Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

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Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Today's discussion in the shoutbox about autism has motivated me to create this thread. Anybody who wishes to continue with the discussion may do so here.

Among some circles on the internet there is a tendency to trivialize autism. I'm talking about the "neurodiversity" types who try to pass off autism as merely just another natural expression of human variance rather than the debilitating neurological disorder that it really is. Those people often don't have any medical diagnosis of autism. Many of them make a self-diagnosis based on what autistic traits they think they have and then wear that self-diagnosis as an identity or even a source of pride. However, the same neurodiversity spaces which seek to normalize autism often overlook any cases of people who suffer from more severe symptoms. Such cases of autism as a source of considerable debilitation and suffering don't fit with their own narrative of autists as simply misunderstood unique individuals.

I was diagnosed with autism in my early 20s. It was clear that I had social problems in school but at that time in my part of the world many people were completely ignorant about autistic spectrum disorders and nobody made the connection. When I was in sixth form college a counselor suspected that I could be autistic and I started to see a specialist, but moving to another location caused me to cut contact with the medical service in question and I didn't receive any diagnosis. However, a few years later after encountering more problems in adulthood, I decided to seek out a professional opinion once again and this time received as formal diagnosis.

Autism is nothing trivial. It isn't simply a pattern of social quirks like so many people from the neurodiversity crowd imagine it to be. Often affected individuals not only present significant social handicaps but also some degree of language impairment, information-processing problems, hypersensitivity, and a propensity for sensory overload and fatigue. I myself am socially impaired to the point where it's obvious. I also suffer from dysprosody and my speech fluency isn't too great (even though I can write really well). On top of that, I find that I become mentally fatigued easily. I'm also susceptible to depression and anxiety. Autism involves abnormal connections within the brain. It is thought that affected individuals are deficient in certain areas where there is too little connectivity and then at the same time hindered by excessive connectivity in other areas.

Anecdotally, autism has been a major obstacle in my life. I perceive that I am considerably more affected than other people in my life who might be on the spectrum such as @Pixel--Dude. My autism seems to be a little bit more severe than that of the typical aspie.

Let's be clear. I have always been smart and intellectually gifted. I've also been athletic and in good physical shape as a combat sports competitor since the age of 15. I've even been called "cute" by some girls and so I was never ugly. Yet my social skills and autism-related problems were so bad that I still could never get a girlfriend. I just didn't know how to adapt to social situations and, even if I did, I was still unable to apply that knowledge to real life. I was so socially impaired that I always became paralyzed and ended up driving away anybody who attempted to talk to me. My flagrant social impairment due to autism was the reason why I was a complete incel from the age of 15 to 23. That time period of inceldom even included my stint in Japan. I was even too autistic for Japanese girls even though @Outcast9428 seems to believe that Japan is some sort of autistic paradise. That's how bad I was!

Anyway, autism has been a weak link that has been greatly detrimental to my success in life, especially dating success. I have the superior intellect, I have the superior athleticism too, but I severely lack in the social department. I'm 2/3 and the lacking third part has been extremely problematic. @WilliamSmith on the other hand is 3/3, a complete man. He's undeniably intelligent and creative, he has the physique too despite his alcoholism, and, unlike myself, as a neurotypical has a lot of social savvy and is obviously charismatic. William does extremely well with the ladies and has never suffered from inceldom because he's the full package; he excels in all three of the areas specified above. Hypothetically, if I were competent in all three areas like William is, then I would have developed normally and would have never suffered from inceldom or extreme social alienation.

Outcast and certain other self-identified autists seem to prefer to blame "normies" (I personally don't agree with this term but this is the term which they use) or the way that society is for the inability of autists to fit in socially, but it doesn't change the fact that autism is a neurological disorder which causes social and other deficiencies in those affected. Yes, some people are more understanding and that's nice, but being tolerant of autists and dating an autist are two different things. Many neurotypicals have been tolerant of me, even friendly and supportive, but very few girls have been willing to give me a chance because they sense that I have a deficiency - a deficiency which now seems to have a clear genetic component and a high level of hereditability. I can therefore understand why some girls might not want to date me. After all, the result could be terrible: a severely disabled autistic kid who inherited autism from the father.

Of course most girls are going to want to select a mate with social competence and without a hereditable neurological disorder - somebody more like WilliamSmith or @MarcosZeitola than myself. They seek genetic fitness and social competence is a trait that is conducive to survival. I can completely understand why, even if what I say will certainly upset some autists and the neurodiversity crowd. Even though I'm autistic, I'm not completely solipsistic.

I know that autism is restrictive. I even believe that I have temporarily experienced what it is like to be neurotypical and can therefore make a comparison. When I took Ayahuasca at a spiritual retreat in Spain in the summer of 2018, I experienced what felt like my brain's connectivity being reset and then a much greater fluidity of cognition. This effect lasted for about a week or so. All I can say is that it felt awesome. I could speak exceptionally clearly and without hindrance. I could also socialize much better even with women. It's as though I was able to just go with the flow and connect with others effortlessly like neurotypicals seem to be able to do so naturally. I felt like I was no longer limited by my defective biology and was now operating with more fluid consciousness. I wish the effects had been permanent.

If my experience with Ayahuasca is something to go by and if I have indeed experienced the other side of the coin, then I can say that the sensation of being autistic is quite unpleasant. To me it feels like my consciousness is being constricted by abnormal connectivity and therefore cannot express itself in its fullness. It feels both suffocating and frustrating at the same time. I know what I want to do but the brain just doesn't react adequately. I remain a prisoner to my neurological limitations. Consciousness feels much better when it can manifest itself freely and without constriction. The speed and boundlessness of information flow in the non-autistic state is so magical. It's like getting off crutches for the first time in a long time and experiencing what it's like to walk normally again. I'd love to have neurotypical cognition and experience that freedom all the time.

I know that the neurodiversity crowd won't like my post, but I think that people should just be more honest about their own deficiencies and stop acting like they are 100% fine or even somehow special or unique because of their neurological disorder and like everyone else is to blame for their own shortcomings. I fully accept that I'm deficient in some ways due to autism. Why would I want to deny reality? Just to protect my own ego? I'm more a victim of defective biology than I am of society, as rotten as society is in many ways.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

I mean you say all this yet you also say that once you were in the Latin/Mediterranean world, you feel perfectly fine? That you are able to make friends and get girlfriends as well. So that completely contradicts the idea that its all because of your biological inferiority. The Latinos accepted you, and then you found a life over there. So its not your autism's fault, its British society's fault. And I'm not surprised you were an incel until you were 24 years old because British society is one of the most autist unfriendly societies imaginable. Even the normies can't find girlfriends or get married in Britain. The percentage of "never married" in Britain is 50% of the population now. I've read studies on British universities saying that 66% of the male students had no sex in the past year. Maybe it wasn't quite as bad when you went to university but that's what the studies are saying now of British universities. If even the normal British people can't do it then autistic people don't stand a chance in hell. If you had grown up in Latin America, your life would have been a lot better and you probably wouldn't have even noticed your autism much.

My mom homeschooled me starting in second grade, and when I hung out with other homeschooled kids, I did perfectly fine. When I was around public schooled kids, completely different story. College was basically my most "long term" public school experience, and it was absolute hell. High school would have undoubtedly been hell too if I had not been homeschooled and basically protected me from everything going on there by my parents.

My girlfriend is very likely autistic and her social difficulties are probably just as severe as yours are, maybe more. When I first met her, she literally could not speak at all. I had her over for a movie night, we watched two movies over about three hours I'd say. My friend and I talked a lot, she probably only gave two sentences the whole time. I have never met a person who was this shy in my entire life. It took a solid two months of hanging out, texting her, and getting to know her before we started dating. Even now she still kind of struggles with having conversations. This is because she has never had friends in her life. She has never gone to parties, she has never had sleepovers or hung out with other people her age.

Until now that is. I'm her boyfriend now and my best friends have become her friends. My whole family loves her because they think she's so sweet. And my friends have a lot of respect for her for the same reason. They keep telling me how lucky I am to have found her. She's the best girlfriend I could have possibly asked for. And I'm able to have a wonderful girlfriend because, unlike other guys, I had patience for her, I didn't judge her for being awkward, I tried to be understanding towards her shyness. Other guys saw how desperate she was to be loved and basically looked at her as pathetic and weak but I see her as cute and sweet.

And now, she is changing, slowly, but surely. She has become more comfortable with conversations, she talks to strangers a bit more. In group settings in particular, she has an easy time where she can take a backseat sometimes and let others talk but interject sometimes if she wants to. To some extent I think her difficulties with conversation come from pure lack of experience. She simply doesn't have much information to add to a lot of conversations due to a significant lack of life experience compared with most people her age.

@CaptainSkelebob Said I was the most judgmental person he had ever met. I will confess to be very judgmental about moral issues. However, I think I am unusually non-judgmental when it comes to people's weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and generalized weirdness. One of my friends' says he lives a double life, that he has a second life going on in the spiritual realm when he sleeps. He even has names for different planets and characters that inhabit this world as well as species of creatures. I don't know if its real or not, its not for me to say, but it definitely reminds me of the kind of brain that could come up with a universe like the Star Wars universe or the Tolkien Middle Earth universe, the Harry Potter universe or Game of Thrones universe. He also claims he can read people's energies if he touches a certain point on their back, claims to be able to read people's chemical processes, and read people's exact personalities and life goals on their face. Most people would think he is extremely weird or mentally ill for all this, but it doesn't bother me one bit.

