The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by Someone »

1) ... sex-216953
Fifty years after the sexual revolution, sex in America is in decline. Americans are having less sex, the share of Americans who say they never once had sex in the past year is rising, and—perhaps most surprising—this revolution in sexual behavior is being led by the young. Although this sexual counter-revolution began before the #MeToo movement arose in response to the sexual abuse, misconduct and insensitivity of men ranging from Harvey Weinstein to Bill O’Reilly, the cultural outrage over men’s bad behavior is likely to accelerate this trend.


The sexual counter-revolution may also have its downsides, especially in the wake of the #MeToo movement...
The ongoing cultural shifts in attitudes toward sex and relationships may make some men so hesitant to express interest or affection that relationships and marriage take a noticeable downward turn...
Another consequence, then, of the sexual counter-revolution is likely to be continuing declines in American births...
if the rate that people are having real sex continues to fall, if concerns about sexual misconduct end up casting a pall over romance, and if our relationship with our screens distracts us from relationships with real people, all big “ifs”—then the United States could end up in danger of following a relational and economic path already pioneered by Japan.
2) ... ex-at-all/
The consequence of this new sexual counter-revolution? No sex at all

We are in the middle of a profound shift in our attitude towards sex. A sexual counter-revolution, if you will. And whereas the 1960s saw a freeing up of attitudes towards sex, pushing at boundaries, this counter-swing is turning sexual freedom into sexual fear, and nearly all sexual opportunities into a legalistic minefield.

The rules are being redrawn with little idea of where the boundaries of this new sexual utopia will lie and less idea still of whether any sex will be allowed in the end.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by flowerthief00 »

Regarding declining birth rates, the United States will be better off than Japan or Europe because the United States can import foreign workers easily.

In all these countries, however, more men are just gonna have to go MGTOW/TFL. Women may not want men's sexual advances, but they still very much want men's money and will continue to use government power to take it.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by tom »

#MeToo is fulfilling societies strong need for a scapegoat. The predetermined narratives of mainstream media has whipped up a frenzy of directionless outrage and hysteria against Trump. #MeToo is the spontaneous natural outlet. #MeToo is mass hysteria or moral panic plain and simple. It's similar to the 1980’s satanic ritual child abuse scandals or the Salem witch trials but on a 2018 social media scale.

Maybe the right question is what is the evolutionary benefit of mass hysteria? That would be a question for Gad Saad. As it can be clearly seen this is amplified and spread by social media. One of the unintended drivers of this group think is the AI algorithms that are behind the scene. This will be actively exploited in the future. Much of Hollywood is converged by the social justice types, so many movie are rife with social justice messages. And once the social justice types are in control the organization dies, social justice infiltration often happens after organizational decay has already set in. The question is what will replace it? I don't think anyone has a clue.

Where is this all going? I think a much more segregated life between men and women. Look at the grid girl’s ban, are we going the way of radical Islam, women in burqas? This trend was already started before #MeToo and the SJW's are effectively demanding this.

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They forgot to translate the part where the wife tells her she can get her book online for free.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by mattyman »

This 'me too' thing strikes me as another movement trying to ingrain crude gender stereotypes of men being potential rapists and creeps, at least that's the impression I've got from the wikipedia article I looked at. What makes people angry is that if anyone tried to stereotype women (for e.g. accusing them of all being hypergamous, that's the level of stereotyping that these harpies are doing, lets face it) is that they'd all be shot down. I can see how this causes a lot of anger.

Anyway, there's a valid point regarding the workplace brought up so far. In this page is mentioned the ever lowering bar of what's considered sexual harassment; making reference to the fact that people are increasingly afraid to ask their female colleagues to join them for coffee and of men leaving the teaching profession for fear of being accused.
This is the most sober, academic-style and balanced mens rights activist site I have found so far (hurry or they'll censor it).
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by chanta76 »

The 'metoo' movement is spreading to other parts of the world. We just had the recent winter Olympic in South Korea. Even in South Korea you have Korean women coming out accusing directors or male actors of sexual harassment. Of course the public believes the women without due process. I'm not saying that these women are lying but whose to say some are. It's like just like America they believe in what women say just because they are women.

