Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

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Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by WilliamSmith »

Holy !@#$: I'm not one of you who's living in the Philippines, but your man Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte appears to be a complete badass.

Where do I even begin, looks like he's accomplished a hell of a lot for the Philippines from foreign policy to taking out the garbage in the drug war, and a lot more, as well as banging 4 women at once (I saw him quoted saying something like "If I can love a hundred million and one Pinoys, I can love four women at the same time," LOL), swearing constantly, and calling scumbags from that pompous ZOG stooge Obama to that repulsive Pope "sons of whores," and telling Obama "you can go to hell," among other things.

Looks like he also survived his full term after predicting he'd be assassinated first. Not sure if the drug lords or the "American" ZOG was more likely to have tried to take him out, but he survived.

I just called Duterte a "stud" in another thread the other day because of knowing just a handful of things about him killing drug pushers, telling the ZOG to f**k off in trying to exploit the Philippines as cannon fodder vs China in the neocon "pivot to Asia" BS they want to use since the international jews that run this degenerate neo-Weimar non-nation want to bring down China and Russia and Iran and so on and might be starting WW3 to try to do that. Then another member started getting upset with me saying Duterte was supposedly a monster because of the Philippine drug war. But I didn't even realize he was as badass as he actually was until I read up on him more yesterday.

There's a lot of good articles about him by various people on Unz Review:
I read some of them yesterday instead of doing the work project I had planned (ahh, self employment, LOL).
The Peter Lee articles and some others about his foreign policy in telling the ZOG occupying forces there to !@#$ off were very interesting.

Obviously populist leaders with balls of steel who will use overt violence as much as necessary and also won't let the ZOG play their whole nation and people as poker chits and cannon fodder to make them do fighting and dying for ZOG (mainly against China, in their case) are the ZOGs and globohomo "liberalism" crowd's worst nightmare, so no wonder the jewmedia squealed defamations about "The Punisher" nonstop!

I believe one jewmedia outlet described Duterte as “The Philippines’ Donald Trump with Death Squads,” which they probably meant as a insult rather than compliment, but even though Trump is the only US leader I have greater-than-zero respect for, he's still too much of a sell-out to the jews and israel, and looks to me like Duterte has way more integrity than Trump.

Here's just a few fun Duterte fan highlights to get started:

"Hitler massacred 3 million Jews ... there's 3 million drug addicts. There are. I'd be happy to slaughter them."

He also compared himself to Hitler some other time too with some remark like "At least Germany had Hitler. The Philippines wouldn't."

There was some damage control and denials or dissembling, but he was rumored to have told Obama: "Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum" because of Obama being a POS ZOG cuck who criticized his drug war and was probably trying to screw the Philippines in a lot of other ways FBO ZOG in even bigger ways in the foreign policy arena.
At minimum Duterte told Obama to "you can go to hell" though, but unfortunately I guess he apologized later. But hey, still not too shabby!

Oh yeah, a poor innocent young 14-15 year old Duterte as a teenage was also molested (groped I believe) by a piece of !@#$ jesuit that was in the Philippines after those scum were rightly thrown out of China, so that must have opened his eyes about the alleged "holiness" of them, but apparently Duterte also doesn't think much of that POS repulsive fat waddling hook-nosed kike Pope Francis whatever-it-was either, since he said:
"I wanted to call him: 'Pope, son of a whore, go home. Do not visit us again.'"

Firing back at a supreme court chief he thought was trying to mess with his drug war:
"Please don't order me around. … Or would you rather that I declare martial law?" :lol:

After confirming that earlier on he'd thrown a Chinese rapist and murderer out of a helicopter, LOL:
"If you are corrupt, I will fetch you using a helicopter to Manila and I will throw you out. I have done this before. Why would I not do it again?"

I guess he threatened to be "50 times more brutal" then some terrorists, and said of a terrorist leader:
"Give me salt and vinegar and I'll eat his liver."