Your problems stem from two things... One is British society. The other is your own self-loathing. Going to Latin America solves the British society problem but it doesn't solve your self-loathing problem. You subconsciously believe you are inferior because you're autistic. Stop thinking that way. Just accept yourself for who you are and feel proud of it.

When I was in college, I went to a dating advice event of some kind. I went up to the lady running it and told her "I'm 20 years old and never had a real girlfriend." And she told me "sometimes people can sense when you are trying to be something that you are not. It could simply be the way you look, but the image you are trying to sell to people doesn't line up with how they see you. So the people who might potentially be into you, aren't interested in the image you're selling, and the people who are interested in the image you're selling, are not buying your act. I remember when I was in high school. I kept trying to show people this image of me as some hip hop girl. Meanwhile, I'm this tiny White girl from the suburbs. People were like this isn't you at all!"

And that was what I needed to hear. Because I also, at the time, was like you, in a lot of ways. I tried to sell a very similar image to people that you are currently trying to sell. To be honest, I am very ashamed of that era of my life so I don't like talking about it. But when I look at how you act on this forum, I see the way I used to act when I was between the ages of 16 to 19 or 20. You are trying to show yourself as a promiscuous "alpha male" type guy. You glorify "primal masculinity," being a warrior, see yourself as dominant, and talk shit about nerds, other autists, or generally "uncool people." But the truth is, nobody who has those characteristics is autistic, nobody who has those characteristics would have been an incel until they were 24 years old. Anyone who is like that would love British society. They would never need to run halfway across the world or pay prostitutes to find sex and acceptance. Those type of guys are all socially savvy, none of them are simply all muscle and fitness. Its pretty much always muscle/fitness + socially savvy. I know its not what you want to hear but its the truth. You have intellect + physical fitness. Why can't you just be proud of that and roll with what you have?

The good thing is, you don't need to be an alpha male to get sex. Honestly, I have a lot more sex these days then my former frat boy roommates did, with a girl who's even prettier then the girls they were with. I would argue that my method is a lot more effective then theirs is, even if theirs is more effective at seducing a wider range of girls. I have very high intellect, low social skills, and medium physical fitness. I made the best of what I have and it worked fine.

I am happy that I am autistic, because it gave me my high intellect and that intellect has helped me more then natural social skills could have ever helped me. High intellect gives me the ability to solve any problem and make up for every deficiency imaginable. Intellect is what allows man to conquer any obstacle. A strong man may be able to lift a large rock by himself but a smart man creates a machine to lift a rock that's 10x bigger, a socially savvy man may instinctually have social skills, but the smart man finds better quality people to socialize with.

Intellect is the most valuable talent on Earth. I would not trade my intellect for anything. Intellect gives you the ability to break the rules that everybody thinks they needs to follow, but intellect shows you how to break those rules and astonish everyone by turning out more successful for having done it. Autism is not a neurological disorder. It is simply a new, evolutionary adaptation.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

I will also mention, one of my best friends who is autistic also tried to sell a dominant alpha male persona and he also made fun of nerds, nice guys, and "beta males." He talked about how intellect wasn't that important and essentially glorified being dumb/stupid. It honestly took like two or three years for him to completely grow out of that persona and accept himself for who he is. At heart though, he is a nice, smart, nerdy guy who likes anime, retro gaming, vintage technology, and gothic music. He very much looks down on the frat boy mentality now.

Its hard for people to hear, but sometimes people do need to be told when the image they are trying to sell just doesn't make sense for their personality or appearance. Shakespeare is right, we're all actors on a stage playing characters... But a lot of people are trying to cast themselves into characters they simply cannot play and if they continue to do that, they won't be successful.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Pixel--Dude »

@Lucas88, I am supposed to be getting ready to go away on my trip this morning, but thought I would drop in to respond to this thread and also delete some annoying as f**k spam. But, I actually agree with some of the things said by @Outcast9428 in this thread. As my best friend throughout my entire life I have to say that I have never once perceived your autistic traits as an issue at all.

You may feel awkward around other people and social interactions, I think this is partly due to you being smart enough to realise that most people are judgmental and also partly due to you thinking they can sense you are different due to having autistic traits.

But listen, man. You're a good dude. You keep it real. You have honour and integrity. You have good values and a noble soul. You're a warrior, an erudite and a f***ing awesome friend to have! I'd still choose you as my best buddy even if you were the most autistic mother f***er on the planet!! So don't put yourself down!

You may be autistic, this may hinder you in some ways socially. The truth is a mixture of your perception and Outcast9428's assessment. I agree that society, particularly in Western culture is f***ing rotten to the core! I have no time for most people because of their ignorance and their solipsistic nature. It's alien to me. I've told you before that if people are just going to dismiss you for being a bit socially awkward then the problem is with them and their attitude, not with you. f**k them!

I'm not coming here to say autism should be celebrated as something "quirky" or anything like that. I can imagine how frustrating it must be to you. How much it probably hinders you. For people who actually take the time to know you it isn't a problem at all and we love your company (even though I'm an antisocial hermit who likes a lot of time to himself :lol:) the point is that in Mediterranean cultures as you've said before you fit in a lot better. This isn't because you suddenly become less autistic in Spain, it's obvious the main issue with your social incompatibility is a cultural issue, as Outcast9428 suggested, and not an issue that is solely attributed to your autism. People are f***ing assholes, dude.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 18th, 2022, 11:22 pm
I mean you say all this yet you also say that once you were in the Latin/Mediterranean world, you feel perfectly fine? That you are able to make friends and get girlfriends as well. So that completely contradicts the idea that its all because of your biological inferiority. The Latinos accepted you, and then you found a life over there. So its not your autism's fault, its British society's fault. And I'm not surprised you were an incel until you were 24 years old because British society is one of the most autist unfriendly societies imaginable. Even the normies can't find girlfriends or get married in Britain. The percentage of "never married" in Britain is 50% of the population now. I've read studies on British universities saying that 66% of the male students had no sex in the past year. Maybe it wasn't quite as bad when you went to university but that's what the studies are saying now of British universities. If even the normal British people can't do it then autistic people don't stand a chance in hell. If you had grown up in Latin America, your life would have been a lot better and you probably wouldn't have even noticed your autism much.
I think that you've misunderstood my social experience in Spain and Latin America. That is probably because in previous threads I've only given a simplified account due to a need to economize.

I didn't just start to feel perfectly fine socially as soon as I left the UK and moved to Spain. It was a long struggle. Spain did give me a much more fertile terrain for social development with its more open culture and its greater tolerance of individual differences and so for the first time in my life I actually had an opportunity to practice my social skills. But I still had to make a great effort and the initial period was quite rocky. Unlike British people, Spaniards were more willing to overlook my social awkwardness and made an effort to include me in their social circles. I started to make more friends and attend more social events and could now hold my own at basic social interaction but that doesn't mean that I was thriving. I still wasn't capable of getting a girlfriend or anything like that because, despite my noticeable improvements, I still lacked higher-order social skills - something which most neurotypicals have naturally and take for granted. So I was indeed still deficient due to a neurological disorder. I was simply able to do relatively better in a more favorable environment but my biological limitations still affected me nevertheless.

That was the first time I went to Spain at age 18 for immersive language school, just for clarification. The time when I managed to get a Latin American girlfriend within two months of being there was when I was 23 and had just moved there. At that point I had developed my social skills a bit more. But I was still well behind the typical neurotypical and just trying to adapt and make good what what I had. After that relationship ended, my encounters with women in Spain were mostly with prostitutes.

In Latin America, I get by on race arbitrage. I can attract some women by being the only White guy in town and using it to my advantage. Being in shape helps too. But don't think that I become some sort of ladykiller. I'm still somewhat socially awkward around girls but some Latinas will look beyond that when all they want is to be fcuked by a desirable gringo. In truth, I can attract random women in Latin America because of my race and European phenotype. But whenever I'm in a place where I have to compete on an equal footing I tend to be at a huge disadvantage due to my social deficiencies.

In summary, I do indeed do better socially in Spain and Latin America but only in relative terms and I'm still not that socially competent (just a little more improved than before).

As for the UK, back when I was in sixth form college and then in university, almost every guy I knew could get a girlfriend or overwise get laid. It was only a small minority of guys who evidently had something wrong with them like autism or an obvious disability who were complete incels. Obviously I was in that second category. Guys who were clearly uglier than me, shorter than me, not even in shape, etc. were able to get girlfriends but not me. It used to baffle me. But they were all neurotypical (or maybe only slightly autistic in some cases). They had natural social competence. Meanwhile, I was just completely socially deficient and neurologically impaired. I mostly acted like a bumbling idiot whenever I had to talk to girls. Even @Pixel--Dude, who I think might have some mild autistic traits, was able to get four different long-term girlfriends in the UK. I didn't get any because my own neurological impairment was considerably more severe.