The problem with America is what ever happens in America it spread to the rest of the world in one form or another. It's like as if 'We Are America'.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by tom »

chanta76 wrote:
February 26th, 2018, 8:36 pm
I'm not saying that these women are lying but whose to say some are. It's like just like America they believe in what women say just because they are women.
The "#MeToo movement" is a moral panic or mass hysteria. Mass media calling it "a movement" is an intentionally misleading, This is a form of evil. There are countless examples of smaller witch hunts usually involving vindictive women on women reputation destruction leading to cruelty and lethal violence. Witch hunts are typically started and driven by woman's hysteria. The most correct view is too assume anything reported in mass media is 100% all false, in fact when witch hunt accusations are a wide spread phenomenon they are always false. Historical examples are the 1980's satanic abuse hysteria, 1940's white slavery panic and the Salem witch trials. All were proven completely 100% false, I see no reason why the #MeToo scourge will be any different.

These false accusations are not exactly lying. It is not really accurate as this is a kind of group think. It's not so much individual women are on there own solo initiative generating these accusations. It's a collective memetic infection. Like the huge increase of women claiming they are trans-gender, its a collective fad. So any kind of male female interaction no matter how trivial is now a valid form harassment to satisfy identifying with the #MeToo witch hunt. Even if the guy is completely unaware.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by Someone »

^ I've had the thought that #MeToo may be an example of Fake News pushed by the liberal media. But it really does seem to be a cultural phenomenon: female conservatives in America like Gretchen Molson and Megyn Kelly are pushing it as well. Some Republican female senators wore black at the State of the Union, as well, so we have to discard the idea that it's partisan politics.

I'm greatly irritated by the fact that men aren't standing up for themselves or defending themselves. They are silently accepting blame and tumbling down in their careers and reputations. Not a single man has defended himself by saying that women are often willing participants in the mating game, that they engage in mutual flirting, and that many women imply "Persuade me" when they say "No," for instance. It's socially inappropriate to even suggest this, and men are in complete free fall right now. They never assaulted anyone, they played along when the romantic vibes were there, and women do expect men to make the first move. Everyone is censoring this notion and cleansing society of all sexual innuendo or activity.

I fear this may be the new normal. I'm extremely worried about the prospects of single men given this new change. Single men are already socially isolated and in dire straits with America's high sex ratio which doesn't relent until old age -- and now some misguided social justice warriors are trying to take away men's last remaining chances to meet women. The way things are going, a large chunk of the male population may get totally frozen out of mating.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by tom »

Don't apologize to any MeToo'er. That will be taken as an admission of guilt and they will come after you even more. Going along with the MeToo game is in my opinion is highly immoral.

This moral panic will end, these mass hysteria's reach exhaustion at some point. What will be the next moral panic of the evangelical left? Maybe loyalty to America?

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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by Someone »

^ That video is wrong.

Here are some "moral panics" that became permanent:
1) Slavery: 150 years ago there was moral panic about slavery, and the fact that "all men are created equal" should apply to all races. At the time it seemed like a radical idea, but gradually it became permanently ingrained. You would be out of your mind to suggest in the modern era that there should be a return to slavery. Of course it's a good thing that slavery ended. Slavery is horrible and immoral -- from our current vantage point. At the time, however, many American eyebrows were raised sarcastically at the proposition.

2) Sexual age of consent for girls: It used to be, until fairly recently, that young girls aged 15-18 were groomed for marriage. That's why, back in the 70s, someone like Roy Moore faced no social disapproval when dating late adolescents, and neither did Roman Polanski (despite the court case no one considered him an outright deviant). Now the age of consent has permanently climbed, and even discussing this issue is criminal not to mention creepy. Of course it's a good thing that the age of consent has climbed. Maybe people are less developmentally mature and have more time to grow and become adults. My point is, this was an irreversible moral panic. To be honest, in the modern era (2018), Roy Moore was pilloried for dating an 18-year-old girl in the 70s, on the grounds of it now being a semi-criminally large age gap (despite 18 technically being a legal age for that girl, and he was 30-32).

3) Fighting wars: People used to regularly fight wars, the last major one being WW2 (1941-1945). Then, moral panic set in. Why are we letting people die in the battlefields? Life is precious! We should do our utmost to save every single person from dying in armed conflict. Since then, there have been no major wars. People have come to realize that no life is expendable. Even the loss of one or two lives in a national tragedy now, whereas before millions used to die, and they would get buried in mass graves.