He said "Just because you're a journalist you are not exempted from assassination, if you're a son of a bitch."

But last but not least there's the drug war:

Duterte let the drug pushers know well in advance what he was going to do, and he already had a bounty on his head for a huge sum by drug lords before he won and was a man of his word.

“If I become president, I advise you people to put up several funeral parlor businesses. They will be packed. I’ll supply the dead bodies.” – Rodrigo Duterte, as quoted by The Telegraph.

At his victory party at the Davao City Crocodile Park, he "addressed drug dealers" and said: “You sons of bitches, I will really kill you.”

As far as the whining about "human rights" for drug pushers, murderers, and rapists, this Duterte quote pretty much says it:
When people who are brainwashed by criminals, jews, homosexuals worried about protecting their "human rights" to molest other peoples children (or their own), and other worthless degenerates talk about the "human rights" of drug lords and pushers, rapists, murderers, and other criminals, they are more than a bit flippant about the "human rights" of all the innocent mothers, children, and all other innocent people whose lives are completely destroyed by everything from the drug trade to the sex trade and all the rapists, murderers, and criminals generally. !@#$ the "human rights" of serial killers, rapists, drug lords and pushers. But as for the Philippines drug war, Duterte gave them all more than enough chance to surrender without getting killed first, and they also had mass surrender of thousands of people when Duterte warned them in advance he'd kill them if they didn't.

Duterte's the !@#$in' man.

2020s have been a strange time for me because instead of literally having no men I actually admired in my whole life and only having my early life role models be 80s action movie stars and James Bond played by Connery and Dalton, in my expat research phase here in the eventful 2020's I've discovered Louis Farrakhan, Malaysia's former PM Mahathir Muhammad, and just the past few days learned more on Duterte as well. So I actually have 3 real men I actually admire now, instead of just guys I respect in a more generally friendly way, more or less, but none who are actual leaders.
I'm open-minded about Emperor Xi Jin Ping and the Czar Putin being more on the good guy side than not too, but not as sure about them. But Duterte is a true badass. 8)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by WilliamSmith »

So what does everyone else on here think about "The Punisher" Duterte? The Philippines crowd must have a lot of opinions:

How many of you are there, again?
@Yohan (partly in Philippines if I remeber rightly)
There was another guy on here called Zeitola or something like that, but I'm comparatively new here.
Wasn't @Shemp in the Philippines too, if I remember right?

Unfortunately that Jester guy got the clot shot and died, too bad (and I meant that, by the way, I'm not like Cornfed who wants you all to die just because you took the clot shot).

If I'd been out there I'd have got out of dodge in order to avoid the jab, but would've still thought Duterte was the !@#$in' man for everything else he did that I've read about so far.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by publicduende »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 5th, 2022, 4:02 pm
So what does everyone else on here think about "The Punisher" Duterte? The Philippines crowd must have a lot of opinions:

How many of you are there, again?
@Yohan (partly in Philippines if I remeber rightly)
There was another guy on here called Zeitola or something like that, but I'm comparatively new here.
Wasn't @Shemp in the Philippines too, if I remember right?

Unfortunately that Jester guy got the clot shot and died, too bad (and I meant that, by the way, I'm not like Cornfed who wants you all to die just because you took the clot shot).

If I'd been out there I'd have got out of dodge in order to avoid the jab, but would've still thought Duterte was the !@#$in' man for everything else he did that I've read about so far.

Duterte has been a very controversial figure since he started his first mandate as the Davao City mayor. Before Duterte arrived, the city was the perfect playground for all sorts of illegal activities, from communist and Islam-inspired terrorists to heroin (it was the 80s...) trade, to rapists, burglars, child abusers, and assorted criminals. I heard stories from friends, now in their 50s, who, as children, would cross the fields when going to school and see dismembered body parts of men and women. Or senior high school and college boys queuing to buy their heroin fix and injecting it inside their mouths, so that the Jesuit priests running those institutions wouldn't inspect them and find no holes.

