White expat woman laments regards her true station in Asia

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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by yick »

Adama wrote:I think the white women there don't see it as a matter of submission or feminism. It is simply a matter of scarcity and novelty. She thinks it is just a novelty for Asian women and white men to go together, but that ultimately they'll want a white woman.
But it's not true and based on her racist projection. Most long term male expats in Asia don't want white women. Most of my married friends who are long term expats in Asia (who are white) have married local women.
Lots of races think that way, despite what others here will admit. We all know there are people of each race who will have sex with other races but ultimately will only marry their own race. This is what white women in China are thinking of. That is that white men are just playing around with Asian women because they can, but that ultimately they will simply marry a white woman.
Not true again, again - we have to separate long term expats to folk who spend a year teaching ESL and go home. There are a lot of both - I am sure a lot of people who spend a year in Asia and go home will end up marrying women of their own race. Long termers who date local usually end up marrying local. I am sure I am not the only expat to notice this trend.

Women tend to be more focused on finding men of their own race, men don't seem to bothered though there are a fair few who refuse to date local in Asia, it's a tiny minority, most expats in Asia who enter long term relationships with local women end up marrying a local woman. I know over a 100 long term expats in Asia and that has been the case for the vast majority of them - I am sure the same numbers compute for most long term expats in Asia.

They are not thinking in terms of quality or feminism or being spoiled. They are thinking in terms of men sowing oats or whatever, and then waking up and wanting kids.
I wake up and think 'Hmmm, I can have kids with an Asian woman' why can't I have kids with an Asian woman?
As for white women not finding Asian men attractive, there are probably a lot of non-black men who might work in a country such as Nigeria and find themselves very lonely, despite the countless Nigerian women around them. Now would anyone knock a Chinese man working in Nigeria who wants a wife but not a Nigerian woman, but at least another Asian woman? Especially if there were Asian expat women working along side him in Nigeria.
There are different cultural mores at play, for a start, a lot of Chinese companies in Africa have strict anti-miscegenation rules in place regards their workers fratenising with the local Africans.

In history, in places such as Panama, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Peru (my great grandfather was from Canton) Chinese men married and had families with black and native American women. I am sure when the rules are more relaxed for Chinese workers in Africa - you will see a lot more mixing between Chinese men and black African women.

And of course, if cannot be compared to Western male expats in Asia - who are allowed to date the local populace without the threat of being sent home in disgrace.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by yick »

MrMan wrote:The weird thing to me in that article was that she thought the white women in Asia would be single until the men come to their senses. It seems like she believes in a false dichotomy where it is a choice between a string of one-night-stands with Asian women or a serious relationship with a white woman. What about a serious, life-long relationship with a quality local, Asian woman?
She ignores that bit until she makes the battle cry of 'y'all come to your senses and marry your own kind' and you know as well as I do that most long term expats in Asia marry local women if they start dating local women.

Of course, there are a fair number of 'swinging dicks' who go from one woman to another but these are a minority I have found, most of my mates who live in Asia long term have dated and married local women. I only know one or two people who have dated local women long term, only to marry a white woman at a later date - it happens but it's uncommon.
Some white men like white women more than Asian women. But why would she expect to find many such single men working in Asia? If a man likes Asian women just as much, what are the odds that he'd choose the white woman over millions of local women? Why would she spend her life in Asia if she is looking for a white man? If she wants to settle down with a white man, why doesn't she spend her most appealing-for-marriage years in a country full of the type of men she might marry?
All of this is true.

Why does she think this way? Because she is deluded and arrogant enough to think she is Queen Bee wherever she goes and that she is top dog in the dating hierarchy, not in Asia you're not luv - now piss off! 8)
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Kradmelder »

chanta76 wrote:yick,

It's plain racism and hypergamy on white women part. If Asian men became the world domination maybe it might changed...but I think in the west..white guys screwed it up.
White guys could of controlled feminism but didn't..and look at what we have today.

I don't know what's going to happen in the future.I really don't. How are white people going to reproduce and have a family? If you go to white nationalist sites like stormfront.org..that's a BIG concern for them. That white women don't want to make babies or have family. There 's growing number of white men that wants a non-white women. For eons we had traditional family and women had their role and the same for the men but these past decades..it ALL changes. It's like a free for all.

I can understand why some guys just go the p4p route or monger route. It's not worth investing in a relationship because the women suck so bad. Mostly western women and it's getting worst by the day . It's sad really because without that basic social fabric ..society crumbles. Maybe in the west we need that reset button. Just like how the Roman Empire collapse we need that in the West.

But I see the spread in others parts of the world. Even in Asia.
You are right. White people let themselves be swayed by jew BS like feminism, materialism, porn, removing prayer nationalism and morality from school.look at the result. The fabric of white society has collapsed. Whitey should have run off the jew when their behaviour got too out of hand, like whites used to do since the Romans expelled them.

