The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

kangarunner wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 11:36 am
Lucas88 wrote:
May 2nd, 2023, 7:34 pm
In Colombia there are women for the taking but many Western incels aren't willing to move to Colombia because they think that it's extremely dangerous.
It's amazing how when you leave that insane place and go to more normal, sane parts of the world that all your previously held delusions are shattered just like mine were. And then your eyes open to the lies that you were force fed in America.

Also, guys are being force fed Youtube videos from dating coaches and pick up artists which is just lies, lies, and more lies for them to be deluded with.

Back to the topic, I literally see average looking guys, average height, average everything with stunning looking women here in Medellin. I'm sure it's the same thing in Brazil. Another thing is that most Americans are simply not smart enough to study Spanish and be bilingual which is good. The majority of us are lazy bastards. And the Colombian people definitely do not want the typical loud, rude American in their country.
Then them Colombians should stay the f**k out of America because plenty of Latinos come here every year in droves. So that sounds hypocritical of them to even criticize when their Spanish asses want to take over America. HA! And we get Hispanic people here from all over latin America. Not just Mexico. I don't see Mexicans trying to get into Colombia so there must be something about America that makes millions of Latinos want to move here vs going to other Latino countries. My Jr Highschool was literately 80 percent Hispanic. And when people say saner? Define what sane is since Latin America also have a lot of the same stuff there as we do here in America.

Including a huge tranny population, A bunch of leftist, feminist, pride parades, and people who protest and fly the gay flags and all that. Brazil is the gayest Latin American country in the world not to mention their cops will even beat the shit out of 9 year old kids even the police here wouldn't do that. I'm going to be real about it and say that I've met a few friendly people in America long ago and as much as I hate the place every country have flaws to them depending on where you go. America is the way it is because of it's arrogance, men giving power to women, cuckoldry, and it's hard to get anything done here sometimes without severe sacrifices. But for me to believe there is a paradise, I would only believe that if I were living in the country side of some of these countries like the country side in Romania would feel like paradise only because the people are still living like they did centuries ago and no one cares about the city life so you are more likely to meet friendly people by default and I would assume it's like that in any country. But the truth is a lot of countries want to become a lot like the West, including latino countries. They're all joining up with Nato and shit.

But people aren't necessarily afraid to go to those other countries, it's just that they tend to lack certain things that the West still have that those places don't have. Like I said, Latin America can't be all that much better than here since Latinos are migrating to the U.S. more than they are to other Latin American countries. Within a few years the U.S. might just end up as another Latin American country. But I don't see a bunch of Hispanics trying to get into Spain. So why do so many Latinos flock here if Latin America is better? They obviously aren't here to f**k a bunch of white women. The way I see it, people tend to act a specific way in their own country but when those Hispanics and Spanish people move here? They let their true self come out.

That means you're going to get judged and treated like shit by them as well. That's why Hispanic females here are so f***ing uppity and have the attitude. Once they are here, those average Latino men are reduced to nobody status like the rest of us men who struggle. Because those females are going straight for the men that look like my cousin. I see a lot of Latino men here in America with girlfriends and wives, and believe me their women aren't sexy worth for shit. They are dating usually fat or average Hispanic women. But I have no interest in females that look like hood girls. When you date women like that they give off prostitute vibes too easily, and certain men will target them which wouldn't be that hard for them to do in America.
But I can see how that wouldn't effect men who just want to f**k and not commit therefore this wouldn't bother you guys like it would bother me since I want someone to commit to.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
May 2nd, 2023, 12:02 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
May 1st, 2023, 10:53 pm
This is a good post… Women do not all want the same things. That’s something a lot of guys now seem to be forgetting. You may not appeal to a certain woman but another woman might treat you like chad even if another woman feels very meh about you.
As someone who's weight sometimes fluctuates by quite a lot, I noticed this too. When I am fit and in-shape I am a total Chad and some women are very into it but others are way more into me when I am a bit heavier and have a "dad-bod". Like they genuinely seem into the more heavy-set daddy body type and the fit handsome Chad stereotypes does nothing for them, might even scare them off a little.

No two women are the same. Although I do think there are certain facial features that do well nearly universally, and of course height helps a lot. Also things like when a man has big hands or broad shoulders; I have never known any woman who wasn't into a man with large hands/wide shoulders, even a man with a dad-bod usually has a larger frame underneath and isn't outright obese and has a bit of muscle, he just has a bit of a gut and isn't super toned. The bodybuilder physique, veiny and over the top buff, doesn't seem to appeal to a lot of women... it impresses other men more than it impresses women.

