HANDSOME Winston: New photos and clothes - What do you all think? lol

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Post by celery2010 »

Winston, a couple tips. You just don't even look as good as you did as you did when you were in your 20's and early 30's.

You are clearly heavier. I recommend that you read a few fitness blogs and start with some weighlifting, cardio and maybe swimming or something. And also watch your diet, because your skin does not look good, and that is usually due to diet, a lack of vegetables and fruits.

It is good that you are finally experimenting with your look (you started wearing glasses), which does make you look different.

Google is your friend.

Here is a website where you can upload your photo and it shows how you would look with different hairstyles.

And for a men's makeover:
http://www.askmen.com/fashion/trends_60 ... n_men.html

As far as asking for your hair to be layered, ask someone local for help. Other synonyms are blended, texturized, etc. Goto Taipei and find a good salon with someone who was trained or has worked in the West. Or at least goto Taichung or Kaohsiung.

Alternatively, you can just go to a salon and show them the picture and just say "iyang" or basically, cut it like this. Or cut it so it grows in like this.

here's another good, somwhat similar cut
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Post by leavingusa »

You have to work out, lift weights lose all bodyfat so your face gets thin.

Then botox fill out any wrinkles.
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Post by Winston »

Here are some photos of me when I was 20 with my Vietnamese ex-girlfriend at my house in Fremont, CA. Didn't I look so innocent, thin and handsome? lol



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Post by eurobrat »

Last edited by eurobrat on May 27th, 2013, 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by celery2010 »

eurobrat wrote:
Winston wrote:Here are some photos of me when I was 20 with my Vietnamese ex-girlfriend at my house in Fremont, CA. Didn't I look so innocent, thin and handsome? lol Image
What the hell were you thinking? And don't tell me that was in style back then because I'm pretty sure that will never be in style.

You actually have hair here. I told you that you'd look better if you just grew some hair. How good does the average guy look BALD??

You're handicapping yourself.

If you still looked like that, you'd probably do ok and be able to get a lot girls in Taiwan.

Remember that this is the style that you called "faggy", but it's a very popular look in Asia.
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Post by Winston »

eurobrat wrote: What the hell were you thinking? And don't tell me that was in style back then because I'm pretty sure that will never be in style.
I told you dummy, there is no style in the US suburbs. It's totally casual. Go to suburban strip malls with Ross and Marshalls and you'll see the clothes that mainstream suburban people wear. It's not NYC. I liked that shirt because it looked like a uniform on a space ship like in sci fi shows I watched.
celery2010 wrote: You actually have hair here. I told you that you'd look better if you just grew some hair. How good does the average guy look BALD??

You're handicapping yourself.

If you still looked like that, you'd probably do ok and be able to get a lot girls in Taiwan.

Remember that this is the style that you called "faggy", but it's a very popular look in Asia.
Most girls I talked to said I looked better with shorter hair. Back then, I could grow my hair longer because my head was thinner. Now it's bigger and the hair merely sticks out, makes me uncomfortable, makes me feel like shit, and makes my face look weird. It's not me and doesn't fit my personality. I can't be something I'm not. You are not being realistic again. I'm not going to have my hair look like a porcupine. Yuck. You are f***ing crazy man.

Rock's hair is short and trim too. I saw some Asian models on street signs with buzz cuts too. So it's still in style. Most down to earth guys with my personality have short trim or buzz cuts too.

I posted these photos to show you guys how thin and innocent I looked back then.

Celery, stop being a dick. You are nitpicking little things that don't matter. Women aren't going to base their attraction on stuff like this. Attraction is emotional and they can't control it or predict it. Get some real life experience celery. Learn something about women and psychology. Anyone who understands women will tell you this. You are focusing on little things that don't matter, like a control freak. You obviously have a lot to learn.

Attraction isn't about clothes or hair. It's about chemistry, energy, emotional response, etc. Even women do not know why they are attracted to some guys but not others. It's how you make them feel. Not your style. You miss the plot and the big picture. Instead, you are nitpicking irrelevant things in a very immature manner.

If you guys hadn't driven Ginger off, she would have told you the same. You guys need to learn to listen. Not just shoot off your mouth and make judgments. Otherwise, you will only validate the negative stereotypes about men that American women have.

