Interesting perspective on endogenous origins of UFOs

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Interesting perspective on endogenous origins of UFOs

Post by publicduende »

For once, I got captivated by an YT interview, by Paul Joseph Watson to an Orthodox Priest, Father Spyridon Bailey ( ... on-bailey/).

Now, his idea that UFOs and encounters with UFOs might, in fact, be manifestations of, and interactions with, demonic presences that have been co-existing with humanity since its mythical dawn, that's not a new idea.

An Italian university professor and scholar, Corrado Malanga, has espoused exactly the same theory for decades. On the more controversial side, even David Icke used to talk profusely about races of reptilie-looking aliens who live in a negative symbiosis with the human race and might have pulled a few strings in terms of manipulating the key rulers of our world.

Unfortunately, Corrado Malanga's poor English was the main reason why his theories never went global and mainstream. There are some free translations of some of his papers and essays, at links like this one: ... c16623929f

Fascinatingly, a B-movie was made a few years ago, based on Corrado Malanga's theories. I watched it and it wasn't much of a movie, in terms of pace, acting, special effects. Yet, the overarching foundation did make for an interesting view.

What do you guys think?
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Re: Interesting perspective on endogenous origins of UFOs

Post by Lucas88 »

publicduende wrote:
January 18th, 2023, 3:25 am
An Italian university professor and scholar, Corrado Malanga, has espoused exactly the same theory for decades. On the more controversial side, even David Icke used to talk profusely about races of reptilie-looking aliens who live in a negative symbiosis with the human race and might have pulled a few strings in terms of manipulating the key rulers of our world.

Unfortunately, Corrado Malanga's poor English was the main reason why his theories never went global and mainstream. There are some free translations of some of his papers and essays, at links like this one: ... c16623929f
I know about Corrado Malanga! :lol: His theories are more well-known in the Spanish-speaking world. I discovered Malanga's work a few years ago through a video by conspiracy theorist David Parcerisa.

Needless to say, Malanga's ideas are horrifying. I remember him talking about how aliens extract people's souls during abductions and how some human beings who we might meet in our day-to-day lives are actually soulless.

The idea of UFOs as a spiritual intrusion on the part of negative entities fits with a Gnostic vision of reality. UFOs would be a visible manifestation of the archons who keep our souls trapped in this insane dystopian world and feed off our suffering.

I personally believe that UFOs being a negative interdimensional phenomenon makes much more sense than the conventional idea that they are alien crafts from outer space. Why on Earth would alien crafts travel light years across interstellar space just to observe us without establishing contact? UFOs definitely seem to be more like malevolent gatekeepers who surveil us and are up to no good. If they were benevolent they would have already shown themselves to the world and liberated us from the New World Order. But they don't do that. They just watch us as we suffer in an absolutely insane world.

Forget about an invasion by evil extraterrestrials like how Hollywood depicts. The bad guys are already here and have been for millennia!
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Re: Interesting perspective on endogenous origins of UFOs

Post by shogunpanda007 »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 18th, 2023, 7:34 am
publicduende wrote:
January 18th, 2023, 3:25 am
An Italian university professor and scholar, Corrado Malanga, has espoused exactly the same theory for decades. On the more controversial side, even David Icke used to talk profusely about races of reptilie-looking aliens who live in a negative symbiosis with the human race and might have pulled a few strings in terms of manipulating the key rulers of our world.

Unfortunately, Corrado Malanga's poor English was the main reason why his theories never went global and mainstream. There are some free translations of some of his papers and essays, at links like this one: ... c16623929f
I know about Corrado Malanga! :lol: His theories are more well-known in the Spanish-speaking world. I discovered Malanga's work a few years ago through a video by conspiracy theorist David Parcerisa.

Needless to say, Malanga's ideas are horrifying. I remember him talking about how aliens extract people's souls during abductions and how some human beings who we might meet in our day-to-day lives are actually soulless.

