Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Winston »

tamdrin12 wrote:In the Buddhist world view, just satisfying your romantic desires doesn't make you happy. That is the problem, it gives you temporary enjoyment or rather distraction and then when it is over you are left back at the place you started. Pursuit of temporary pleasures consumes ones time and in an effort to become happy one doesn't really find true happiness. Thus a greater happiness is found by seeking liberation.

Whether you agree or not, In Buddhism desire and emotions have been likened to something like this: ((( If you have an itch it feels good to scratch it, but it is better not to have had the itch in the first place.)))

I disagree with your assessment that all Buddhists are soulless and without passion. You met the Lama Garchen Rinpoche. If you watch him he is always alive with good energy, smiles, and loving other people. Even though he went through some serious difficulties in his life (20 years in prison in China) he came out loving and not resentful. That certainly is a good result from Buddhist practice.

Buddhism recognizes that every single, not only human but animal and unseen being wants to be happy, yet we are not, so found within Buddhism are the teachings on how to attain relative worldly happiness, not just transcendental nirvana. We want happiness, but yet, we- human beings- do actions that bring misery (the opposite of what we want)- this Is a reason for compassion.

Buddhism should be a way to overcome adversity and the suffering that we will inevitably have in life.

Winston: Get real happier abroad does not offer a grand solution to lifes problems. The truth is that once the lonely men in America find companionship abroad they will be faced with a new reality of problems that were previously unseen. This is the reality of life in samsara... No matter who you are or what you get you cannot be totally content with it. Many very wealthy people in western countries are depressed and feel lonely for example. Plus just indulging your passions doesn't make you more human at all. LOok at the guys who run around and f**k anything walking on two legs. They are more like animals if anything. What makes you more human is your ability to love other people not indulge in your fantasies and desires. That said I am not against fulfilling your desires I just don't think people should make that their life's purpose with the expectation that it will bring true satisfaction.

Starchild: The reason that India is in such a sorry condition is not the presence of religion. It is because the Indians are not following the core ethical commandments of the religion which will bring happiness and harmony to a society. People are cheating, lying, scamming, etc.... We are actually more moralistic in the west , but that is not something that definitely has to come from religion.
Hi Tamdrin,
No of course, satisfying your desires doesn't lead to long term permanent happiness. Duh. No one thinks that it does. But it's better than always being dissatisfied and never getting what you want. Yes life is suffering in that there will always be problems of some kind in your life, whether it's money and love, or something else. But that doesn't mean all lives are equal. The super rich Donald Trump has a much better life, for example, than a beggar in the Philippines who is malnourished and dying of hunger and malnutrition. Anyone would choose Donald Trump's life over the latter, even if both have different kinds of suffering. Get real here.

Besides, you heard the term, "Better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all." Even if you loved and lost, at least you had real emotions and you really cared. That's what makes you human. In the movie "The Firm (1993)" with Tom Cruise and Gene Hackman, near the end, Gene Hackman character, a corrupt lawyer, tells Tom Cruise's wife that he hasn't felt love or cared about anyone for a long time, and he misses the ability to care for others. You see, being a corrupt lawyer without ethics, he lost the ability to feel or care or empathize a long time ago, so it ate away at his soul. When you can care and love for someone, it makes you feel alive and human, and that's better than being repressed and sterile like Buddhists usually are, at least the ones I've met. Do you understand?

Not all Buddhists are soulless. Of course the Lama Garden Rinpoche is going to look happy. He is at a high level spiritually and the closest to enlightenment. But he is an exception. I was near Tibet and the Tibetan monks were more genuine and direct, not as repressed as the Buddhists in Taiwan and America. But then again, Taiwan and America are repressed sterile cultures, so Buddhism merely gives people an excuse to be what they already are -- repressed and sterile. However, most of the staff that I met at the Buddhist center in Arizona were in fact repressed. It's in their vibe. And Taiwanese Buddhists monks are definitely repressed for sure, since that's part of their culture as well as their religion. Go to Taiwan and see how Buddhist teachers and gurus are there -- they look very repressed, uptight and overly serious. Not like Lama Garden Rinpoche at all.

Buddhism does contain good coping techniques for dealing with stress and pain. For that it has great value. But it doesn't necessarily lead to lasting happiness or fulfillment, at least not for everyone. In fact, it is lacking in many ways. Here are the problems I see with Buddhism and why it doesn't lead to happiness or fulfillment:

1. The problem is that Buddhism doesn't give you any meaning in life, no purpose to live for, and no cause to fight for. A man needs a noble cause to fight for, an honorable reason to live, etc. Do you think the Knights of the Roundtable of King Arthur would be happy with Buddhism giving them no reason to live or cause to fight for? lol. Some people need a purpose to live for and fight for. Not just a way to end suffering or attain peace of mind. You gotta understand that. That's why Buddhism is not for everyone. No religion is for everyone.

