Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

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Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

This has nothing to do with Mark Davis :lol: or whoever the hell he is lol. This is a thread to talk about dreams and to share our thoughts on what we think they could mean.

First of all, what are dreams? Are they a psychological thing, like our subconscious processing information we've gathered throughout our day? Or are dreams more spiritual like accessing different levels of reality? Could it be that dreams can offer glimpses of the future and are part of our dormant psychic faculties?

Whatever they are they can be weird and have strange qualities to them. I am fascinated by dreams and by ascertaining hidden meanings behind them. Feel free to share any dreams you had that stuck with you in this thread or have a look at one someone else posted and see if you can offer an interpretation. (No Freudian shit!)

Here are some dreams I had that stuck with me:

The Tiger
I was at the zoo. I started teasing a tiger, which then scaled the side of the cage and chased me through the zoo. I released other animals to try and get them to fight the tiger, but the tiger killed all of them.

I took a flight to America and I was sitting on a beach enjoying a cocktail on a deck chair when I saw something on the horizon. I took my binoculars and looked. It was the tiger swimming towards me across the sea.

I ran and stole a rocket from NASA. The rocket was a basic cylinder with a window and a green button for go and a red one for stop. I pressed go and went up into space and sighed with relief that the tiger couldn't get me. Then another rocket pulled up next to mine. The windows facing each other with the tiger staring at me through the window of his own ship.

Elemental Control
In this dream I was standing by a river when a woman approached me. She was wearing a kitsune mask and a white kimono with red floral trimmings. I don't know who the woman was but I felt a familiarity with her. Like we were friends or lovers.

We both began dancing separately and together. Whilst we danced we used our minds to cause the river to shoot spouts of water into the air like a fountain. We made the water spiral around itself to form pretty patterns and geometric shapes. The dream featured no other details and doesn't seem that memorable, but for some reason this has always stayed with me.

Muerta Muerta
This dream made me uneasy. I woke from it with goosebumps and an inexplicable fear of going back to sleep.

I was walking on white gravel between two houses. They were not distinct or memorable. Just two brick walls which served as the ends of two semi detached houses with a gravel path in the middle of them.

I walked towards a gate and then suddenly noticed the guttering of the houses were full of crows perched and cawing at me. I looked back down and there was a woman in a dress on her knees on the gravel. She looked Hispanic, with dark hair and brown eyes. She was youthful and attractive. But something seemed... off about her. I felt unsettled.

Then the crows all started shouting at me in human voices "Muerta! Muerta!" And they flew towards me, the sound of flapping wings and the screaming of "muerta" surrounded me and I woke up in a cold sweat absolutely f***ing bricking it. No idea why as the dream doesn't sound particularly scary, but to live it was really unsettling...

The Pen & The Sword
In this dream I was walking through a burnt-out house. Blackened walls and floorboards everywhere. I ascended some stairs and turned a corner to find myself in a corridor with a man blocking my path.

Except he wasn't a man. He was a reptilian humanoid in a tuxedo and a top hat. He was well spoken, but somehow menacing and malevolent. I could sense this. He would not allow me to pass. I drew my sword and threatened him. I told him that I would cut through him if he didn't stand aside.

He smiled and got a fountain pen out of his jacket pocket. He said "the pen is mightier than the sword" and he threw it at me. My perspective shifted from my body to the pen that was flying towards me in slow motion. As it travelled towards me it unscrewed itself and each end was connected by a kind of laser wire.

My perspective shifted back into my body and one side of the pen passed me on one side, the other side passed me on the opposite with the laser in the middle. It felt like I'd been punched in the stomach by King Kong and then I felt the top half of my body sliding off as it cut me at an angle. The dream ended once the top half of my body hit the floor.

The Complex
Another one that stuck with me is a dream about an apartment complex in a foreign country. My perspective shifted to different people in different families living their lives in this building with no discernible details. Then finally my perspective shifted so that I was nobody, not even myself, and all that I could see was the front of the apartment complex.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I've been having a lot of dark and disturbing dreams lately. I had one last night about a demon that mimicked people. It looked exactly like the people it mimicked, but it didn't sound or act like them at all. It was terrible at what it did.

Here is the dream as I text it to my girlfriend:
There was a ghost or demon that tried to mimic people. Like at first there was a burglar in the house and it got him. Then it tried mimicking him. Eleanor screamed that there was a man in the room and I ran into the room to see a burglar standing there smiling. I attacked him but he didn't budge. I even picked up a razor and slashed at his face and he just kept standing there smiling with cuts on his cheeks. Then he just vanished.

