The Dark Side of Alien Abduction

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The Dark Side of Alien Abduction

Post by MrMan »

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Re: The Dark Side of Alien Abduction

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
September 29th, 2023, 7:09 pm
I watched this video and even though I don't agree with his position I did enjoy hearing a different perspective on things, so thanks for sharing.

I agree with him that Zecharia Sitchin is a fraud who just makes stuff up. Half the stuff he writes isn't in the Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets and most of them have never been translated because they were too badly damaged or later destroyed.

I could probably accept that our governments have made crafts with advanced technology which they haven't been honest with us about. Could it not be possible that they made a deal with extraterrestrials and exchanged something in return for this technology? If we are going to attribute modern UFO sightings to government technology then how do we account for ancient civilisations seeing the same phenomenon? Ancient Egyptian gods descending in flying boats, Hindu gods descending in flying cities and the like? Almost every ancient civilisation has the same story of gods descending from the skies. It is not explicitly said which planet they come from, but if they come from the sky in some kind of flying vessel then its a reasonable assumption to make.

Given what we know about the universe (if the heliocentric model is to be believed) we can be certain of the following:

1. All the universe isn't the same age. Meaning a civilisation from a distant part of the universe could be much older than us. And therefore more technologically and spiritually advanced.

2. Humanity is nowhere near at the peak of technological advancement. We can't say honestly we know absolutely everything there is to know about physical matter. Look at the double slit experiment. Materialist scientists don't have a clue how to explain that.

3. There is more evidence for extraterrestrial visitation than biblical truth. We have testimony of ancient civilisations, megalithic structures which modern engineering can't repeat today.

I don't understand how the "scholar" in the video you shared can apply all this logical reasoning into debunking the ancient astronaut hypothesis, but no critical thinking is applied to his own beliefs. Why does he not acknowledge the fact that the sumerian mythology predates the Bible by thousands of years? Even other religions like Hinduism predate the Abrahamic religions. There's just no reason to accept them as truth at all other than Christians just wanting it to be true.

I've had psychedelic experiences before and I've interacted with gods and goddesses like Shiva and Isis in these experiences. Never have they ever told me anything negative about Christianity, never have they demanded any kind of worship or told me to disseminate any kind of message. They never told me I was special or chosen or anything like that. They just helped me, healed me and showed me true compassionate love as a true benefactor should do. These Pagan gods are superior to Yahweh in every way.

All of these gods and goddesses are spiritual and physical beings. They are worthy of reverence and love. They tried to teach us the way to raise our kundalini Serpent so that we could become gods ourselves. It was Yahweh who forbid it and saw humanity as nothing but worthless servile slaves.
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Re: The Dark Side of Alien Abduction

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 1st, 2023, 12:54 am
I could probably accept that our governments have made crafts with advanced technology which they haven't been honest with us about.
Some of the early flying saucer reports were 'delta shaped', the video says, which is now the recognized shape of an airplane.
Could it not be possible that they made a deal with extraterrestrials and exchanged something in return for this technology?
It might be helpful first to have some evidence for physical intelligent beings from other planets coming here first.
If we are going to attribute modern UFO sightings to government technology then how do we account for ancient civilisations seeing the same phenomenon? Ancient Egyptian gods descending in flying boats, Hindu gods descending in flying cities and the like?
A boat is a boat and an airplane is an airplane. The Norse had stories about Thor riding a chariot drawn by goats, and the Greeks had stories about whoever their sun or moon god and goddess were at a point in time driving a chariot across the sky. Those aren't airplanes. Neither are boats. Can you quote what you are talking about?
Almost every ancient civilisation has the same story of gods descending from the skies. It is not explicitly said which planet they come from, but if they come from the sky in some kind of flying vessel then its a reasonable assumption to make.
Did you get this from actual scholars in the field or 'ancient alien' type authors like the one he debunked?
1. All the universe isn't the same age. Meaning a civilisation from a distant part of the universe could be much older than us. And therefore more technologically and spiritually advanced.
It would take tens of millions of years to fly that far. The chances of there being temperatures, elements, etc. for the type of life we have on earth anywhere else in the universe is infinitesimal.
We have testimony of ancient civilisations, megalithic structures which modern engineering can't repeat today.
Why would you see that as evidence for aliens? Are any of these buildings from places that never had a human civilization? Over the past couple of hundred years, we have been using the scientific method and we have seen an explosion of technology. It could that some previous generations of humans had a couple of hundred years of some sort of methodology that resulted in developing great skill at moving rocks and putting them together, which was lost in some war or cataclysm.
All of these gods and goddesses are spiritual and physical beings. They are worthy of reverence and love. They tried to teach us the way to raise our kundalini Serpent so that we could become gods ourselves. It was Yahweh who forbid it and saw humanity as nothing but worthless servile slaves.
I disagree about these spirits you encountered. They want you to raise a serpent... to help you? And that sounds good to you? Why aren't people going around zapping stuff with lightening using their kundalini now? Someone runs out of gas? He sits in the lotus position or arches his pelvis and fills the car with kundalini and drives down the road. Why doesn't that happen? Why is the country that worships Hindu gods so full poverty and piles of turds everywhere? Before the missionaries got there, they used to burn widows.
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Re: The Dark Side of Alien Abduction

