Why women go for the alpha male

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Post by Truthville »


I did read your posts about robotic love partners. I see it coming.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm.............I never thought about it that way BUT I think "cultural conditioning" could be substituted for "cultural software."

Very interesting..........

Hardware being the mind/brain.

Software being the information fed into the mind/brain, with the intent of modifying and/or changing it's existing thought processes in various devious ways.

Modern "Feminism", of course, would be a virus, packaged with the "mass media" software programs, slowly infecting the thought processes, ultimately, in extreme cases, overriding the hard-wired bios!

I like it!

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" Why do women go for the Alpha male "

Post by Kapinga626 »

So funny I run into this post .
I consider myself a middle aged nerdy guy , who also happens to own a 280 lb. bench press , and a 455 lb. free squat .
Just today , I went to the post office , wearing shorts , and a Corona beer t-shirt , which BTW - is proper gym attire .
A cute well dressed woman with a Russian accent starts to chat me up , asks me to hold her spot , etc .

So I hold her spot , and I answer her questions in a very polite , but life-damaged attitude ... And she just couldn't get enough !

Feeling very self-concious , I didn't even try to get a # .
Even after she took care of her business , she kept looking over her shoulder , and faking forgetting stuff .
Turns out she was Armenian , and kept telling me about her residence at the beach . ( Pasadena post office ) .
Yeah , I know I don't have enough money to score a phone # , so I think F' it , whatever .

I could have faked it , and led her on , but what's the use ?
I'm not a good liar , and I'll have my day in the sun again . ( soon ) .
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Post by odbo »

fschmidt wrote:Woman'sview, I would like to answer your question. Skimming this thread, I see no coherent answers. First of all, you are grossly misusing the term "alpha". You are really attracted to omegas. Why? Because you are scum as explained by Bonecrker and scummy women are attracted to omegas. But it isn't your fault that you are scum. It is men's fault for letting society degenerate into a feminist hell. Women's behavior and preferences are culturally determined as I explained here.
i read some of your stuff and it while it was painful at first (over analyzing) if you take your definitions and then go out into the world the next day, placing men & women you know into your criteria, it really is possible to make sense out of american sexuality. so good job. i guess woman's view is scum indeed.

btw we're all biological programmed, but we've been heavily manipulated. if you trust your "primal" urges outright, you're an idiot.
some men are becoming as sick in the head as american women. i hear how white guys are naturally attracted to asians because diversity (more pseudo-science) will make a superior baby. what a crock of shit! it's called a fetish. plastic asian bimbos are glorified in the media, and there's a back-lash against white women because of feminism as well. no one seemed to notice this evolutionary benefit in the 80s or 90s when asians looked like a bunch of monkeys to america's racist society. but it really is monkey see monkey do, nothing relating to instinct.


men are attracted to long & blonde hair, big boobs and blue eyes. why is that?

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theoretically it has something to do with showing the girls age.

if she has big boobs its easier to tell she's past her prime when they sag. most blonde people's hair darkens as they grow older. some don't.. that's why when guy see some blonde they get instantly excited. often when the woman turns around it turns out she's in her 40s or 50s and suddenly blonde hair is very unattractive.

a woman with a run down face but light hair generally looks like a clown in a wig.

blue eyes show the most expression, and often times they change color as well with age. some people are born with light blue eyes and they turn green or greyish.

boobs are nick-named brain-blockers. hormones can make a man do stupid things. so what does an intelligent man do? he ignores the devil in his pants and uses his brain. according to 'woman's view' women are incapable of this. they're simply biologically programmed. :lol:


Gotta love the hypocrisy when men date one-trick ponies like this. "Trash", "Pig"...

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Post by S_Parc »

LinuxOnly wrote:i hear how white guys are naturally attracted to asians because diversity (more pseudo-science) will make a superior baby. what a crock of shit! it's called a fetish. plastic asian bimbos are glorified in the media, and there's a back-lash against white women because of feminism as well. no one seemed to notice this evolutionary benefit in the 80s or 90s when asians looked like a bunch of monkeys to america's racist society. but it really is monkey see monkey do, nothing relating to instinct.
I think the natural attraction has to do with femininity, that's the Madame Butterfly theory. All the other stuff, like making a better baby, is an after-the-fact rationalization.

