The Philippines: Not What It's Cracked Up to Be

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Re: The Philippines: Not What It's Cracked Up to Be

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:Is your wife reserved or bubbly personality when she first meets someone? Now mind you im sure she was enthusiastic with you at first cause you had a long online dating period but in general is she reserved/introverted to strangers like the typical filipina or the opposite?
She is reserved and quite shy unless she is with family or close friends. Once the ice is broken she is charming and sweet, and quite witty at times.
So I guess when one is meeting filipina womens we shouldn't all assume shy or reserved women will make lousy boring partners. I personally haven't seen a filipina that was boring at first impression to suddenly have a charismatic and sexy personality over time.
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Re: The Philippines: Not What It's Cracked Up to Be

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Mr Natural wrote:
MarcosZeitola wrote:not all educated girls are bad
No they aren't but harder to find and somewhat riskier. Although as Pete always says, an educated girl can certainly be an asset. And the good ones don't last long before being taken by someone, so you will have better odds if you aim young in that category. But what I was talking about earlier was "intellectual" girls, which isn't the same as educated or smart. In fact I think there is a big difference, but I suppose more education sometimes brings out the intellectual tendencies. Depends on the girl. The intellectual types are very risky though, like I said, be careful what you wish for.

We have gone WAY off topic here guys.
yeah thats what im thinking of more is the intellectual types. or the feminist minded types. That one strict baptist girl i knew was very nice and im sure she was a saint and college educated and i trust her more than and poor or middle class girl (I just didn't want her romantically ) and she seemed quite smart and maybe even witty and classy. Thats probably why I didn't like her though too naive on love but too witty and smart on social matters that annoyed me. Give me a simple woman LOL
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Re: The Philippines: Not What It's Cracked Up to Be

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:So I guess when one is meeting filipina womens we shouldn't all assume shy or reserved women will make lousy boring partners. I personally haven't seen a filipina that was boring at first impression to suddenly have a charismatic and sexy personality over time.
I never said she was boring, I just said she was a little shy at first. With me it was different of course because we talked for so long online and we already knew each other well, but with a complete or almost complete stranger, she would be a lot more held-back.

What you see is not always what you get! Pay attention to what you hear, too! A girl with good English skills might turn out to surprise you, she may be smarter or funnier then you think she is at first. If she talks like a farmer and you have trouble understanding her, wouldn't count on much. My wife definitely has what you call a "charismatic and sexy personality", although I would probably simply describe it as: "fun". She's a fun person to be with.

In a country of 200 million souls, you can be sure as hell there will be women who are fun to be with. Who make enjoyable company, in and outside of the bedroom. If you cannot find a single one, blame's on you.
well for example that baptist girl she was highly intelligent and smart. but i dont know she bored me to tears and her personality was a bit condescending. I was a bit sexually attracted to her but it wasn't that strong. she also came off as very naive and not wanting love right away. I doubt your wife came off as that but if most of the women are like that in the philippines ill be bored to tears. I couldn't get away from her fast enough. The gf i met was a bit different too when i met her she was more shy and boring than i thought she would be. She wasn't as smart or conversationalist as your wife or the other girls. But i could joke around with her and she certainly could diss it out. But all in all its more like a friendship with sex than a romance. Ideally i want the chemistry i had with my bargirl. She was amazing. Maybe it wasn't all an act but if could replicate the feeligns of romance with another girl like that id probably marry that girl.
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Re: The Philippines: Not What It's Cracked Up to Be

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:well for example that baptist girl she was highly intelligent and smart. but i dont know she bored me to tears and her personality was a bit condescending. I was a bit sexually attracted to her but it wasn't that strong. she also came off as very naive and not wanting love right away. I doubt your wife came off as that but if most of the women are like that in the philippines ill be bored to tears. I couldn't get away from her fast enough. The gf i met was a bit different too when i met her she was more shy and boring than i thought she would be. She wasn't as smart or conversationalist as your wife or the other girls. But i could joke around with her and she certainly could diss it out. But all in all its more like a friendship with sex than a romance. Ideally i want the chemistry i had with my bargirl. She was amazing. Maybe it wasn't all an act but if could replicate the feeligns of romance with another girl like that id probably marry that girl.
Newlife, you are clearly in love with that bargirl. That's what all your stories ultimately boil down to. You wouldn't be the first, and you wouldn't be the last. But she is the one recurring theme in every single one of your stories about Filipina women.

It's like you never moved on from her. She will haunt you for the rest of your days with visions of what could have been. You gotta meet her some time and get some closure, man.
I tried to get closure for 6 months we lived together. Closure in what way? She has an alluring personality and will suck me in like a vampire LOL. It was filled with drama etc. After I went home a few months later I decided to stop talking to her then I went on the dating site and found the current gf. I actually feel sorry for my current gf more than her. The bargirl is still single and working the bar and she is getting old and i have no interest in traveling anytime soon and certainly not to see her. id see my gf before her who wanted me to visit for a week but im not gonna bother with that. Actually id like to see my current gf happy and move on but i dont have the heart to say its over :)
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