While it's true that the UK is a culture that never suited me, it's not the only reason why I couldn't get a girlfriend. Being autistic was undeniably a big part of it too. If I hadn't been autistic, I would have probably done as well as most of the other guys I knew - especially considering that I was well above average in terms of physique and athleticism as well as facially attractive enough to be occasionally called "cute" by girls. I would have also been able to get girls abroad much more smoothly. There's no doubt that autism held me back tremendously.

Conversely, if I had been born in Spain or Latin America, I still would have had some degree of social impairment and other autism-related problems (remember that autism can include language impairment, sensory overload and fatigue too) like autists from those countries do, but I would have been brought up in a more favorable environment which would have allowed me to do better in relative terms, even if still not ideal.

I've always attributed my life's misery to two major factors with roughly equal weight: autism AND British society.

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 18th, 2022, 11:22 pm
And that was what I needed to hear. Because I also, at the time, was like you, in a lot of ways. I tried to sell a very similar image to people that you are currently trying to sell. To be honest, I am very ashamed of that era of my life so I don't like talking about it. But when I look at how you act on this forum, I see the way I used to act when I was between the ages of 16 to 19 or 20. You are trying to show yourself as a promiscuous "alpha male" type guy. You glorify "primal masculinity," being a warrior, see yourself as dominant, and talk shit about nerds, other autists, or generally "uncool people." But the truth is, nobody who has those characteristics is autistic, nobody who has those characteristics would have been an incel until they were 24 years old. Anyone who is like that would love British society. They would never need to run halfway across the world or pay prostitutes to find sex and acceptance. Those type of guys are all socially savvy, none of them are simply all muscle and fitness. Its pretty much always muscle/fitness + socially savvy. I know its not what you want to hear but its the truth. You have intellect + physical fitness. Why can't you just be proud of that and roll with what you have?
Well, like I explained previously, I have intellect + physique but not social competence. WilliamSmith on the other hand has intellect + physique + social competence. He's a complete man, the full package, while I'm deficient in one area. That deficiency happens to be a social disability which has held me back for most of my life just like I've explained in depth.

You're wrong about nobody who is autistic having the characteristics that you describe. I'm under the impression that you have created in your own mind an image of autists as being nerdy and nothing else, but not all autistic people are how you imagine. We're all different.

I'm not putting on an act. I've always been into warrior culture and macho stuff since I was in primary school. I started Karate at 8, weight training at 13, Jiujitsu at 15, always had a fascination for fighting and warfare, collected oriental weapons, and was into stuff like UFC and WWF. The truth is that I've always had a martial nature and an obsession with musculature and hypermasculine virility. I enjoy experiencing primal masculinity through the practice of combat sports and so I have some primal masculinity of my own, but at the same time I'm extremely socially deficient on a neurological level and was therefore an incel until the age of 23 despite my good physique and masculine traits (that's what I've been saying all along - that autism has been the dark factor!!!).

As for nerd culture, it never resonated with me. I'm autistic and eccentric but I've never been a nerd. It's just not who I am.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 18th, 2022, 11:22 pm
I am happy that I am autistic, because it gave me my high intellect and that intellect has helped me more then natural social skills could have ever helped me.
I don't think it works like that. Autists don't have a monopoly on high intelligence. That's just what some autists like to believe in order to feel special or unique or otherwise feed their own ego - a result of living in a narcissistic society in which individuals and different groups feel the need to think of themselves as better than everyone else. In reality there are plenty of neurotypicals who have exceptionally high intelligence without autism. Those are the people who arguably have it the best since they possess both intellect and social competence.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 18th, 2022, 11:22 pm
Autism is not a neurological disorder. It is simply a new, evolutionary adaptation.
Autism is literally a neurological disorder. Those affected often suffer from pronounced impairments pertaining to language, information processing, responses to stimuli, etc.

Those who don't think that autism is a neurological disorder obviously aren't affected by more severe symptoms. They most likely have merely mild symptoms and simply assume that autism isn't that bad for anyone while at the same time ignoring the testimonies of those with more severe forms of autism.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 18th, 2022, 11:22 pm
Your problems stem from two things... One is British society. The other is your own self-loathing. Going to Latin America solves the British society problem but it doesn't solve your self-loathing problem. You subconsciously believe you are inferior because you're autistic.
Just one last thing!

It's actually the other way around. I don't loathe myself because of autism; I loathe myself because of my British nationality. With autism I simply feel handicapped and frustrated.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »


A lot of people from those universities in Britain could be lying or exaggerating. People at my college all tried to act like getting laid was easy yet I seriously doubt most of them were actually getting sex unless they were in a fraternity. The college environment does give you a strong impression that "everyone is getting laid except you!" but the truth is, a lot of people really struggle in college.

Plenty of non-alpha type males are fascinated by macho stuff. Look at the kind of guys who are obsessed with Norse imagery and Vikings. Also Martial Arts is practically made for non-alpha type guys to beat alpha males in fights because Martial Arts is literally about using technique to overcome strength. It appeals greatly to people who want to intellectualize physical combat. Think about it this way, what do you think is more common? The bully learns martial arts to learn how to bully people or the bullied kid learns martial arts in order to learn how to beat his bully?

The alpha male persona you put on is that of a guy who easily gets girls, and you're saying even in Latin America, you can't easily get girls. I tried to tell you earlier that I've been around a lot of the type of guys you revere so much and none of them go to prostitutes. They either don't understand why anyone would, saying things like "why would anybody pay for sex when you can just go out and get it for free?" Or they actively look down on it and think its pathetic. Now, I'm not saying guys who go to prostitutes are pathetic, I'm telling you what those "alpha male" type guys think. And I partially wonder how many of them you've actually been around because if you had been around more guys like that, I think you would understand better why you don't seem anything like them. Part of being "alpha male" is that you can sleep with girls almost effortlessly. These guys that I knew in college were sleeping with 20-30 girls per year. Their success in getting laid at a party depended more on whether they drank so much they blacked out before having a chance to get laid rather then depending on whether they'd be able to find a girl willing to have sex with them.

You would never be accepted by these type of guys. They definitely did not accept me, they barely tolerated me enough to make it so living together wasn't a complete nightmare because we were roommates. And yes, you would have to prove that you could get girls or else they wouldn't accept you. I heard about questions they asked pledges during interviews and they intentionally asked extremely personal questions to figure out if the guy had gotten laid in high school or not.

If you hung out with nerds on the other hand, nobody would give a shit whether you were awkward, autistic, or could easily get girls. You have more of a chance at acceptance among nerds then you do with anyone else yet you trash nerds and talk shit about them and act like you're too cool for them. That's why you can't find social acceptance, is because you don't know who your people really are. Your scornful attitude puts off the people who might accept you, whereas your autism puts off the people you want to be accepted by. Your behavior towards them is the same as White leftists behavior towards Black people despite the fact that White leftists don't get along with or are accepted by Black people at all. Only by token Black people who've grown up in all White neighborhoods and are essentially turbo White themselves.

Yeah I may be scornful towards "outgroups" so to speak but at least I know who my people are. I am very loyal to my people, and I don't feel bad about being scornful towards other groups because those groups never accepted me anyway. Why should I be pleasant towards them? Why shouldn't I trash frat boys? They made my college experience awful even though I didn't do shit to them when I was in college. I only started forming a negative opinion of them after they consistently showed themselves to be terrible people. Whereas you seem to be scornful towards your in-group because you don't think they are cool enough and they don't get girls easily, and you want to get girls easily so you're desperate to associate yourself with the guys who do get girls easily because you think it'll make you more successful.

Well that doesn't work. I've already gone down that road, and I've seen other autistic guys do the same thing, it never works. Girls will always know who you are deep down. And you may reject the idea that you're a nerd, but if you're autistic, you're a nerd to everyone else, including other autistic people. You don't have to have picked up a single comic book, anime show, Magic card, Matrix DVD, or Lord of the Rings book to be seen as a nerd by everyone. The autism, the lack of social skills, and awkwardness around girls alone will get you placed in that category. Regardless of whether you've had girlfriends or not. The rest of the world is not more nuanced then I am. Normies place everybody into categories within like a minute of meeting them. If you can't accept how the world views you then you will never find your people because you will anger the people who would accept you while never actually fitting in with the people you want to be like.

Look, my social skills suck too. Look at the way I behave on this forum. Is that the behavior of a guy with good social skills? I've been banned from several forums before coming to this one because I can't shut up about my opinions or moderate them at all. But what I do have that several other autistic people I've known don't have, is self awareness. I realized who in the world would actually accept me and built my personality to be someone they could respect. Whereas the people who don't have that self awareness work tirelessly to be be admired by people who will never respect or accept them.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

To address the link between autism and intelligence @Lucas88... Half of all autistic people have an above average IQ, 16% of autistic people have an IQ above 130 despite the prevalence of such an IQ only being 2% among the general population, and 50% of all people with an IQ above 140 are autistic. The median autistic IQ is about the same as the median, Ashkenazi Jewish IQ. Autism is very strongly related to intelligence. Neurotypicals can be highly intelligent but autism definitely seems to be part of the genetic adaptation which allows for high levels of human intelligence.

