Society & Spiritual Anatomy

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Society & Spiritual Anatomy

Post by Pixel--Dude »

A while ago, a thread was made discussing Chi energy and Kundalini energy. In this thread both @WilliamSmith and @Lucas88 made some interesting comments about spiritual anatomy so the information they shared is relevant to this thread, kind of. The thread is here for anyone who wishes to have a look: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=14&t=45540&p=373572#p373572

I wanted to talk in this thread more about the chakras and how they function. Each chakra is a different central point for energy in your body. The word “Chakra” in ancient Sanskrit means “wheel” or “disc”. There are seven main Chakras and for them to function correctly they need to spin when we live in accordance with their functions, they are connected to our nerve system and bodily organs as well so when they become blocked it can have an affect on our physical health as well as our balance and spiritual wellbeing...

I propose that society and the way it is designed is especially hostile to the chakras and how they function correctly. So below I’ll go over the chakras and how they function and how society is designed to facilitate their blockage to cause physical, mental and spiritual health problems. How it is designed to reduce your frequency and vibration.

Here is a diagram of the chakras and their positions in our spiritual anatomy:


So allow me to go through the seven chakras starting with the Root Chakra and making my way up to the Crown Chakra.

First we have Muladhara, the Root Chakra. ”I Am”

This Chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability. When you feel secure it spins and remains balanced. When it doesn’t spin correctly it can show itself through self destructive behaviours like alcoholism and drug abuse, eating disorders and the like. Society is designed so people constantly feel stressed and pressured by bills and all these cost of living crises. Not many people really feel secure with the uncertainty of modern day living.

This is how the system attacks our root chakra like a virus and weakens us through the consequences of disturbing the balance of our fundamental connection to the material world. Keeping people in perpetual poverty, constantly on the precipice of destitution. How can a chakra which is responsible for our sense of security function properly in these circumstances?

Second, Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra. I Feel

This chakra governs how you experience sexual pleasure and creative expression. A healthy sex life and expressing yourself artistically can help this chakra function properly. When it doesn’t function correctly I manifests itself through negative emotions like depression. In a relationship it can cause someone to become possessive and jealous.

There are a few ways society attacks this chakra. Through ideological thinking such as feminism and even puritanism. Ideologies such as these cause people to have negative attitudes towards sex, often seeing sex as “dirty” or “sinful”. This creates groups of entitled women and bitter incel men and the natural relationship between men and women is disturbed.

Creativity and artistic expression are not celebrated as much as left brain logical thinking. Passion, which is one of the energies the Sacral Chakra harnesses, is diminished severely in modern society, not only through the abnegation of otherwise normal sexual activity between males and females, but also through artistic expression! Most people don’t have the energy for creative pursuits after being forced to work a 40 hour work week with all the added stress of every day life piled on top!

I used to be artistic as a child, but because I never got chance to harness that talent, I lost it. Things like musical creativity, artistic and things like creative writing are rarely encouraged over left brain logical ways of thinking that are promoted so heavily in society today. Creativity is kind of sucked out of people through the slave like education system and long work weeks.

It’s all by design to create a society of solipsistic drones who are devoid of any passion and creativity. Speak to a lot of these wage slave NPCs and you can see they have no imagination or interesting ideas. Nobody is passionate about their partners, about their projects etc :roll: a society without passion isn’t a very nice place to be.

Third, Manipura, The Solar Plexus Chakra. I Do

Translated from Sanskrit as "City of Jewels" the Solar Plexus Chakra is the centre of vitality and health. Things like a healthy diet, strong assertiveness and self confidence will help keep this chakra balanced. As a result the body will benefit from taking in more nutrients from food etc.

Society is hostile to this chakra because it undermines your independence whilst at the same time promoting a lifestyle of toxic dog eat dog individualism. It undermines your independence with all the enforced compliance and unnecessary laws and legislation, which create victimless crimes and criminalise people for smoking a joint for example. :roll:

Also a lot of food sold at supermarkets is full of harmful chemicals and pesticides that are harmful to our physical health and spiritual health as well. Additives and artificial sweeteners that are all disguised as E numbers so people don't know what is in there and can cause mental health issues etc.

Fourth, Anahata, the Heart Chakra. I Love

This chakra is the centre for your love. Love for yourself, love for others and things such as empathy and compassion for others. When the chakra is balanced and functioning normally it opens you up to love and forgiveness and things like that. When it is blocked people tend to feel sadness or grief and even anger and hatred. The heart chakra is linked with your physical heart so this is why when love relationships are ended you feel physical heart ache.

