also doesn't make sense because they have various resources that the people don't. There's an organization that supports them physically, has with access to information (and the capacity to broadcast manipulated versions of it), vehicles with all kinds of capabilities (ex: flight, smashing through things, movement through water, or simply being decently fast & solid), communications equipment to coordinate efforts, all sorts of supplies (bullets, vests, clubs, mace, tasers, breaching tools, repair gear, etc...), and has a potential psychological advantage over the people they're going after. Not to mention the structural tools, like buildings to confine people in.

That's one that people often seem to miss. They can also work or live out of these buildings, which can also be used as fortifications. They have keys, cards, and codes for the doors & systems in these places, not to mention the support of the staff. Plenty of stuff works by remote operation, so it wouldn't be all that hard to shut off the lights & lock the door to a particular room. They have tranquilizers, restraints, decently large people with some knowledge of holds & takedowns- plus there's the concept that they don't have to worry too much about oversight, since the other policy implementation workers will generally support whatever they do. Also, they tend to only have the risk of getting FIRED, not FIRED UPON or locked up.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

Yohan wrote: What about all these policemen of any race who are killed by gangsters of any race? Are youth in Baltimore and Ferguson demanding also justice for them?
How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen ? ZERO.
How many times a year does a police officer get beaten to death ? ZERO.
How many officers in the field are killed each year by violence, 0.5 per state. There are over 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers and less than one officer per state meets a violent demise, only 100 officers are killed in the line of duty each year, mostly by vehicle accidents.

So where is the danger ?
Yohan wrote: Looting shops, beating up people, setting fire on houses and smashing cars has nothing to do with 'demanding justice' - this is plainly said, criminal behavior and all participants in such riots should be identified and sent to jail.
It's also a strange form of justice to complain only about white cops when shooting a thug even in self-defense, while remain silent when black cops are firing on gangsters of any race. USA is unfortunately still unable to solve racist issues. What do you expect police to do in case of robbery, burglary, car theft, armed assault etc. etc.? To look away and do nothing, because doing nothing = justice or what?
The Dominant White Response to Baltimore Shows Why Black Residents are Justified in their Anger and this is why support. Black people should never stop rioting. Because whites will never change.

How can you reason with the beast ?

Do not stop looting black America. Loot everything and everywhere. If we can’t be free then we can at least fight until they kill all of us. Power to the people.

Rather than asking what might cause a people to risk life and limb in an effort to smash to bits their own neighborhoods, you've responded with a stupid, incredulous look on your faces. "Look at them," you've said. "Burning down their own city." We understand that we would never do something like that - not even when our favorite hockey team failed to win Lord Stanley's Cup. But u fail to ask that critical next question - if these people, would do something that you wouldn't think of doing, what must the conditions be like to drive that behavior ?

Even if you don't know about the history of red-lining, the effects of the drug war, and how Jim Crow has shape-shifted into the modern criminal justice apparatus, many of you would be unmoved if their eyes would open.

"What are these people so mad about ?" You ask, as if the answers are too complicated. Because to you, the police are the folks who help get your cats out of the tree, or who take u on ride-arounds to show u how gosh-darned exciting it is to be a cop. You experience police most often as helpful, as protectors of your lives and property. But that is not the black experience by and large; and black people know this, however much you don’t.

Note -

In Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, and around the country, protestors were actually protesting against violence and were often treated as if they were murderers.

In Waco, Texas, when one of the deadliest, bloodiest, most violent rampages in modern America happened, the National Guard wasn't called in, the perpetrators weren't beaten or pepper-sprayed, nobody was hogtied or humiliated, the dogs weren't brought out to intimidate anyone. Hell, they didn't even handcuff them or take their phones away. Instead, they just sat them down on the sidewalk peacefully.

White men, who actually murdered and maimed others, treated with so much dignity and deference. Notice, though, how few images of dead bodies in Waco are being shown in the media. Notice the lack of dialogue about bad parenting or absentee fathers. Notice how the men aren't really being called thugs—even though everything about them fits this definition.