Since he has been the core of Davao's political life, many details have blurred somewhat and become "stuff of the legend". Reality is, his intransigent and often brutal rule was the shock therapy Davao needed. Over the course of his 2 decades, Davao became one of the safest cities in the Philippines. Still poor, sure, lacking big-ticket investments, with no remarkable beach or tourist attractions (unlike Cebu), but very safe for general living.

He promoted inter-faith harmony by allowing several mosques to be built. He even allowed those native tribes, like the Badjaos, who relied on casual charity to survive, to settle in downtown Davao and beg on the streets (albeit only during the 3-month Christmas time!). He created feeding programmes for poor single mothers, so none of their children would be denied 2 cups of white rice a day. And so on...

His spawn has been a hit-and-miss kind of thing. His daughter Sara, a human rights lawyer and currently Vice-president, is an iron-fisted, super-idealistic lady who stuck to her guns until the end, even on patently wrong stances like siding Marcos in his presidential ascent. His son "Pauling" is the black sheep of the family, a mediocre Vice-Mayor and then Mayor of Davao who is better known for embarrassing himself on the public arena than adding up to his father's achievements. Then there's "Baste", the handsome, rebel type and reluctant current Mayor of Davao, not as bad as Pauling but not as good as Sara, or his dad.

Having lived in Davao since 2015, and having visited since 2013, I can testify to how safe and peaceful the city was, especially at night. True, there has never been an immense amount of nightlife, with most bars and dancing venues shutting down around 1 AM but, as they told me, this is because Davaoenos have been traditionally more keen on home or beach parties. I once booked a hotel in downtown Davao and wanted to test the safety of some of the older and seemingly "dodgier" streets. I walked around from midnight to about 2 AM and the only nuisance I encountered was the occasional ladyboy telling me how "gwapo" (handsome) I was and offering their massage services for free.

Duterte as Davao Mayor was definitely alright, the kind of paternal figure Davaoenos knew they needed, but never dared ask for. Sara as Davao Mayor continued her father's legacy and was also much-loved. The only exception so far, at the helm of the city, has been Pauling.

And, of course, no post solicited by @WilliamSmith would be complete without a totally OT piece of eye candy. :D This is Kitty, the youngest of Duterte's daughters, from his second relationship.


OK, then there's Duterte as President of the Philippines. My impression (and not just my impression) from the onset has been that he got into boots way, way bigger and less comfortable than he could have ever imagined. He perhaps believed, or was suggested, that running a country full of political and industrial-financial clans, many of which going back half a century, all looking after their agendas and unwilling to give away power to the man in Malacanang, would be the same as running his own garden.

Unlike Noynoy Aquino before him, he did not act as a complete incompetent and he did delegate tasks he was intellectually or culturally not up to, to members of his Cabinet. Problem is, many of them were chosen among his long-time cronies, law school frat buddies, or local investors (like Dennis Uy) and only few of them were capable people.

Then there was this entire flirtation with China, one of the most intelligent things he could do. He felt that, all things being equal, it's always better to stand by the rising empire than by the crumbling one.

Too bad his sharpness started to wear out a mere couple of years into his presidency and he kind of became a parody of his former self. Too much blabbing about irrelevant topics, one-way obsessions with war on drugs (which achieved much less than he would have hoped), too much cussing and foot-swallowing at the most inappropriate times.

He did a few good things, like kicking off some major infrastructure projects with financial and technical assistance from Japan and China (the latter now mostly stopped, due to Prez Marcos kissing US' ass). All in all, though, it was a big bonfire that fizzled too soon. A wasted opportunity.
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by galii »

publicduende wrote:
August 6th, 2022, 1:04 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
August 5th, 2022, 4:02 pm
So what does everyone else on here think about "The Punisher" Duterte? The Philippines crowd must have a lot of opinions:

How many of you are there, again?
@Yohan (partly in Philippines if I remeber rightly)
There was another guy on here called Zeitola or something like that, but I'm comparatively new here.
Wasn't @Shemp in the Philippines too, if I remember right?