Eurobrat, you need to stop making absolute statements. For example, you don't know what Marina looks like now, nor do you know if she's married or has kids, or if she's worth pursuing. Only God knows. Not you. It is NOT logical to make absolute statements about something you cannot possibly know. Only small minded people do that. Instead of making absolute statements, you should say "possibly this or that" and keep an open mind to all possibilities until more data comes in. That's what a truth seeker does. Aren't you one? If so, then stop making absolute statements without basis.
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Post by onethousandknives »

momopi wrote:You can buy jeans with different cuts, i.e. Levis "straight leg" cuts will have slimmer leg cuts. For dress pants, the Express carries the producer pant line with straight cuts. Depending on your shape slim cuts may not fit you or may not look good on you. You don't want to wear something that might break at the seams when you sit down either.

For tops, avoid horizontal stripes if you have a belly. Horizontal stripes are good for skinny guys that want to look like they have some meat on their bones. Instead of looking for cloths to camo the pot belly, it's better to just do 20 sits ups in the morning and 20 at night to lose it.

If your hair is coarse, you didn't take care of it. What conditioner do you use for your hair?

When taking self portraits, be aware of the background. Generally speaking it's better to have clutter-free background, or nice outdoor scenes. Your digital camera has many settings, try playing with them and take a folding tripod with you (even a little one will do). A pro photographer once told me that the difference between pro's and amateurs is that the pro's take 100 pictures and pick the best out of 100's, versus the amateur snaps 1 picture and walks away. With digital cameras, your cost of taking hundreds of photos is not significant. Typical DSLR camera today is rated for 100,000 - 150,000 clicks, so if you took 100 pictures every day, it'd take 3-5 years before you reach the MTBF rating.
lololol, situps don't do anything, especially spot reduce fat. Your body loses fat all over the body when you lose weight. Where your fat goes is hormonal (ie, high cortisol places more fat in the belly, more estrogen butt and belly, etc.) You won't have visible abs until you get to like 10% bodyfat, unless you're like a strongman or powerlifter and have visible abs on your gut from your abs being so strong (look up the powerlifter Konstantin Konstantinovs from Latvia.)

Anyway, I don't know shit about clothes or fashion, so yeah. One thing personally is wearing dark clothes sorta can make you appear a bit unapproachable, or as called in the West "creepy." People got significantly nicer to me once I started wearing brighter colored clothes, I usually wear a red or blue shirt everyday. Also, I know with clothes, it's best within reason, to wear the tightest clothes possible, even if you're fat. Not like, ridiculously tight, but wearing loose clothes just makes you look more fat, as there's more air between you and the clothes, so you just look bigger. So people instantly see you as like "bigger" if that makes sense. Not a good look if you wanna be seen as skinny. Like it can sorta reduce the gut, but it doesn't really work to make you look skinnier. I think psychologically you're seen as having something to hide, so to speak, whereas wearing tighter clothes makes you look more open. I mean, it shows you're not like, ashamed of your body, confidence, all that fun stuff. Remember too, with fat, it's mostly seen in the face. People can see if you're fat just by seeing your face. So clothes hiding just your gut or whatever isn't really gonna work since you got a little double chin going on.

And yes Winston, workout. You don't have a job besides this, right? You can spend all day in the gym, haha. Plus Taiwan got nice food for cheap. Do some heavy weightlifting, it's fun and it makes you feel like a champion, lifting heavy crap up. If you're up to it, learn to dance, too. Dance will help your posture, balance, coordination all kinds of fun stuff, and women are there, too. I didn't dance, but I currently am figure skating, loads of fun, skating burns 700 calories an hour at my bodyweight, too.

Attraction isn't about clothes or hair. It's about chemistry, energy, emotional response, etc. Even women do not know why they are attracted to some guys but not others. It's how you make them feel. Not your style. You miss the plot and the big picture. Instead, you are nitpicking irrelevant things in a very immature manner.
LOL. So all the fat ugly women are attractive and are entitled to Abercrombie model boyfriends, right? I mean there's an element of truth in what you say, but, yeah... It only goes so far, man.
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Post by Winston »

Dude, I told you long ago, I'm not a weightlifter type, or a gym type. I'm into swimming, racket sports, hiking, and martial arts. You don't need to go to the gym. The Native Americans who were in balance with nature and physically in shape did not go to the gym. They had an active lifestyle.