The idea of UFOs as a spiritual intrusion on the part of negative entities fits with a Gnostic vision of reality. UFOs would be a visible manifestation of the archons who keep our souls trapped in this insane dystopian world and feed off our suffering.

I personally believe that UFOs being a negative interdimensional phenomenon makes much more sense than the conventional idea that they are alien crafts from outer space. Why on Earth would alien crafts travel light years across interstellar space just to observe us without establishing contact? UFOs definitely seem to be more like malevolent gatekeepers who surveil us and are up to no good. If they were benevolent they would have already shown themselves to the world and liberated us from the New World Order. But they don't do that. They just watch us as we suffer in an absolutely insane world.

Forget about an invasion by evil extraterrestrials like how Hollywood depicts. The bad guys are already here and have been for millennia!

They captured a real live alien that crashed in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. This is so wild.

Cobra Kai FOREVER.

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Re: Interesting perspective on endogenous origins of UFOs

Post by WilliamSmith »

Hey, cool thread! :)

I'll have to check out the video later, but have been into the Ancient Aliens hypothesis for a long time "before it was cool" (or was it always cool?... or is it not cool, even now, even though I think it is?? :o ), and wondered about this stuff.

I don't see any of the ideas on this so far as mutually exclusive...

My guess from reading the oldtime literature, mythology, and studying the ancient aliens hypothesis is that there's probably been multiple groups of ETs with conflicting agendas messing with this planet for a long time now, and still are.
Lucas88 wrote:
January 18th, 2023, 7:34 am
Needless to say, Malanga's ideas are horrifying. I remember him talking about how aliens extract people's souls during abductions and how some human beings who we might meet in our day-to-day lives are actually soulless.
I've also read a lot of folklore stuff that seems to echo a lot of alien abduction experiences. I think that Ancient Aliens TV show even covered some of that, but you may have heard of the phenomenon of the "black-eyed children?" :shock:
Lucas88 wrote:
January 18th, 2023, 7:34 am
I personally believe that UFOs being a negative interdimensional phenomenon makes much more sense than the conventional idea that they are alien crafts from outer space. Why on Earth would alien crafts travel light years across interstellar space just to observe us without establishing contact?
I don't see the ideas as exclusive, since they could be using wormhole / warp technology to travel vast distances without having to travel light years. But they could easily have technologies that haven't been fathomed through today's paradigms that do allow them to travel vast distances:
After all, people were going around in horses and buggies in the early 1900s, space travel was vociferously ridiculed even in the 1950s before it happened (or did it? some conspiracy theorists think otherwise, but I haven't had time to read their theories yet, heheh), and the internet, AI, and cybernetic implants and genetic engineering that are all around us today had mostly only been fathomed by science fiction enthusiasts.

But also, tons of people claim that multiple different groups of extraterrestrials HAVE established contact, and they might be right, even if contact hasn't been mainstreamed by the media. (Also, if you look into the Ancient Aliens data, there's been tons of high-profile incidents and some areas where huge UFOs have been cited by even thousands of people over the course of years in certain areas, with some media coverage even in the mainstream outlets of the day, and sometimes there's even been overt government admissions, but then that got covered up with the likes of "oh, well it turned out it was really just a 'weather balloon' when they obviously got follow-up orders to keep it dark and put it back down the memory hole).
[ Edit: I'm being informal here, but can substantiate the specific cases, places, namets etc, and I'll post it in the other Ancient Astronauts thread later, but you can find that in a lot of the Ancient Aliens literature, and from what I saw that History Channel show did a pretty good job of covering a lot of the evidence. ]
Lucas88 wrote:
January 18th, 2023, 7:34 am
UFOs definitely seem to be more like malevolent gatekeepers who surveil us and are up to no good. If they were benevolent they would have already shown themselves to the world and liberated us from the New World Order. But they don't do that. They just watch us as we suffer in an absolutely insane world.