Unfortunately that Jester guy got the clot shot and died, too bad (and I meant that, by the way, I'm not like Cornfed who wants you all to die just because you took the clot shot).

If I'd been out there I'd have got out of dodge in order to avoid the jab, but would've still thought Duterte was the !@#$in' man for everything else he did that I've read about so far.

Duterte has been a very controversial figure since he started his first mandate as the Davao City mayor. Before Duterte arrived, the city was the perfect playground for all sorts of illegal activities, from communist and Islam-inspired terrorists to heroin (it was the 80s...) trade, to rapists, burglars, child abusers, and assorted criminals. I heard stories from friends, now in their 50s, who, as children, would cross the fields when going to school and see dismembered body parts of men and women. Or senior high school and college boys queuing to buy their heroin fix and injecting it inside their mouths, so that the Jesuit priests running those institutions wouldn't inspect them and find no holes.

Since he has been the core of Davao's political life, many details have blurred somewhat and become "stuff of the legend". Reality is, his intransigent and often brutal rule was the shock therapy Davao needed. Over the course of his 2 decades, Davao became one of the safest cities in the Philippines. Still poor, sure, lacking big-ticket investments, with no remarkable beach or tourist attractions (unlike Cebu), but very safe for general living.

He promoted inter-faith harmony by allowing several mosques to be built. He even allowed those native tribes, like the Badjaos, who relied on casual charity to survive, to settle in downtown Davao and beg on the streets (albeit only during the 3-month Christmas time!). He created feeding programmes for poor single mothers, so none of their children would be denied 2 cups of white rice a day. And so on...

His spawn has been a hit-and-miss kind of thing. His daughter Sara, a human rights lawyer and currently Vice-president, is an iron-fisted, super-idealistic lady who stuck to her guns until the end, even on patently wrong stances like siding Marcos in his presidential ascent. His son "Pauling" is the black sheep of the family, a mediocre Vice-Mayor and then Mayor of Davao who is better known for embarrassing himself on the public arena than adding up to his father's achievements. Then there's "Baste", the handsome, rebel type and reluctant current Mayor of Davao, not as bad as Pauling but not as good as Sara, or his dad.

Having lived in Davao since 2015, and having visited since 2013, I can testify to how safe and peaceful the city was, especially at night. True, there has never been an immense amount of nightlife, with most bars and dancing venues shutting down around 1 AM but, as they told me, this is because Davaoenos have been traditionally more keen on home or beach parties. I once booked a hotel in downtown Davao and wanted to test the safety of some of the older and seemingly "dodgier" streets. I walked around from midnight to about 2 AM and the only nuisance I encountered was the occasional ladyboy telling me how "gwapo" (handsome) I was and offering their massage services for free.

Duterte as Davao Mayor was definitely alright, the kind of paternal figure Davaoenos knew they needed, but never dared ask for. Sara as Davao Mayor continued her father's legacy and was also much-loved. The only exception so far, at the helm of the city, has been Pauling.

And, of course, no post solicited by @WilliamSmith would be complete without a totally OT piece of eye candy. :D This is Kitty, the youngest of Duterte's daughters, from his second relationship.


OK, then there's Duterte as President of the Philippines. My impression (and not just my impression) from the onset has been that he got into boots way, way bigger and less comfortable than he could have ever imagined. He perhaps believed, or was suggested, that running a country full of political and industrial-financial clans, many of which going back half a century, all looking after their agendas and unwilling to give away power to the man in Malacanang, would be the same as running his own garden.

Unlike Noynoy Aquino before him, he did not act as a complete incompetent and he did delegate tasks he was intellectually or culturally not up to, to members of his Cabinet. Problem is, many of them were chosen among his long-time cronies, law school frat buddies, or local investors (like Dennis Uy) and only few of them were capable people.