These are all "good" developments. We are all grateful to live in a civilized world where there's no slavery, where there are ever-increasing protections of minors, and where there are no wars with large casualties. But all of these permanent things that we take for granted now occurred as a result of moral panic.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by tom »

Yes there is agreement those few who drive the moral panics of the past are the ones who make the rules.
Most of our rules were not made by the majority but by a fanatical small minority, its the tyranny of the minority.
Taleb Nassim mentions this very idea.

These rules that go against nature may over time revert back to there natural state.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by Adama »

Because we are getting closer to the end. Just like with divorce, women's liberation and then open homosexuality, now we have this to worry about.

It used to be sexual harassment was only between a woman and her superior manager at work. Then it could be between any two coworkers. Now if a man just stares at a woman too long, she can accuse him of something.

The moral standard of society is simply going down the drain. It won't be too long until this is all over.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by mattyman »

Starting conversations with a woman you don't know, that this could be perceived as 'harassment'; seriously, 'unwanted conversation (with nor more definition than that) could be construed as 'harassment'. People being too afraid to invite female co-workers they're friendly with for coffee? That's unacceptable! Seriously angry feminist dykes, get a f***ing life! Someone saying 'hi' is not going to traumatize you. It's not in the same magnitude as someone raping you! Anyone who thinks that someone starting a conversation could be in the same league as rape needs their head checked and certainly has no right to police us all, certainly has no right to be given privileges against being called out on on their neurosis and anxiety and suggested the appropriate treatment.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by Adama »

It also allows certain types of evil women to go back in time when they are seeking revenge against a man, to say that all the actions that were once accepted by them as flirtation, are now retroactively acts of male terrorism and hatred.

But evil women do not know, that in eternity, they will eat violence for using their sexual power for malice.
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by jamesbond »

mattyman wrote:
May 24th, 2018, 7:34 pm
Starting conversations with a woman you don't know, that this could be perceived as 'harassment'; seriously, 'unwanted conversation (with nor more definition than that) could be construed as 'harassment'. People being too afraid to invite female co-workers they're friendly with for coffee? That's unacceptable! Seriously angry feminist dykes, get a f***ing life! Someone saying 'hi' is not going to traumatize you. It's not in the same magnitude as someone raping you! Anyone who thinks that someone starting a conversation could be in the same league as rape needs their head checked and certainly has no right to police us all, certainly has no right to be given privileges against being called out on on their neurosis and anxiety and suggested the appropriate treatment.

It's getting to the point in America where it's dangerous for men to get involved with women. Simply flirting with a woman can be construed by the woman as "sexual harassment." Consensual sex with a woman can latter on be considered "rape" if the woman get's mad at you at some point in the future.

It's no wonder why so many men in America are going MGTOW or are traveling to foreign countries to find wives and girlfriends.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: The #MeToo Scourge is Taking Over the World -- Any Thoughts?

Post by Yohan »

jamesbond wrote:
June 3rd, 2018, 9:30 pm
..... Simply flirting with a woman can be construed by the woman as "sexual harassment." Consensual sex with a woman can latter on be considered "rape" if the woman get's mad at you at some point in the future.
It's no wonder why so many men in America are going MGTOW or are traveling to foreign countries to find wives and girlfriends.
Nowadays nobody living in such countries like USA, UK or Australia knows what is rape and what is not, even lawyers dont't now that anymore. - A woman might be financially raped if one of her many boyfriends tells her in front of others it's finished and he will not give money to her any longer.

The meaning of various words in relation between men and women remains unclear due to feminism.

Take for instance the word 'family' - for me this a straight man, a straight woman with their own children living together sharing the same rooms, but nowadays this might be 2 women with children created out of IVF from unknown sperm-donors.

The word father is also misused, even a man who is not the biological father might be forced to pay child support after he leaves his girlfriend and HER children.

Consent is a 'funny word' - it means you are allowed to begin, but not to end, as consent can be recalled any time, without any reason, and it is unclear what is included in the consent given to you.

We could continue this listing over many pages.

The only solution is you have nothing to do with women while living in such countries.

I found the workplace especially dangerous. Avoid any private conversation on the workplace as anything what you said might be used against you even many years later, you might be kicked out of your job etc. Even a totally harmless compliment could be backfired, feminists are not known to be nice people...
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