Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

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Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by 69ixine »

Signed back in latinamericancupid and did not get nearly as much matches as I should,not with nearly hot enough girls,the girls I like ,when I like them,ignore me.

Virgin muslim 18 year old wife for me.

I already know from walter r mattfield's works that christianity and Judaism are false,no more fear.I always liekd islam better than these two religions anyway,I just hope my brain rewires in time to stop the religious trauma syndrome to go back out of fear and hearsay.

I am done with secular women.Done with christ-hoes.Done with women that aren't raised right or have the wrong values or don't take their religion seriousely.

This time I am a moderate Salafi.Kalam is nonsense.I just got into it to have arguments for Tawheed,when the Quran's arguments for Tawheed suffice now for me.

I will not be pushing my religion on here,it is a personal choice and I prefer not to discuss religion at all,to each their own.

I just believe Islam is the only thing that is good for men to have true power and freedom in the gender dynamic market today.

I believe Islam is fully 'based'on all levels,so to speak.

Christianity is based too,but not based enough for me,I feel like a cuck when I believed in that.

No insult,I guess I just am of a more raw masculine nature then I realized,tired of being on my tippy toes and walking on eggshells to please liberals and women,or appeal to them.

the law of the jungle,might makes right is really the only law,even the 'moderates',cucks,liberals and women use it to control free spirited men.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by 69ixine »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
May 6th, 2023, 12:47 pm
There is something incredibly appealing about Islam, indeed. The prayer beads, the beards, the clean living, healthy food, beautiful, well-groomed and modestly dressed women whose bodies and beauty exist solely for your eyes and using pleasure, never for the pleasure and admiration of the world. I love it. It's honestly intoxicating. And you're right... most of Christianity is MASSIVELY cucked. Islam, far less so. Any Christian who claims otherwise is just coping, really. Christian girls really aren't anywhere near as well-guarded as Islamic girls, their honor and virginity aren't as cherished and their fathers, brothers and cousins are unwilling to shed blood to protect their family honor. Islam is a high testosterone faith that still maintains some of the warrior spirit that has left Christianity centuries ago. I absolutely understand, and respect, your choice. But I do hope you will not waver on this desire and truly go through with it this time, @69ixine. ;)
Insha'Allaah I will brother.

Excellent comment and points.

I willa void talking about political and religious topics,because I am neither an extremist nor a madkhali more like a salafi or Hanbali (I do believe Allah has a body like no other body and sits on a throne like no other throne)but as I grow older I become more nuanced and balanced in my viewpoints,but the law of 'might makes right'is really the only 'law',and not A'ql(intelligence)Which I recognized upons tudying philosophy and science is flawed even in great thinkers,they can be totally mislead by their A'ql,whereas basing the only law-might makes right- on divine revelation makes more sense.

I do not hate the west btw,Never did as a muslim even in the past,I sympathize with the pro-white movement and also Christians in the west trying to practice their conviction,with freedom,but it is not looking good when you are meek and rather be a slave than die on your feet,especially when you think doing so will bring you to hellfire :lol:

I respect christianity though,to each their own.True muslims and True christians are brothers in my book.Not so for Jews.

Secular women and christ-hoes,are just too corrupted at this point.You're asking for misery,and even if she were 'good'by secular standards,she is not ENOUGH for my raw masculine nature,something I can supress no longer.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by 69ixine »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
May 6th, 2023, 12:47 pm
There is something incredibly appealing about Islam, indeed. The prayer beads, the beards, the clean living, healthy food, beautiful, well-groomed and modestly dressed women whose bodies and beauty exist solely for your eyes and using pleasure, never for the pleasure and admiration of the world. I love it. It's honestly intoxicating. And you're right... most of Christianity is MASSIVELY cucked. Islam, far less so. Any Christian who claims otherwise is just coping, really. Christian girls really aren't anywhere near as well-guarded as Islamic girls, their honor and virginity aren't as cherished and their fathers, brothers and cousins are unwilling to shed blood to protect their family honor. Islam is a high testosterone faith that still maintains some of the warrior spirit that has left Christianity centuries ago. I absolutely understand, and respect, your choice. But I do hope you will not waver on this desire and truly go through with it this time, @69ixine. ;)
We can discuss reasons for God's existance,why there is only one unique God(I only use arguments from the Qu'raan now),and why muhammed is his messenger if you're interested.hit me up in PM.