Both secular society and mainstream religions all teach self abnegation and echo the sentiment that we are nothing. Either insignificant specks in space, sinful by nature and must repent, or the asceticism of Buddhism etc. Even atoning for negative karma with New Age philosophy. Spirituality teaches the opposite, the life affirming notion that we are gods really. Most people tend to get drawn into the aforementioned programmes of indoctrination and enslavement. Spirituality is about self improvement and obtaining godhood.

Another thing in modern society is the cutthroat dog eat dog individualism which is pushed from a young age. The drive to get ahead inevitably means outcompeting everyone else. Society has become a place full of solipsism and misery. Full of lonely individuals who are deprived of love. And by love I mean any of its forms, as there are many. I'll go over them in a different thread I want to make about Love and Relationships. (I will post the link for the thread here when it exists)

Fifth, Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra. I Speak

This chakra is responsible for your communication and self expression. To remain healthy and balanced speak truth and honesty, be your authentic self. Things like dishonesty and lies will facilitate its blockage which leads to having trouble with self expression and things like that. When I say dishonesty and lies I mean even saying things that aren't true can block your throat chakra. Polluted air and unhealthy food also contribute to its blockage.

Free speech and freedom of expression are two ways society has really started to attack this chakra. The woke movement and BLM and all the rest of it are just tools implemented to remove our free speech and freedom of expression. Rowan Atkinson made a good speech on free speech and freedom of expression.

Sixth, Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra. I See

In spirituality the third eye chakra is responsible for your perception, intuition and wisdom. It is also associated with clairvoyance, reading auras and out of body experiences, but of course it requires a balanced Ajna chakra to be able to utilise its benefits such as the more spiritual side of things.

Some people think the Ajna Chakra is located at the pineal gland of the brain, which naturally develops its own DMT. So I'm wondering if fluoridated water is causing the calcification of the pineal gland and preventing the natural production of DMT. High doses of psilocybin and DMT can facilitate out of body experiences and interactions with gods or spiritual beings. So I wonder if living in a natural world without poison in our food and water would make it possible to have these kinds of experiences without the use of psychedelic substances.

I spoke about psychedelics and spiritual experiences in my thread about psychedelics: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=45587

Some speculate the ancient Egyptians knew about the pineal gland and how to astrally project and all the rest of it. Knowledge passed to them most likely through Egyptian gods.


I spoke more about ancient pantheons of gods teaching humanity civilisation and spirituality (the forbidden knowledge) here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=14&t=46405

Things like impatience, expectations and negative thoughts block the Ajna Chakra. Blockages can make you feel lost and out of touch with your intuition or inner wisdom.

Finally, Sahasrara, The Crown Chakra. I Understand

The Sahasrara Crown Chakra energy is a realisation of completeness and ultimate balance and alignment of all the chakras and their vibrational frequency. Once in full alignment one can walk the path of true spirituality and work towards obtaining godhood through the rising of the Kundalini.

This chakra facilitates our spiritual growth and our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality and finally our connection to the All. This is fundamentally why people who have psychedelic experiences often feel a kind of connection with other human beings and the universe itself, like fruit from a tree we are all connected by the different branches originating from the same source. But that doesn't mean we are all one in the sense of lacking individuality. In Hinduism Brahman creates individuated units of consciousness which are known as the Atman.

This chakra is attacked through the many life denying doctrines pushed in modern society. All which seek to disempower the individual and reaffirm the notion that we are inherently evil or insignificant completely. Instead of the life affirming notion that we are actually spiritual beings, little gods who forgot who we are and prisoners of a much crueller diety the Gnostics warned of.

Our spiritual anatomy is under constant attack in modern society and in order to live a life more in alignment with our true authentic selves we have to overhaul the way in which we live. I hope you all enjoyed this thread and at least found it interesting, even if you don't believe in any of this stuff yourself.

There are a few of you I would like to share this with:

@Winston and @Tsar you guys haven't been tagged and I thought you might like this.

Some of the Christians might find this kind of post interesting:


And a few others I have in mind who might enjoy this thread:

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Re: Society & Spiritual Anatomy

Post by Lucas88 »


I've had direct experience with the chakra and nadi system as you already know. I can vouch for the reality of all of this occult stuff.

After my premature Kundalini awakening in the fall of 2020, the extreme overload of prana/qi wreaked havoc on my body's energy channels and caused some of them to go into reverse flow. The result of this was prana/qi stagnation in my lower extremities with symptoms of heaviness and intense burning (since the prana/qi could no longer ascend through its normal course) as well as erectile dysfunction (my dick went completely limp). During the worst of it I was in absolute agony.

At the end of that same year, my aunt found an energetic healer who was based in London and offered "distance healing". Desperate and with nothing to lose, I decided to give it a go and, to my surprise, the guy was able to reroute some of the excess prana/qi up the shushumna channel which ascends the spine and thereby relieve much of the pressure. Immediately I felt some of the excess prana/qi flow up the spine and to the region of the crown. I had less heaviness in my legs and my erectile dysfunction disappeared. The energetic healer did this over a WhatsApp videocall. As fantastic as this sounds, it's the honest truth.