Women want materialistic shit, not kids, except welfare queens who see kids as more income. White men are in fear of being raped financially and losing their kids, or are just as selfish as white women. Welfare states make it easy for women to strip men and at least have government pay them.

In SA there is no welfare so they rape men. It is easy to find a woman and have kids. But the legal system let's her walk out with the kids and you pay big time. Whites still Breed though, unlike europe where feminism and the welfare state have killed white families. I don't know many over 30 women with no kids. I love kids. I enjoy mine more than anything. No jew kak will convince me childless is better. In fact all it does is convince me to raise my kids pro-white, to marry white and have white kids.

The WN sites most have no kids. Wtf? Complain whites dying yet personally do nothing about it. It makes their bleating worthless. You must lead by example. Getting non white women is no answer as whites will die off faster. I have no intention of dying off. When my kids have children and I know those kids are growing up racially aware then I can die in peace knowing I did what I could for my racial duty. Seen 2 generations to carry on their volk.

Darkies say my generation, the last apartheid generation that as a small minority fought the border and internal war for nearly 25 years, are like dinosaurs. We will die off. They are dead wrong. My kids learnt to shoot at 6, are fit, and racially aware. All they are brainwashed with at school and the media, at home they get the alternative; the truth about everything from hitler, the hollow hoax, settlement of south africa the achievements under apartheid. They learnt to Google and get facts, not accept bs that whites stole land etc. At 8 they were going to museums to see the original documents of purchase of land from blacks, then blacks killed them. There was no theft except what blacks stole. I am not going to lie down and take it and let 100s of years of struggle die off to kaffirs and jews.

This shit will come to Asia if you asian people continue your love affair with Western culture. Keep all jew media out and any form of white liberalism. Prevent any jew
divorce laws where women keep the kids and get salary. If the father gets the kids your yellow heifers wont run off. No house no car and you leave wirh what you paid for, those heifers wont treat a man like shit. You don't need white culture coming in. Asians have the skills and brains themselves. You are not worthless darkies that need whites to survive. Your best bet is deal with whitey, bow, say thank you, trade, exchange ideas eith mutual respect, but when he comes with his liberal shit, his fast food and Disney land, smut plastic and disrespectful culture, say no thank you.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by JohnDoeBigBaller »

White women can't compete with Asian women so the stupid bitches want to whine and complain instead of learning how to compete. That would require white women to LOSE WEIGHT and stop acting like a f***ing bitch and develop a sweet feminine personality.

f**k white women. I f***ing hate them. White women are literally the most evil people on this planet because they betrayed white men and thus betrayed the white race. Now the white race will be dead within 200 years and then the human race will go extinct.

White women are goddamn evil.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Zambales »

Ah. So they have wailing banshees in China now do they? Sounds like someone's not getting enough attention lol

These western chicks have such a high opinion of themselves it's enough to bring the sickbag out. If the truth was known she's probably an Average Avril with bingo wings.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by JohnDoeBigBaller »

It's awesome to walk around Asia with a hot Asian girl on your arm and to see the look on a white woman's face when she sees you (a white man) with a hot young Asian chick. White women get such a nasty look on their face. Do white women f***ing not realize that they are NOT WANTED in Asia and need to get the f**k out and go back to America? Most white guys in Asia have no interest and see white women as nothing but an annoyance who will try to act like an attention whore to get their attention. Most white guys just ignore them and it drives white bitches insane.

White women wanted the trashy thugs, low class scumbags, and rapist immigrant men. That's fine. Now decent white men want nothing to do with white women since white women are all complete trash nowadays.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Shemp »

Kradmelder wrote:Prevent any jew
divorce laws where women keep the kids and get salary.
You're dead wrong about not letting women keep the kids. Women should always get 100% custody of children plus 10% or more of the child's future earnings. Father's should get nothing. This is the only way to get women to want children.

You're right, on the other hand, about no alimony or child support for women. Women should get money from the children when the children grow up and start earning (or women should pay if the children become criminals or wards of the state). While the children are still young, women should supplement their regular job with easy money by being mistresses. This is the only way to get women to open their legs for provider type males: boring guys with steady jobs and thus money to spare, versus exciting but penniless thugs.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Cornfed »

retiredfrank wrote:You're right, on the other hand, about no alimony or child support for women. Women should get money from the children when the children grow up and start earning (or women should pay if the children become criminals or wards of the state). While the children are still young, women should supplement their regular job with easy money by being mistresses. This is the only way to get women to open their legs for provider type males
The only way? So if they were expelled from society and starved to death or beaten or killed or whatever for not doing the right thing, you’re saying this wouldn’t work? What historical evidence is there for such a contention?
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Shemp »

Cornfed wrote:
retiredfrank wrote:You're right, on the other hand, about no alimony or child support for women. Women should get money from the children when the children grow up and start earning (or women should pay if the children become criminals or wards of the state). While the children are still young, women should supplement their regular job with easy money by being mistresses. This is the only way to get women to open their legs for provider type males
The only way? So if they were expelled from society and starved to death or beaten or killed or whatever for not doing the right thing, you’re saying this wouldn’t work? What historical evidence is there for such a contention?
"The only way" given political realities. We're not going back to patriarchy in the near future. However, we CAN get rid of alimony and child support, and we CAN give women total responsibility for children, with punishment for children who are a drain on society and rewards for children who are an asset to society.