It is bad enough that much of white America sees fit to lecture black people about the proper response to police brutality, economic devastation and perpetual marginality, having yourselves rarely been the targets of any of these. It is bad enough that you 'try' to instruct black people whose lives you have not lived, whose terrors we have not faced. I remind you, George Washington was not a practitioner of passive resistance. Neither the early colonists nor the nation’s founders. There were just guns, lots and lots of guns.

You are the last people on Earth with a right to talk upon the superior morality of peaceful protest. We have never believed in it and rarely practiced it.

Which is why it always strikes me as precious the way so many white Americans insist that “we don’t burn down our own neighborhoods when we get angry.” in supposed contrast to black and brown folks.
Yohan wrote: If black people in USA want to earn respect they have first of all to work hard to reduce the crime rate of their own brothers and sisters - to blame police is the wrong way they go.
Your assuming that respect from whites matters. It does not. Justice is all that matters.

Problem for you and your little white supremacist (Trying to be slick) mind is that your starting from baseline belief that these is something deeply wrong with black people and all your opinions flow from that baseline belief. So when cops kill black peoople to you this correct because there is someting wrong with black. That's how you think. Right ?

It is our feelings about cops you can’t abide, our anger and hostility towards law enforcement, and our defiant demands that our lives matter and ought not be snuffed as readily as they so often are, which manage to set us on edge.

Yet if white folks have a hard time dealing with how black folks feel about the system you might do well to consider how much harder a time black folks are having actually living with that system. Black perceptions are rooted in black experience, which is to say that if you would like the perception gap to be narrowed, the experiential one must be narrowed first. Because right now, that gap is cavernous. And while you may not know just how expansive is the divide between the way you experience that system and the way we do, make no mistake—black folks know it all too well.

Black America knows that black males are 21x more likely than white males to be killed by police, not because we commit crime twenty-one times more often or resist arrest at a rate that is twenty-one times greater than the rate for whites, but because we are perceived as dangerous in ways that white men are not. Even when they are unarmed and posing no threat to police at all.

Black America knows that no matter what white folks do and no matter how they behave, those behaviors will never be discussed as evidence of some race-based group pathology. Black America knows that white males can pummel each other senseless in a hockey rink and not worry that such violence might be viewed as a reflection of white people’s lack of impulse control or thuggish natures, unlike the way brawls involving black athletes are often viewed, especially on a basketball court.

In short, to be black in America is to have a highly-sensitive racism detector, not because one is irrational but because one’s life so often depends on it.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by Yohan »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote: How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen ? ZERO.
I was more thinking about how many cops have been killed by armed thugs? Zero? I don't think so....
The Dominant White Response to Baltimore Shows Why Black Residents are Justified in their Anger and this is why support. Black people should never stop rioting. Because whites will never change.
How can you reason with the beast ?
Do not stop looting black America. Loot everything and everywhere. If we can’t be free then we can at least fight until they kill all of us. Power to the people.
If you really think that looting shops or destroying buildings and cars within your own community is the right way to go to find justice, you will find yourself soon in jail.

Luckily I am not living in USA
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by Wolfeye »

Black Guy From England: Even though I'm white, I agree with you on a lot of points. I worry quite frequently about whether a white cop will look at me or one of my relatives as a target precisely because it's somewhat taboo. On that alone, there can be all kinds of reasons. Maybe they do it in response to feeling the pressure to not go after whites/their own people- having a variation of a "nothing's going to push me around" attitude.

That actually reminds me of something that happend recently: The situation was that a cop shot someone's dog in their backyard. He had heard that several days before a burglary had happened at a different house, so naturally he trespasses into a different house's backyard (that seems to have had a "Beware of Dog" sign on it), allegedly gets bit (on the boot), and claims self-defense for something he shouldn't even have been doing. One can safely presume that he would have blown away the owner if they had been home. Maybe if there was a 10-year-old that lives at that house in the backyard, he'd have said that he thought the kid was the burglar. Maybe if the wife or the daughter were home he'd have attacked them.