In the original Star Trek episode "This Side of Paradise", Captain Kirk is against letting his whole crew go down to the green planet below to live out their lives in peace, happiness and contentment without want or desire, because, as Kirk says, "Man has no purpose to live if he doesn't strive to be better than what he is." Without the striving to improve yourself and your society, there is no growth and mankind's evolution is stinted, Kirk was saying.

Think about this for a moment. Suppose Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Genghis Khan and Hitler, were all Buddhists instead of conquerors. Would they have been more happy? Not necessarily. You see, some men need a purpose to fight for and are willing to die for their cause. They'd rather die doing something they believe in than live doing something they don't believe in. Such figures wanted to conquer Europe, that was their purpose that gave their lives meaning and glory. Glory was what they wanted, not peace. They were willing to die for this glory too. So, even though they all ended up dead, and suffered in their pursuits, still, at least they did what they believed in. Even if their glory caused them "suffering", at least they did what they believed in.

So you see, sometimes, doing what you believe in and enduring the suffering that comes with it, is better than not being able to do what you want at all, or to live the way you want. Not everyone can be a peaceful Buddhist monk, you see. For some, doing what they love that gives them purpose and glory, is MORE important than alleviating suffering or achieving peace of mind. Do you see what I mean?

2. Buddhism also does not explain where life came from or acknowledge our creator or creators, who probably lord over us today. Buddhism merely says that everything comes from "cause and effect" implying that Darwinian evolution may explain everything, but it doesn't. Evolution does not explain how the first cell was formed and replicated. All evolutionists admit that. Evolution is lacking and doesn't explain where we came from at all. That's an important topic I believe, but Buddhism considers it unknowable and therefore not worthy of attention.

3. Buddhism does not advocate standing up to evil or fighting against evil. Instead, it tells you to yield to your enemies and submit to them. It's too pacifist, so it's useful to the elite in pacifying the populace. So according to Buddhism, if evil cabals such as the Illuminati/NWO/Big Brother take over your government and destroy your Constitution and take away your freedoms and conduct conspiracies without accountability, resulting in vast corruption, you are to allow it all to happen. In other words, you are not to fight evil, but let it take over, because being a pacifist is the best way to nonviolence and your own safety. It allows evil to take over and dominate, because Buddhism doesn't believe in fighting evil, even if it's justified. If the American colonists were all Buddhists, for example, then the American Revolution would never have happened.

Also, let me ask you something. If Buddhism is a great spiritual religion, then why didn't the good karma of the Tibetan Buddhists protect them from the invading Chinese soldiers? Why didn't the good karma of Native Americans who were in harmony with nature, shield them from invading white armies and settlers? What good is a religion if it doesn't protect you? But instead, lets your enemies trample all over you?

4. Buddhism can help solve certain type of problems, of course, but not all. For example, it offers no solution for those who are lacking in love, romance, sex, or even friendship. It offers no remedy to loneliness. It does not fulfill one's sexual or romantic desires. Simply meditation or trying to reduce your desires, is not going to solve such basic needs. Denying them is not going to either. Lying and pretend that you don't need love, sex or romance, is only deceiving yourself and everyone else either, and will not fulfill your needs either.

In contrast, HappierAbroad does have a solution to this, which is to go to a better country and location that can better provide what you need, in terms of social life, dating, love, romance, sex, etc. Take me for example. My sexual and dating needs were met by getting out of America -- which offered no social or dating or sex life for me -- and going to the Philippines, where I got abundant dates and sex.

But if I had only turned to Buddhism in America, it would not have told me to go to the Philippines or even abroad. It would have told me to meditate to try to reduce my desires and detach from my cravings and emotions, so that I would not need other people for companionship or need women for romance or sex. That would NOT have solved my problems of course. You can't just turn off a major basic desire like the craving for sex or food. No way. To assume that you can is delusional and NOT TRUE. Yet Buddhism, as well as New Age and self-help pop psychology, tells you to STAY in your home country and change yourself, if you can't change your environment. Well that would NOT have fulfilled my sexual or romantic needs. But going abroad to the Philippines did. No comparison. See what I mean? This is just one example of why HA can solve a man's needs and desires, but Buddhism can't. Buddhist solutions do not usually involve changing LOCATION, but HA solutions do.