Then there was this entire flirtation with China, one of the most intelligent things he could do. He felt that, all things being equal, it's always better to stand by the rising empire than by the crumbling one.

Too bad his sharpness started to wear out a mere couple of years into his presidency and he kind of became a parody of his former self. Too much blabbing about irrelevant topics, one-way obsessions with war on drugs (which achieved much less than he would have hoped), too much cussing and foot-swallowing at the most inappropriate times.

He did a few good things, like kicking off some major infrastructure projects with financial and technical assistance from Japan and China (the latter now mostly stopped, due to Prez Marcos kissing US' ass). All in all, though, it was a big bonfire that fizzled too soon. A wasted opportunity.
I enjoyed reading this
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by WilliamSmith »

publicduende wrote:
August 6th, 2022, 1:04 am
And, of course, no post solicited by @WilliamSmith would be complete without a totally OT piece of eye candy. :D This is Kitty, the youngest of Duterte's daughters, from his second relationship.


Thanks a lot @publicduende, that was interesting from start to finish, but this beauty here is definitely a beautiful lovely creature and proves the world is better off thanks to Duterte, even if the rest of you aren't quite as ardently in the Duterte fan club as I am. :D

I think he's a f***ing legend, and reminder that real men and real leaders still do exist, and can rise up amongst their own people like he did, and like Farrakhan did, among others. :)

In this day and age, just a reminder that there's still real men in the world who will stand up and fight for their own people and defy all the going "narratives" means a lot.
If new leaders in that interesting nation that many of you live in known as the Philippines are reversing from Duterte's defiance of USSA that would potentially save millions of Filipinos from becoming cannon fodder for ZOG's planned war on China, that is very unfortunate indeed, but my guess is he'll always be remembered and be a positive inspiration nonetheless. 8)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by publicduende »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 12:29 am
"I was really looking for an encounter so I could kill" - this guy has actually killed less people in his lifetime than a surgeon in a year. It took me almost 3 years to fully understand the true, full-hearted "Visayan speak". A Visayan is someone who speaks 50% what he thinks and 50% what he dreams about. Understanding which is which is left as an exercise for the listener. Quite common, especially when holding a beer, to apostrophe the speaker with a long "weeee....di nga", the southern Filipino equivalent of "yeah, right", but without the edgy sarcasm.

A Visayan, like Duterte, is not a man to hate because he lies about who he is, or what he does. He's a man to love because he is honest about what he wants to be.
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by gsjackson »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 5th, 2022, 4:02 pm
So what does everyone else on here think about "The Punisher" Duterte? The Philippines crowd must have a lot of opinions:

How many of you are there, again?
@Yohan (partly in Philippines if I remeber rightly)
There was another guy on here called Zeitola or something like that, but I'm comparatively new here.
Wasn't @Shemp in the Philippines too, if I remember right?

Unfortunately that Jester guy got the clot shot and died, too bad (and I meant that, by the way, I'm not like Cornfed who wants you all to die just because you took the clot shot).

If I'd been out there I'd have got out of dodge in order to avoid the jab, but would've still thought Duterte was the !@#$in' man for everything else he did that I've read about so far.
I think Yohan is partly Thailand. Marcos Zeitola is in the Phills. -- checks in and out of this forum. I think Shemp is eastern Europe full-time, with occasional returns to the U.S. I believe that Cornfed genuinely mourns Jester, who was a righteous poster here.

I was a Duterte fan until the scamdemic brought out the petty tyrant in him. As long as those tyrants have the wherewithal to run the "public health" hoax again, I'm a single-issue voter.
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by galii »

publicduende wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 8:33 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 12:29 am
"I was really looking for an encounter so I could kill" - this guy has actually killed less people in his lifetime than a surgeon in a year. It took me almost 3 years to fully understand the true, full-hearted "Visayan speak". A Visayan is someone who speaks 50% what he thinks and 50% what he dreams about. Understanding which is which is left as an exercise for the listener. Quite common, especially when holding a beer, to apostrophe the speaker with a long "weeee....di nga", the southern Filipino equivalent of "yeah, right", but without the edgy sarcasm.