Since the shushumna channel depends on the functioning of the chakras, the energetic healer gave me certain meditations to keep the chakras open and active. I could feel the effects of the meditations on the chakras. The meditations opened them more and ensured the continuous flow of energy through the shushumna channel. Without this, the energy would simply fall again and the old symptoms of heaviness and erectile dysfunction would return. That was a very desperate period of my life.

However, as you already know, I had blockages in other energy channels such as the liver, spleen and gallbladder meridians which the energetic healer missed. He was working outside of his comfort zone and his intervention simply bought me some temporary relief while the excess prana/qi was at its worst. Eventually I learned that acupuncture could help me and my acupuncturist Dr. Chen has been helping me to undo the blockages through electroacupuncture. Now most of the blockage in my meridians have been undone and the energy is flowing much better than before. I think that I just have one blockage in the region of the head which needs to be undone for the cycle to be fully restored.

In WilliamSmith's energy arts thread I wrote about my horrific experience in much greater depth: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45540

As for the topic of chakras, it's true that blockages and imbalances in them can cause dysfunctions in our everyday lives. You might know people who are absolutely incapable of achieving anything of worth in the material world and often even struggle to make a living. In those cases the person's root chakra (Muladhara) is malfunctioning and he is unable to maintain a good connection with the material world. Others might have a malfunctioning heart chakra (Anahata). In that case the person will have limited ability to love others or feel empathy and will become extremely cold and uncaring as a result. Often, when things don't ever seem to go right for us in certain aspects of our material lives, parts of our subtle anatomy are compromised.

The elite occultists of the NWO understand the chakra system better than most people do. They have devised various ways to attack our chakras and keep us in perpetual servitude. The Kabbalistic "tree of life" (in reality tree of death) is, at a deeper esoteric level, a system of black magic which the Jews have used to lock up our chakras. Their slave religions such as Christianity involve rituals and practices which expose unwitting Gentiles to that same Kabbalistic system of black magic and result in the locking up of our chakras. Christianity goes way beyond psychological control; it adversely affects one's subtle anatomy and makes it impossible to advance spiritually. That's the real reason why so many religious people are blind fanatics without ability to reason or think for themselves: at the level of the subtle anatomy that ability has been totally disabled at the hands of the Kabbalistic black magic to which they constantly expose themselves.

The Kabbalistic tree of life is really a prison for the Gentile soul:


Then there are many other things which adversely affect our chakras. Poor-quality food, an environment laden with toxins, drugs (both recreational and pharmaceutical), a modern lifestyle of stress, etc. I imagine that things like 5G won't help either.
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Re: Society & Spiritual Anatomy

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 11th, 2022, 9:21 am

I've had direct experience with the chakra and nadi system as you already know. I can vouch for the reality of all of this occult stuff.

After my premature Kundalini awakening in the fall of 2020, the extreme overload of prana/qi wreaked havoc on my body's energy channels and caused some of them to go into reverse flow. The result of this was prana/qi stagnation in my lower extremities with symptoms of heaviness and intense burning (since the prana/qi could no longer ascend through its normal course) as well as erectile dysfunction (my dick went completely limp). During the worst of it I was in absolute agony.

At the end of that same year, my aunt found an energetic healer who was based in London and offered "distance healing". Desperate and with nothing to lose, I decided to give it a go and, to my surprise, the guy was able to reroute some of the excess prana/qi up the shushumna channel which ascends the spine and thereby relieve much of the pressure. Immediately I felt some of the excess prana/qi flow up the spine and to the region of the crown. I had less heaviness in my legs and my erectile dysfunction disappeared. The energetic healer did this over a WhatsApp videocall. As fantastic as this sounds, it's the honest truth.

Since the shushumna channel depends on the functioning of the chakras, the energetic healer gave me certain meditations to keep the chakras open and active. I could feel the effects of the meditations on the chakras. The meditations opened them more and ensured the continuous flow of energy through the shushumna channel. Without this, the energy would simply fall again and the old symptoms of heaviness and erectile dysfunction would return. That was a very desperate period of my life.

However, as you already know, I had blockages in other energy channels such as the liver, spleen and gallbladder meridians which the energetic healer missed. He was working outside of his comfort zone and his intervention simply bought me some temporary relief while the excess prana/qi was at its worst. Eventually I learned that acupuncture could help me and my acupuncturist Dr. Chen has been helping me to undo the blockages through electroacupuncture. Now most of the blockage in my meridians have been undone and the energy is flowing much better than before. I think that I just have one blockage in the region of the head which needs to be undone for the cycle to be fully restored.

