Some changes of mind and apologies

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Some changes of mind and apologies

Post by Kalinago »

Okay guys,I apologize for my foolish short-sighted promotion of islam,and talking about getting 4 wives and all that.

I realized that Neoplatonism cannot be reconciled with islam,though many try(and arab/persian philosophers have solidifed neoplatonism logically with many good arguments),and Neoplatonism seems so far to be self-coherent and logical.

I Do not believe in any religion thus,I think as ken wheeler a famous neoplatonic youtuber and scholar said'religion is dumbed down metaphysics for the masses'.

Being free of all religious systems,with their suggestions on how to live your life,I realized if It were up to me I'd want to slay endlessly,not get married and having many baby mothers like Future does.

Of course the latter part,is a foolish choice with child support laws in the west.

But it's not that I don't value monogamy and marriage,it's that people are just too shitty today to make it work.

The economy is also shit,and a family will bankrupt you,work you to death(maybe a early one),divorce is always a high possibility,and women are simply always looking for the next shiny thing,and let's be honest few women are 'loyal'.

I also would never want my children(if I were monogamous) to grow up in this shitty culture,hating 'white people',brown-nosing low tier negros,becoming materialists,becoming narcissists,becoming corrupted shallow shells even though I would plan to have children with a Mestiza,I do not want them to hate white people,You see I love white people,not the ones that hate people that look like me,but the good and sincere ones.

Western culture is satanic,reversing everything,and Liberalism is a poison that i would never want my children to be part of,and most young people are liberal,even Gen z republicans are what the woke was 10 years ago,the overton window is shifting fast etc

enlarging my junk,is the only way I'll ever ascend while being restricted to the shitty west.

So getting a 10 inch junk is neccessary to still get sex and not have to be a woman's slave.

Women say I'm a cute guy with(according to women) very nice hair,complexion and a athletic body(though
i'm a manlet),but that is NOT enough today,women generally want it all,and a huge junk is a cheat code it seems,it doesn't work on every woman,but a guy with a large and wide junk is going to get women that love that,easily like online etc

I know a ugly mexican guy that has women lined up on tinder because of his 9 incher,and he's also a extreme manlet.

This does work,but people do not listen to me,and that's great but Good-looks are not enough today,you have to have status,looks and good money(and if you're phenotype is hated,you cannot have status as a default,and Latinos are hated atleast here in my state).

Women are getting too unreasonable,and this is ridiculous because if I were in Cuba or colombia(not safe,would never go there) I'd be slaying women way hotter than the 'hot girls'here.and they'd be simping for me ,aswell.

I know because I've tried latino sites vs tinder .

the concept of Happierabroad is only for financially well off people,and this is a result of a healthy childhood,IQ and also a starting point.

all things I do not have,my only above average IQ level was learning IQ.I also have OCD and PTSD.

I'm just being realistic,HA is NOT viable for me in the near term future,and my ultimate goal is of course to build a cheap Adobe house in la guajira or mexico,have a income or assets that build wealth,and have self-sufficiency,but this economy is simply not working for most people and a crash is coming .

this place is shit,and it's getting worse for men day by day.

I HATE america so much.but it was my destiny to come here,and I have to row the boat with the paddles I have(dutch proverb).

MGTOW is circumstancially spewaking,the truth today,and Traditionalism is dying and will die with development,urbanisation,female empowerment economically,and we need to find a system that works for both men and women,but women do not want that,they want the current zeitgeist because it works lopsided in their interest,and as long as this global system is in place,LTR and marriage is FOOLISH.

Traditionalists generally want to promote this dead concept because Jew-sus said he will burn you for having non-commited sex and if they can't have it you shouldn't because of FOMO and if everyone is a chained prisoner to one wife that is not even obligated to fulfill your desire and rights in a marriage or LTR then they don't miss out and also they are jealous,or simply because they are miserable work horses and slaves to their wives and they want people to be as miserable as they are,not being able in most cases due to looks or social skills to truly 'slay'on a consistent and predictable basis.

It's gone.the only place it works is a literal backwater,and it's a transactional relationship based on your assets,their desperation andany self-respecting guy wouldn't 'do that' unless he is also just as desperate as these females are.
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Re: some changes Of mind and apologies

Post by Kalinago »

@Lucas88 Please accept my sincere apologies brother,I think most latinas are bad,but that is my experience in holland and america,you know better than me.

women in general today are not LTR material.
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Re: some changes Of mind and apologies

Post by Kalinago »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
February 23rd, 2023, 12:06 pm
@Kalinago I don't think you have any reason to apologize. Your decision to become a Muslim was a reasonable one, and I am sure your decision not to be a Muslim was just as reasonable and well-thought-of. As for attracting ladies, I don't think you would need a ten inch dong for that. The main thing a man needs in this world is material wealth. Looks-wise you're pretty solid and you get plenty of girls flirting with you so that's not the issue. If you woke up tomorrow with a million dollars, tax-free, deposited on your bank account... virtually all your problems would melt away like snow in the sun, I'm sure of it.
Thanks brother,A ten inch dong with my looks will give me a more desperate for me sexually and broader range of women.Of course they will be sluts,but I am not going to wife any of them.