It would mimic other people. It mimicked Eleanor and asked if I wanted to play. It held doors shut and was immensely strong. It held a door shut and I was pulling at it for ages and then it let go of the door and I fell on my arse. When I looked up it was mimicking me standing smiling in the doorway. It asked if I wanted to play and started knocking on the door it was holding shut before.
My girlfriend is pretty spiritual and she commented that my bad dreams could be because of residual negative energy in my room. She said when you're in a state of sleep your consciousness is more vulnerable to this kind of energy and soaks it up like a sponge.

She claimed that I should burn some sage or rosemary and cleanse the four corners of my room of negative energy.

For context, I've suffered a lot of depression and suicidal ideation for a good year or so in the past. So I've been miserable and negative in this room for a long time. My girlfriend believes this is the source of negative energy which has been negatively affecting my dreams and causing these dark nightmares I keep having.

What do some of you other guys who are spiritual think of this dream and my girlfriend's advice regarding this matter?

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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by Kalinago »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 22nd, 2023, 2:32 am
I've been having a lot of dark and disturbing dreams lately. I had one last night about a demon that mimicked people. It looked exactly like the people it mimicked, but it didn't sound or act like them at all. It was terrible at what it did.

Here is the dream as I text it to my girlfriend:
There was a ghost or demon that tried to mimic people. Like at first there was a burglar in the house and it got him. Then it tried mimicking him. Eleanor screamed that there was a man in the room and I ran into the room to see a burglar standing there smiling. I attacked him but he didn't budge. I even picked up a razor and slashed at his face and he just kept standing there smiling with cuts on his cheeks. Then he just vanished.

It would mimic other people. It mimicked Eleanor and asked if I wanted to play. It held doors shut and was immensely strong. It held a door shut and I was pulling at it for ages and then it let go of the door and I fell on my arse. When I looked up it was mimicking me standing smiling in the doorway. It asked if I wanted to play and started knocking on the door it was holding shut before.
My girlfriend is pretty spiritual and she commented that my bad dreams could be because of residual negative energy in my room. She said when you're in a state of sleep your consciousness is more vulnerable to this kind of energy and soaks it up like a sponge.

She claimed that I should burn some sage or rosemary and cleanse the four corners of my room of negative energy.

For context, I've suffered a lot of depression and suicidal ideation for a good year or so in the past. So I've been miserable and negative in this room for a long time. My girlfriend believes this is the source of negative energy which has been negatively affecting my dreams and causing these dark nightmares I keep having.

What do some of you other guys who are spiritual think of this dream and my girlfriend's advice regarding this matter?

I understand this is just a play of yourself,Spanda,and that in a certain sense this is samael and his angels,jewish thoughtforms,which mimick the true gods of the gentiles to make people turn from them,and ultimately are just a dark aspect of YHWH in kabbalah.like good cop bad cop.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I had a really funny dream a while ago. In this dream I was in a bar with my girlfriend and @Cornfed was there. He came and sat at the table with us. My girlfriend is a brown skinned girl British-Jamaican. The whole time I was sitting there thinking "Please don't say anything racist, please don't say anything racist."

From what I remember, Cornfed didn't say anything directly horrible to my girlfriend, but he only interacted with me and just ignored her when she spoke to him. The whole dream had me feeling awkward and uncomfortable.

@Lucas88 do you remember me telling you about this dream?

Out of curiosity @Cornfed, if this situation was real how would you act? Would you be polite to my girlfriend in person? Overtly rude? Or just blank her? I'm not bothered whatever you say because this is hypothetical. Mainly I'm curious as to whether your racism is restricted to the anonymity of the forum, or whether you're openly racist in person as well.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I had another dream last night. This one I think had significant metaphorical symbolism. I call this dream: The Creeping Horror. The dream is pretty concise, but gets right to the point. It should be fairly easy to interpret.

I was in my workplace. All of a sudden the lights started to go out and we were all in darkness. The next moment there was a figure moving towards me and the other workers, even though the other workers were irrelevant and only there because they were supposed to be there. I lost them in the dark anyway.

The figure shambled slowly towards me and I ran down a corridor towards this ladder and a hatch. When I climbed up the ladder and escaped I was right back where I started. This time the creeping horror moved slightly faster than before. All I could see was a giant monstrous silhouette moving through the darkness and hear the horrible noises it made.

I repeated this cycle over and over. Desperately trying to get away. But each time the cycle was reset the creeping horror got faster and faster. One time climbing the ladder I realised that I can't keep this up. Eventually the creature will catch me and consume me.

That feeling of being hopeless and trapped summarises how I feel in my life. How every time I seem to climb a ladder and feel like I'm making progress I always end up right back where I f***ing started. I'm just wondering how long it will take of repeating the same bullshit before the creeping horror finally catches up to me.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I've just woke up from a dream I was having that I wanted to share. I call this dream Corporate Households.