The other is the modern college effect, where if you check out many science/engineering programs, many of the women there are Asian, as oppose to white (non eastern European F-1 visas). That's a shared experience type of bonding.
LinuxOnly wrote:men are attracted to long & blonde hair, big boobs and blue eyes. why is that?
I only agree with the boobs, that's well documented. The other stuff is highly variable and controllable by the media. I guess that's where Marlyn Monroe / Jayne Mansfield have done their damage.
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Oh my gay... Because Oh my god is not fitting...

Post by Squirrel »

Woman's view? I gather you take pride in being illusive and making it "hard" for people to figure out. The reason why you cannot fool me or most other intelligent males is because you can't even fool yourself. Sine when is taking pride in not making yourself known a good thing? You boast about something you have no credibility with. By every post you make yourself more transparent and appear more of a buffoon. This is exactly why a metric shit ton of men in America have issues with you all. You take pride in the made up "fact" that "nobody knows you" and that "you've seen it all when it comes to men" or that "you know how men are." Ever asked a man in your life a question that requires a thoughtful answer? A GENUINE thoughtful answer? This is why you feel you have free reign to judge man as you so obviously do on ice thin pretenses or contexts. This is a pointless thread and you will get nowhere posting on it. Did the CIA put you up to post here to exploit weaknesses of more intelligent males who surprisingly and miraculously know nothing about hmmmm say men? I'm not hater, I love women. I just have a problem with someone spreading blatant falsehood and taking pride in it. Furthermore I hate males who do this as well. It is no lie however that women have more credit they can take on this. So without further ado, I congratulate you and am glad that you take pride in yourself... Or at least that you take pride in never letting someone know who you are so you can blame them for not. Fuckin' a hil-arious.
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Post by jamesbond »

LinuxOnly wrote:men are attracted to long & blonde hair, big boobs and blue eyes. why is that?
You heard the old phrase, "blondes have more fun" and "gentlemen prefer blondes." Well Barbara Eden said, "If gentlemen prefer blondes, than I am a blond who prefers gentlemen." :D

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by Woman'sview »

Truthville wrote:Biological programming?

Sorry, that's just pseudo-science jargon, just the same as Alpha/Beta/Omega/Gamma whatever.

Woman's view, what YOU think is "biological programming", is really your own "cultural conditioning."

YOU are attracted to the so-called "Alpha Male" whom probably treats you bad and what-not. Right? You don't think that the cultural you live in has anything to do with this?

In order for YOU to not assign the blame you so richly deserve for your own bad choices, perhaps, you instead must think "It's not my fault, I'm just "biologically programmed" to be attracted to "bad" men.


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is "biological programmed" to behave or act a certain way. Humans have evolved WAY beyond any "biological programming." Do you also think that men whom cheat are just following their so-called biological programming to "spread their seed" around? If you do, then they are blameless for their actions. Their "programming" made them do it.

When people use the term "biological programming", they, IMHO, are just reaching for a excuse or trying avoid blame for THEIR own stupidity and/or bad behaviors.

Perception is 9/10ths of Reality. WHAT you perceive as "biological programming," I perceive as simply choices, good or bad.

Truthville, I never meant to imply that women have no power of choice. They could choose to go with what is best for them, and override initial attraction.

Women go for what is opposite of their female nature - risk taking, dominance, hardness, sport guy, or tough guy, someone that will rake them out of their own mundane feminine sphere. Without a male figure in her life, a woman's world can contract to become quite protective, soft, lacking stimulation, even suffocating. She and her female friends can do nothing about it. They need a man to change it. If a man is too similar to her in temperament, he is usually invisible to her. She instinctively seeks the opposite of herself. And I don't necessarily mean a guy with vices. She might say a yes to a guy, if he is willing to sweep her off her feet like a knight in shining armor coming to rescue the bored damsel form her mundane feminine life.
Some might even take a ride on a motorcycle, even though previously they won't be caught dead in one, so she can get this experience.
He has to give her an experience that no friend can give her, that gets her adrenalin going and takes her out of her sphere of sameness.