Fighting the currents of history is futile, the only way is forward, but forward to something that strengthens society and gives men a fair deal, rather than a system with perverse incentives.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Cornfed »

retiredfrank wrote:
Cornfed wrote:
retiredfrank wrote:You're right, on the other hand, about no alimony or child support for women. Women should get money from the children when the children grow up and start earning (or women should pay if the children become criminals or wards of the state). While the children are still young, women should supplement their regular job with easy money by being mistresses. This is the only way to get women to open their legs for provider type males
The only way? So if they were expelled from society and starved to death or beaten or killed or whatever for not doing the right thing, you’re saying this wouldn’t work? What historical evidence is there for such a contention?
"The only way" given political realities. We're not going back to patriarchy in the near future. However, we CAN get rid of alimony and child support, and we CAN give women total responsibility for children, with punishment for children who are a drain on society and rewards for children who are an asset to society.

Fighting the currents of history is futile, the only way is forward, but forward to something that strengthens society and gives men a fair deal, rather than a system with perverse incentives.
Either the bad guys remain in charge of they don’t. If they do then getting rid of evil communist policies such as child support is impossible. If they don’t then all manner of good things can happen. We therefore should be planning for a utopia.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Shemp »

Cornfed wrote:Either the bad guys remain in charge of they don’t. If they do then getting rid of evil communist policies such as child support is impossible. If they don’t then all manner of good things can happen. We therefore should be planning for a utopia.
The constituency for alimony is almost non-existent, since even women realize it is making it impossible for good women to find husbands. Alimony is already on its way out.

Child support is trickier. The way to sell this idea politically is to emphasize punishing black and other minority women for having children they can't support. Racist guys like you and the Trump supporters would eagerly jump on that bandwagon. The pill can be sweetened with rewards for good children (mother receives percentage of child's future earnings), to bring enough women on board to get the full package enacted. Something like this WILL eventually become law, but it might take several more decades. The feminists are already on favor of parts of it (mother gets 100% custody). If the men are smart, we can make the feminists fall into a trap of their own making.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Kradmelder »

Frank it is a good idea but how are going to get those fat black welfare queens to pay for raising fatherless criminal thugs, and the white trailer trash queens for raising fatherless sociopaths?

By a tax on crack dealers and bottle stores? :lol:
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Adama »

Cornfed wrote: So if they were expelled from society and starved to death or beaten or killed or whatever for not doing the right thing, you’re saying this wouldn’t work?
The sad part is that people who post here don't even realize how wrong even saying this is.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Shemp »

Kradmelder wrote:Frank it is a good idea but how are going to get those fat black welfare queens to pay for raising fatherless criminal thugs, and the white trailer trash queens for raising fatherless sociopaths?

By a tax on crack dealers and bottle stores? :lol:
In some states of the USA, or maybe all states, parents are already responsible for some of the costs of their children's misdeeds. What is needed is to make the woman 100% responsible (but she also gets 100% custody plus a share of the child's future earnings, she gets both upside and downside). If the child goes to pridon, she has to pay some or all the costs. If she can't or won't pay, off to prison she goes herself.

We already put people in prison for certain debts here in the USA, including father's for not paying child support, so prison for the mother for not paying for a child's prison costs is not unthinkable.
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Re: White expat woman laments regards her true station in As

Post by Kradmelder »

retiredfrank wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:Frank it is a good idea but how are going to get those fat black welfare queens to pay for raising fatherless criminal thugs, and the white trailer trash queens for raising fatherless sociopaths?

By a tax on crack dealers and bottle stores? :lol:
In some states of the USA, or maybe all states, parents are already responsible for some of the costs of their children's misdeeds. What is needed is to make the woman 100% responsible (but she also gets 100% custody plus a share of the child's future earnings, she gets both upside and downside). If the child goes to pridon, she has to pay some or all the costs. If she can't or won't pay, off to prison she goes herself.

We already put people in prison for certain debts here in the USA, including father's for not paying child support, so prison for the mother for not paying for a child's prison costs is not unthinkable.
That is a good law, but if Tyrone is now 18, technically adult, and 'jacks the bottle store, would that law apply as he is an adult? Can a parent be liable for the actions of their children once over 18? Even if Tyrone gets send to juvenile, can the law make Shaqitua, the sheboon single parent on welfare, pay for the state costs of his incarceration?

Father's get picked up at work here and taken to prison for missing a a child support payment. So a wise man keeps a paper trail that he has actually paid it. Never pay cash. Always get receipts. Never assume she is honest and will tell the truth.
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