5. Likewise, Buddhism also doesn't help you if you are not happy with your location, culture and environment. If I felt lonely, alienated and disconnected in America or Taiwan for example -- because people in those countries are antisocial and don't talk to strangers or meet new people or make new friends, and because people in those countries no longer have any soul or emotions like they did in the past -- Buddhism would not be able to solve that. Buddhism would tell me to deal with my loneliness by meditating and being mindful of my emotions so that I learn to detach from them. However, that's not a realistic solution nor would it solve my problem, because humans are not meant to be hermits. Humans are meant to have companionship and social connection. So being lonely is NATURAL and NORMAL, not some bad affliction that has to be suppressed or detached from. That's the WRONG way of going about it!

Buddhism would NOT tell me that if I go to other countries, such as Russia and China, I can connect with people because people in those countries still have REAL souls and REAL emotions and act like REAL humans -- like Americans did in the 1960's and 1970's -- thus I will NOT be lonely and alienated in those countries. Buddhism would NOT tell me that if I go to Europe, I can meet people who are more genuine and down-to-earth and socially inclusive, thus I would have a better and more natural social life, and have a much easier time CONNECTING with others. Because the Buddhist solution does not usually involve changing LOCATION. Neither do New Age movements, pop psychology, or the self-help industry. But the HA solution does. So you see, what Buddhism lacks, HA makes up for and provides answers for.

Therefore, it is obvious that Buddhism is INCOMPLETE in many ways. It does not provide meaning or purpose in life. And it does not solve problems related to loneliness or lack of romance or sex. Yet HA does. I've experienced all this personally. So it's a FACT for me. Therefore, how can Buddhism lead to lasting happiness or fulfillment? Sure it helps in coping with stress and pain. But it doesn't solve problems or fulfill the needs described above. Neither does it give you the power to change your life or fight evil. Instead, all it does it pacify you.

Do you understand my position now? Sure Buddhism has real value and has helped many people. But so does Christianity and other major religions. These religions do help many people of course, otherwise they wouldn't exist. But they are incomplete for the reasons I listed above. What do you think? Do you see what I mean?
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Winston »

LOL. Apparently, Tamdrin12 is too happy living in a Buddhist temple in Thailand now, to respond to my points above. When I PMed him, he replied:
tamdrin12 wrote: I didn't read it but seems like you want me to convince you of something. FWI I'm living at a Buddhist temple in Thailand now and loving it. Life in the mountains gives you a clarity and peace which allows you to see what Buddhists call "samsara" very clearly. It's an experiential thing. Once you have the experience of the benefits of dharma practice you won't go back.

LOL. I guess there are other ways of being "Happier Abroad" besides seeking women and dates.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by starchild5 »

You are making a very very big mistake Tamdrin12. India is very ancient, we have lived through buddhism for 1000s of years and the life in India went rotten and was conquered by outside forces.

Oldest continuous civilisation unlike egyptians and mayans where we do not know where they went, but Indians still follow age old customs and WE ARE HERE...

For comparison, lets see how far America can take humanity as its already crumbling around us and you want peace and serenity in a religion which was propagated by dark forces to destroy India. Buddhism came first and then Indians became liers and cheats etc...NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Its common sense, if they were that low life, they would not have accepted buddhism, once they did, their life become sh*t


Buddhism kills your soul slowly but surely. Only Sanathan Dharma can save an American and rest of human race. That much I can guarantee my life on it.

Sanathan Dharma Endorses life in all its forms. There is no Guilt.

What Winston says matches with Sanathan Dharma as far as enjoyment is concerned. Its called KAMA.

Four stages of human life -Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha.

Dharma - Do the right thing

Artha - Acquire Material Wealth, Prosperity by doing the right thing.

Kama -Enjoy your life, have fun

Moksha - Final Liberation, Free your soul and move onto higher dimension.

If you fail in anyone of this - You won't get Liberation.

You need to do your duty as a human being like taking care of parents, kids, wife, be a good citizen, do your duty etc and then acquire wealth and then have FUN TOO....without completely enjoying this dimension, you won't be able to go higher up....BUT everything has to be done Properly.

Western Civilisation just wanna enjoy and not care about other things. That's the problem. YOU HAVE TO DO ALL.


You are not the first one. We have already seen the END RESULT Tamdrin12. We have tested, refined, rinsed and repeated 100s of times what you doing now 1000s of years ago and IT DID NOT WORK OUT. That is why Buddhism could not stick around in India where core of spirituality comes from in the world and Sanathan Dharma came back with force.