I got a new house, but in this world everyone's houses were the same. I only remember the bedroom. At one end there were desks and chairs and every night two or three guys would turn up at my house with keys to my front door and they would sit at their desks, make coffee in my kitchen and laugh and chat all night while I tried to sleep.

I got really mad and told them to f**k off. I told them I would change the locks and they wouldn't get in. But then when it skipped to the following night, I'd apparently changed the locks and these guys just kicked the door in with permission from the landlord. They were all sitting at their desks drinking coffee and working.

They said it was in my tenancy contract that I had to let them work there and also had allow access to the property at all times. At one point there was lots of furniture and boxes carried into my apartment because the company these guys worked for needed somewhere to store stock. I was struggling to get to my bed because of all the boxes of paperwork and furniture wrapped in plastic that belonged to this company.

My girlfriend complained at me for not reading the contract before we moved in and I felt depressed that I lived in an apartment which was pretty much controlled by a corporation.

What do you guys think of this stupid dream?

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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by publicduende »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 2nd, 2023, 7:42 pm
I've just woke up from a dream I was having that I wanted to share. I call this dream Corporate Households.

I got a new house, but in this world everyone's houses were the same. I only remember the bedroom. At one end there were desks and chairs and every night two or three guys would turn up at my house with keys to my front door and they would sit at their desks, make coffee in my kitchen and laugh and chat all night while I tried to sleep.

I got really mad and told them to f**k off. I told them I would change the locks and they wouldn't get in. But then when it skipped to the following night, I'd apparently changed the locks and these guys just kicked the door in with permission from the landlord. They were all sitting at their desks drinking coffee and working.

They said it was in my tenancy contract that I had to let them work there and also had allow access to the property at all times. At one point there was lots of furniture and boxes carried into my apartment because the company these guys worked for needed somewhere to store stock. I was struggling to get to my bed because of all the boxes of paperwork and furniture wrapped in plastic that belonged to this company.

My girlfriend complained at me for not reading the contract before we moved in and I felt depressed that I lived in an apartment which was pretty much controlled by a corporation.

What do you guys think of this stupid dream?

I am not a dream expert but, for the little I have read on the subject (Freud's "The interpretation of Dreams", widely considered obsolete), I know dreams are an expression of our unaccomplished desires and frustrations. It's our subconscious discreetly telling us that "it" didn't like something that your conscious self did, or didn't do, during its "day shift".

I have found a few links for you, you might find useful.

https://www.dreamsopedia.com/dream-abou ... house.html

https://www.dreamsopedia.com/dream-abou ... house.html

https://www.dreamsopedia.com/dream-abou ... house.html

I personally rarely dream and I have learned to give dreams very little importance. I have never been the sensitive type, who dreams about someone who recently died, or have lucid dreams about plausible events. A psychiatrist told me that is because I have an unusually high awareness level. In other words , my conscious mind is very good at suppressing my subconscious, and it's not a good thing.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by gsjackson »

Interpret this one for me. I was taking batting practice (baseball, not cricket) thrown by Adolph Hitler. He appeared to be trying to imitate American players, but had a very rigid, mechanical throwing motion and couldn't get anything over the plate. I finally started swinging at balls over my head and such because that was all I was getting, and made very little contact. Felt like I'd let my country down.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 2nd, 2023, 7:42 pm
I've just woke up from a dream I was having that I wanted to share. I call this dream Corporate Households.

I got a new house, but in this world everyone's houses were the same. I only remember the bedroom. At one end there were desks and chairs and every night two or three guys would turn up at my house with keys to my front door and they would sit at their desks, make coffee in my kitchen and laugh and chat all night while I tried to sleep.

I got really mad and told them to f**k off. I told them I would change the locks and they wouldn't get in. But then when it skipped to the following night, I'd apparently changed the locks and these guys just kicked the door in with permission from the landlord. They were all sitting at their desks drinking coffee and working.

They said it was in my tenancy contract that I had to let them work there and also had allow access to the property at all times. At one point there was lots of furniture and boxes carried into my apartment because the company these guys worked for needed somewhere to store stock. I was struggling to get to my bed because of all the boxes of paperwork and furniture wrapped in plastic that belonged to this company.

My girlfriend complained at me for not reading the contract before we moved in and I felt depressed that I lived in an apartment which was pretty much controlled by a corporation.

What do you guys think of this stupid dream?

It could be just a dream, or maybe it symbolizes the access you have given demons in your life through a 'contract' or 'contracts' you have made through some of your activities and life choices, religious activities, etc.. They take over more and more of your life and you realize you do not truly have the freedom you thought was a part of the bargain.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
September 5th, 2023, 4:11 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 2nd, 2023, 7:42 pm
I've just woke up from a dream I was having that I wanted to share. I call this dream Corporate Households.

