Why China & Russia are freer than America & Taiwan

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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

Edward Snowden says life in Russia is great.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wor ... sia-great/
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

In our FB group, a Chinese American named Henry King made these interesting comments about the lack of social freedom in Taiwan and America.

"Winston Wu, Tony Hernandez Ramirez, it is so true. Taiwanese have a strange penchant to dislike people, Americans have a strange penchant to screw people. Everywhere you go in Taiwan and in America, you feel this negative energy. That negative energy is especially strong in Silicon Valley, where American bull craps are being practiced to the extreme. It is such a different experience when you are with Mainland Chinese. Most of them you do want to get close and you do want to talk to. When you see Taiwanese and Americans(including the Mainland Chinese that grew up in Taiwan), most of them, because you have to contend with their bad attitudes, you just want to avoid them completely! The feeling is so bad, so uptight when you are with Americans and Taiwanese(including the Mainland Chinese that grew up in Taiwan).

Winston Wu, if you were to watch TV series from Mainland China, whether contemporary or ancient, you notice something drastically different from Taiwanese and American shows. Many more shows tend to be more realistic in Mainland China. In Mainland China, you can talk about the society as it really is. There are far less social mores restraining you from telling the truth about the society. Winston, you can try this, try to speak the society as it really is in front of a Taiwanese. Most often, the Taiwanese will explode in front of you calling you negative or some other names. If you speak the society as it really is in front of an American, most often, you will get a distorted face. In Taiwan and in America, you just can not be too truthful! You have to sugar-coat everything because of the social mores. But that is not true everywhere. I can name one exception from my head. In Mainland China, you can be truthful when you talk about the society and human nature. You do not have to sugar coat anything.

Winston Wu, Tony Hernandez Ramirez, Martell Nelson have you guys noticed something about Taiwan and America? In Taiwan, when you get close to people, they almost always start to label you strange, deviant and abnormal. In America, when you get close to people, they usually do not do that. Instead, you may find a counselor or security guard coming at you one day. Both Taiwan and America are conforming societies extremely intolerant of differences. The society does crazy things like these to keep everyone in conformity. When I was young, I constantly received verbal attacks and rejections from Taiwanese. They always called me strange, deviant, abnormal and so on and so forth. However, I did not get that from Mainland Chinese as much. Only some Mainland Chinese screwed me and humiliated me. How come? Was there anything wrong with me or something was really wrong wtih the society?

Some of the things I usually get from the Taiwanese were: you are so bothersome, you are such a pestilence. When I was young, my mother blamed all on me. I was hurt once by these people, once by my mother and it left me completely confused. Did I really do something wrong? Was I really a pestilence? But, how come I did not get as much garbage from the Mainland Chinese? One day, I asked an aunt from Mainland China: am I a difficult person to get along? She said: no, you are a very casual person. At least two Mainland Chinese had said that to me. Was there anything wrong with me or something was wrong with the society.

Never assume that the authority and the majority are always right and mentally healthy. In Taiwan and America, the authority and majority are always right and mentally healthy and in Taiwan and in America, the society feed us that idea constantly. But that is not true!"
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by DarrylJenks »

Blah, the SF bay area is NOT the the whole US, Wu. I remember going to NYC about 5 years ago and being surprised by how different and cool the girls were. Everything you say about America is REALLY just about the SF bay area with its huge Asian population... and up the coast to Seattle. The west coast of America is full of granola white people and weak Asians. This creates an environment where everyone is scared of everything they don’t know or have not been already exposed to previously. Because weak people don't want to be hurt, they create a non-threatening environment where everything is safe and nice. As a result, you get political correctness, feminism, etc. This also creates the perfect work environment. Hence why tech companies love the bay area!! Working drones for the taking! They do not make friends that would otherwise cause low productivity. They don't challenge leadership directly instead they might write a mean review or some other fag shit. Everything they do follows what has been established. Overall, they never grow up because growing up requires meaty ballz :wink:
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

From Henry King on FB: Another reason why China has more freedom than America and Taiwan.

"Thank you Winston.

Winston, as we can see, there is no freedom in America. America and Taiwan do not control you at the political level. On the surface, Taiwan and America give you all kinds of freedom. But, in reality, you are controlled at the social level.

In China, the social network service sites are government controlled. You can not criticize the government and you can not criticize government policy. Otherwise, you can say anything you like.

If you talk about the topics we talk about in China, your site will never be shut down.

In Taiwan and America, they control you at the social level.
This you can say, this you can not say. It is all social control.

Winston, in America and Taiwan. we can only talk about things in positive ways. It is an unspoken rule in Taiwan and America. It is a social mores.

But if you go to China, you can talk about things the way they really are. You can talk about the nasty human nature the way they really are.

