Forerunner Version Of Trip to Colombia w/ OTB + Pics

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Forerunner Version Of Trip to Colombia w/ OTB + Pics

Post by Forerunner »

Hello everyone sorry I have missed you guys really so much :). Its been about 5 months since I have posted anything because I have been busy. But I recently not to recent in May me and OTB went to Colombia to see whats was happening there with the ladies, culture, and art etc. Maybe it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

Well let me start from the beginning I flew from SJO to LAX airport which by the way is a very nice airport it I actually almost slept there and missed my flight thank god I had an alarm on my phone to wake me up 30 minutes before departing ( I hate early flight) ;)). Leaving LAX my flight took me to Ft. Lauderdale which also had a descent airport because I slept there in comfortable reclining seats :D only because I had another layover of about 4hrs. From there I boarded a plane to Bogota, Colombia which took about 3 hrs which felt like 12 hrs only because I was squished into a small seat with no recliner (thanks to Spirit) .This was not a problem only because the guy sitting next to me Pablo was not huge person that took up leg space. On the way to Colombia we chatted for a while about the culture and differences between U.S. and his home country.


By the time the flight hit the ground in Bogota, Colombia I noticed as if people in the plane had become more relaxed even Pablo showed a more at ease state. People just seemed calmer I guess maybe because they knew they finally could be themselves for a change not put up a front. So as I got off the plane and walked through the transport hub I walked in the airport finally felt much lighter, felt like the monkey was finally off my back, I actually felt more at peace with my self. After all those years of feeling beat up from having been punished by the American culture. While walking through the airport I could not count how many girls had given me eye contact, & smiles. I never got this in my entire life except maybe with a couple of high school heffers. Smile after smile I would get from girl to girl it became so regular that I thought to myself WOW I need to approach one of them sooner or later.

Leaving the airport was not all that bad I took a taxi from the airport since I asked a guy there the what the fastest route to Candelaria district was he recommend the taxi since it was approximately 25min away from the airport driving so I decided to go that route instead of bus. As I entered the customs & immigration center I had to wait in a huge line so I could get my passport stamped and approved to enter the country. Which was not too bad because I struck up a conversation with a hot girl from Ecuador. The immigration employee gave me a small interview basically asked me why I was visiting I told him because I had been trying to escape a horrible meaningless no identity, shallow, materialistic culture (Joke) :). I did not tell him that but I wish would off LOL. After leaving there I went downstairs to exchange my money at the Cambio de divisas while I was there saw a very attractive girl that attended to me light skin she had an amazing body on here I would of love to have got to know her better :D. When I was done with that I went through non- TSA checkpoint all I did was walk through a detector that was it they did not put there hands down my pants like they do in some of the airports in the states have done. As I walked past security outside of the airport I noticed everyone started to look at me I did not know why even some of the police. It was not intimidating look but more of they were interested in me where I came from. While walking outside I saw a taxi so I approached it and asked the the driver does he go by the meter and how long would it take since I heard of many people getting scammed by the dealing with shady taxi's there. On the way to Bogota airport going through the districts of Teusaquillo Salitre which was very nice because of the University more of a relaxed spot seemed quite chill, then to Santa Fe- Los Martires which was quite nice albeit had many areas that were impoverished and run down. But I really liked that people had been walking around it was quite a seen to see since were I live nobody walks anywhere unless it is from the there car they park rite in front of a store to inside and out a couple of steps maybe 10 if they have to walk more than that its an exercise for them. Lastly arriving in the Candelaria district mostly comprised of smaller european spanish style theme mainly because of colonial times its actually one of the oldest part of architecture in Colombia going back the beginning of Spanish colonization.

Leaving from airport

While finally arriving there I met up with OTB at the hostel the staff were not to bad the lady her self that worked there was friendly, but the other girl was kind of cranky not really as friendly but at the time I really did not care since I knew that I was not going to be staying in a hostile all day (which I realized was not uncommon). While in Bogota the first day we ate out at a restaurant in the city the the women that worked there was extremely nice to us super friendly. But the good part was that every girl that walked inside while we had been eating had given me eye contact not just regular eye contact but what I call the eye fuqing. This was like totally seducing I did not mind though. We even had four nice looking females that sat next to us one of them kept looking at me the whole time I mean every time I looked back she was eyeing me even her friend did the same thing never have I gotten this attention from a female. In Bogota I had a great experience in just walking throughout the city it reminded me of kind of L.A. just not as big no coastal area. The city had an old feeling to it the architecture look nice because you did not have a lot of development going on some of the buildings were very old back to colonial times this I really enjoyed lot especially since many of the remnants had remained intact for so long ago. The streets were always packed with people even some of streets had been closed off for events for musicians and dancers reminded me of SF but with a lot more liveliness and spark. Bolivar square was amazing I really enjoyed the atmosphere many people brought there children lots of families people hanging together for the sake of spending time together. I really enjoyed watching interactions while I was there everyone seemed to be happy with there life.