I know it sounds harsh but you will end up nowhere. sorry to say this.

Humans beings are designed to have desires and have fun.

Only Sanatan Dharma endorses HappierAbroad. :lol:

You have to live life fully having fun but make sure you do your duty as well. Buddhism kills many parts of human soul by not allowing the spirit to develop fully.

Buddhism was not a religion to develop human soul but to Kill India. Its demonic like Christianity and Islam and Present day hinduism.

You must do research and follow Sanatan Dharma which was the real spiritual religion of India for 1000s of years before this age of darkness began.


I can even tell you. If you don't have sex and be with a women, you won't get liberation. Gay, homosexuality is projected into this world by elites for a reason. You need a healthy dose of Testosterone in your body to attain liberation.

BUT. Don't be obsessed with sex, don't over do it, don't do drugs, don't cheat women, don't lie to women BUT you can go to angeles city, thailand, have fun and THEN....Once, its done...You need to prepare your body after the age of 60 for final liberation. Give everything you have to your kids, or charity and go to Forest and then Meditate for final liberation. When you are totally completely happy with your life, Do Vanaprastha aka Forest Life, Detach from world to attain final liberation.

When you have your desires ZERO. You will attain liberation for ever and not reincarnate again to fulfill those desires.


Be Practical. The peace and serenity is all good FOR A WHILE and then the DNA programing will kick in and you would want out and then you will be confused. You are fooling your own DNA by following Buddhism. All the good points that you talk about in buddhism came from Sanathan Dharma.

Good Luck anyways. I wish all the best. Hope you will take this in right spirit.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Eric »

Starchild those points are parallels to the teachings in the Bible. Sounds pretty close to me, do good, do the right thing, acquire material wealth and...have fun (Proverbs/Ecclesiastes, much of the Old testament & new), raise up and ascend.

yep. About right.

You talk about East and West coming together to merge and create the most balanced/powerful religion. Didn't that already happen in the MIDDLE EAST, the center of the world, node of the birthplace of humanity - Africa....the nile Delta and Mesopotamia.

I know you've suffered and been damaged by Churchianity. So have I. But holding spite against the REAL teachings and wisdom of the world, will shoot you in the foot. ...
Why spite yourself man, don't.

The Scripture does talk about Aliens also, it just isn't mainline. It's in various scriptures that didn't make it in the canon of the official Bible, but it's there. They are called Archons and Nephilim/ Watchers.
Genesis 6:4

"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
Genesis 6
Misery and happiness are only states of mind.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Winston »

That's an interesting take on Buddhism. But I'm not sure that Buddhism can be to blame for India's problems. Do Indian people actually think that?

Either way, you gotta understand that although Buddhism can't make everyone happy, it does make SOME people happy. This is true of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism too. Every major religion helps a significant number of people, otherwise it wouldn't exist. And Buddhism has a significant number of followers, not just in Asia, but in Western countries as well. So it must have value and must help some people and make some people happy. Maybe it can't make me happy, but perhaps it is part of Tamdrin's spiritual path and destiny. No one can know except him. So you gotta consider that.

I never said Buddhism can't make anyone happy. I said it can't make everyone happy. Perhaps it can make some happy or be a useful tool on one's spiritual path. So it is for some maybe, just not for everyone. As the great comedian George Carlin said: "Religion is like a pair of shoes. Find one that fits you, but don't make others wear your shoes."
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by starchild5 »

Eric wrote:Starchild those points are parallels to the teachings in the Bible. Sounds pretty close to me, do good, do the right thing, acquire material wealth and...have fun (Proverbs/Ecclesiastes, much of the Old testament & new), raise up and ascend.

yep. About right.

You talk about East and West coming together to merge and create the most balanced/powerful religion. Didn't that already happen in the MIDDLE EAST, the center of the world, node of the birthplace of humanity - Africa....the nile Delta and Mesopotamia.

I know you've suffered and been damaged by Churchianity. So have I. But holding spite against the REAL teachings and wisdom of the world, will shoot you in the foot. ...
Why spite yourself man, don't.

The Scripture does talk about Aliens also, it just isn't mainline. It's in various scriptures that didn't make it in the canon of the official Bible, but it's there. They are called Archons and Nephilim/ Watchers.
Genesis 6:4

"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
Genesis 6

After one stage you need much more than what we can get from religion, by reading texts, going to church and temple We need direct experience of God. We cannot fool ourselves for ever without experiencing god ourselves.