You keep talking about defeating the ZOG NWO, how are you gonna do that leading an army of dummies who are good at getting girls and nothing else? The Jews managed to subjugate the entire world despite being 0.2% of the population simply because their median IQ was so much ridiculously higher then everybody else's IQ was so they managed to trick everybody and play an admittedly really good psychological game. Africa has the most macho, physically strong, warrior-like, and seductive men in the world yet their national power is pathetic on the world stage because their IQ is way too low. The only way you're going to defeat the ZOG is with autistic brains.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:34 pm
A lot of people from those universities in Britain could be lying or exaggerating. People at my college all tried to act like getting laid was easy yet I seriously doubt most of them were actually getting sex unless they were in a fraternity. The college environment does give you a strong impression that "everyone is getting laid except you!" but the truth is, a lot of people really struggle in college.
I was talking about acquaintances who I knew personally. I especially have vivid memories of the people at sixth form college due to it being a smaller and more familiar community. We all knew who most people were and who was going out with whom or who had gone out with whom. I remember that almost all of the guys had a girlfriend at one point and some even had several girlfriends throughout our 2 years at college. That included guys who weren't spectacular by any means and were often more on the uglier side, short, unathletic, etc. It was only me and a few other socially impaired guys who were complete incels throughout the entirety of sixth form. In my case I was simply too autistic to socialize with girls. But the majority of guys did fine with girls. We were millennials in the mid 2000s. It was a different time.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:34 pm
Plenty of non-alpha type males are fascinated by macho stuff. Look at the kind of guys who are obsessed with Norse imagery and Vikings. Also Martial Arts is practically made for non-alpha type guys to beat alpha males in fights because Martial Arts is literally about using technique to overcome strength. It appeals greatly to people who want to intellectualize physical combat. Think about it this way, what do you think is more common? The bully learns martial arts to learn how to bully people or the bullied kid learns martial arts in order to learn how to beat his bully?
Martial arts were never made for non-alphas to beat alphas. They were made for killing or doing damage to opponents in moments of physical conflict (many began as battlefield arts - e.g., Japanese Jujitsu).

While martial arts do indeed focus on correct technique, the idea that technique alone beats strength is a myth prevalent to some degree among the TMA community. In reality, strength and explosiveness do play a big part in actual fights. Often an excellent physical specimen with mediocre combat technique can defeat a mediocre physical specimen who has excellent combat technique. Fighting is a physical activity, after all. The truth is that both athleticism and technique are necessary in order to be a good fighter. Being naturally strong, aggressive and warlike helps a lot.

But all of this is besides the point. Your whole insinuation was that I was putting on an act (since you think that an autistic guy could never possibly be the way I portray myself) and I responded by assuring you that I'm not acting and that I've always been into certain hypermasculine activities. I'm simply not how you think that an autistic person should be. I have my own nature. Your assumptions regarding how an autistic person should be are not generalizable to everyone.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:34 pm
The alpha male persona you put on is that of a guy who easily gets girls, and you're saying even in Latin America, you can't easily get girls. I tried to tell you earlier that I've been around a lot of the type of guys you revere so much and none of them go to prostitutes. They either don't understand why anyone would, saying things like "why would anybody pay for sex when you can just go out and get it for free?" Or they actively look down on it and think its pathetic. Now, I'm not saying guys who go to prostitutes are pathetic, I'm telling you what those "alpha male" type guys think. And I partially wonder how many of them you've actually been around because if you had been around more guys like that, I think you would understand better why you don't seem anything like them. Part of being "alpha male" is that you can sleep with girls almost effortlessly. These guys that I knew in college were sleeping with 20-30 girls per year. Their success in getting laid at a party depended more on whether they drank so much they blacked out before having a chance to get laid rather then depending on whether they'd be able to find a girl willing to have sex with them.
I don't revere the frat boy types that you are describing nor do I believe that they have a monopoly on "alpha masculinity". Partying, booze, drugs and behaving like a prat (especially under the influence of the last two) are not my thing. The kind of alpha males who I respect are those who are masculine, strong, disciplined and intelligent. Some of the guys at my MMA gym come to mind. Yes, alpha traits are attractive to women and guys with alpha traits tend to be able to sleep with women easily. I would like to be like that too since I love women but, even though I'm involved in hypermasculine activities (e.g., MMA) and have some masculine traits of my own, I'm too socially impaired to pursue women with ease due to my neurological disorder. It's as though when it comes to dating the social disability aspect of autism trumps whatever other positive qualities I have. The alpha males who you knew in college think that going with prostitutes is pathetic. Okay, so what? It's their opinion - an opinion that I don't particularly care about and which isn't common in any of my HA locations. In Spain and Latin America, going with prostitutes isn't seen as anything less macho or only for incels. I know some studs like my Latino sex addict friend and my Spanish wrestling instructor who do great with women but still go with a prostitute from time to time.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:34 pm
You would never be accepted by these type of guys. They definitely did not accept me, they barely tolerated me enough to make it so living together wasn't a complete nightmare because we were roommates. And yes, you would have to prove that you could get girls or else they wouldn't accept you. I heard about questions they asked pledges during interviews and they intentionally asked extremely personal questions to figure out if the guy had gotten laid in high school or not.
I'm not looking for their acceptance. I would never want to hang around with frat boys anyway. I'm accepted by the alpha men at the combat sports clubs where I have trained. MMA training is great. Generally speaking, everybody is respected for their martial virtues and discipline. The guys there are men who embrace constructive warrior masculinity, not immature boys who think that drinking themselves into a stupor somehow makes them cool.

And yes, the vast majority of the guys who I've trained combat sports with either had girlfriends or could get laid. Again I was the exception due to autism.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:34 pm
If you hung out with nerds on the other hand, nobody would give a shit whether you were awkward, autistic, or could easily get girls. You have more of a chance at acceptance among nerds then you do with anyone else yet you trash nerds and talk shit about them and act like you're too cool for them. That's why you can't find social acceptance, is because you don't know who your people really are. Your scornful attitude puts off the people who might accept you, whereas your autism puts off the people you want to be accepted by. Your behavior towards them is the same as White leftists behavior towards Black people despite the fact that White leftists don't get along with or are accepted by Black people at all. Only by token Black people who've grown up in all White neighborhoods and are essentially turbo White themselves.
I'm just simply not a nerd and don't fit in with nerd culture either. It's just not who I am. Subculture affiliation works through resonance. You find that you either resonate with a subculture or you don't. Not all autistic people are nerds or like nerd culture. I personally find it quite cringe and lame.

The people who I tend to fit in with the most are combat sports guys or people who are into spirituality and the occult. Conspiracy theorist types too! :lol:
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:34 pm
Yeah I may be scornful towards "outgroups" so to speak but at least I know who my people are. I am very loyal to my people, and I don't feel bad about being scornful towards other groups because those groups never accepted me anyway. Why should I be pleasant towards them? Why shouldn't I trash frat boys? They made my college experience awful even though I didn't do shit to them when I was in college. I only started forming a negative opinion of them after they consistently showed themselves to be terrible people. Whereas you seem to be scornful towards your in-group because you don't think they are cool enough and they don't get girls easily, and you want to get girls easily so you're desperate to associate yourself with the guys who do get girls easily because you think it'll make you more successful.
Hold on a second. My ingroup? Autistic people aren't my ingroup. I'm not part of any "neurotribe" (I don't believe in any of that neurodiversity garbage). I'm an individual who has simply been afflicted with a neurological disorder. Autism is a disabling condition that I suffer from, not an ingroup identity. I am not scornful towards autists. I feel pity for them because I know how much some of them suffer because of their defective biology. I'm one of those people and I think that it sucks!

My own group of people are those with whom I share a spiritual affinity. Whether they are neurotypical or autistic is irrelevant.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:34 pm
Well that doesn't work. I've already gone down that road, and I've seen other autistic guys do the same thing, it never works. Girls will always know who you are deep down. And you may reject the idea that you're a nerd, but if you're autistic, you're a nerd to everyone else, including other autistic people. You don't have to have picked up a single comic book, anime show, Magic card, Matrix DVD, or Lord of the Rings book to be seen as a nerd by everyone. The autism, the lack of social skills, and awkwardness around girls alone will get you placed in that category. Regardless of whether you've had girlfriends or not. The rest of the world is not more nuanced then I am. Normies place everybody into categories within like a minute of meeting them. If you can't accept how the world views you then you will never find your people because you will anger the people who would accept you while never actually fitting in with the people you want to be like.
No, you're just so desperate to conflate autism with nerdiness just because you happen to identify with those identities. I personally get the impression from my interactions with you on this forum that you are quite solipsistic and can only accept the validity of other people's experiences if they conform to your own experiences and theoretical conceptions. I mean, you've accused me of being a liar on more than one occasion for talking about my own experiences which differ from yours. :lol: I also think that your own worldview is heavily US-centric, which would make sense since you've never lived in a foreign country for an extended period of time.