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
October 1st, 2023, 10:35 pm
It might be helpful first to have some evidence for physical intelligent beings from other planets coming here first.
Is testimony not a valid source of knowledge? We have testimony from ancient civilisations which demonstrate this. The same gods and goddesses under a myriad of names given by those who provide testimony throughout various religions and mythologies. I will explain more in response to the next part you posted.

If we discount these testimonials from ancient cultures then what about famous people in history who gave similar accounts and said to have seen things? We have testimony from people like Christopher Colombus, who wrote in his journal that he and his crew witnessed strange lights in the water which left the water and went into the sky like a candle flame. Alexander the Great, who said he saw "gleaming shields overhead" similar to how we imagine modern day UFOs. There was also a Roman historian who wrote about phantom ships in the sky.

There are testimonies from celebrities like John Lennon and Muhammad Ali. And even a school in Zimbabwe had 62 children witness UFO phenomenon and it was later dismissed as mass hysteria. :roll:

This quote is from a government site which documents several examples of mass hysteria in children. The site is here
In 1994, 62 school children all reported seeing an alien craft land and extraterrestrial creatures emerge14. Virtually every single one of the 62 children iterated the exact same story with same details and none of them had gone against his/her story. Many dismissed the 1994 incident as mass hysteria affecting the children. But when the children were found to not have much prior knowledge to UFOS or popular UFO perceptions, many other people believed that what the children witnessed could have been real. The children were asked to draw what they have encountered the day prior.
Here's a video from a channel I like that make videos on paranormal stuff talking about the same thing (with awesome drawings as well)

I know one or two people who have seen UFOs as well.

So there is plenty of testimonial evidence for this. As for physical evidence we have megalithic structures. Evidence of their cities and expert engineering that modern architects and engineers cannot replicate even with all the technology and knowledge we have today.
A boat is a boat and an airplane is an airplane. The Norse had stories about Thor riding a chariot drawn by goats, and the Greeks had stories about whoever their sun or moon god and goddess were at a point in time driving a chariot across the sky. Those aren't airplanes. Neither are boats. Can you quote what you are talking about?
I'm sure we've discussed this before. Someone with limited knowledge of technology the likes we have today is not going to be able to describe what they saw in the same way you or I could describe something like that. They will describe it from their frame of reference, which to us sounds like fantasy and magic, but you're forgetting that that kind of technology to these ancient cultures would've been akin to magic.

The ancient cultures in question described these crafts as flying cities, flying boats, or celestial chariots. Something like that. Nobody back then would've been able to describe an airplane. They had no concept of such things.

In Sumerian mythology there are depictions of winged discs.



Ancient Egypt there are sun boats. Stories of gods traveling down to earth and up into the heavens with them too. The Sun Boat (or Sun Barque) is the great ship in which Ra (or Atum or other gods) and his companions sailed through the sky giving light to the world. It is also the ship in which the gods traveled from the heavens to earth and which Ra took to go back to the sky when he became old, leaving Osiris in power. When the gods use it to travel between the worlds, it is called "The Boat of a Million Years."

In Hinduism the gods travelled in flying cities called Vimanas Image

Plenty of Hindu texts talk about these gods travelling in such vehicles. This is mentioned in the Vedas (more religious texts which predate your Bible by thousands of years) which describes flying cities and flying chariots.