One thing that comes into play is "trust". A lot of girls instinctively distrust a man who seems too good to be true. They'll look for a flaw, expecting one, or multiple. Or perhaps expect infidelity from the get-go, which is never a good thing. My first wife's family was always suspicious of me since the beginning since they felt I looked like "someone who could easily get women", hence they always expected me to cheat on her. Had I been fifteen centimeters shorter, fifteen pounds heavier when I met her with some acne and a crooked nose, they wouldn't have been suspicious lol.
Well that's good to know.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on May 4th, 2023, 10:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

kangarunner wrote:
May 2nd, 2023, 2:31 pm
I get my work done here in a mall in Medellin. I see hundreds of people walking by every day. I go to eat lunch today and across from me is this Colombian woman with long black hair and a banging body. She's with an older man who is short and fat. The whole time I'm looking at her and making eye contact letting her know I want to get on her. They get up to leave and she looks back at me to see if I'm still looking at her. I just stared in awe that this short, fat guy was with this banging hot Colombian woman. He would be a total incel in America....and yet here in Colombia there's so many men who wouldn't have a chance in America but are with hot, native women.
Because there is no competition there, easy. It's like that in South East Asia too. And how do you even know that some of those women aren't transgender?
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by Outcast9428 »


I don't really accept the premise of Latin America being a paradise either. But its whatever, Latin American culture fills a certain niche. People who go over there accept that as a condition of being there. I love Asian culture and would consider Thailand to be a paradise but a lot of people can't accept how formal and rules' obsessed Asian culture is. I would simply accept that as a condition of being there. People going our separate ways is what is healthiest for us all. I don't want right leaning liberals going to Asia and f***ing the place up, and right leaning liberals don't want ultra conservatives coming to Latin America and messing with the culture there either. I'd rather let Latin America be "a paradise" for right leaning liberal type people so that they will go there and won't try to go to an Asian or Eastern European country and screw the place up.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 9:35 pm
I don't see Mexicans trying to get into Colombia so there must be something about America that makes millions of Latinos want to move here vs going to other Latino countries.
The answer is simple: that something that makes millions of Latinos move to the US is money.

The US has been the dominant superpower for more than a century and one of the world's largest economies. That obviously attracts many migrants from around the world who are looking for an opportunity to make more money than what they normally could in their own country. That's how the world works – groups of people from less economically developed regions flock to the world's large economic centers such as the US, UK, Germany, etc. in search of wealth and material comfort whenever they are allowed to do so. You could say that it's their version of HA – one focused on money.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 9:35 pm
Like I said, Latin America can't be all that much better than here since Latinos are migrating to the U.S. more than they are to other Latin American countries. Within a few years the U.S. might just end up as another Latin American country. But I don't see a bunch of Hispanics trying to get into Spain.
There is actually a long-time tradition of intra-regional migration within Latin America with Peruvians migrating to Chile, Bolivians migrating to Argentina, Central Americans migrating to Mexico, etc. People move around throughout Latin America itself. Currently, there are over 2 million Venezuelans living in Colombia (Venezuela is currently the most fcuked country in the continent).

And yes, there are about 3 million Latin Americans who live in Spain where they make up 6% of the population. It is relatively easy for them to move there since their countries were once Spanish colonies and the same language is spoken as in their own countries.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 9:35 pm
But people aren't necessarily afraid to go to those other countries, it's just that they tend to lack certain things that the West still have that those places don't have.
Some people from Western countries are genuinely afraid to go to Latin American countries. I encounter such people not only on the internet but also in real life. They are under the impression that all of Latin America is extremely dangerous. But those are usually people who have never lived in Latin America and don't understand that some cities and regions are much safer than others.

Nowadays, if you live in a developed city, you can get most if not all of the amenities that you find in America or Western Europe.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by 69ixine »

You just don't measure up!
She has constructed her ideal man in her head and you just don't measure up. Her ideal man has all the good bits of everyman she has ever met, had in her bedroom, seen on social media etc and none of the detrimental qualities.
Let her date this guy, in her imagination.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Outcast9428 wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 11:37 pm

I don't really accept the premise of Latin America being a paradise either. But its whatever, Latin American culture fills a certain niche. People who go over there accept that as a condition of being there. I love Asian culture and would consider Thailand to be a paradise but a lot of people can't accept how formal and rules' obsessed Asian culture is. I would simply accept that as a condition of being there. People going our separate ways is what is healthiest for us all. I don't want right leaning liberals going to Asia and f***ing the place up, and right leaning liberals don't want ultra conservatives coming to Latin America and messing with the culture there either. I'd rather let Latin America be "a paradise" for right leaning liberal type people so that they will go there and won't try to go to an Asian or Eastern European country and screw the place up.
What do you mean by right leaning liberals? What do they do to screw up places?
I only know of leftist liberals and what they usually do to a place.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by Outcast9428 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
May 6th, 2023, 1:23 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 11:37 pm