You just need to be physically active and have an active lifestyle. No need to go to an artificial gym or lift weights. That's stupid. I'm not a macho type. Anyone knows that. It should be obvious.

No, fat women can't get hot boyfriends. But the point is, if you aren't her type, wearing different clothes or getting a different hairstyle is NOT going to change that. And if you are her type, it doesn't really matter, as long as you dress decent and don't smell. Duh. I've never seen a case where a girl liked me for clothes or rejected me for them. Again: As long as you look DECENT and dress DECENT, it doesn't really matter what your "fashion style" is. Grow up guys!

This is common sense. Anyone with people skills and common sense knows this. Some of you guys act like you have no real life experience. Geez. Quit nitpicking stupid little things that are irrelevant. It looks stupid and is f***ing annoying too. Grow up please.

Go out and connect with people and with women, and you'll learn about what really matters and what really makes good human relationships. Nitpicking all this little shit is insane, immature, ultimately pointless, narrow, small minded and stupid. Real men don't do that.

Do you see real men with genuine confidence like Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal or Sylvester Stallone nitpicking little things like clothes and hairstyle on other people? NO WAY! Of course not. Real men don't do that. Mature wise people don't do that either. Emotionally healthy and balanced people don't do that either. Only small minded pricks looking to belittle others and put others below them on the pecking order do shit like that. You guys should learn from real men like the ones named above, and how they act.

PS - Right now, I'm watching a Mission Impossible movie with Tom Cruise. And in it, Tom Cruise is wearing nice decent casual clothes, the same kind I wear. As long as you do that and don't smell, you are fine. Your fashion or style doesn't really matter. This is the real world.

Again: As long as you look DECENT and dress DECENT, it doesn't really matter what your "fashion style" is. Grow up guys!
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Post by onethousandknives »

Winston wrote:Dude, I told you long ago, I'm not a weightlifter type, or a gym type. I'm into swimming, racket sports, hiking, and martial arts. You don't need to go to the gym. The Native Americans who were in balance with nature and physically in shape did not go to the gym. They had an active lifestyle.

You just need to be physically active and have an active lifestyle. No need to go to an artificial gym or lift weights. That's stupid. I'm not a macho type. Anyone knows that. It should be obvious.

No, fat women can't get hot boyfriends. But the point is, if you aren't her type, wearing different clothes or getting a different hairstyle is NOT going to change that. And if you are her type, it doesn't really matter, as long as you dress decent and don't smell. Duh. I've never seen a case where a girl liked me for clothes or rejected me for them. Again: As long as you look DECENT and dress DECENT, it doesn't really matter what your "fashion style" is. Grow up guys!

This is common sense. Anyone with people skills and common sense knows this. Some of you guys act like you have no real life experience. Geez. Quit nitpicking stupid little things that are irrelevant. It looks stupid and is f***ing annoying too. Grow up please.

Go out and connect with people and with women, and you'll learn about what really matters and what really makes good human relationships. Nitpicking all this little shit is insane, immature, ultimately pointless, narrow, small minded and stupid. Real men don't do that.

Do you see real men with genuine confidence like Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal or Sylvester Stallone nitpicking little things like clothes and hairstyle on other people? NO WAY! Of course not. Real men don't do that. Mature wise people don't do that either. Emotionally healthy and balanced people don't do that either. Only small minded pricks looking to belittle others and put others below them on the pecking order do shit like that. You guys should learn from real men like the ones named above, and how they act.

PS - Right now, I'm watching a Mission Impossible movie with Tom Cruise. And in it, Tom Cruise is wearing nice decent casual clothes, the same kind I wear. As long as you do that and don't smell, you are fine. Your fashion or style doesn't really matter. This is the real world.

Again: As long as you look DECENT and dress DECENT, it doesn't really matter what your "fashion style" is. Grow up guys!
I don't know how much of that is directed specifically at me, so...