You see that in television, you see that in human interactions in China.

You just can not do that in Taiwan or America.

Our site got shut down is a good example."
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Ok since its more free then stay in taiwan and russia and never leave those countries again just stay there indefinitely since they are so idealistic for you. :D
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

From henry king on myths and lies about China that Taiwan propagates:

"Winston Wu, I can answer this. In Taiwan and in America, the social mores dictate that you can only speak things that are politically correct. You can only speak about things in ways acceptable to the majority. Remember, in Taiwan and in America, the authority and the majority are always the undisputed absolute truth. In China, the unspoken social rule, when a woman and a man get to gether is this: the woman is supposed to take responsibilities from the man. Chinese women in general, do not demand anything from their men. So, I do not know why people in Taiwan say China is all these things. There is a social more to say bad things about China in Taiwan! Winston, Taiwan gives you a strangely bad perception about China and the perception is completely ridiculous and not true. All these things we hear about China from Taiwan are as ridiculous as: Taiwan is a very warm place(I just heard that from the Taiwan television news program again the other day) or in America, be as direct as you can or American students play all the time or American education is more inspirational. Yes, people in China can be materialistic, like anywhere. But no, in my experience, they are not more materialistic. Particularly, the women in China are in general, not materialistic toward their men. Winston, go by your experience, do not go by cliches. I guess, when I was young, I went by cliches far too much and that gave me a lot of trouble. I am not saying everywhere in China is good. In my experience, people in Jiangxi province carry really bad attitudes and girls from the city of Hangzhou, Shanghai and Ningbo are really not good at all. But most places, people in China have far better attitudes than Taiwan and America. These saying we have heard, they are from the Taiwanese society, are completely unfounded and completely ridiculous. It is like people think America is the most free country in the world. Many bizarre ideas float around in this world. Many are not true. We hear things like: the world is the strong eat the weak, people are motivated by greed and money or if you are nice to people, they take advantage of you. These are not true most of the times."
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

Hi all,
Ghost just wrote a new post in our blog about the freedoms that China has that the US doesn't have. Check it out. He wrote it after we had a group discussion on WeChat about all the ways that China is freer than the US. I added some graphics to it.

Is China Freer Than The USA?
http://blog.happierabroad.com/2015/09/i ... erica.html
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

A deeper reason why China feels freer than the US is this, which you can add to your blog article:

In America the people and culture are very fake, arrogant, toxic, egotistical, full of shit and full of delusional beliefs that arent true. Therefore, if you are authentic and down to earth and realistic and soulful, you wont fit in and arent free to be yourself. Thus you will NOT feel free.

However, if you go to a more authentic and down to earth culture like China or Russia -- where people are more real and realistic and honest and genuine and are not full of shit -- you will FEEL FREER because the environment MATCHES your personality and vibe.

Its kind of like how a salt water fish feels freer in salt water and a fresh water fish feels freer in fresh water. You get my drift?

So thats a deeper reason why China and Russia feel freer than America. But its a deep reason thats hard to put into words. You know what i mean?

Also of course, for us guys China and Russia feel freer because the girls are much more approachable and easier to talk to and connect with, because they are a lot more down to earth and sane.

By the way, have you guys noticed that Americans are the most delusional people on the planet? They are full of self-delusion and delusional beliefs that arent true and make no sense and contradict each other. I could give countless examples. So full of shit in other words. Have you guys noticed that?
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

Winstons deep observation:

Have you guys noticed that in America, if you dont fit in, you suffer a lot in your soul and mind, and you end up having deep insecurities and inferiority complexes?

However if you dont fit into China, for example, it does not psychologically torture you the way it does in America, because China is authentic and down to earth and harmonious and does not psychologically bully you or try to tear down your ego. Plus theres a feeling of social harmony in China that you dont get in America so you dont feel as toxic about it. You guys notice that?

Basically, if you dont fit in in America, you experience a deep psychological pain and alienation that you would NOT feel if you were a misfit in other foreign cultures. Why is that I wonder?
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by zboy1 »

America and most other Anglo countries have a lot of division in their societies, namely: social, racial, political, class and race, just to name a few). It's getting to the point where if you don't go along with the mainstream, you're demonized by everyone who don't 'fit-in' the mainstream.

American's are a*holes, or at least most of them are. The culture is degenerating so much, I can't see much hope for the country. Why do you think there so many shootings and race riots happening, and many Americans are becoming more and more pessimistic about the future of the country. I mean, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are being considered 'serious' candidates now, which would never have been the case a few decades ago. ...