Forget about an invasion by evil extraterrestrials like how Hollywood depicts. The bad guys are already here and have been for millennia!
Not necessarily... going by some of the accounts, some of them definitely seem malevolent to the core, some almost seem like AI/robots on some weird mission (e.g. a lot of those "grey" encounters where people get caught and used in experiments, but then get turned loose without being harmed).

However, the old-time lore of tons of ancient cultures talks about how much of their knowledge and learning that was formative in the foundation of their early civilizations came from "people from the stars" and such, who they sometimes talk about as "god men" or the like, but who obviously sound like extraterrestrials who were actually benevolent.

But there's also a lot of evidence where uncanny ancient megalithic foundations (where the local folklore often talks about them having been people from the stars) seem to have been blown around by heavy impact that might have come from battles between ETs with high-powered weaponry. (Some of the stuff in the ancient Indian literature sounds like a vivid description of the equivalent of nuclear weapons, just to name one example that's in ancient literature.)

Anyway, I think there's probably been multiple groups of "ETs" (whether they got here by advanced space flight tech, or extradimensional / wormhole technology), some with more benevolent intentions than others.

And of course hypotheses about underground or underwater cities that no civilians and even very few military units could access, could also be involved. :D
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Re: Interesting perspective on endogenous origins of UFOs

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
February 4th, 2023, 11:50 pm
Lucas88 wrote:
January 18th, 2023, 7:34 am
I personally believe that UFOs being a negative interdimensional phenomenon makes much more sense than the conventional idea that they are alien crafts from outer space. Why on Earth would alien crafts travel light years across interstellar space just to observe us without establishing contact?
I don't see the ideas as exclusive, since they could be using wormhole / warp technology to travel vast distances without having to travel light years. But they could easily have technologies that haven't been fathomed through today's paradigms that do allow them to travel vast distances:
After all, people were going around in horses and buggies in the early 1900s, space travel was vociferously ridiculed even in the 1950s before it happened (or did it? some conspiracy theorists think otherwise, but I haven't had time to read their theories yet, heheh), and the internet, AI, and cybernetic implants and genetic engineering that are all around us today had mostly only been fathomed by science fiction enthusiasts.

But also, tons of people claim that multiple different groups of extraterrestrials HAVE established contact, and they might be right, even if contact hasn't been mainstreamed by the media. (Also, if you look into the Ancient Aliens data, there's been tons of high-profile incidents and some areas where huge UFOs have been cited by even thousands of people over the course of years in certain areas, with some media coverage even in the mainstream outlets of the day, and sometimes there's even been overt government admissions, but then that got covered up with the likes of "oh, well it turned out it was really just a 'weather balloon' when they obviously got follow-up orders to keep it dark and put it back down the memory hole).
I don't believe that the ideas are mutually exclusive either. I likewise believe that an otherworldly race came to our planet in the distance past, taught us civilization and advanced building techniques (now lost to us) for the construction of huge megaliths, and even created our Homo Sapiens species through genetic engineering as recounted in the Sumerian tablets and evidenced by the anomalous telomere fusion of our 2nd and 3rd chromosomal pairs. Moreover, I recognize that that same otherworldly race was the original gods and goddesses of humanity led by Enki (they were later mythologized in the various ancient religions) and that they were extremely benevolent despite the extensive slander against them found in the Bible and other religious texts. However, that was in the past and I now assume that the vast majority of extraterrestrials and UFOs that interact with our planet at present are negative and hostile entities.

If you study the ancient mythologies including those of the Bible and Hebrew apocrypha, you will find testimony of a great conflict between two opposed factions of gods/extraterrestrials. On one side you have the noble original gods of Enki/Prometheus (later depicted in the Bible as "the Serpent") who sought to elevate humanity through wisdom and occult knowledge, and on the other we find the evil biblical god Yahweh and his "angels" who forbade occult knowledge and were hostile to humanity. Indeed, much of the Old Testament is a book of slander against the original gods. Unfortunately, the evil gods were able to banish the noble original gods as we are able to see in the expulsion of Shemihaza and the Watchers of the Book of Enoch and the banishment of Prometheus in Greek mythology among other accounts, and the world fell under the control of the evil gods and their bizarre Abrahamic slave religions. Our original golden age was lost and the world has gone to utter shit under the new set of "gods". That's why I say that the bad guys are already here!