The whole cultural obsession with nerds and such is an Anglo (especially American) thing. In many other countries people don't lump you into that category just because you are socially awkward. In the US and the UK, a socially awkward person is a "nerd" or a "weirdo". In the Latin world, a socially awkward person is just shy. No other assumptions are made about his/her nature. A socially awkward guy in Latin America might not be able to get girls as easily as a socially competent guy, but he won't be seen as some kind of social pariah just because of his social awkwardness.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:34 pm
Look, my social skills suck too. Look at the way I behave on this forum. Is that the behavior of a guy with good social skills? I've been banned from several forums before coming to this one because I can't shut up about my opinions or moderate them at all. But what I do have that several other autistic people I've known don't have, is self awareness. I realized who in the world would actually accept me and built my personality to be someone they could respect. Whereas the people who don't have that self awareness work tirelessly to be be admired by people who will never respect or accept them.
I don't work tirelessly to be accepted by people who will never accept me. I've always just found my own niche whether that be the MMA world, Hispanic culture, occultist communities, Happier Abroad, etc. I'm not looking for "mainstream acceptance" or anything like that (like I said, I'm not part of the neurodiversity cult). I'm just trying to deal with a disabling neurological disorder the best I can and achieve my own goals.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:53 pm
To address the link between autism and intelligence @Lucas88... Half of all autistic people have an above average IQ, 16% of autistic people have an IQ above 130 despite the prevalence of such an IQ only being 2% among the general population, and 50% of all people with an IQ above 140 are autistic. The median autistic IQ is about the same as the median, Ashkenazi Jewish IQ. Autism is very strongly related to intelligence. Neurotypicals can be highly intelligent but autism definitely seems to be part of the genetic adaptation which allows for high levels of human intelligence.
This is the problem with the neurodiversity movement. They always like to point to the minority of autistic people who are intellectually gifted in some way or another but at the same time ignore the majority who have no tangible advantage and who only suffer due to the disabling nature of their condition. But the neurodiversity crowd don't care about that. They just want to push their ideology of "neurotribes" and how autism is simply a genetic adaptation as opposed to the debilitating neurological disorder that it most often is.

Autism isn't purely genetic even if there is a discernible pattern of hereditability. There is evidence that environmental toxins increase the likelihood of developing autism as well, which is consistent with autism being a pervasive developmental disorder. I might make a thread about autism and its causes later.

As I said before, those who have it best are neurotypicals with high intelligence. They have both intelligence and social competence and at the same time lack any neurological impairment. You've probably noticed by now that my own ideal is one of balanced completeness.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 19th, 2022, 11:53 pm
You keep talking about defeating the ZOG NWO, how are you gonna do that leading an army of dummies who are good at getting girls and nothing else? The Jews managed to subjugate the entire world despite being 0.2% of the population simply because their median IQ was so much ridiculously higher then everybody else's IQ was so they managed to trick everybody and play an admittedly really good psychological game. Africa has the most macho, physically strong, warrior-like, and seductive men in the world yet their national power is pathetic on the world stage because their IQ is way too low. The only way you're going to defeat the ZOG is with autistic brains.
Jews don't dominate the world through having such a ridiculously higher median IQ (even though contemptible little shabbos goy Jordan Peterstein wants us to believe that that's the reason). The real reason why Jews dominate the world is because of their extreme tribalism, ingroup favoritism, optimized parasitism, and the conspiratorial blueprint which the Jewish elite has employed going all the way back to the Old Testament and the Talmud. They're simply more organized and relentless and have a clearly defined conspiratorial objective while the typical high IQ Gentile just goes about his life aimlessly and has no substantial group organization with other high IQ Gentiles. That's why a tiny Jewish elite has been able to infiltrate and subvert almost all of the Gentile world!

You misunderstand me. I don't promote brutish masculinity over intelligence. I promote both warrior masculinity and intelligence! Gentile men who are both intelligent and of a warlike masculine disposition - regardless of whether they are neurotypical or autistic - must come together and organize a coordinated assault against the ZOGs if we are to stand a chance of defeating the enemy. Some warlike masculine guys might not be too smart but they can still play an important role as foot soldiers in the war against Zion. Only the completely feminized, estrogenic, cowardly, nacho-munching, PlayStation-addicted, lamentable total faggots (a significant portion of the contemporary millennial and gen-Z population) will be utterly useless in the struggle. Those of us who respect ourselves must cultivate both our intelligence and physical fitness/martial virtue for the war. We need to resist the enemy's programs of stultification and pussification and prepare ourselves to really stick it to those evil degenerate hook-nosed bastards!
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »


Its not really a "desperation" to conflate autism and nerdiness. It could be a US centric thing, but pretty much everybody would assume that autist = nerd. The two are very strongly related to one another. I can tell whether somebody is into anime or not simply based on how they approach social situations. If somebody seems quiet, a bit reserved, seems a bit anxious, and has a youthful appearance, there's a 90% chance they like anime. There's one co-worker of mine I've sort of known for months. Never spoke a word to that wasn't business related, but I could just tell he was an anime fan and the other day I asked him about it and he said he was. I can also recognize an autistic person within like 5 seconds.

You don't like that I make assumptions about people very quickly, but the fact is, the assumptions I make are usually true. And my life has improved tremendously since I started believing in basically every stereotype out there because I understand what to expect from people a lot better. The assumptions aren't always true but they are true often enough that it provides me a very useful template on which to interact with the world. And yes, I'm a little bit hesitant to believe information that contradicts everything I've experienced in the world. The truth is, people almost always do behave like some kind of stereotype. And stereotypes do overlap with one another quite a bit, but people tend to behave like some kind of stereotype because it is expected of people. All "stereotyping" really is, is pattern recognition. And anybody who is highly intelligent will be good at pattern recognition.

Autism is related to high intelligence on a biological level. Its not simply that some autists happen to be highly intelligent. The alleles involved in autism heavily overlap with the alleles that create high intelligence. Enough so that our median IQ is significantly higher then the rest of the population. And it is probably why Asian people have both a higher IQ and why they score significantly higher on autism tests then other races do. The median isn't high enough to be considered autistic, but a very high percentage of Asian men are basically borderline autists. The average Asian male has a higher score then White computer science students do.

I don't think severe autism and mild autism are the same thing at all to be quite honest. Severe autists and mild autists behave so differently it seems like a different mental condition entirely for the severe autists. Mild autists don't have any problem with speaking or impulsive behavior. If anything mild autists are usually "too controlled" in their behavior and obsessively follow rules to the letter. I think that severe autism it is caused by environmental toxins of some kind, but mild autism is definitely more of a genetic thing.

Studies have found that autism is strongly related to K-selected reproductive patterns... ... 00041/full

"autistic-like traits in their non-pathological form contribute to a male-typical strategy geared toward high parental investment, low-mating effort, and long-term resource allocation. At the evolutionary-genetic level, this sexual selection hypothesis is consistent with Crespi and Badcock’s “imprinted brain” theory of autism and psychosis; the effect of offspring mating behavior on resource flow within the family connects sexual selection with genomic imprinting in the context of human biparental care. We conclude by presenting the results of an empirical study testing one of the predictions derived from our hypothesis. In a sample of 199 college students, autistic-like traits predicted lower interest in short-term mating, higher partner-specific investment, and stronger commitment to long-term romantic relations"

"It is crucial to keep in mind that – despite the strong negative connotation of the word “autism” – autistic-like traits in the normative range do not imply psychopathology, nor do they necessarily represent dysfunctional aspects of one’s personality; on the contrary, they can promote success in some types of activities. For example, an individual high in autistic-like traits may show reduced social sensitivity, a strong desire for order and control on his/her environment, and single-mindedness in the pursuit of his/her interests. This can lead to independent and self-directed behavior, unconventionality, and the acquisition of highly useful skills. Moreover, autistic-like traits are associated with increased attention to detail, better visuo-spatial skills, and enhanced low-level sensory processing in the visual and auditory domains (Baron-Cohen et al., 2009; Grinter et al., 2009). Indeed, the autistic-like facets of repetitive behaviors, restricted interests, and detail-oriented cognitive style correlate with the development of outstanding talents in middle childhood (Happé and Vital, 2009). If the charming, eccentric artist is the folk prototype of socially successful schizotypy, the technically minded engineer or computer scientist may well be the modern prototype of a successful autistic-like personality."

I will also mention, its ironic that you keep trying to conflate nerdy traits with being "effeminate" even though autistic people are actually considered extremely masculine in mentality. Just because they aren't stereotypically macho doesn't mean they aren't masculine...

"Baron-Cohen’s theory is supported by a remarkable amount of empirical data. First, the incidence of AS and high-functioning autism is highly male-biased (upto 10:1; Baron-Cohen,1999, 2002). Second, the performance of people in the autistic-spectrum lies at the male-typical extreme of cognitive abilities: for example, autistics do better than control males in visuo-spatial tasks in which males outperform females (Jolliffe and Baron-Cohen, 1997). At the same time, they lag behind typical males in the development of female-biased abilities, such as language and social skills (Baron-Cohen et al., 1999). Furthermore, studies of fetal testosterone (fT) indicate that exposure to higher androgen levels in utero increases the likelihood of developing high-systemizing cognitive profiles, beyond the effect of sex per se (Auyeung et al., 2006, 2009). Even in newborns, prenatal fT levels correlate negatively with eye contact, and positively with attention toward mechanical and spatial stimuli (Lutchmaya et al., 2002; Kimura, 2004). High fT levels also predict lower quality of social relationships and restricted interests (Knickmeyer et al., 2005), and may affect the sex-typical patterns of play behavior (Knickmeyer et al., 2008)."