In WilliamSmith's energy arts thread I wrote about my horrific experience in much greater depth: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45540
I am sorry I didn't respond to you in here dude. I know you've had issues with your spiritual anatomy since your Kundalini crisis. I remember how much you struggled with your mental and physical health as a result. This was a very hard time for yourself and those who care about you. I remember the distance healing you had with the guy who helped soothe the burning sensation you were feeling in your legs. And now acupuncture, which has greatly taken off a lot of pressure.

Naysayers will probably dismiss your condition as some kind of physical injury or maybe some kind of mental condition where your mind is making you think its real etc. These people simply have no conception of the concept of spiritual anatomy and are probably NPCs or just ignorant or both. It's funny how people ignorantly dismiss anything they haven't had any personal experience with as bullshit...

Aside from your condition with the Kundalini crisis, spirituality can be experienced in other ways whether intentional or unintentional (like my accidental astral projection) psilocybin mushrooms can show the user the nature of reality and the nature of themselves, including deep introspective insights of one's own mind. Then there are NDEs like what @WilliamSmith talked about as well.

Spiritual Anatomy is something which is suppressed and made obscure in modern society. If you talk about this kind of thing openly people generally tend to assume you're a hippy beatnik or a complete nutter and dismiss you based solely on the premise that it isn't something they've experienced for themselves. Yet many people with these attitudes will believe in God and the Bible without having experienced anything to do with that either, save for some good luck they erroneously associate with God's blessing :roll:
As for the topic of chakras, it's true that blockages and imbalances in them can cause dysfunctions in our everyday lives. You might know people who are absolutely incapable of achieving anything of worth in the material world and often even struggle to make a living. In those cases the person's root chakra (Muladhara) is malfunctioning and he is unable to maintain a good connection with the material world. Others might have a malfunctioning heart chakra (Anahata). In that case the person will have limited ability to love others or feel empathy and will become extremely cold and uncaring as a result. Often, when things don't ever seem to go right for us in certain aspects of our material lives, parts of our subtle anatomy are compromised.
I've had a lot go wrong in my life recently. I tend to have nothing but bad luck and misfortune follow me in everything I do. I'm struggling financially, which has caused disturbance in my root chakra. I find it hard to feel grounded in reality and often struggle to function like regular people do.

Despite having a girlfriend I love immensely and a daughter I love immensely, I think being forced to live apart from both of them is causing disruption in my heart chakra. Also NPC souls are starting to anger me with their ignorant and shitty attitudes, as a result I'm losing a lot of empathy for other people. I am frustrated by people's general ignorance and I can no longer muster the level of compassion and empathy I once had for these "vax lemmings" and have become indifferent to whatever fate awaits them.

My Sacral Chakra is affected by stress and I have lost a lot of my creativity and desire to write. All because of exhaustion and mental anxiety. I have a good sex life with my girlfriend, but the problem I have is that I can't be with her as often as I'd like. This causes feelings of frustration.

My throat chakra is affected because I can't talk to a lot of people about how I truly feel. I get judged and shouted at. I get made to feel bad for simply feeling a certain way about a certain topic. For example at work there is the "Okay to be me" thing they put forward for gays and trans people, encouraging them to express themselves freely. However, I hate being there. I hate working as a debt slave in a soulless rat race. Think it's "okay to be me" and express myself honestly in the work environment? :lol:
The elite occultists of the NWO understand the chakra system better than most people do. They have devised various ways to attack our chakras and keep us in perpetual servitude. The Kabbalistic "tree of life" (in reality tree of death) is, at a deeper esoteric level, a system of black magic which the Jews have used to lock up our chakras. Their slave religions such as Christianity involve rituals and practices which expose unwitting Gentiles to that same Kabbalistic system of black magic and result in the locking up of our chakras. Christianity goes way beyond psychological control; it adversely affects one's subtle anatomy and makes it impossible to advance spiritually. That's the real reason why so many religious people are blind fanatics without ability to reason or think for themselves: at the level of the subtle anatomy that ability has been totally disabled at the hands of the Kabbalistic black magic to which they constantly expose themselves.

The Kabbalistic tree of life is really a prison for the Gentile soul:


Then there are many other things which adversely affect our chakras. Poor-quality food, an environment laden with toxins, drugs (both recreational and pharmaceutical), a modern lifestyle of stress, etc. I imagine that things like 5G won't help either.
You're right! These bastards are deliberately keeping our chakras f***ed up through shit food, shit water, shit f***ing air polluted with all sorts of chemicals they fumigate us with! As well as the imposition of a shit system!

Things like 5G can't help as well as WiFi and other electrical signals flying everywhere through the air, how many of these signals disrupt the same frequency our brains operate on? I remember that a lot of these signals negatively affect bees and the frequency they use to navigate when collecting pollen.
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