A Visayan, like Duterte, is not a man to hate because he lies about who he is, or what he does. He's a man to love because he is honest about what he wants to be.
How poetic :D
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by galii »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 12:29 am
publicduende wrote:
August 6th, 2022, 1:04 am
And, of course, no post solicited by @WilliamSmith would be complete without a totally OT piece of eye candy. :D This is Kitty, the youngest of Duterte's daughters, from his second relationship.


Thanks a lot @publicduende, that was interesting from start to finish, but this beauty here is definitely a beautiful lovely creature and proves the world is better off thanks to Duterte, even if the rest of you aren't quite as ardently in the Duterte fan club as I am. :D

I think he's a f***ing legend, and reminder that real men and real leaders still do exist, and can rise up amongst their own people like he did, and like Farrakhan did, among others. :)

In this day and age, just a reminder that there's still real men in the world who will stand up and fight for their own people and defy all the going "narratives" means a lot.
If new leaders in that interesting nation that many of you live in known as the Philippines are reversing from Duterte's defiance of USSA that would potentially save millions of Filipinos from becoming cannon fodder for ZOG's planned war on China, that is very unfortunate indeed, but my guess is he'll always be remembered and be a positive inspiration nonetheless. 8)
I find it funny how his 'flat earth' fans turned against him after the vax mandate. Very funny.
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by Lucas88 »

gsjackson wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 10:29 am
I think Yohan is partly Thailand. Marcos Zeitola is in the Phills. -- checks in and out of this forum. I think Shemp is eastern Europe full-time, with occasional returns to the U.S. I believe that Cornfed genuinely mourns Jester, who was a righteous poster here.

I was a Duterte fan until the scamdemic brought out the petty tyrant in him. As long as those tyrants have the wherewithal to run the "public health" hoax again, I'm a single-issue voter.
I agree with this. Duterte is just another asshole tyrant who forced the vaccine on his people under the threat of imprisonment in light of the "public health" crisis. Just because he did something good prior to the scamdemic doesn't change anything. He's still an asshole tyrant.
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by publicduende »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 12:33 pm
I agree with this. Duterte is just another asshole tyrant who forced the vaccine on his people under the threat of imprisonment in light of the "public health" crisis. Just because he did something good prior to the scamdemic doesn't change anything. He's still an asshole tyrant.
Duterte is not a tyrant, he simply has the "strong father syndrome". You cannot call him that, considering that he did what 95% of the world leaders did.

Truth is, though, his mental state deteriorated over the past few years and some of the sketchier sides of his personality - the cusser and teller of NPC jokes, to mention two - came out unbridled.
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by Lucas88 »

publicduende wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 6:06 pm
Duterte is not a tyrant, he simply has the "strong father syndrome". You cannot call him that, considering that he did what 95% of the world leaders did.

Truth is, though, his mental state deteriorated over the past few years and some of the sketchier sides of his personality - the cusser and teller of NPC jokes, to mention two - came out unbridled.
Sure I can. He threatened the unvaccinated with arrest and jail. Now I don't know whether Duterte really had the authority to make good on his threat or whether it was just rhetoric since I'm not familiar with the law or constitution of the Philippines, but the fact that he attempted to push the vaccine on his people makes him an enemy in my eyes and no different to any of the other NWO world leaders. He can go to hell with the rest of them!
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by galii »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 7:32 pm
publicduende wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 6:06 pm
Duterte is not a tyrant, he simply has the "strong father syndrome". You cannot call him that, considering that he did what 95% of the world leaders did.