"The above suggests that individuals relatively high in autistic-like traits should exhibit a range of behavioral characteristics leading to reduced mating effort, increased resource acquisition, and better resource retention. These characteristics are valuable to women in search for a long-term partner, and may more than offset the corresponding reduction in social abilities experienced by individuals with autistic-like traits. In fact, reduced social abilities and empathy are instrumental to the low-mating phenotype we are describing, as long as males can employ their social, empathic and communicative skills as effective courtship tools (Miller, 2000b). A socially unremarkable man may still be a valuable husband, especially if he is likely to be faithful, good at acquiring resources, and willing to invest those resources in his wife and offspring. This consideration brings us to the last step toward paternal investment, that is, the willingness to invest resources in a stable couple relationship and, eventually, in the couple’s offspring."

What a lot of this is saying, is basically that autistic men do not have the social skills to directly seduce women. However, they do find success with women through achieving "cultural success" and essentially gaining skills considered valuable to society and resource acquisition. Women interested in long term relationships tend to value resource acquisition over social skills.

This is why it absolutely puzzles me that you support sexual liberalism as an autistic person. You are advocating for society to adopt a sexual/reproductive strategy that is crippling your ability to succeed. Autistic people excel at resource acquisition and are best at finding long term partners who want a man who will show a high level of paternal investment. You advocate the complete opposite though and have even suggested to guys here that they make children out of wedlock. Girls who are interested in short term sex tend to value social skills a lot more. That is where you suffer, yet you advocate for a reproductive system that almost exclusively values social skills while showing disdain for reproductive systems that value resource acquisition. This is despite the fact that you primarily get sex through prostitution, which also emphasizes resource acquisition over social skills.

This is the basis of your problems. Complete lack of self awareness and an inability to understand your own strengths and weaknesses because you remain in denial about how autism shapes your destiny. The reason you have a decent bit of success in Latin America is because it is comparatively more traditional/conservative then Britain is and mating success, while social skills do count for a lot, resource acquisition stills counts for a lot as well because Latin America is poor enough that women there, unless they come from more upper class backgrounds, cannot afford to adopt the leftist mindset. Britain is a leftist country though, and leftism completely stigmatizes the idea of resource acquisition being a method of getting sex, because the idea behind leftism is to eliminate financial hierarchy as much as possible. Therefore, men are encouraged to find mates relying entirely on their social skills rather then relying on resource acquisition or long term parental investment. Communism believes in eliminating financial hierarchy entirely. If financial hierarchy is eliminated, then the state becomes 100% in charge of resource acquisition. Communist regimes also wish to be in charge of parental investment, so they can ideologically brainwash children. So it is in their interest to empower promiscuity and single motherhood. Therefore, men can no longer use either resource acquisition or parental investment, as a strategy to attract a mate. This is also why Communist societies are the only societies out there that have truly successfully eliminated prostitution. Nobody has enough money to pay for one, and the idea itself is highly stigmatized.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 22nd, 2022, 1:16 am
Its not really a "desperation" to conflate autism and nerdiness. It could be a US centric thing, but pretty much everybody would assume that autist = nerd. The two are very strongly related to one another. I can tell whether somebody is into anime or not simply based on how they approach social situations. If somebody seems quiet, a bit reserved, seems a bit anxious, and has a youthful appearance, there's a 90% chance they like anime. There's one co-worker of mine I've sort of known for months. Never spoke a word to that wasn't business related, but I could just tell he was an anime fan and the other day I asked him about it and he said he was. I can also recognize an autistic person within like 5 seconds.
I see that you are indeed desperate to conflate autism with nerdiness because you seem to want to insist that I must be a nerd just because I'm autistic and then even accuse me of putting on an act just because my own self-described way of being doesn't conform to how you expect an autistic person to be. I've explained to you that I've always naturally gravitated towards certain hypermasculine activities that are never culturally associated with nerdiness such as combat sports and weight training and that I've never been into nerd culture in any way but, for you, I must be lying because my own reported experience isn't the same as yours, right?

Look, I'm not a nerd. Nor am I simply in denial about some alleged nerdiness of mine. I've never once been called a nerd. In school and college the nerds had their own defined style, cliques and subcultural interests but nobody ever associated me with that group. I'm eccentric in my own right but just not a nerd. Outside of the US autistic people are not assumed to be nerds. That seems to be more of a culturally informed US or Anglo thing. In Spain and Latin America I've never been taken for a nerd either. I once jokingly asked my Mexican ex-girlfriend if she considered me a nerd and she said no. When I asked her how she perceives me, she replied that she sees me as retro (because I'm obsessed with the 80s), a rebel type, and even a baddass due to my image as a martial artist. I'm not a nerd. I'm just socially impaired. And yes, popular nerd fandoms don't resonate with me at all. I've never given a shit about anime, Star Trek, fantasy RPGs, Game of Thrones, etc. I've always found that kind of stuff a bit lame. If you were to view my media consumption habits, you would see a preponderance of things like UFC, old-school WWF, 80s action movies, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, GTA, etc. All with a certain baddass factor and nothing nerdy about them.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 22nd, 2022, 1:16 am
And yes, I'm a little bit hesitant to believe information that contradicts everything I've experienced in the world.
That's just your own solipsism. You assume that your own subjective experiences and theoretical assumptions based thereof must be absolutely correct and therefore generalizable to everyone else and at the same time quickly dismiss any testimony that is contrary to your own experiences and assumptions and even make accusations of dishonesty against anybody with such a contrary testimony. Then the reason why you think that your own subjective experiences and theoretical assumptions must be correct and that others must be wrong is "because I'm simply more intelligent than everyone else"! :lol: :roll:

You're not the only person in the world. The world is more than just your own subjective experiences and pet theories. Other people have experienced areas of life which you haven't or have otherwise experienced the same areas of life which you have experienced in totally different ways from how you have. But you never seem to want to recognize the validity of any divergent experiences or observations. It always has to be about your perspective and what you think must be true while everybody else must either be mistaken or a liar. What's funniest of all is that you're only in your mid 20s, right? Cmon! At that age people don't have enough life experience to be able to make deep and accurate judgments about the nature of the world (even though some people at that age naïvely think that they already know everything about life and the world - but they eventually find that the joke was on them!!! :lol: ).
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 22nd, 2022, 1:16 am
Autism is related to high intelligence on a biological level. Its not simply that some autists happen to be highly intelligent. The alleles involved in autism heavily overlap with the alleles that create high intelligence. Enough so that our median IQ is significantly higher then the rest of the population. And it is probably why Asian people have both a higher IQ and why they score significantly higher on autism tests then other races do. The median isn't high enough to be considered autistic, but a very high percentage of Asian men are basically borderline autists. The average Asian male has a higher score then White computer science students do.

I don't think severe autism and mild autism are the same thing at all to be quite honest. Severe autists and mild autists behave so differently it seems like a different mental condition entirely for the severe autists. Mild autists don't have any problem with speaking or impulsive behavior. If anything mild autists are usually "too controlled" in their behavior and obsessively follow rules to the letter. I think that severe autism it is caused by environmental toxins of some kind, but mild autism is definitely more of a genetic thing.
All I keep hearing from the neurodiversity crowd is higher intelligence this and higher intelligence that but so few of them want to talk about how many autistic people are neurologically impaired in ways that make their lives much harder. They never want to talk about things like impaired speech, sensory overload, autistic fatigue or any of the undesirable comorbidities, or about how many autistic people struggle so much in life with things that neurotypicals can generally do with ease. Some serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia often come with some identifiable benefits such as higher IQ and increased creativity but nobody is celebrating them like they do with autism. That's because the debilitating aspects of those conditions far outweigh the benefits. Autism is the same. The abnormal brain development associated with it handicaps many people diagnosed with the condition and makes it much harder for them to live a fruitful life yet the neurodiversity crowd just wants to prattle on about how intelligent and gifted autists are. What good is it to have higher intelligence than the typical person when you're so handicapped in some other if not most other aspects of life? I'd rather be a high IQ neurotypical - even if my intelligence were more modest than that of my actual autistic self - and have neurotypical social skills and much more real-world savvy than the debilitating neurological disorder that I have to live with now.