Inside Hostel Going down second floor

Hostel Room in Bogota with Futon style bed was quite comfortable

Bolivar Square



Candelaria District

The City


While on our trip to Cali I really enjoyed the lovely scenery it reminded of Manhattan Beach of SOCAL very hot scorching temperatures so bad that my foot swelled up while I was there (should of brought sandals instead of walking shoes) at least I learned from that horrible pain of not being able to walk for almost 2 days. The only good part about it was at the hostel in Cali, Carolina the owner gave me a great massage with here hands as well deep soaks in warm water with salt felt so good. If you are reading this Carolina thanks again. The night life was great being the salsa capital in Colombia it provided a many festivities in the night time from people singing inside of bars, to karaoke inside of discos. In that region girls are very flirtatious the first day we got there I had one girl while I was in Supermarket give me a long gazed stare with a smile. Another time while walking in one of the Exitos I approached a girl to ask were something was that I could not find she told me were it was also kept smiling at me the whole time we had talked for a couple of minutes together this girl from what I saw was humble, sweet warm hearted, she was kind of skinny but I would take here any day over the slags in USA. Never ever in my life here in the states has a women done this to me. Last but not least on the last day in Cali we went to another supermarket while there a women approached me that worked their told me hello, ,then when I went into another aisle to look for something she followed me but instead of passing on my side she went around to the front of the store looked from the opposite direction first at me then my friend (OTB if you are reading this I still think she was interested in me) ;) this girl gave me 6-7 second stare which to me would translate into an eye fuq nonetheless the girl was good looking had kind of slanted eyes but she was mixed from what I could see light skinned with a hint of darkness. She wore this dark long white blouse with some jeans she had a nice upper body, blondish black hair;). After giving eye contact her friend approached us then asked if we wanted to go out together with them. We both ended up not going because they had flaked out on us at the last minute so we bailed left to Medellin.

Some pics I took of Cali



In McDonalds the food was not that bad ( the girl on the left wow ;D)


Now to the good old city Medellin former playground of infamous Pablo Escobar was fantastic I liked it a lot was a great city even though OTB said the girls were not all that I beg to differ the girls were nice looking they had shape were very voluptuous nice curves, jet black hair, light skin more european spanish descent blood.The city was not dangerous I mean we walked all over the city we did not have any problems at all. However I did see some police maybe because of the former problems from cartel days. The first day I was there a while walking one of the main streets called Las Palmas I saw this beautiful white skinned Colombiana literally walk almost face first into me because we had been making eye contact with each other for so long it was hilarious ;). Another time me and this girl made eye contact while passing each other on the sidewalk she never blinked neither did I LOL. Even after we crossed each other she looked back at me gave me a huge smile back. It happened to OTB as well while walking in the city he was approached by a girl who gave him a hug. The people were so warm damn friendly. While I was there also got approached to by who a girl who wanted to chat with me for a while. Great city all in all but not near the best.

Pictures of Medellin

Random skateboard Ramp I found outside of Bus station


Small Taxi's like this are all over ( made in Korea from what I hear)

Next stop last stop was Cartagena which is nice coastal town near the beach warm weather very humid about 85deg to 95 deg always hot. I wish would of know this before going did not bring any shorts while I was there was burning up in kaki pants and jeans LOL. ;). We stayed at this nice okay hostel just inside the Walled City. This town itself reminded me a lot of New Orleans they even had a street named bourbon. In terms of food quality they had the best Chinese food, Italian food, mediterranean food, middle eastern food. etc. The beaches were nice even though we got irked a bit by people trying to sell us stuff every 30 seconds. The girls that I saw were much darker more indian and african heritage but nonetheless they were beautiful. In the hostel we stayed at there also had been some prospects that I had saw from Finland albeit very closed off they did warm up to me one night while hanging out in the lounge. That day 6 of us went for a couple of drinks in the city. Then I got to talk with hot girl named Helka she had blue eyes white soft skin blonde hair nice complexion. Even here friend Emma was nice even though I did not have much time to talk with her because they had to leave the next day.
On top of that the the girl that worked l at the hostel was super friendly the first day we had gone there I was intrigued but her demeanor she was super nice and flirtatious with me. She would touch my hair, grab my hand, I would catch her looking at me while I was in the lounge area giving me lot of eye contact. We even went out to eat once she and we held hands talked.This was only the third day I knew here. Imagine me acting this way in the states I would have been arrested probably with a restraining order by now LOL.

Arriving on the outskirts of Cartagena

Outside of the Walled City

On my way to El Castillo Mall I snapped a shot of basketball court

On beach side of industrial part of Cartagena

Me & Finnish Friends ( from left to rite Emma, Helka , Julia, and Jose)

The trip was great I loved it the best thing I took from it was how people can be so much friendlier a couple of thousand miles away it was very refreshing for me I gained a lot of perspective on myself have a whole new outlook on life. It kind of was like a psychedelic experience but without the drugs so natural. I just could be myself for once without being ridiculed or blamed for who I was. The next trip I planning on going to will either Brazil or Eastern Europe I can't decide. If anyone has been to these places let me know I want to experience more of this. :D
Last edited by Forerunner on September 9th, 2014, 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by chibolo »

Awesome report. Thanks for posting.
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Post by Forerunner »

chibolo wrote:Awesome report. Thanks for posting.
I enjoyed a lot :)
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Post by Jester »

Beautiful photos, thanks.

Congratulations on making worthwhile memories.
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Post by Forerunner »

Jester wrote:Beautiful photos, thanks.

Congratulations on making worthwhile memories.

I want to go back again
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Post by jamesbond »

Nice trip report, looks like you had a great time! :D
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Post by Jester »

Forerunner wrote:
Jester wrote:
Beautiful photos, thanks.

Congratulations on making worthwhile memories.

I want to go back again
You fickle thing, you!

Didn't I see you posting about a bunch of other countries you want to go to next?!

Shit when I get down to CO I'm going to tell all the girls to forget you, 'cause you're just a playa!

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Post by Forerunner »

Jester wrote:
Forerunner wrote:
Jester wrote:
Beautiful photos, thanks.

Congratulations on making worthwhile memories.

I want to go back again
You fickle thing, you!

Didn't I see you posting about a bunch of other countries you want to go to next?!

Shit when I get down to CO I'm going to tell all the girls to forget you, 'cause you're just a playa!


Haha when are you going to Colombia? :)
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