Masculine and feminine attract because they are polar opposites seeking their counterpart.
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Re: " Why do women go for the Alpha male "

Post by Woman'sview »

Kapinga626 wrote:So funny I run into this post .
I consider myself a middle aged nerdy guy , who also happens to own a 280 lb. bench press , and a 455 lb. free squat .
Just today , I went to the post office , wearing shorts , and a Corona beer t-shirt , which BTW - is proper gym attire .
A cute well dressed woman with a Russian accent starts to chat me up , asks me to hold her spot , etc .

So I hold her spot , and I answer her questions in a very polite , but life-damaged attitude ... And she just couldn't get enough !

Feeling very self-concious , I didn't even try to get a # .
Even after she took care of her business , she kept looking over her shoulder , and faking forgetting stuff .
Turns out she was Armenian , and kept telling me about her residence at the beach . ( Pasadena post office ) .
Yeah , I know I don't have enough money to score a phone # , so I think F' it , whatever .

I could have faked it , and led her on , but what's the use ?
I'm not a good liar , and I'll have my day in the sun again . ( soon ) .
Hi Kapinga626, you could have gone for it. It would have been an interesting experience, and even if it didn't develop into anything, you might have gotten to like one of her friends. Or you two could have ended up being good friends. Just being seen talking on friendly terms with a woman increases your attraction to other females her age. The more people you get to know of the opposite sex the more your chances increases that you will be invited to a party where you might find the right person for you.
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Re: " Why do women go for the Alpha male "

Post by S_Parc »

Woman'sview wrote:Hi Kapinga626, you could have gone for it. It would have been an interesting experience, and even if it didn't develop into anything, you might have gotten to like one of her friends. Or you two could have ended up being good friends. Just being seen talking on friendly terms with a woman increases your attraction to other females her age. The more people you get to know of the opposite sex the more your chances increases that you will be invited to a party where you might find the right person for you.
Kapinga626, don't listen to this person.

I used to have a slew of American female pals and so forth. My experience has been that many will sabotage your attempts at dating their friends. On the other foot, I've never had a saboteur from any foreign female pal towards another woman.

Up till the age of 28, I'd been on the "be pals and let's see" and in retrospect, I would have been better off using my time for language classes, additional work or training, etc. If you do decide to do the social butterfly thing with AWs, use it to gather business cards and plan ahead for either job shopping and/or contacting future clients. Use your time and energy strategically and then you'll do well out there.
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Re: " Why do women go for the Alpha male "

Post by Woman'sview »

S_Parc wrote:
Woman'sview wrote:Hi Kapinga626, you could have gone for it. It would have been an interesting experience, and even if it didn't develop into anything, you might have gotten to like one of her friends. Or you two could have ended up being good friends. Just being seen talking on friendly terms with a woman increases your attraction to other females her age. The more people you get to know of the opposite sex the more your chances increases that you will be invited to a party where you might find the right person for you.
Kapinga626, don't listen to this person.

I used to have a slew of American female pals and so forth. My experience has been that many will sabotage your attempts at dating their friends. On the other foot, I've never had a saboteur from any foreign female pal towards another woman.

Up till the age of 28, I'd been on the "be pals and let's see" and in retrospect, I would have been better off using my time for language classes, additional work or training, etc. If you do decide to do the social butterfly thing with AWs, use it to gather business cards and plan ahead for either job shopping and/or contacting future clients. Use your time and energy strategically and then you'll do well out there.
S_Parc, the woman he is referring to is Russian.
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Re: " Why do women go for the Alpha male "

Post by S_Parc »

Woman'sview wrote:S_Parc, the woman he is referring to is Russian.
If I'm wrong then that's cool, I got egg on my face, however, if she's Kim Kardashian (also Armenian background, but clearly an LA SoCal gal) then I stand.
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Post by well-informed »

@ Woman's view

lol aww that's so cute you change your story every 3 seconds and your giving men advice (how thoughtful). You talk about the decay of american men ala losing everything in divorces, then how your attracted to the unresponsible alpha male even though you have "feminine traditional values" how nice. Then how some men who go abroad are abusing foreign women for pleasure, using biological programing as an excuse for bad behavior/choices in mates. You see how incredibly inconsistent with what you got to say.