I am only offering this to you(it's up to you,your prerogative my brother),because it seems you would be happy in islam,with 4 beautiful wives on the cheap,depending on where you go,but you don't have much to go by to have conviction.

Also,in islam as far as I know,all muslims go to Jannah or the gardens of paradise,even if they are punished for some time.

So if you fail,you don't need to beat yourself up about it in this religion.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by 69ixine »

@Lucas88 I just got a like from a hot colombiana mestiza,but despite her gorgeous face and curvy fitness body,she seems like a total hoe.I cannot tolerate that in my woman.

She looks like she would ignore me,and only liked me to get validation,or that she is fickle and would look for the next best thing out there.

I just got liked also by a 10/10 castiza chick from colombia,but the same shadiness and untrustworthiness goes in there.like a total hoe that would only go for rich guys.

I find muslim women raised in muslim countries,and religious the best women.Even if I don't stay on this path,that is my conviction and It is pretty self-evident.

Edit:a few hours passed and I'm getting likes and messages from the supermodel looking girls now in droves,but the same shadiness and lack of modesty makes me recoil in horror.

I much rather have that 7/10 poor fellahin girl that's innocent and fears Allaah.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by MrMan »

Like Jesus said, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?

It seems to me that your main objective here is to get a woman, not to please God. Put God first.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. Jesus was talking about food, drink, and clothing. But it seems to work with a wife also.

In the west, a lot of people are culturally Christian. If they don't really have faith, but grandma was a Christian, they claim to be Christian. In some countries the default religion is Buddhism and in other countries it is Islam. There are people who have genuine faith and take it seriously.

What good would it do you ultimately, to become a Muslim? Even within the religion, is there any forgiveness for your past promotion of Hinduism? There is no guarantee of it. And Muhammad pointed Christians toward the Injil and Taurat, the Gospel and the law of Moses. He didn't live according to these writings. Who would accept his adopted son divorcing a wife so that he could marry her?

Put God first when it comes to finding a wife. It felt like it took a while for me to find my wife. I was looking and I would pray about it, but I didn't get that serious about praying for it until I was in my mid-20s. Then I started praying, then I prayed more seriously, and my prayer was answered.

I/d prayed for a wife, and actually saw a brief visions, that zoomed in quickly on the eye, and I couldn't memorize the face, but I remembered a couple of charicteristicis. I was introduced to the woman I would marry when she applied for a job where I worked. I was in a hurry and didn't pay much attention, but looked over at her in the office, way across the room and wondered if God would give me a woman that beautiful to be my wife. About a year later, I started praying intensely for a wife.

I went to my wife's campus, and saw her walk in, a real knock-out. A friend had cheered her up and she saw me and said, "I sir." She said she wasn't flirting (later.) Her and her friend look back at me and giggle going up the stairs. I was sitting and talking to her classmate, and she sits down with us and asks him a question. I strike up a conversation with her.

On her end of the story, a guy she'd dated had had a girlfriend on the side, and she was upset about that. Her friend had told her that God could bring her a husband from.. listed potential countries including to the USA. Another friend had told her that recently. So she comes back down stairs, and senses the Lord tell her that I am the one, and to go over there and talk to me. She says back that she is a shy Asian girl. She can't go talk to a man like that. So she just set down next to someone she knew and waited for me to talk.

She got a word of knowledge.... or something along those lines... about one of my spiritual gifts, a ministry that I am currently doing now, and invited me to her small group.

I went home and prayed about whether this was the woman I was supposed to marry. She went home and wrote her prayer in her journal, that didn't use 'marriage' but that is what it was about. She showed it to me after I proposed.

We have been married over 20 years now.

It is possible to get a wife without rebelling against God or being unfaithful to Christ. But if the Lod had wanted me to be martyred or something like that without ever having married, ...put God first.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by 69ixine »

MrMan wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 5:27 am
Like Jesus said, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?