I got a new house, but in this world everyone's houses were the same. I only remember the bedroom. At one end there were desks and chairs and every night two or three guys would turn up at my house with keys to my front door and they would sit at their desks, make coffee in my kitchen and laugh and chat all night while I tried to sleep.

I got really mad and told them to f**k off. I told them I would change the locks and they wouldn't get in. But then when it skipped to the following night, I'd apparently changed the locks and these guys just kicked the door in with permission from the landlord. They were all sitting at their desks drinking coffee and working.

They said it was in my tenancy contract that I had to let them work there and also had allow access to the property at all times. At one point there was lots of furniture and boxes carried into my apartment because the company these guys worked for needed somewhere to store stock. I was struggling to get to my bed because of all the boxes of paperwork and furniture wrapped in plastic that belonged to this company.

My girlfriend complained at me for not reading the contract before we moved in and I felt depressed that I lived in an apartment which was pretty much controlled by a corporation.

What do you guys think of this stupid dream?

It could be just a dream, or maybe it symbolizes the access you have given demons in your life through a 'contract' or 'contracts' you have made through some of your activities and life choices, religious activities, etc.. They take over more and more of your life and you realize you do not truly have the freedom you thought was a part of the bargain.
That's actually a really good interpretation.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 5th, 2023, 9:00 pm
MrMan wrote:
September 5th, 2023, 4:11 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 2nd, 2023, 7:42 pm
I've just woke up from a dream I was having that I wanted to share. I call this dream Corporate Households.

I got a new house, but in this world everyone's houses were the same. I only remember the bedroom. At one end there were desks and chairs and every night two or three guys would turn up at my house with keys to my front door and they would sit at their desks, make coffee in my kitchen and laugh and chat all night while I tried to sleep.

I got really mad and told them to f**k off. I told them I would change the locks and they wouldn't get in. But then when it skipped to the following night, I'd apparently changed the locks and these guys just kicked the door in with permission from the landlord. They were all sitting at their desks drinking coffee and working.

They said it was in my tenancy contract that I had to let them work there and also had allow access to the property at all times. At one point there was lots of furniture and boxes carried into my apartment because the company these guys worked for needed somewhere to store stock. I was struggling to get to my bed because of all the boxes of paperwork and furniture wrapped in plastic that belonged to this company.

My girlfriend complained at me for not reading the contract before we moved in and I felt depressed that I lived in an apartment which was pretty much controlled by a corporation.

What do you guys think of this stupid dream?

It could be just a dream, or maybe it symbolizes the access you have given demons in your life through a 'contract' or 'contracts' you have made through some of your activities and life choices, religious activities, etc.. They take over more and more of your life and you realize you do not truly have the freedom you thought was a part of the bargain.
That's actually a really good interpretation.
For my own dreams, on the occasions I have one that doesn't just seem to be my brain processing stuff or nonsense, sometimes I'll wake up with a sense of what it symbolizes, or get one soon after. But it helps to be a Christian with the Holy Spirit.
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Re: Dreams & Dream Interpretation.

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
September 5th, 2023, 4:11 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 2nd, 2023, 7:42 pm
I've just woke up from a dream I was having that I wanted to share. I call this dream Corporate Households.

I got a new house, but in this world everyone's houses were the same. I only remember the bedroom. At one end there were desks and chairs and every night two or three guys would turn up at my house with keys to my front door and they would sit at their desks, make coffee in my kitchen and laugh and chat all night while I tried to sleep.

I got really mad and told them to f**k off. I told them I would change the locks and they wouldn't get in. But then when it skipped to the following night, I'd apparently changed the locks and these guys just kicked the door in with permission from the landlord. They were all sitting at their desks drinking coffee and working.

They said it was in my tenancy contract that I had to let them work there and also had allow access to the property at all times. At one point there was lots of furniture and boxes carried into my apartment because the company these guys worked for needed somewhere to store stock. I was struggling to get to my bed because of all the boxes of paperwork and furniture wrapped in plastic that belonged to this company.

My girlfriend complained at me for not reading the contract before we moved in and I felt depressed that I lived in an apartment which was pretty much controlled by a corporation.

What do you guys think of this stupid dream?

It could be just a dream, or maybe it symbolizes the access you have given demons in your life through a 'contract' or 'contracts' you have made through some of your activities and life choices, religious activities, etc.. They take over more and more of your life and you realize you do not truly have the freedom you thought was a part of the bargain.
I interpreted it that maybe my work life is just taking up too much of my life! Working a Monday to Friday job and earning a wage is tied to me living in mu house. Without a wage I can't afford my house. So in a way, I'm forced to remain in the employ of a company i don't want to work for. I despise working. There's a thousand things I would rather do with my day than working for a shitty company.
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