I don't really accept the premise of Latin America being a paradise either. But its whatever, Latin American culture fills a certain niche. People who go over there accept that as a condition of being there. I love Asian culture and would consider Thailand to be a paradise but a lot of people can't accept how formal and rules' obsessed Asian culture is. I would simply accept that as a condition of being there. People going our separate ways is what is healthiest for us all. I don't want right leaning liberals going to Asia and f***ing the place up, and right leaning liberals don't want ultra conservatives coming to Latin America and messing with the culture there either. I'd rather let Latin America be "a paradise" for right leaning liberal type people so that they will go there and won't try to go to an Asian or Eastern European country and screw the place up.
What do you mean by right leaning liberals? What do they do to screw up places?
I only know of leftist liberals and what they usually do to a place.
Right leaning liberals are people like frat guys or Andrew Tate for example who vote Republican but live and support liberal lifestyles. They usually dislike political correctness, the radical part of the feminist ideology, or in general reject the social justice ideology but they are not conservatives either because they support sexual promiscuity and/or fetishism.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by publicduende »

kangarunner wrote:
May 2nd, 2023, 2:31 pm
I just stared in awe that this short, fat guy was with this banging hot Colombian woman. He would be a total incel in America....and yet here in Colombia there's so many men who wouldn't have a chance in America but are with hot, native women.
Remember that Colombians are brought up with the American Dream in mind. They are a materialistic bunch and if fat guy is treating them to good meal and buying them clothes and jewellery, they'll be more than happy to date them, f**k them and even marry them. The caveat is that, in their minds, they will always feel free to hook up with Chacha the hot chad and f**k their brains out with him.

They like to have the proverbial cake and eat it.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by publicduende »

ladislav wrote:
May 1st, 2023, 3:10 am
A Western man, unlucky in love and/or who has not found his true love- the way his parents told him would happen ( but it did not happen) often feels said and lonely, and that his life is not complete. He feels inadequate.

Many were taught that in order to realize oneself in life, finding that special person is paramount, and then a family is created and that is basically the peak of happiness and fulfillment.

Not only that, these men are taught that one does not need to look for love, but that it comes when you are least looking for it, in God's due time. It gently alights on their shoulder as a butterfly when you do not expect it.

But because of the screwed up nature of many a Western society today, this great love no longer comes into the lives of many men whether they look for it or not. And it is them who are being blamed for not finding it, not the negative changes in society. Plus how can he even find it if courting a girl is now sexual harassment and she will call cops on you?

An incel is all his fault, though, he is told. He must improve his social skills. But the b---y, masculine women of today do not have to improve anything. Hah!

So, he ends up alone. Loveless and sexless. He might as well be living in Saudi Arabia.

Enter the Silver Lining

The law of conservation of matter dictates that if it's thin in one place, it must be thick in another. The lonesome loser now discovers that
He can keep all his money to himself.

He runs no divorce risk and no child support needs to be paid.

He has no person by his side to annoy him when her mood is bad.

His problems are in single and not double units. He does not need to deal with the other person getting sick or old.

He is free to come and go any time and anywhere he wants. He can come back home at 5 AM and no one is there to nag him.

And he is also free to go to other countries to see how things are there and if the problem is really him.

And he sets out on his journey.

So, he arrives in Russia first.


The streets are full of slim blondes, brunettes and redheads. Feminine, slim, well dressed, in mini skirts. Girls looking like Hollywood movie stars and Playboy centerfolds are just waitresses and cashiers. And all so sweet with the moist eyes looking at him.

And then, he sees that the guys there all look smug and happy. They have the same confident look as the women in the West.

And no!!! Every guy has a GF and/or a wife. Every darn one of them. And it is the girls that chase men, and it is many women who are incels and who are dreaming of that great love- and it does not come to them. All the good men are taken. Or rather, all men are taken, period. It is the opposite of the West. And it is the women who are told that they need to improve to catch that man.

And none of that " lip". A Slavic woman talks to a man in a sweet voice with great respect and admiration.