The recent autism epidemic is tragic. In previous generations relatively few people were autistic but now neurologically impaired autistic kids are appearing everywhere. If I remember correctly, the rate of autism is presently at about 1 in 50 in the US and similarly high rates can be found in other countries too. Anecdotally, I now meet many people of my own generation who have an autistic kid, sometimes even two. Kids today are developing autism at an unusually high rate and it's simply not normal. In my own extended family, none of the grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts or millennial cousins have an autism diagnosis or even autistic traits. I'm the only millennial who has autism. But here's the kicker! Multiple gen-Z kids from my extended family have already been diagnosed with autism! We as a whole are being messed up by environmental toxins of all kinds. Absolutely everything that surrounds us in our 21st century modern world is polluted. We're literally wading through poison. Certain medications taken by mothers during pregnancy have been shown to increase the likelihood of autism. The toxic ingredients in vaccines are probably a contributing factor too even though the medical establishment in the pay of big pharma isn't willing to consider the possibility. And now there are so many young people who are neurologically messed up in some way or another. People like me. And I'm quite bitter about it.

I'm not talking about trivial sub-threshold scores pertaining to autistic traits. I'm talking about actual autistic neurological impairment. But again the neurodiversity crowd don't want to hear any of this.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 22nd, 2022, 1:16 am
Studies have found that autism is strongly related to K-selected reproductive patterns... ... 00041/full

"autistic-like traits in their non-pathological form contribute to a male-typical strategy geared toward high parental investment, low-mating effort, and long-term resource allocation. At the evolutionary-genetic level, this sexual selection hypothesis is consistent with Crespi and Badcock’s “imprinted brain” theory of autism and psychosis; the effect of offspring mating behavior on resource flow within the family connects sexual selection with genomic imprinting in the context of human biparental care. We conclude by presenting the results of an empirical study testing one of the predictions derived from our hypothesis. In a sample of 199 college students, autistic-like traits predicted lower interest in short-term mating, higher partner-specific investment, and stronger commitment to long-term romantic relations"
Okay, the study suggests that men with autistic-like traits (with an emphasis on their "non-pathological form") usually have lower interest in short-term relationships and stronger commitment to long-term romantic relationships, so that must mean that I should be like that, right? Well, not really. Human beings are more complex than simply genetics. We often have desires, aesthetic tastes and even obsessions that are not related to reproductive behaviors or evolutionary biology or even anything rational at all. Sexuality isn't just for reproduction. In fact, most of the time humans engage in sexual activities just for fun and enjoyment and even take precautions to prevent conception. I happen to have my own promiscuous desires and obsessions with certain feminine aesthetics. I also have no desire to have any kind of monogamous relationship anymore because I can't stand the excessive company of somebody else and prefer my own solitude and personal freedom. I'm the kind of absent-minded eccentric creative who is too absorbed in his own creative projects to be able to invest in a relationship. I find relationships too overwhelming and just totally boring. I as an autistic male (and I have an actual diagnosis) am neither monogamous nor do I have high partner-specific investment, but I guess I'm just lying, right?
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 22nd, 2022, 1:16 am
I will also mention, its ironic that you keep trying to conflate nerdy traits with being "effeminate" even though autistic people are actually considered extremely masculine in mentality. Just because they aren't stereotypically macho doesn't mean they aren't masculine...
I consider any man who isn't tough or who has no combat skills unmanly. For some reason nerd culture seems to want to glorify being dweebish and unathletic (as opposed to being strong and athletic like the jocks).

In a man I value strength, physique, toughness and martial virtue. I'm not a fan of dweebish men and even believe that the progressive pussification of men in recent decades has been part of the NWO agenda to render us more compliant and less of a threat to their system.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 22nd, 2022, 1:16 am
This is why it absolutely puzzles me that you support sexual liberalism as an autistic person. You are advocating for society to adopt a sexual/reproductive strategy that is crippling your ability to succeed. Autistic people excel at resource acquisition and are best at finding long term partners who want a man who will show a high level of paternal investment. You advocate the complete opposite though and have even suggested to guys here that they make children out of wedlock. Girls who are interested in short term sex tend to value social skills a lot more. That is where you suffer, yet you advocate for a reproductive system that almost exclusively values social skills while showing disdain for reproductive systems that value resource acquisition. This is despite the fact that you primarily get sex through prostitution, which also emphasizes resource acquisition over social skills.
Autistic men don't universally excel at resource acquisition. Unemployment rates for autistic people are high for a start (in the UK 78% of autistic adults are unemployed versus the 4.5% unemployment rate for the general population) and, of those who are employed, many simply work regular jobs that neurotypicals can do just as well. The gifted autistic engineer or IT whiz is the exception, not the norm. And even those fields have their successful neurotypicals too. I think that you just want to romanticize autism based on the relative professional success of a small minority of autists.

I support sexual freedom because I support individual freedom as a basic principle. I prefer to live in a society in which people have the ability to determine their own lives and in which government intervention in people's private lives is kept to a minimum. For me, authoritarian governments that want to dictate every detail of people's lives and then oppress anybody who doesn't comply are therefore out of the question. Tyrannical theocracies run by religious nuts even more so. I believe in certain basic principles that transcend my own being. It's not just about me and what I want or what I think would be good for me. I'm not solipsistic. My goal isn't simply to create a system that favors me and my own supposed "ingroup". I'm not a tribalist!

But I do indeed notice that you seem to want to value only traits which you perceive yourself as having (e.g., intelligence and beta providerism) while at the same time diminishing the value of traits which you don't have and which other men do such as social skills, charisma, physique/athleticism, etc. You've even gone on record to say that women who prefer the latter traits are "degenerates". I've suspected for a while that you are simply solipsistic and can only value that which you think will benefit you and men like you. I'm not trying to be an asshole, by the way; that's just the impression I get from reading what you've written.

I'm not convinced by this dichotomy that you've created between social skills and resource acquisition. You seem to have an extremely negative view of social skills and even seem to assume that women who value them are merely those who are out for a promiscuous good time. Well no. Women could be attracted to social competence in a man because his social competence might make her feel safe or because social savvy can contribute to real-world success. Social savvy is a form of intelligence too. Great leaders often have extraordinary social savvy. Through it they are able to influence others and excel at diplomacy. Social savvy is also valued in many areas of business and employment. Being socially competent is an extremely beneficial trait and it makes sense why women would value it in a potential mate. But again you seem able to value only the forms of intelligence that you happen to possess while writing off neurotypical social skills as nothing more than "normie manipulation tactics" - even though they are clearly not the same thing.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 22nd, 2022, 1:16 am
This is the basis of your problems. Complete lack of self awareness and an inability to understand your own strengths and weaknesses because you remain in denial about how autism shapes your destiny. The reason you have a decent bit of success in Latin America is because it is comparatively more traditional/conservative then Britain is and mating success, while social skills do count for a lot, resource acquisition stills counts for a lot as well because Latin America is poor enough that women there, unless they come from more upper class backgrounds, cannot afford to adopt the leftist mindset. Britain is a leftist country though, and leftism completely stigmatizes the idea of resource acquisition being a method of getting sex, because the idea behind leftism is to eliminate financial hierarchy as much as possible. Therefore, men are encouraged to find mates relying entirely on their social skills rather then relying on resource acquisition or long term parental investment. Communism believes in eliminating financial hierarchy entirely. If financial hierarchy is eliminated, then the state becomes 100% in charge of resource acquisition. Communist regimes also wish to be in charge of parental investment, so they can ideologically brainwash children. So it is in their interest to empower promiscuity and single motherhood. Therefore, men can no longer use either resource acquisition or parental investment, as a strategy to attract a mate. This is also why Communist societies are the only societies out there that have truly successfully eliminated prostitution. Nobody has enough money to pay for one, and the idea itself is highly stigmatized.
You're wrong about my experiences in Latin America. I've had two long-term relationships with Latin American women. Both of them were from well-off families and the Peruvian was an independent professional educated in Europe and with a master's degree. Neither of those girls were poor nor did they want me for my money. The Peruvian came from a family with various businesses and in which most of the younger generation were university-educated professionals. She didn't need a man to take care of her and even told me that. She only needed me to give her love and a child. The Mexican straight up told me that she was neither materialistic nor a gold-digger and that she didn't want me to spend money on her. Both of them loved me for reasons other than money.

As for casual encounters with women in Latin America, I never give them any money. Some Latinas in places like Peru and Mexico - especially in the places where there are few tourists - will do anything to have a one-off raunchy bonk or even a friends-with-benefits type arrangement with a reasonably attractive White gringo because White gringos are seen as extremely desirable in some of those places and it's a fantasy which those Latinas want to fulfill if the opportunity presents itself. Yes, they are opportunistic about it. I was propositioned even while I was with my Peruvian ex-girlfriend but I had to decline because I respect any girlfriend of mine and would never want to cheat on anybody. But it's fairly easy for a man to get laid through casual encounters in many parts of Latin America precisely because the culture is sexually liberal and a certain subset of the women are wild and hedonistic and are willing to hook up with any reasonably attractive man.

I actually observe that it is in the more materialistic and economically competitive societies that it is harder for average guys to get laid or even get a girlfriend (US, UK, Japan, etc.) while it is considerably easier in less materialistic and economically competitive societies where people tend to value social connection, romance and passionate matters beyond the purely material. I think that, as our friend @WilliamSmith says, you have it bass-ackwards on this one. Materialistic and economically competitive societies are the worst. The bar is being constantly raised because there's virtually no limit to some people's greed and desire for luxury. But in less materialistic and economically competitive societies, most people have more realistic expectations and don't require a lot to be satisfied. In another thread @willymonfrete mentioned how in Latin America he saw very mediocre Latino men with decent-looking Latina girlfriends. That's exactly what I observed when I was there. Almost every guy I met had no problem finding a girlfriend or getting laid. The same cannot be said for materialistic and highly competitive societies like the US, the UK and Japan.