Those beings are sadistic parasites. They're the "angels" behind the batshit-crazy destructive slave religions and even the "Pleiadeans" and "ascended masters" behind the various New Age sects. You can even find them in NDEs where they pose as angelic beings in order to lure your soul into a trap. What NDEers call "heaven" is just the façade which conceals an astral gulag for the torture of the soul followed by forced reincarnation. This world and its astral are now their prison planet. An insane dystopian prison planet. Here we have perverse abusive religions of pure insanity (which some of the NPCs with a straight face praise as "bastions of morality"), the New World Order led by Jewish psychopaths and hellbent on the complete destruction and enslavement of the Gentile nations for the materialization of the envisioned "Messianic Age", societies that literally poison us in many different ways, countless wars, poverty and economic exploitation. This world is literally hell for many. What do the beings who pilot/control the UFOs do to help us? Do they help us fight the NWO? Do they reveal themselves in plain sight and liberate us? No, they don't do anything to liberate us! They are just here to surveil us, abduct people, and mutilate cattle for some bizarre reason. They're not good at all. They're simply our enslavers!

Those malevolent entities largely correspond with the "archons" of Gnosticism in my opinion. However, I think that the Gnostics had a somewhat mistaken view of the archons. They are not the creators of a botched and evil material world but rather simply an invading race of otherworldly beings who ousted the original gods and then majorly corrupted the world. The ancient mythologies are clear on the existence of benevolent gods who taught us civilization and even talk about a lost golden age under their tutelage. The Gnostic materials on the other hand are a much later invention which developed around the same time as Christianity and received much influence from it.
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Re: Interesting perspective on endogenous origins of UFOs

Post by WilliamSmith »

Lucas88 wrote:
February 7th, 2023, 4:48 pm
I don't believe that the ideas are mutually exclusive either. I likewise believe that an otherworldly race came to our planet in the distance past, taught us civilization and advanced building techniques (now lost to us) for the construction of huge megaliths, and even created our Homo Sapiens species through genetic engineering as recounted in the Sumerian tablets and evidenced by the anomalous telomere fusion of our 2nd and 3rd chromosomal pairs.
Moreover, I recognize that that same otherworldly race was the original gods and goddesses of humanity led by Enki (they were later mythologized in the various ancient religions) and that they were extremely benevolent despite the extensive slander against them found in the Bible and other religious texts. However, that was in the past and I now assume that the vast majority of extraterrestrials and UFOs that interact with our planet at present are negative and hostile entities.

If you study the ancient mythologies including those of the Bible and Hebrew apocrypha, you will find testimony of a great conflict between two opposed factions of gods/extraterrestrials. On one side you have the noble original gods of Enki/Prometheus (later depicted in the Bible as "the Serpent") who sought to elevate humanity through wisdom and occult knowledge, and on the other we find the evil biblical god Yahweh and his "angels" who forbade occult knowledge and were hostile to humanity. Indeed, much of the Old Testament is a book of slander against the original gods. Unfortunately, the evil gods were able to banish the noble original gods as we are able to see in the expulsion of Shemihaza and the Watchers of the Book of Enoch and the banishment of Prometheus in Greek mythology among other accounts, and the world fell under the control of the evil gods and their bizarre Abrahamic slave religions. Our original golden age was lost and the world has gone to utter shit under the new set of "gods". That's why I say that the bad guys are already here!
Awesome post. :)
I am looking forward to this Ancient Aliens discussion going even deeper pretty soon (I have been working on it in my leisure hours, LOL), but I agree with much of that from what I learned so far.
But I also strongly suspect that there are multiple groups of ETs with varying intentions.
The reptilian or reptilian-hybrid origins hypothesis for the "Annunaki," and possibly pre-cataclysmic Martian origin of some other races, is interesting, as well as the hypothesis black races were the original inhabitants of the Earth back when the climate was more uniformly warm and tropical (which I'm pretty sure is when the mythological "Golden Age" existed).
There's a lot of interesting evidence for one or multiple high-tech civilizations being present during that ancient period (much of it already posted by @Pixel--dude), some of whom built some of the most famous megalithic structures that were also synched up with advanced astronomical knowledge, and some of which has only been recently confirmed by contemporary astronomers...
Lucas88 wrote:
February 7th, 2023, 4:48 pm
Those beings are sadistic parasites. They're the "angels" behind the batshit-crazy destructive slave religions and even the "Pleiadeans" and "ascended masters" behind the various New Age sects.