Haha it's funny how in a lot of your posts you're trying to defend yourself with whatever logic you come up with. Thank you Sherlock Holmes i'll be gladly taking notes on your advice
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Post by Truthville »

Awww Woman's View?

I can see you aren't really getting what I am saying.

According to your theory, then Bill Gates should be with a 19 year-old illiterate stripper since opposites attract.

According to your theory, then Paris Hilton SHOULD be attracted to Stephen Hawking, because opposites attract.

According to your theory, then Hillary Clinton should have married George Bush Jr, since opposites attract.

And so on........

Let me give you a little insight.

YOU are attracted to the risk taking, hard, sport and tough guy BECAUSE that is WHAT YOU think and have been conditioned to THINK is what a masculine man IS!

I have known women whom did and do all these things and have these traits, would you THEN be attracted to them? Seriously!

And please! The "damsel in distress" syndrome is so over and done with. To any such women I would say "Get some self-respect, get some character, and get a clue!"

I hate to break this to you woman's view, BUT men weren't put here to amuse you, to rescue you, or to be the "knight in shining armor" for bored princesses to pine for.

Seriously, you sound like you read way too many trashy "romance" novels. A perfect example of "cultural programming" and not "biological programming."

As far as the "female" world being soft? Lacking stimulation? Suffocating? You aren't from the West are you?

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Post by Woman'sview »

well-informed wrote:@ Woman's view

lol aww that's so cute you change your story every 3 seconds and your giving men advice (how thoughtful). You talk about the decay of american men ala losing everything in divorces, then how your attracted to the unresponsible alpha male even though you have "feminine traditional values" how nice. Then how some men who go abroad are abusing foreign women for pleasure, using biological programing as an excuse for bad behavior/choices in mates. You see how incredibly inconsistent with what you got to say.

Haha it's funny how in a lot of your posts you're trying to defend yourself with whatever logic you come up with. Thank you Sherlock Holmes i'll be gladly taking notes on your advice
wellinformed, my message here is coherent. It is just the truth as I see it. If I am in error I am open to learning. But I am not talking about myself, per se, just what I see in human society. My story is not changing. I do not date bad guys. If a man goes overseas and plays the fool, I did not say it's biological programming. It's merely his choice. I am still for traditional, feminine values. The core of what I am saying, is that America has changed in an unhealthy way. Women's nature, however, have not changed. And, I am a traditional feminine woman.
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Post by Woman'sview »

Truthville wrote:Awww Woman's View?

I can see you aren't really getting what I am saying.

According to your theory, then Bill Gates should be with a 19 year-old illiterate stripper since opposites attract.

According to your theory, then Paris Hilton SHOULD be attracted to Stephen Hawking, because opposites attract.

According to your theory, then Hillary Clinton should have married George Bush Jr, since opposites attract.

And so on........

Let me give you a little insight.

YOU are attracted to the risk taking, hard, sport and tough guy BECAUSE that is WHAT YOU think and have been conditioned to THINK is what a masculine man IS!

I have known women whom did and do all these things and have these traits, would you THEN be attracted to them? Seriously!

And please! The "damsel in distress" syndrome is so over and done with. To any such women I would say "Get some self-respect, get some character, and get a clue!"

I hate to break this to you woman's view, BUT men weren't put here to amuse you, to rescue you, or to be the "knight in shining armor" for bored princesses to pine for.

Seriously, you sound like you read way too many trashy "romance" novels. A perfect example of "cultural programming" and not "biological programming."

As far as the "female" world being soft? Lacking stimulation? Suffocating? You aren't from the West are you?

According to my theory, women are attracted to men based on opposite attributes, not of moral character, but masculine and feminine expressions.

If a woman has many manly traits, it does nothing to us, because she is not a man. It's an oddity to the normal woman, if she comes across such an extreme case.

"Men weren't put here to amuse you." you say.

We are put here to complement each other. And if that means amusing each other, that is fine by me.

Being a knight in shining armor is an archetype that is within us. Girls will always dream of the powerful male who will come into her life.

Yes, women's life can seem incomplete and boring, because feminine pursuits tend to be become just that.
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