The memo that 'proves aliens landed at Roswell'... released

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The memo that 'proves aliens landed at Roswell'... released

Post by Mr S »

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Post by ErikHeaven »

In a nutshell AMAZING! I wonder will the media say something about this?
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Post by odbo »

i always saw aliens as a cover for the military testing technology that people are not allowed to know exists.
they keep us a good 50 years back. they knew about genetics long before it was discovered.
and the deal about private enterprise innovations/entrepreneurs with engineering backgrounds, is mostly a myth to me.
anything of importance was created due to the military industrial complex, or because rockefeller wants to live forever. (in a nutshell)


aliens are possible, probable even. and how the hell did all these pyramids appear all over the world. but again, why suddenly relevent?
there's a reason behind all this disclosure bs. project blue beam, fake alien invasion or something else.
either way we're being played like a violin.
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Post by The_Adventurer »

What I will never understand is the huge gap between the information, such as this memo, and the conclusions people jump to. Let's say the information itself is factual, the flying disc, the bodies, and everything else. How, except through reading too many Strange Tales magazines do you get to this conclusion of Aliens from Mars or wherever else?

That is the biggest problem I have with most paranormal type stuff. It could be all military made, the bodies could be humans, genetically modified to adapt to space travel, or inter dimensional travel, or any of a million other possibilities. So why jump to one specific conclusion?

I remember a writer who talks about a quaker from the 1600's and a modern man see a light streak across the sky. The Quaker will be certain he saw a witch on a broom, and the modern man will be certain he saw a metal flying disc with little green man inside. The thing is, they both only saw a light streak across the sky.
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Post by MrPeabody »

The article contains a link to the FBI archives, and the memo is there and appears to be genuine. The astronomer Carl Sagan published a report for JPL many years ago providing scientific evidence on the extreme improbability of alien life ever reaching the earth, due to the vast distances of space. This was used as justification for the SETI project, to search for evidence of extraterrestial life in space. The military is typically 20 to 30 years ahead of the civilian population, however it has been my experience that general concepts are not classified, so that they can be researched in the major research universities of the US, all of whom are heavily dependent on the military for research grants. Thus, only specific details tend to be kept secret. For example, the general idea of how to build a spy satellite is readily available in the public domain, but the specific launch date would be top secret. I don't see any general concepts currently in the academic literature that could support a propulsion system for what is called a "flying saucer". Thus, I don't find either the alien or military explanations satisfying.
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Post by Mr S »

LinuxOnly wrote:i always saw aliens as a cover for the military testing technology that people are not allowed to know exists.
they keep us a good 50 years back. they knew about genetics long before it was discovered.
and the deal about private enterprise innovations/entrepreneurs with engineering backgrounds, is mostly a myth to me.
anything of importance was created due to the military industrial complex, or because rockefeller wants to live forever. (in a nutshell)


aliens are possible, probable even. and how the hell did all these pyramids appear all over the world. but again, why suddenly relevent?
there's a reason behind all this disclosure bs. project blue beam, fake alien invasion or something else.
either way we're being played like a violin.
I don't get the point of your picture? What does it refer to?

I think the people behind the governments of the world are setting the world population up for something to happen sometime within the next 20 years or so. Just what exactly is the question. It is kinda weird that within the last couple of decades there has been a steady growing influence supported by the media concerning Aliens, UFO's and other paranormal stuff. Maybe they feel whatever is here already is going to reveal itself soon and the elites are preparing us for it through various media so that we aren't completely shocked by it. Our governments will never reveal anything on their own, it will always be for some ulterior motive. The elites can't control these other foreign intelligences so they will manipulate us instead so that we view these beings through the eyes of the elites rather than have out own independent viewpoints as to why they are here and all that.

It would be a great way to create world government by creating an alien threat to unite the world together to defeat it, if they try to make them out as hostile even if their intentions are not.
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Post by odbo »

The picture was just me laughing at myself (no that's not actually me).
You bring up a good point but more than likely aliens are not coming to visit us. Whatever happens will be man made. It's not like they just came up with this idea, they work in 50, 100 year plans. The writing is on the wall, and what about that Gorbachev quote!

Independence Day was superb predictive programming. After 9/11 happened do you remember how everyone felt the same? Even those who hadn't been watching tv.. as if HAARP's ELF waves was causing us to all be in the same mood. And coincidentally I remember thinking that the mood we were all in reminded me of the scene in Independence Day when Will Smith's stripper wife is sitting outside by the fire, like a homeless person, with the president's wife. They were trying to push this human camaraderie, which is quite frankly laughable when you think about modern Americans. I don't know, it might seem like I'm just rambling on but somehow I get the sense it was meant to be connected. Most films are programs for sexuality, social norms, and so on. And they require repetition. But this film was a serious mind f**k.

Armageddon, Day after Tomorrow, 2012... were also great programs.

If you're interested in the fake alien invasion youtube Rik Clay 2012, after you're done watching all the ideas he put out before he died, start connecting the dots. You might be the one who figures it all out :P
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Post by Mr S »

I couldn't bring myself to watch any of those movies cause I could sense and knew they were garbage. I'm probably still one of the few Americans who have never watched Independence day and I never will either. I can't stand Will Smith, shitty actor in my opinion. I could say more but I won't...Never watched Men in Black either or any of his movies other than his TV show and music videos when I was a kid.
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and stoic philosopher, 121-180 A.D.
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