Even the Bible kind of alludes to this. Chapter 1 of the Book of Ezeikiel describes Ezeikiel witnessing what he describes as "The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures".
Did you get this from actual scholars in the field or 'ancient alien' type authors like the one he debunked?
This is written by various cultures from all around the world. Why is it that their testimony is dismissed by you, but the testimony of the Jews is accepted by yourself and other Christians, including the author of the video you posted without so much as a shred of critical thinking. You accept the word of the bible because you want to believe it but you have no evidence at all that this is a factual piece of information.

All you have is confirmation bias when you share anecdotes of examples of your prayers being answered when you need to find keys. What about the prayers of starving children? Do they not deserve gods attention? Are they not devoted enough? You should go to a deserted island and pray to God for fresh water and food and see if he answers your prayer when it comes to matters which are actually important. :roll:
1. It would take tens of millions of years to fly that far. The chances of there being temperatures, elements, etc. for the type of life we have on earth anywhere else in the universe is infinitesimal.
The universe isn't the same age. Unless you're a flat earther, you're forced to accept the heliocentric model. In this model we know above our heads isn't the heavens as described in the Bible, but a vast and infinite cosmos. Not all solar systems are the same age. With that in mind its possible for an advanced civilisation to be millions of years ahead of us. They could have a complete grasp on reality and spirituality and be more than capable of navigating the vast cosmos with ease.

Our scientists don't fully understand quantum physics, we haven't even scratched the surface. Yet you want to assert as an absolute certainty that visitation from distant planets is an absolute impossibility. How can we know that? There's no way of knowing at all.
Why would you see that as evidence for aliens? Are any of these buildings from places that never had a human civilization? Over the past couple of hundred years, we have been using the scientific method and we have seen an explosion of technology. It could that some previous generations of humans had a couple of hundred years of some sort of methodology that resulted in developing great skill at moving rocks and putting them together, which was lost in some war or cataclysm.

If such technology existed why has there been no mention of it AT ALL?! No traces of such technology have ever been found and no mention of its existence has ever been shared by ancient cultures as testimonial evidence. I think an advanced race could utilise sound and vibration to move heavy objects, but we have nothing at all to substantiate such a belief other than the megalithic structures themselves.

It's funny how you talk about forgotten ancient technology, which as I've mentioned there is no evidence to support, but the existence of extraterrestrial life, which there is testimonial evidence to support, is something which is completely unfeasible according to you.
I disagree about these spirits you encountered. They want you to raise a serpent... to help you? And that sounds good to you? Why aren't people going around zapping stuff with lightening using their kundalini now? Someone runs out of gas? He sits in the lotus position or arches his pelvis and fills the car with kundalini and drives down the road. Why doesn't that happen? Why is the country that worships Hindu gods so full poverty and piles of turds everywhere? Before the missionaries got there, they used to burn widows.
India is a fallen nation. The same as ancient Egypt, which was once a thriving civilisation. They've been plundered of their wealth and made into shitholes. That doesn't mean they weren't once brilliant and advanced civilisations. Each culture and their mythologies have some kind of war theme. Similar to the Biblical battle of Yahweh vs Satan. This was likely over the fate of humanity and whether we deserve godhood. Unfortunately Yahweh won that fight and here we are denied of our birthright and forced to live as indentured servants to the Jewish banking cartels.

Missionaries burned and murdered plenty of people too, but the actions of a few dickheads burning innocent people isn't a reflection of our benevolent gods and goddesses.

The gods I interacted with during psychedelic experiences were benevolent and loving. Why would you think otherwise? They gave me practical advice about how to deal with real life trauma and issues I was suffering from. They helped me without demanding worship or anything else from me at all, they looked how we would perceive Hindu gods and goddesses to look. I saw this with prior disinterest in Hinduism, and even after the experiences I would not say I'm Hindu.

As for esotericism, I was given some wisdom on how we were originally supposed to achieve godhood. I was shown reality as sheets of paper stacked on top of one another. On each layer we have astral subtle bodies all vibrating at different frequencies. Our purpose is to align the subtle bodies through kundalini meditation and yoga and bring them to the same frequency of vibration and balance. Then the kundalini Serpent can rise through the chakras when they're spinning healthily and we can reach the Opus Magnum. That is our purpose. This is the knowledge forbidden to us by Yahweh, and the knowledge Shiva wanted to share with his children.
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