Winston, when's the last time you went hiking or played tennis then? Are you Native American? Are you going hunting and killing stuff everyday out on the plains, or farming everyday? I mean, do you go walking at least? Seriously, what do you do? The reason we have gyms is to simulate in some capacity life like that. To quote a trainer, Mark Rippetoe:
…we have not spent the last 65 million or so years finely honing our physiology to watch Oprah. Like it or not, we are the product of a very long process of adaptation to a harsh physical existence, and the past couple centuries of comparative ease and plenty are not enough time to change our genome. We humans are at our best when our existence mirrors, or at least simulates, the one we are still genetically adapted to live. And that is the purpose of exercise.
I'm actually a Creationist, so I don't really believe in 165 million years, but that's the point. If you really like tennis, go play tennis. Do something. Artificial or real. Doesn't matter. As long as it's something. But going to an artificial gym is better than sitting in your artificial house.

Weights is fun. As far as being a "macho type" I figure skate and listen to girly eurodance and Japanese pop all day. So macho. Most people think I'm gay (unfortunately.) It's an activity, it's neutral in itself. Completely neutral. You may ASSOCIATE it with macho types, but it's just another activity. It's no more pointless of an activity to do than playing tennis or basketball or something. This I'm talking about lifting for strength or sport, not bodybuilding (I think bodybuilding, lifting specifically to get muscles, is weird.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKJUEZWAjII That's the Korean National Team. Do they all look like huge muscle bound weird people? There's petite looking girls, too. Most athletes lift weights as part of training. Doing a squat, for example, will build your leg, back, and ab strength, and allow you to do things like sprint faster or jump higher, both things very vital for being good in sports. So if you wanted to get more serious at tennis, if you lifted, you'd be even better, as you could move faster, hit the ball harder, etc.

As far as fashion style, sort of. I mean as I said is my own personal experience. Things like a girl rejecting you, for, say, wearing the wrong pair of shoes or something is a bit farfetched. And I personally don't think your new clothes are bad, just as I said. I guess darker colors are more appropriate for winter, though. Don't know how cold it gets in TW, though.
Last edited by onethousandknives on February 20th, 2013, 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by eurobrat »

Last edited by eurobrat on May 27th, 2013, 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by onethousandknives »

Well I read the whole thread, not just the first page. You look damned good at my age (I'm 22.) But yeah, you should work out. No other people, practice racquetball yourself and wait for another person to show up to play. Other people do that, I've gotten invites to play doing that, just hanging around or being in the gym at the same time as someone else who wanted to play.

You probably have really messed up hormone levels from a variety of factors, including your diet, mental health, etc. The good news is exercise helps your hormones out, too. Find an activity you enjoy, and less cortisol, stress relief, lose fat regardless of calories.

I'm kinda sad reading all about you Winston. When I was in high school, I first discovered your site. You have a lot of good info on here, especially what foreigners said about America. So it gave me hope that maybe the grass is greener on the other side. Then I read about you on the forums, and you're like, sadder abroad? You're basically the worst advertisement for your own site. It's actually really sad. Think about this. You are letting others down with your misfortune. You're selling an idea, that you can be happier abroad, and for the most part you've failed in your own execution of it. I know it's like, fat sports coaches or something like that, but still. It's sad, you're letting people down with your own lack of success.

I see the Winston coming off the plane from TW, and the Winston with the Vietnamese girlfriend, then the Winston now, and I'm literally sad for you. It's not too late to regain what you lost, however, it will take efforts. I used to be 230lbs, and coincidently at 230 I was most miserable. If someone told me at 230 I'd look how I do now, figure skate, lift, etc, I'd have laughed at them. But it happened. It just took the spark of me doing it, and having faith something good would come of it. I lost my license about two months ago. My old license had 230lb me on it. The DMV's computers facial recognition software didn't even recognize me as being the same person, that's how much I changed.
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Post by ringspun »

I would go for a shirt, this frames your face better, makes you look richer and catches more p***y!
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Post by Banano »

Winston you looked very handsome young man when you were 20, you werent fat, your head was more attractive