You can even find them in NDEs where they pose as angelic beings in order to lure your soul into a trap. What NDEers call "heaven" is just the façade which conceals an astral gulag for the torture of the soul followed by forced reincarnation. This world and its astral are now their prison planet. An insane dystopian prison planet. Here we have perverse abusive religions of pure insanity (which some of the NPCs with a straight face praise as "bastions of morality"), the New World Order led by Jewish psychopaths and hellbent on the complete destruction and enslavement of the Gentile nations for the materialization of the envisioned "Messianic Age", societies that literally poison us in many different ways, countless wars, poverty and economic exploitation. This world is literally hell for many. What do the beings who pilot/control the UFOs do to help us? Do they help us fight the NWO? Do they reveal themselves in plain sight and liberate us? No, they don't do anything to liberate us! They are just here to surveil us, abduct people, and mutilate cattle for some bizarre reason. They're not good at all. They're simply our enslavers!

Those malevolent entities largely correspond with the "archons" of Gnosticism in my opinion. However, I think that the Gnostics had a somewhat mistaken view of the archons. They are not the creators of a botched and evil material world but rather simply an invading race of otherworldly beings who ousted the original gods and then majorly corrupted the world. The ancient mythologies are clear on the existence of benevolent gods who taught us civilization and even talk about a lost golden age under their tutelage. The Gnostic materials on the other hand are a much later invention which developed around the same time as Christianity and received much influence from it.
That is interesting stuff: It's a chilling thought to think even seemingly all-positive "light beings" so many have experienced in NDEs (a steady mix of religious folk like Christians + agnostics and atheists alike, I might add) are actually impostors, though I personally remain optimistic after my own NDE experiences that made me feel there are good extradimensional/spiritual forces in this world who actually do care about us, as well as the bad ones who I (unfortunately) have also noticed. (A fun discussion for another time...)

There's no question that a lot of the weird entities people end up communicating with in various ways are very suspicious, particularly when they tell them a bunch of weird grandiose stuff or claim to be "ascended masters" and so on. That's another reason I remain optimistic, since there wasn't any kind of weird self-aggrandizement (of me or them) or trying to get me to do anything in particular, other than take better care of myself (at the time) and try not to over-indulge in what I suppose you could call "the dark side of the force" (anger, aggression, etc, even if some of it is admittedly justifiable sometimes).

I look forward to returning to this topic...

P.S. Hey guys, I bet HappyGuy would have loved all the stuff about extraterrestrials, reptillians, the Annunaki and NDEs and that we're talking about here!
They're here to monitor posts and sound crazy while larping as sex-tourists & right-wingers.
Because nobody is as mentally ill as you fed larpers pretend to be. You took a big shit on this forum
" :lol:
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Re: Interesting perspective on endogenous origins of UFOs

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 4:17 pm
That is interesting stuff: It's a chilling thought to think even seemingly all-positive "light beings" so many have experienced in NDEs (a steady mix of religious folk like Christians + agnostics and atheists alike, I might add) are actually impostors, though I personally remain optimistic after my own NDE experiences that made me feel there are good extradimensional/spiritual forces in this world who actually do care about us, as well as the bad ones who I (unfortunately) have also noticed. (A fun discussion for another time...)