It seems to me that your main objective here is to get a woman, not to please God. Put God first.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. Jesus was talking about food, drink, and clothing. But it seems to work with a wife also.

In the west, a lot of people are culturally Christian. If they don't really have faith, but grandma was a Christian, they claim to be Christian. In some countries the default religion is Buddhism and in other countries it is Islam. There are people who have genuine faith and take it seriously.

What good would it do you ultimately, to become a Muslim? Even within the religion, is there any forgiveness for your past promotion of Hinduism? There is no guarantee of it. And Muhammad pointed Christians toward the Injil and Taurat, the Gospel and the law of Moses. He didn't live according to these writings. Who would accept his adopted son divorcing a wife so that he could marry her?

Put God first when it comes to finding a wife. It felt like it took a while for me to find my wife. I was looking and I would pray about it, but I didn't get that serious about praying for it until I was in my mid-20s. Then I started praying, then I prayed more seriously, and my prayer was answered.

I/d prayed for a wife, and actually saw a brief visions, that zoomed in quickly on the eye, and I couldn't memorize the face, but I remembered a couple of charicteristicis. I was introduced to the woman I would marry when she applied for a job where I worked. I was in a hurry and didn't pay much attention, but looked over at her in the office, way across the room and wondered if God would give me a woman that beautiful to be my wife. About a year later, I started praying intensely for a wife.

I went to my wife's campus, and saw her walk in, a real knock-out. A friend had cheered her up and she saw me and said, "I sir." She said she wasn't flirting (later.) Her and her friend look back at me and giggle going up the stairs. I was sitting and talking to her classmate, and she sits down with us and asks him a question. I strike up a conversation with her.

On her end of the story, a guy she'd dated had had a girlfriend on the side, and she was upset about that. Her friend had told her that God could bring her a husband from.. listed potential countries including to the USA. Another friend had told her that recently. So she comes back down stairs, and senses the Lord tell her that I am the one, and to go over there and talk to me. She says back that she is a shy Asian girl. She can't go talk to a man like that. So she just set down next to someone she knew and waited for me to talk.

She got a word of knowledge.... or something along those lines... about one of my spiritual gifts, a ministry that I am currently doing now, and invited me to her small group.

I went home and prayed about whether this was the woman I was supposed to marry. She went home and wrote her prayer in her journal, that didn't use 'marriage' but that is what it was about. She showed it to me after I proposed.

We have been married over 20 years now.

It is possible to get a wife without rebelling against God or being unfaithful to Christ. But if the Lod had wanted me to be martyred or something like that without ever having married, ...put God first.
MrMan,I actually said my shahada a couple of hours before recognizing what nonsense it is to look for a girl among the non-muslims.

It was due to reading walter r mattfield's website on biblical prophecy.

It seems like I just posted this out of anger,within a few hours after making this post I got supermodel looking latina girls too(I Can PM),I am no incel,But it is precisely for those reasons(becoming muslim,my muslim past,knowing the difference between religious muslim women and non-muslim women through experience) that I know it is futile and misery to look for a 'christian'wife.

I'm done with cuck shit,MrMan,and I also feel that conservative christianity is cucked in regards to women,there is not even punishment for adultery nor any laws to prevent adultery from possibly occuring,women can be just as hypergamous too.

Basically,with flimsy evidence for christianity,it standing on very shaky grounds for me,and also being fed up with total blind belief just out of fear of avoiding some hell,I decide to become a muslim.

The romantic and social benefits are just icing on the cake for me,but even if I did choose islam solely based on social reasons,that is my choice,and I already said I respect christianity and Am not seeking to discuss or promote my religion on here,or even elsewhere,as it is a purely personal choice.

You have to respect that.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by Cornfed »

What is the advantage to a muslim woman marrying you if you are broke and living in a group home?
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by 69ixine »

Cornfed wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 6:02 am
What is the advantage to a muslim woman marrying you if you are broke and living in a group home?
Well,one advantage is that when I get on my own two feet in the next year,she won't be a 'Hoe'and She will be a pretty virgin with good values and less hypergamy,something you cannot find among christian women.

My plan is to get one of these from rural-small town Yemen,a salafi girl.