It's true that I don't like gold-diggers or materialistic women. If I were to look for a relationship again, I'd avoid those types like the plague because many of them will drop your ass as soon as a richer guy comes along. And besides, some of us are not soulless NPCs who can only see everything in terms of money, financial success, abstract status and crude utilitarianism. Some of us actually would only marry out of love and true spiritual connection.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Lucas88 »

I wasn't going to talk about this but now that it's been brought up in this thread I'll talk about it here.

It's true that I don't really have a very good impression of marriage and don't recommend it in most cases. I believe that there are two contexts in which marriage occurs. The first one is a desire to marry born out of true love and a genuine spiritual connection with a perceived soulmate and the second one is a desire to marry purely for practical reasons such as procreation and sometimes even status. I also observe that marriages born out of true love constitute the minority of cases while marriages purely for practical reasons are far more common. Indeed, most marriages in America and other Western countries end in divorce anyway and I'd also be willing to bet that, out of those marriages that do last longer than others, many of the couples are only together for the kids or other purely practical reasons. Marriage doesn't seem like a very good investment. I agree with @WilliamSmith in this regard.

I am more honest than most people and prefer what is real. I'd rather not live a lie or a pious illusion. At this point, I myself am reluctant to reproduce due to my own autism which I believe is a bit more severe than what is common because I don't want to pass autism on to any possible offspring or end up with a severely disabled autistic child (which can happen even if two mildly autistic people reproduce together), but if I weren't autistic and did have an unmistakable desire to have kids and also had the financial means, then I would most likely come to an agreement with a Latin American woman to have a kid (or maybe even two) of our own without marriage or any kind of exclusive relationship and have joint custody and both invest in its development. The kid would spend some days with the mother and her family and others with me. During the days with me I would teach my kid important skills and the things that a dad should teach a kid. The rest of the weak I would be free to do my own thing and sleep with whoever I want. Thus I would be able to sire children of my own with a woman who wants them without having to go through all of the fake bullshit of a marriage aimed purely at procreation and child rearing and I'd still be able to keep my personal freedom, concentrate on my own projects and satiate my own sex addiction and desire for sexual variety with big butt Latinas and hot sultry mulatas with even bigger butts.

Even if I did have a long-term girlfriend in a loving relationship, I still wouldn't want to live with her all the time. I'd prefer for us to have our own places and see each other maybe only three nights a week. As an introvert I need my own space and believe that even those who genuinely love each other shouldn't be together all the time. That would only drive me crazy. I've spoken about this with @Pixel--Dude and he feels the same way. I'm an eccentric dude who's obsessively into my own creative projects and other endeavors and I'm into doing my own thing. I wouldn't be able to cope with having some annoying broad harping on at me all the time. Even an absolutely lovely, passionate, romantic Latina would have to give me my own space so as not to overwhelm me. I'm just not built like most people. Besides, I don't want a woman who is glued to me at every moment. If I have a girlfriend, I want her to have her own substantial hobbies, interests and friends. I want her to cultivate her own talents and invest in her own personal development too. Moreover, absence makes the heart grow fonder. If a girlfriend and I only hung out at my place Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then our time spent together would be much more special than if we were together every day.

Since most marriages are arguably fake anyway, I tend to recommend parenthood based on a mutual agreement and without marriage or a monogamous relationship for the more free-spirited and sigma-type men like @WilliamSmith - assuming that they want to have children of their own and have the resources to do so. This way a man who wants kids but at the same time isn't bothered about marriage and prefers to have his own freedom can spread his seed and ensure his own genetic legacy while a woman who likewise wants kids but for whatever reason doesn't care about having a relationship can at the same time become a mother. Not everybody is built for traditional marriage or sees its value or necessity.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

@Lucas88 Its better to be excessively tribalistic then to be someone with no loyalty towards his own kind.

You said yourself the Jews are victorious because of tribalism. The Blacks are just as tribalistic though I will say but aren’t anywhere near as successful so what I would say is that it’s high IQ + tribalism that is the reason why they rule the world.

White people are dangerously non-tribalistic. We are too concerned about people other then our own and I’m not just talking about race specifically… White people are terrible about not just caring about but even prioritizing the interests of out-groups above their own. This is also why White people were the only ones stupid enough to not only let our own women vote but start insisting that everybody else should too.

The Jews and the Blacks take the tribalism too far. But I’d say the Arabs normally have a pretty healthy balance.

Gold diggers are not the same thing as a K-selected reproductive pattern. K selected women are indeed attracted to men capable of resource acquisition but the evolutionary code wires them to be attracted to personality traits that show a talent for being able to do that. For example, intelligence being a big one. Their evolutionary code has been programmed to seek out intelligent men and moral men because of their ability to be providers and to be good fathers and husbands.

Women who are mixed between R-selection and K-selection will start emphasizing one set of traits or the other depending on cultural pressure. Meaning a highly K-selected woman will act that way even in an R-selected environment like the UK but women who are mixed (which is most people in general) respond to cultural and environmental pressure.

Latin America, in the family environment, still puts enough pressure on people to be K-selected that it impacts who they are attracted to. Britain does not… If anything it is constant pressure to be R-selected in Britain.

If the Japanese economy was fixed then hardly any guy there would be without a girlfriend/wife. Japan has the social foundations for a traditional society but their economy is too messed up at the moment to make it possible. The Japanese girls want to be housewives and want men who are providers but wages in Japan are too low and taxes are too high to make that possible for a large chunk of men. If the economy of Japan was sorted out it would probably return to a 1950s esque society very quickly.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »


I would argue that the normie obsession with social skills and charisma is the reason why so many countries have such terrible leadership. Social skills literally are about being talented at lying to people. What people perceive as bad social skills is simply being unable to effectively lie. People don't like that though because people with bad social skills are so bad at lying that they can't even tell white lies effectively. They also can't read the room and understand when people don't want them to point out truths that everybody knows but is uncomfortable with vocalizing. The problem with that is that none of the normies are willing to tell truths that need to be told because no one has the courage to say it. But people who have bad social skills do because they can't read the room or don't care if the truth offends people. Democracy is a bad system because its literally just giving unqualified people the ability to put in power whoever is most popular. The popularity of an idea does not always speak to its quality. Its like putting 100 people in a room to perform a surgery and only 5 or 10 of them are surgeons but they have equal decision making power as the other 90 people who don't know squat about surgery. A theocracy would say "we are going to run this government according to these principles" and then you'd have a group of intelligent men at the top making all the decisions. That's how Europe was run for centuries.

Democracy allows normies to elect other normies into power. This results in either incompetent people with a lot of social skills making it into power or psychopathic/sociopathic people who exploit normies' easily manipulated nature to put themselves into power and then use that position to enrich themselves while pretending to serve the common people's interests. If politicians were selected purely based off on intelligence instead of social skills or appearance, we'd have a much better country. But I don't have any faith in that happening, so theocracy is the best way to mitigate that. Theocracy is also better then monarchy because it puts power in the hands of people who have ideas and had to prove they were qualified for the position and was vetted at least by other people who are committed to the goals of the government rather then flipping a coin and giving all the power of the country to a guy who just inherited the position.

Social skills are useless skills. There's not really anything about having social skills that makes a woman safer. If anything, men who are too charismatic and socially savvy tend to be more dangerous because you can't tell if they are actually creeps or not. Ted Bundy had great social skills, that's why he got away with what he did. Men who have high social skills can much more easily hide very toxic and negative personality traits. Men who lack social skills wear their personality on their sleeve. You know exactly what you are getting with them. That's why, in my experience, people with bad social skills end up developing better, authentic personalities because its so obvious when their personality is bad that they get criticized for it a lot more often. So because they get criticized for bad personality traits, more of them genuinely develop better personalities in order to get along with people better. They may try to hide their bad personality at first but because they can't hide it, they keep getting criticized for it. People with good social skills, on the other hand, usually just learn to hide their bad personality traits better.
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Re: Autism is a Neurological Disorder and is no Joke!

Post by Outcast9428 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 23rd, 2022, 12:15 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 23rd, 2022, 11:52 am
Social skills are useless skills.
As a counter argument to this, I find that people with good social skills have an easier time in life, for obvious reasons. With great social skills you get ahead in life, one way or another. Which is why with my own children I focus more on their social development as opposed to academic excellence; good grades are not the gateway to a better life the way a rich and vibrant social life and the ability to easily befriend and influence people is. When such things come naturally to a man, he has the world at his feet. You can argue the morality of social skills and their importance in society all you want, but you cannot deny their very real power.
That’s a personal thing though, it’s not actually useful. It gets you ahead because other people have a bias for it, but that’s really it. It doesn’t give you the ability to do 5x more work in the same amount of time as somebody else can like intelligence or physical strength does.
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