I don't think that I am capable of ever being rich,so as our people say'je moet roien met de peddels die je hebt'.

Money gives you alot of access to women,but the issue is is that I know that in intelligence and energy,work ethic I am not superb,and I have alot on my plate to deal with,and I want to have fun and live in the now.

of course,making a passive or atleast building income,like thru real estate or other means is my goal.but I can get a 10 inch dick in 3.5 months with the herbal cream I bought,alongside DMSO.

make handsome selfies in the mirror with my erect bulge in tight jogging pants and go on Tinder and bumble,and profit immensely.

this is a good strategy .

Ironically,I think that changing my name on online dating is one of the hugest factors in my success.

I got way more dramatic results using a latino name,then a anglo or dutch name (my real names),because women for some reason likely think I'm a muslim ethnicity that is using a fake name,when ronically when I use a latin one they don't think so,despite being fake.

So I think for a otherwise average guy, a 10 inch dong is indeed a great measure of consistent success.

Yes,anywhere I go to meet women,atleast one or two approach me for sex,but I don't meet women and I hate clubs and such degenerate places.

Word of mouth and tinder are what I need to get girls,and my harem ;)
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Re: some changes Of mind and apologies

Post by Kalinago »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
February 23rd, 2023, 12:30 pm
Kalinago wrote:
February 23rd, 2023, 12:19 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
February 23rd, 2023, 12:06 pm
@Kalinago I don't think you have any reason to apologize. Your decision to become a Muslim was a reasonable one, and I am sure your decision not to be a Muslim was just as reasonable and well-thought-of. As for attracting ladies, I don't think you would need a ten inch dong for that. The main thing a man needs in this world is material wealth. Looks-wise you're pretty solid and you get plenty of girls flirting with you so that's not the issue. If you woke up tomorrow with a million dollars, tax-free, deposited on your bank account... virtually all your problems would melt away like snow in the sun, I'm sure of it.
Thanks brother,A ten inch dong with my looks will give me a more desperate for me sexually and broader range of women.Of course they will be sluts,but I am not going to wife any of them.

I don't think that I am capable of ever being rich,so as our people say'je moet roien met de peddels die je hebt'.

Money gives you alot of access to women,but the issue is is that I know that in intelligence and energy,work ethic I am not superb,and I have alot on my plate to deal with,and I want to have fun and live in the now.

of course,making a passive or atleast building income,like thru real estate or other means is my goal.but I can get a 10 inch dick in 3.5 months with the herbal cream I bought,alongside DMSO.

make handsome selfies in the mirror with my erect bulge in tight jogging pants and go on Tinder and bumble,and profit immensely.

this is a good strategy .

Ironically,I think that changing my name on online dating is one of the hugest factors in my success.

I got way more dramatic results using a latino name,then a anglo or dutch name (my real names),because women for some reason likely think I'm a muslim ethnicity that is using a fake name,when ronically when I use a latin one they don't think so,despite being fake.

So I think for a otherwise average guy, a 10 inch dong is indeed a great measure of consistent success.

Yes,anywhere I go to meet women,atleast one or two approach me for sex,but I don't meet women and I hate clubs and such degenerate places.

Word of mouth and tinder are what I need to get girls,and my harem ;)
Maybe ten inches is a bit excessive. I'm not ten inches myself but I'm well-above average and it has probably helped me get girls. It's more of a thing that is within your ears. Basically once you hear from girls that what you're packing is big, it boosts your confidence a lot. And you will carry yourself differently. They sense the aura. I've done the tights pants thing in the past lol. And online of course I have made use of similar strategies, and I have to say it helps. But even with like eight inches you'll be huge to the eyes of girls. Plus they are notoriously bad at estimating sizes so even a seven or eight inches in full-erection many girls will estimate its ten inches lol. And why bother correcting them? :lol:

Name changes can work, too. I think names are important, which is why I picked a very dramatic, badass name for my future son who will be born in three months. Little things like that make all the difference in the world. Anyway you're not an ugly dude. I do not know your height to assess your status as manlet but your face is pretty decent and you have a good sense of style. So I don't think you will need to surgically alter your hotdog just to get chicks. And I am not even sure if thats possible and make gains of several inches but then again, I'm not an expert in that field.

I do wish you good fortune and "happy hunting" in your future endeavours. :D
Ten inches looks impressive,and fills out the tallest women there are.

I am somewhat above average too,and multiple women said I''m 'big',but I want the ty[e of junk that will arouse women .

Entengo does create microtears that make permanent lenghtening and widening of the penis.

I ordered it but it is taking a long time to process the delivery by the dispensary,I hope they're not scamming me too,but when I get it and use DMSO with it I hope to get rapid gains.
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