There's no question that a lot of the weird entities people end up communicating with in various ways are very suspicious, particularly when they tell them a bunch of weird grandiose stuff or claim to be "ascended masters" and so on. That's another reason I remain optimistic, since there wasn't any kind of weird self-aggrandizement (of me or them) or trying to get me to do anything in particular, other than take better care of myself (at the time) and try not to over-indulge in what I suppose you could call "the dark side of the force" (anger, aggression, etc, even if some of it is admittedly justifiable sometimes).
It is a chilling thought indeed. I've read various books on NDEs (the best of these was a Spanish book called "La Prueba" and written by Mado Martínez) and watched many documentaries on the topic and all we ever hear from mainstream sources is how the other side is so wonderful and full of love and light but I have come to harbor suspicion towards those beings who so many people witness during NDEs and colloquially describe as "angels" or "beings of light". I've dug a bit deeper into the phenomenon and found that the so-called angels in NDEs are not really as nice or benevolent as they are often claimed to be. Indeed, I am deeply suspicious of most religions whether they be mainstream Abrahamic religions or alternative "New Age" sects and movements with all of their talk about "ascended masters", "karma", and "Earth as a school". For me, those beings give off really bad vibes and their religions seem really malevolent and abusive.

@Pixel--Dude and I are rebellious souls. We believe that the whole "white light" thing is a trap for the soul and that it is therefore better to flee. We don't trust those unknown beings at all and even suspect that they are for the most part "archontic" entities allied with the evil impostor Yahweh and out to deceive us. Pixel--Dude and I think that it would be better to either search for a breech in those unknown beings' "astral matrix" and thereby escape or proactively reincarnate oneself without any conditions imposed by those deceptive assholes.

Here's a link which @Winston posted in another thread a while ago:

But the beings in your own NDE might not have been malevolent. Pixel--Dude and I have talked about your experience (or what you have told us about it) and both find it fascinating. Unlike the typical "angels" which most people see, those valkyrie-like beings which you mentioned actually gave you an explanation about how the world was originally conceived as a school for our growth and evolution but was then taken over and subverted by dark metaphysical forces. This wasn't the typical story about "god" being all about love and light. It actually addressed the elephant in the room concerning the extreme darkness and suffering which has engulfed our planet. It is conceivable that certain benevolent spiritual guides could have connected with you during your NDE and given you a message for you to understand what you needed to understand in order to see the world for what it was. Alternatively those beings might have been anthropomorphic manifestations of your own oversoul warning you about the evil of the dark side but at the same time encouraging you to embrace the light which we all retain within even amidst the most absolute darkness. In any case, we would really like to know more about your NDE testimony if that's okay with you. :D

We probably agree by now that the "dark metaphysical forces" include (((them))), (((their))) "god" and (((their))) Messianic vision. Lol! Naturally the Abrahamic slave religions with all of their atrocities, insane obsession with sacrifice and bloodshed, and repressive doctrines of self-abnegation follow from these things. The Kabbalah is an inversion of the truth. It teaches that the world of the Gentiles which they admit came first was the realm of chaos and darkness (or Sitra Achra in Hebrew) and that the Jews were created afterwards as a force of light to enslave and destroy the dark souls of the Gentiles (or Qliphoth as they call us), but in reality our souls originate from the true original light while the evil Jew god, his "angels" and the souls of some elite Jews are all part of the later darkness which took over our planet and suffocated the light. The doctrine of the Sitra Achra vs. Sitra Kedusha (side of holiness) is a Kabbalistic inversion. Darkness masquerades as light while light is slandered as darkness!

WilliamSmith wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 4:17 pm
P.S. Hey guys, I bet HappyGuy would have loved all the stuff about extraterrestrials, reptillians, the Annunaki and NDEs and that we're talking about here!
They're here to monitor posts and sound crazy while larping as sex-tourists & right-wingers.
Because nobody is as mentally ill as you fed larpers pretend to be. You took a big shit on this forum
" :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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