Truth is, though, his mental state deteriorated over the past few years and some of the sketchier sides of his personality - the cusser and teller of NPC jokes, to mention two - came out unbridled.
Sure I can. He threatened the unvaccinated with arrest and jail. Now I don't know whether Duterte really had the authority to make good on his threat or whether it was just rhetoric since I'm not familiar with the law or constitution of the Philippines, but the fact that he attempted to push the vaccine on his people makes him an enemy in my eyes and no different to any of the other NWO world leaders. He can go to hell with the rest of them!
He is part of East Asia I do not think that he had the luxury to go against the vax. All of Asia is extremely pro vax. Philippines would have been singled out and destroyed buy other Asian countries financially.

You are acting like the vax killed 50% of the population in a Thanatos way. The vax did probably more good than bad. Do not go to the dark side of the flat earth. In Philippines people do not listen to reasoning they want authoritarians at least till things go well. That was the case with many Asian countries.
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by publicduende »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 7:32 pm
Sure I can. He threatened the unvaccinated with arrest and jail. Now I don't know whether Duterte really had the authority to make good on his threat or whether it was just rhetoric since I'm not familiar with the law or constitution of the Philippines, but the fact that he attempted to push the vaccine on his people makes him an enemy in my eyes and no different to any of the other NWO world leaders. He can go to hell with the rest of them!
That's part of his mental state deterioration: shoot idle threats to everyone. His legal advisors are usually the ones who quickly dismiss everything and put out the fire. It's been quite a pathetic sight, actually, to see the once mighty Davao Mayor reduced to a ghost of his former self.

Nobody has been arrested and jailed specifically because they didn't get vaccinated. I am not vaccinated and have engaged in more than a discussion with shop owners and mall security guards, about the utter stupidity of it all.
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Re: Rodrigo 'The Punisher' Duterte is a badass alpha male stud and total ass-kicker

Post by WilliamSmith »

publicduende wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 7:34 pm
Lucas88 wrote:
August 8th, 2022, 7:32 pm
Sure I can. He threatened the unvaccinated with arrest and jail. Now I don't know whether Duterte really had the authority to make good on his threat or whether it was just rhetoric since I'm not familiar with the law or constitution of the Philippines, but the fact that he attempted to push the vaccine on his people makes him an enemy in my eyes and no different to any of the other NWO world leaders. He can go to hell with the rest of them!
That's part of his mental state deterioration: shoot idle threats to everyone. His legal advisors are usually the ones who quickly dismiss everything and put out the fire. It's been quite a pathetic sight, actually, to see the once mighty Davao Mayor reduced to a ghost of his former self.

Nobody has been arrested and jailed specifically because they didn't get vaccinated. I am not vaccinated and have engaged in more than a discussion with shop owners and mall security guards, about the utter stupidity of it all.
@publicduende Very interesting, thanks all your contributions about being there in the Philippines first-hand! That is very interesting that they never actually enforced it. :)

@Lucas88 and @gsjackson I'm with you and all the other hardcore anti-vaxxers about rather taking a bullet than clot-shot, but I just saw Duterte's stand on it as him not knowing any better because he actually thought Covid was serious enough to warrant mass vaccination, and he was presumably clueless about the dangers of the vaccines to his own people (though they may not be all as bad as the Pfizer and other jew megacorp shots, even though I wouldn't take any of the other shots either), and how the NWO had mass compulsory vaccination plans on the table for years as part of their ramping up a depopulation and mass-surveillance scheme.
I used to wonder if they'd really go that far, but now we have the plandemic globally, and Albert Bourla the jew Pfizer CEO from a "family of holohoax survivors" sits there like a goblin prince on the globally televised WEF meetings exulting about the potential to have ingestible microchip pills and shots that send signals back to a database to monitor "compliance" with taking their shots and "medications," and says any one who questions the safety of the vaccines is a "criminal" spreading "misinformation." I'd say they showed their hand plenty at this point. :wink:

But I still say Duterte's a badass for all those other reasons, even if he didn't know any better than to try to strong-arm people into the shots because he thought they'd actually work (and that covid was actually dangerous enough to justify any risks and side effects from the shots). 8)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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