Even a fat, ugly, short, over the hill, ill dressed, bald, rude, socially inept Russian man still has a GF or a wife. Every darn one of them! And yes, the divorce rate is high, but it is the men who initiate it. They dump their wives when these are past 26 and get themselves a fresh 18 year old. Buzz off, old Masha. I love Dasha now.

WTF!!! , says the Western Incel

They lied to me, he says! It is not me. It is the outside society, its culture and demographics are at fault. I am good, I am OK. I am a normal person.

Then, he goes on to Thailand, a place where intimacy is as easy to buy as a hamburger. It is minutes away. And when he gets his full, he looks around and he sees them same thing as in Russia. Even a fat, ugly, short, over the hill, handicapped, ill dressed, bald, rude, socially inept Thai man still has a GF or a wife. Every darn one of them!

And no, they are not attending pick up courses in Thailand. Women are dime a dozen there.

And then, he comes to the Philippines. Same thing. It is totally rare for a Filipino man to not have a GF or a wife. Again, almost no incels. And it is a country where the concept of emotional, romantic, true love exists. This is the place where his parents' plans for him are easily fulfilled. He is not called a creep, a dork, a jerk, but a handsome Amerikano. He is appreciated and treated with respect. His due dignity is back ( or he feels it for the first time)

But after the former Western incel calms down, he often looks around and starts thinking.

Well, it is all well and good, but do I now want to sacrifice the good things of not having that true love? My freedom to come and go when and where I please, no drama, no extra expense, my ability to use my money and time the way I want?

Is it really worth it now that I have tasted those benefits? Maybe there is a middle way. I meet the people I want as now I have the opportunity, but I do not have to turn it into that true love. I stay unattached but still enjoy what there is to enjoy because I am in control now.

Thus, many ex- incels opt for the Middle Way and are happy with it.
And that is, my friend, the essence of socio-sexual arbitrage at the basis of the HA agenda.

I wouldn't be as dreamy as you when it comes to Russia and even Thailand. The new generations are extremely materialistic and always ask something in return, especially if you, the man, are not the type who gets them naturally wet and willing.

The Philippines has been, and still is, an outlier, in the sense that many girls from the vast rural areas are so uneducated and gullible that they will believe whatever a foreign man says to get them in the sack. Dump, rinse and repeat.

The socio-sexual arbitrage is an anomaly in the dating market. As with all forms of arbitrage, it presents itself as a window of opportunity which won't last forever.

It's a massive shame the US society has its latest generations hooked on junk food, videogames, porn and Fentanyl, so they won't even get the memo that their incelitude may stop the moment they get a blue passport and discovering the world.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
May 2nd, 2023, 12:02 am
One thing that comes into play is "trust". A lot of girls instinctively distrust a man who seems too good to be true. They'll look for a flaw, expecting one, or multiple. Or perhaps expect infidelity from the get-go, which is never a good thing. My first wife's family was always suspicious of me since the beginning since they felt I looked like "someone who could easily get women", hence they always expected me to cheat on her. Had I been fifteen centimeters shorter, fifteen pounds heavier when I met her with some acne and a crooked nose, they wouldn't have been suspicious lol.
This is common among most girls from rural/modest background: they (and their families) would rather have an older, fatter, balder, more flawed man who is totally committed to them, than a man who young and good looking and therefore susceptible to cheating or being taken away. It's easier for a girl to trust a man when said partner isn't anything special and acts like he hit jackpot every day he is with her. I have seen plenty of these cases in Davao and Manila.

There is also one exception to this: Filipinas who have it all look for man on the same LMS (Look, Money, Status) platform.

Just yesterday I went to a shop in Salcedo Village (a nice elegant street in Makati) to buy myself an audio interface for my Mac, as the old one I had is 12 years old and stopped working last month. I had been in touch with "Miguel", the owner, on Viber and we agreed to meet yesterday afternoon. I was expecting an eccentric middle age FIl-chi nerd. I got a handsome, beardy mestizo man in his 30s. The shop was more of a vintage music studio, with old Wurlitzer and Moog keyboards, analogue mixers and early digital delays from the early 80s. I was surprised and we spent a couple of hours chatting.

Among other things, he told me he was, indeed, American-Filipino, born and raised in the US. He moved to the Philippines when, as a college soccer student, he was proposed to play for the Azkals, the Philippine national team. Since he moved there, he enjoyed superstar status. His wife is a scion of one of the richest and most desirable industrial families, pure Spanish blood, which I happen to know a couple of things about, since two of their companies are my Client. Of course I do not know how she looks like but, judging from the looks of some of her same-generation cousins I met, she will be nothing short of gorgeous.