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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by MrMan »

69ixine wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 6:15 am
Cornfed wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 6:02 am
What is the advantage to a muslim woman marrying you if you are broke and living in a group home?
Well,one advantage is that when I get on my own two feet in the next year,she won't be a 'Hoe'and She will be a pretty virgin with good values and less hypergamy,something you cannot find among christian women.
Yes one can. I don't know if a Muhammadan could.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by MrMan »

69ixine wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 5:43 am
The romantic and social benefits are just icing on the cake for me,but even if I did choose islam solely based on social reasons,that is my choice,and I already said I respect christianity and Am not seeking to discuss or promote my religion on here,or even elsewhere,as it is a purely personal choice.

You have to respect that.
Why would I have to respect that?
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by 69ixine »

MrMan wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 6:59 am
69ixine wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 5:43 am
The romantic and social benefits are just icing on the cake for me,but even if I did choose islam solely based on social reasons,that is my choice,and I already said I respect christianity and Am not seeking to discuss or promote my religion on here,or even elsewhere,as it is a purely personal choice.

You have to respect that.
Why would I have to respect that?
Well,I respect your right to be christian,do you want muslims to not respect that and just exterminate christians?Respect goes two ways.

But You're actually right,I guess I am a christian,I can't escape it due to personal spiritual experiences even though I know the bible has false predictions.

I guess I will never be happy romantically,I guess I should just become a monk and seek Christ.

God has different purposes for everyone,Maybe My fate is just not to have that hot virgin wife that is pristine in mind.

I hate life,good God.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
May 6th, 2023, 12:47 pm
There is something incredibly appealing about Islam, indeed. The prayer beads, the beards, the clean living, healthy food, beautiful, well-groomed and modestly dressed women whose bodies and beauty exist solely for your eyes and using pleasure, never for the pleasure and admiration of the world. I love it. It's honestly intoxicating. And you're right... most of Christianity is MASSIVELY cucked. Islam, far less so. Any Christian who claims otherwise is just coping, really. Christian girls really aren't anywhere near as well-guarded as Islamic girls, their honor and virginity aren't as cherished and their fathers, brothers and cousins are unwilling to shed blood to protect their family honor. Islam is a high testosterone faith that still maintains some of the warrior spirit that has left Christianity centuries ago. I absolutely understand, and respect, your choice. But I do hope you will not waver on this desire and truly go through with it this time, @69ixine. ;)
I know where @69ixine is coming from and of course I respect his choice.

I just don't think espousing Islam, even with a clean heart, is the panacea for the issue of finding and dating good girls. Yes, it's true that the average Muslim girl is more devout and traditional and aligns to those moral values of chastity, modesty and respect of the traditional patriarchal roles.

It's also true that, in many countries, Islam has been used to advance an agenda of poltical power and passive submission (which what the world "islam" means) to an elite of corrupted cleric or, worse, secular politicians who don't have the "umma"'s (community) best interest at heart.

So you end up with countries like Turkey, where most communities practice a moderate, watered-down form of Islam and girls have anal sex with their boyfriends at 14, so they can stay virgin for a little longer and not get their daddies on their cases.

Even in more traditional societies like Iran or Egypt, the agency that is denied to a young, marriage-age girl, is probably seized by their family members: their fathers, uncles, older brothers, sometimes even cousins.

The dream is to get a 18-yo virgin from a rural middle-eastern country. The reality is that, especially in those closely-knit communities, being a foreign man who professes himself Muslim yet doesn't fully speak their language and doesn't align with their culture, you would have to convince a bunch of stubborn, uneducated and close-minded men before you can even as much as look at the girl in the eyes.

We also end up falling in the fallacy of the "exceptionalism" argument. Most Muslim families, especially from rural areas, might be too traditional and too pragmatic to give their precious daughters as spouses to foreign men, "just because". They would be simply not interested. The few who might agree, might end up taking advantage of the foreign man, asking them extra money as "bride price", even if this is not their custom. Remember that, religion or not, it's poverty mixed with ignorance and "merchant-minded" opportunism that pushes these people to act like that. It happens in the Philippines, it happens in Thailand, it happens in Yemen and probably also in Egypt and Iran.