Here is my suggestion,
get plastic surgery, you need to get your face and jawline in place, its too puffed now, thats not attractive...go to top surgeon in TW or BKK and tell them you want your face to look chiesled, its popular procedure I might do it but im not that bad yet..

grow moustaches and beard,D Becham or J Depp style..if you cant grow it get it transplanted....

you need to get rid of your round face, period, do research and you will see what Im talkin about
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Post by celery2010 »

Winston wrote:
eurobrat wrote: What the hell were you thinking? And don't tell me that was in style back then because I'm pretty sure that will never be in style.
I told you dummy, there is no style in the US suburbs. It's totally casual. Go to suburban strip malls with Ross and Marshalls and you'll see the clothes that mainstream suburban people wear. It's not NYC. I liked that shirt because it looked like a uniform on a space ship like in sci fi shows I watched.
celery2010 wrote: You actually have hair here. I told you that you'd look better if you just grew some hair. How good does the average guy look BALD??

You're handicapping yourself.

If you still looked like that, you'd probably do ok and be able to get a lot girls in Taiwan.

Remember that this is the style that you called "faggy", but it's a very popular look in Asia.
Most girls I talked to said I looked better with shorter hair. Back then, I could grow my hair longer because my head was thinner. Now it's bigger and the hair merely sticks out, makes me uncomfortable, makes me feel like shit, and makes my face look weird. It's not me and doesn't fit my personality. I can't be something I'm not. You are not being realistic again. I'm not going to have my hair look like a porcupine. Yuck. You are f***ing crazy man.

Rock's hair is short and trim too. I saw some Asian models on street signs with buzz cuts too. So it's still in style. Most down to earth guys with my personality have short trim or buzz cuts too.

I posted these photos to show you guys how thin and innocent I looked back then.

Celery, stop being a dick. You are nitpicking little things that don't matter. Women aren't going to base their attraction on stuff like this. Attraction is emotional and they can't control it or predict it. Get some real life experience celery. Learn something about women and psychology. Anyone who understands women will tell you this. You are focusing on little things that don't matter, like a control freak. You obviously have a lot to learn.

Attraction isn't about clothes or hair. It's about chemistry, energy, emotional response, etc. Even women do not know why they are attracted to some guys but not others. It's how you make them feel. Not your style. You miss the plot and the big picture. Instead, you are nitpicking irrelevant things in a very immature manner.

If you guys hadn't driven Ginger off, she would have told you the same. You guys need to learn to listen. Not just shoot off your mouth and make judgments. Otherwise, you will only validate the negative stereotypes about men that American women have.

Eurobrat, you need to stop making absolute statements. For example, you don't know what Marina looks like now, nor do you know if she's married or has kids, or if she's worth pursuing. Only God knows. Not you. It is NOT logical to make absolute statements about something you cannot possibly know. Only small minded people do that. Instead of making absolute statements, you should say "possibly this or that" and keep an open mind to all possibilities until more data comes in. That's what a truth seeker does. Aren't you one? If so, then stop making absolute statements without basis.

I'm sorry you're wrong. And i'll show you why.

1. Personal experience. I also have a big head. With short hair it looks unbalanced and weird, just like you. But with slightly longer hair i look normal.

2. Belinda Carlisle. Image


Belinda Carlisle is a beautiful woman, but she has a HUGE head. She looks perfectly fine with long hair, where her big head and face are covered up. But with short hair, she looks ugly and weird looking.

3. Long hair balances the features of a big head. You can see the effect in your own pictures above!

4. You need to add gel or wax to your hair so it won't have the porcupine effect.

5. CHALLENGE: There are a ton of sites and apps where you can upload your photo and change your hairstyle. You can even do it manually with Photoshop or Gimp. Take 30 minutes to check out a different hairstyle. google add hairstyle to my photo

6. CHALLENGE2: Grow your hair out for 3-4 months. Wear a hat if it make you feel really uncomfortable. If you don't like it, cut it off.

The most important thing is that it will mitigate the size of your head. I'm serious. It's a proven thing with real results. I'm not making this up.

And again, i'm telling you this, because i also have the same issue. I look fine after 6-8 weeks of hair growth. But with really short hair it looks weird and unbalanced.
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