All in all, yes it's true that the average white man, maybe the once-divorced with a pot belly and a balding head, enjoys far superior choices of women when he comes to the Philippines.

It's also true that coming to the Philippines as a handsome youngster, a quarter or half of Filipino DNA being a plus, really takes you to the next level, one unattainable by the aforementioned average white man.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by ladislav »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 9:35 pm
kangarunner wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 11:36 am
Lucas88 wrote:
May 2nd, 2023, 7:34 pm
In Colombia there are women for the taking but many Western incels aren't willing to move to Colombia because they think that it's extremely dangerous.

Then them Colombians should stay the f**k out of America because plenty of Latinos come here every year in droves. So that sounds hypocritical of them to even criticize when their Spanish asses want to take over America. HA! And we get Hispanic people here from all over latin America. Not just Mexico. I don't see Mexicans trying to get into Colombia

Latinos come to the US because: higher salaries. easier to get credit and get education. more benefits for poor people. if they are not poor, they come for better quality services as well as more stable investment opportunities. They will get none of that by migrating to another Latino country. Plus, the nativism/nationalism there will keep them from ever advancing. Jobs, etc are for the locals. No student loans, no PELL grants, no opportunity to join the military etc

Spain is too far away and visas are way harder to get. Also, salaries are lower. Fewer benefits.

No one comes to the US for social life or romance.
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Re: The Ex- Incel's Middle Way

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
June 4th, 2023, 3:06 am
This actually gives me a lot of hope. Just last month, I welcomed my first son with my Spanish mestiza girlfriend, the one I showed you before. Little fellow came out pale, tall-nosed and already had all the nurses and doctors swooning over him from day one. I wonder how he'll fare in life, being born in the Philippines but having more foreign than local blood... he pretty much looks like a white baby. Even has my green eyes, although color often changes as children get older.

And it's true... the women who "have it all" want a man who has it all, too. Personally, my status has never been particularly high, nor has my money been particularly impressive. All I had to offer were youth and looks, and both those things hindered me in some aspects more than they aided me. In the larger cities, among the more well-off girls, it'll make you more or less a plaything, "an experience", rather than someone they see as a serious prospect. And they're often not looking for 'serious prospects' anyway; they're quite Westernized in a lot of ways, they want fun, fooling around, discreet enjoyment but marriage, children, a "traditional" life... you get that in the province.

My "love affair" with the Philippines hasn't completely come to an end. It'll always be a place for me to return, a place I have fond memories, friends, a network I built up over the years. But I'm not sure it's a place I would see myself growing old. Having returned to Europe, I see the perks as well. I'm kind of torn on what to do next. I'll just grind away for the next few years, provide for the offspring I have created, and re-evaluate my options when the time comes to make a choice.

Either way... the Philippines has its perks, and even though I haven't quite reached the level I wish I could have, I am optimistic that at least my son would one day be able to weasle his way into those upper echelons, provided he plays well with the cards handed to him by the genetic lottery of life.

Quite a bit to process, in this reply of yours. So you left the Philippines! Are you back to Holland? Is your Andrea Brillantes lookalike gf with you? What happens to the football team (with reserves!) of kids you fathered in the Philippines? Any of them will be living with you in Europe, if not now, at some point in the future?

LOL I guess I sound a bit like Winston. I have been living here, continuously, for a time that appears so long I can't imagine living anywhere else. This place is my golden cage, providing me with a lifestyle I could only dream of in a first world country, yet forcing me to compromise on so many different levels, it's mind boggling.

By not "wanting to grow old in the Philippines", I guess you mean you don't have a lot of opportunities to work, earn and save, all the way up to your maturity. Better to settle back in Europe to build up your adult life and then, perhaps, move back here when it's time to reap what you sowed. About your gwapo kids, you are right to say youth and good genes are a good head start in life, especially in a society, like this one, who judges a lot, perhaps too much, based on physical appearance.

From what I saw, looks work best when coupled with even a modest career, or a semblance thereof, that puts you in the spotlight: working as a country manager for a luxury brand (Adidas) made wonders for this cute young Frenchmen


as he managed to meet and date Isabelle Daza, actress/model and daughter of Philippines' first Miss Universe.


Had he been a pennyless bum, strolling down Fields Avenue on oversized wife beater and flip-flops, his life would have been still replete of sexual fun, yet nowhere near these levels.

Diversions apart, if your kids are smart and want to remain (or you want them to keep them) in the Philippines, they could enrol at Philippine Science High School, and then at University of the Philippines, completely free of charge. That kind of study path would open up a lot of great opportunities, even in a career-scarce place like here.
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