Islam as a way to date quality girl is a strange puzzle to me. I can't find an easy way out.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Yeah I don't think Muslims are optimal choice in dating and marrying. :(
Similar to what Publicduende said.

Not all Muslims are as faithful and as devoted as they appear to be.. You know the Saudis pretend to be devoted Muslim, but when no one is looking, they drink alcohol, have island sex orgy adventures, and do all kind of crazy things.

Saudi Luxurious Sex party
https://www.farsnews.ir/en/news/1399112 ... dives-Resr

Prince Bin Salman lavish life style
https://nypost.com/2020/08/31/inside-th ... ty-prince/

Saudis partying, drugs and sex when no one is looking
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/ ... es-parties

Gathering of Arab playboys in sex drug alcohol party
https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-th ... b-playboys
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by 69ixine »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 10:02 am
Yeah I don't think Muslims are optimal choice in dating and marrying. :(
Similar to what Publicduende said.

Not all Muslims are as faithful and as devoted as they appear to be.. You know the Saudis pretend to be devoted Muslim, but when no one is looking, they drink alcohol, have island sex orgy adventures, and do all kind of crazy things.

Saudi Luxurious Sex party
https://www.farsnews.ir/en/news/1399112 ... dives-Resr

Prince Bin Salman lavish life style
https://nypost.com/2020/08/31/inside-th ... ty-prince/

Saudis partying, drugs and sex when no one is looking
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/ ... es-parties

Gathering of Arab playboys in sex drug alcohol party
https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-th ... b-playboys
@Publicduende ,has no clue what he's talking about,his sole experience is with a TURK from IZMIR,the most secular westernized munafiq city in a already pretty secular Europeanized country,muslim in name only.same goes for lebanon and coastal Tunisia.

As for Saudis,We know that the GCC and Saudi have alot of secular youth,and that the saud house is crypto-jewish.

Go to rural Yemen,morocco or even cities in egypt,Parts of Syria and jordan and tell me with a straight face women are not pure and pristine,oh yeah you guys have never been there and base stuff on hearsay lol

No,the entire world is not Amerikkka.

A'rabs and Afghans in contrast to alot of berbers,iranians,turks are the most hardcore still.
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Re: Honestely,I'm done,I'm getting a muslim wife

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

69ixine wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 10:39 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
May 7th, 2023, 10:02 am
Yeah I don't think Muslims are optimal choice in dating and marrying. :(
Similar to what Publicduende said.

Not all Muslims are as faithful and as devoted as they appear to be.. You know the Saudis pretend to be devoted Muslim, but when no one is looking, they drink alcohol, have island sex orgy adventures, and do all kind of crazy things.

Saudi Luxurious Sex party
https://www.farsnews.ir/en/news/1399112 ... dives-Resr

Prince Bin Salman lavish life style
https://nypost.com/2020/08/31/inside-th ... ty-prince/

Saudis partying, drugs and sex when no one is looking
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/ ... es-parties

Gathering of Arab playboys in sex drug alcohol party
https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-th ... b-playboys
@Publicduende ,has no clue what he's talking about,his sole experience is with a TURK from IZMIR,the most secular westernized munafiq city in a already pretty secular Europeanized country,muslim in name only.same goes for lebanon and coastal Tunisia.

As for Saudis,We know that the GCC and Saudi have alot of secular youth,and that the saud house is crypto-jewish.

Go to rural Yemen,morocco or even cities in egypt,Parts of Syria and jordan and tell me with a straight face women are not pure and pristine,oh yeah you guys have never been there and base stuff on hearsay lol

No,the entire world is not Amerikkka.

A'rabs and Afghans in contrast to alot of berbers,iranians,turks are the most hardcore still.
Well good luck then. Your probably right.. I did met some Saudi Arabs in the past for business purposes. They are not as devoted Muslim as they say they were. when they came to visit my company in the U.S, they asked where can they get good "Tits and Ass." and where is the nearest "Hooters" :lol: This was before COVID back in 2018.

I never been to Yemen, Morocco, Egypt.

Let us know how it goes.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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