Overall, the society and culture is an unhealthy one, and trying to diagnose the reasons are too numerous. Winston, just be glad you're not living there anymore. ...
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

Winston wrote:Hi all,
Ghost just wrote a new post in our blog about the freedoms that China has that the US doesn't have. Check it out. He wrote it after we had a group discussion on WeChat about all the ways that China is freer than the US. I added some graphics to it.

Is China Freer Than The USA?
http://blog.happierabroad.com/2015/09/i ... erica.html
Wow check out this comment in the blog post about why China may be freer than the US. It's so true.

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2015/09/i ... l#comments

"Stephen McGreevy January 4, 2016 at 5:29 PM

I spent 3 weeks in China back in November 2013 - and found the people so much more friendly in many ways than Americans - in some cases, by far.

Even the POLICE cars in Beijing looked far less intimidating that the commandoized-looking militaristic-looking police vehicles in the USA.

Everywhere I went in China I saw signs of booming economy and a resultant buoyancy of the people who think things are becoming better and better there. Upbeat! Certainly not a perfect place, but the total upbeat attitude of Chinese people - especially the YOUTH vastly differs from the truly depressing, soul-less, gang-ridden cynical American social-climate and declining economy (especially rural) in the USA.

Lovely architecture of modern buildings in Beijing, Xian, etc. was so much more "eye candy" than the depressing looking sprawl/crappy architecture and infrastructure of the USA.

California has crumbling jammed freeways - China has gorgeous, new freeways (actually toll-motorways) also jammed, but not crumbling.

The FAR BETTER feeling social-climate in China (while not perfect) made me feel almost uplifted, and actually freer - I felt a lot less uptight in China than in the mean-ole USA.

Chinese people are enjoying much more freedoms now comparatively, as Americans are experiencing a great contraction of their own freedoms due to massive amounts of laws and regulations and a growing fascist police-state rising in the USA along with a generalized "fiscal-slavery" to the Almighty American Dollar.

Things will change as China adopts the same kind of "rat-race-consumerism" so prevelant in the USA (but you don't see the obnoxious gun-heads and red-neck pick-up trucks one sees in the USA and also in copy-cat-Canada.

Truly, I get far worse culture-shock returning back to the USA than when I travel abroad (been to 18 nations since 1996).

God I hope to leave USA in 10 years - I BET China will continue to be even more welcoming to immigrants and entrepenuers while the USA continues its crazy downward-spiral. (Pray America does not take out the entire Planet with its Evil Pentagon WMDs).

In this manner, China rocks and I found the nation incredible, actually!

I really need 10 pages to be specific, but i felt better in china than ever in the USA and I am a native Californian who badly wants out of that state... and nation... God I hope I can say "goodbye and good-riddance" to such a huge American population of sicko-gun-heads and be in a freer and happier nation. I hold great hopes for China! Could China save America from itself? My fears are that (inevitably) that the Massively Evil USA Pentagon-WMD-Fascist center will bomb China someday (as Donald Trump would like...)

Sorry to have to say this, really... God I hope the USA can turn around, but NO hopes there, really! FAB SITE HERE! Thanks Winston!

Steve McGreevy Keeler, Kalifornia, Amerika (and I bet the Chinese military does not town-attack via jet-fighter planes/pilots as is being done here in California desert."
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by starchild5 »

On a higher spiritual level. That's the scam really. The elites move from one Soul Consciousness to another, while humanity looses.

One time, Even South Africa, Zimbabwe was super power with all the gold mines found there and biggest cities over 200k years ago. Same with Greece, Rome, India, South America...Now, they are coming back to China making America look bad.

This is the story of my life..If I have one good thing, other has to be bad..Why can't everything be good in my life :lol: ..Why can't both America and China be GOOD? Its a gigantic conspiracy, Why in the history of humanity, one civilization collapses while another comes up?

The same force which is Pushing America down is now Pushing China up..Look at the timing guys.

If you don't believe in reincarnation, then its all good, if you do, then the growth of China is a sham like America..It will be eventually used to butcher humanity. You don't remember what you ate 5 days back and then people base all reincarnation proof on Memory :lol:

Your life goal should be spiritual development not moving to China or America or Philippines where the grass gets greener...This is all temporary guys....Its all good but never forget your DHARMA...Do not base your entire LIFE on THIS LIFE...Once you die in China, you could be born in America again :lol: ..If you do not do your Dharma properly :lol:
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Re: Why Russia/China are FREER than America/Taiwan

Post by 123 »

I agree with Winston.
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Re: Freedoms in China/Russia you don't get in America/Taiwan

Post by Winston »

In case you guys missed it, check out this podcast I did with two Asian guys about the freedoms and benefits that China offers that you don't get in America. Many have said it's very eye-opening and inspiring.

http://www.happierabroad.com/podcasts/c ... eedoms.mp3
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