People being engaged disproportionately by police (and this includes instigation) is something that is a growing concern here. If someone is going to drop a hammer on someone that they don't have coming, they'd probably do it for nothing. This might frequently be blacks at the moment, but who else can it be? It's also not only black or latinos that they go after. There are plenty of states that don't even have much of a black population at all, yet they still lock plenty of people up. To be truthful, I think it's just more SENSATIONALIZED when there is an extra racial angle to sell. When they do similar shit to white people (or asians, or really anyone not black or latino), it doesn't get repeated again & again by the media. It doesn't even seem to register as a simple case of one person starting shit with another- that doesn't match the cop cliche unless there's a racial element to it.

All of that said, I obviously am not going to accomodate attacks that I don't have coming- whether from a black guy with justified legal concerns or not. Interestingly enough, that seems to be something law enforcement has more problems with than anyone else.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by onethousandknives »

Yohan wrote:
BlackGuyFromEngland wrote: In short : No justice, no peace.
That is what youths in Baltimore are demanding : Justice. That is what was demanded on the streets of Ferguson : Justice.
What about all these policemen of any race who are killed by gangsters of any race? Are youth in Baltimore and Ferguson demanding also justice for them?
114 police officers died in the line of duty in 2014. 46 were shot. Over 1000 people in USA were killed by law enforcement in 2014. ... shot-death
So 58 violent deaths to 1000.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by onethousandknives »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote: White men, who actually murdered and maimed others, treated with so much dignity and deference. Notice, though, how few images of dead bodies in Waco are being shown in the media. Notice the lack of dialogue about bad parenting or absentee fathers. Notice how the men aren't really being called thugs—even though everything about them fits this definition.
I remember the day after this happened, my local news did a story about some guy who did charity motorcycle runs with a "not all bikers are gang members..." shtick. Was pretty funny.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

onethousandknives wrote:
Yohan wrote:
BlackGuyFromEngland wrote: In short : No justice, no peace.
That is what youths in Baltimore are demanding : Justice. That is what was demanded on the streets of Ferguson : Justice.
What about all these policemen of any race who are killed by gangsters of any race? Are youth in Baltimore and Ferguson demanding also justice for them?
114 police officers died in the line of duty in 2014. 46 were shot. Over 1000 people in USA were killed by law enforcement in 2014. ... shot-death
So 58 violent deaths to 1000.
114 ? And guess what ? I assure you, that the majority of those deaths were by vehicle accidents.

People like @Yohan and @The are ignorant. Not ignorant in the fact that they are stupid but ignorant in the fact that they only know what they are surrounded by and what they watch on TV and have accrued from their parents or friends. What they either don’t know or refuse to know is that the police force is chock full of racist cops, cops with chips on their shoulders.
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Re: Negro Riots in Baltimore

Post by zboy1 »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote:
onethousandknives wrote:
Yohan wrote:
BlackGuyFromEngland wrote: In short : No justice, no peace.
That is what youths in Baltimore are demanding : Justice. That is what was demanded on the streets of Ferguson : Justice.
What about all these policemen of any race who are killed by gangsters of any race? Are youth in Baltimore and Ferguson demanding also justice for them?
114 police officers died in the line of duty in 2014. 46 were shot. Over 1000 people in USA were killed by law enforcement in 2014. ... shot-death
So 58 violent deaths to 1000.
114 ? And guess what ? I assure you, that the majority of those deaths were by vehicle accidents.

People like @Yohan and @The are ignorant. Not ignorant in the fact that they are stupid but ignorant in the fact that they only know what they are surrounded by and what they watch on TV and have accrued from their parents or friends. What they either don’t know or refuse to know is that the police force is chock full of racist cops, cops with chips on their shoulders.
Hey, what's up, BlackGuyFromEnglad! No matter who is the blame, most Anglo countries are racist as hell, and as Yohan mentioned in his post, it's absolutely hilarious to see Westerners trash Asians for being 'racist' when their societies are just as bad--or even worse--than Asia.

What I don't understand is why Blacks continue to suffer racism in Anglo countries (USA, England), yet, continue to pour into those countries, en masse, from African and Black Caribbean countries. If racism is so bad, leave those countries like I did (and I'm not even Black, I'm Asian).

In the end, I believe people are better off living with their 'own kind,' as diversity just causes too many problems. I have sympathy for all races and their struggles from oppression; what I don't respect is whining about a situation and then not doing anything about it (such as African Americans and Asian Americans in White countries or White people against Black violence).
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