What's the point of all this, if one cannot see Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Shiva....IN THIS LIFE...only Sanatan Dharma can guarantee a meeting with Gods. I know this sounds balloony, What am'i smoking, did i forget to take meds talk :lol: BUT we have been programmed to believe that we need to forever pray to god but never actually get to see and talk to him.

The real religion of the world was Sanatan Dharma. The religion created by gods themselves for betterment of humanity, rest are offshoots of it. 99% of Indians do not follow sanatan Dharma and we can see the results.

Dharma based spirituality has REFINED the religion in such a way that, you can experience and talk to god. I know it sounds crazy but it really is this way.

Dharma is the kryptonite of Karma.

The dark forces only told the western audience about Karma, Karma is only negative...There is no such thing as Good Karma. When you do Good. Its called DHARMA.

The problem I have with other religion is its not refined enough for me now. There is no Guarantee. I cannot put my life on it. In christianity, islam, hinduism there is no assurance...ITS ONLY BASED ON YOUR FAITH. How much you believe in god deal.

I need more than that now. I need a practical religion that has tangible proofs and gives me results RIGHT NOW and IN THIS LIFE.

Sanatan Dharma is mother of all religion. Its fractal in nature that is why it syncs with christianity, islam and hinduism and any religion that can be ever created in past and present.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:Starchild,
That's an interesting take on Buddhism. But I'm not sure that Buddhism can be to blame for India's problems. Do Indian people actually think that?

Either way, you gotta understand that although Buddhism can't make everyone happy, it does make SOME people happy. This is true of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism too. Every major religion helps a significant number of people, otherwise it wouldn't exist. And Buddhism has a significant number of followers, not just in Asia, but in Western countries as well. So it must have value and must help some people and make some people happy. Maybe it can't make me happy, but perhaps it is part of Tamdrin's spiritual path and destiny. No one can know except him. So you gotta consider that.

I never said Buddhism can't make anyone happy. I said it can't make everyone happy. Perhaps it can make some happy or be a useful tool on one's spiritual path. So it is for some maybe, just not for everyone. As the great comedian George Carlin said: "Religion is like a pair of shoes. Find one that fits you, but don't make others wear your shoes."
When Dalai Lama gets awards after Awards from illuminati and he is promoted as some kinda messiah in the west, we know something is wrong.


This guy get so many awards in America. Its unbelievable.


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Awarded by


March 25, 2015 Doctor Honoris Causa Mongolian Academy of Sciences
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The Ulaanbaatar State University Mongolia
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German Speaker's Association, Munich
March 19, 2014 Doctor Honoris Causa Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla
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Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong India
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Tulane University, Tulane
May 10, 2013 President's Medal
University of Oregon, Eugene
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Maitripa College, Portland
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University of Maryland, College Park USA
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South Tyrol Autonomous Region, Bolzano
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Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamsala
October 19, 2012 Doctor Honoris Causa Western Connecticut State University, Danbury
October 19, 2012 Doctor Honoris Causa Hunter College, New York City
May 24, 2012
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City of Huy, Huy
May 22, 2012
Udine City Key City of Udine, Udine
May 20, 2012
Carinthia State Gold Medal
Carinthia State, Klagenfurt
May 18, 2012
Gold Medal of Klagenfurt
City of Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt
May 14, 2012
Templeton Prize
John Templeton Foundation, West Conshohocken U.S.A.
April 26, 2012
Honorary Degree
Loyola University, Chicago
December 2, 2011
Dayanand Modi Award for Art, Culture and Education 2011
Dayawati Modi Foundation, New Delhi
October 9, 2011
Mahatma Gandhi International Award for Reconciliation and Peace
The Gandhi Development Trust, Durban
South Africa
September 5, 2011
Doctor Honoris Causa
Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
August 18, 2011
Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Tartu, Tartu Estonia
July 13, 2011
Lifetime Achievement Award
Caring Institute, Washington
May 11, 2011 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Arkansas, Fayetteville U.S.A.
May 9, 2011 Doctor Honoris Causa Southern Methodist University, Dallas U.S.A.
May 8, 2011
Doctor Honoris Causa University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
May 4, 2011
Shine A Light Award Amnesty International USA, Los Angeles
November 23, 2010
Doctor Honoris Causa Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi
October 21, 2010
Harry T. Wilkes Leadership Award
Harry T. Wilks Foundation, Oxford
October 21, 2010
Doctor Honoris Causa Miami University, Oxford
October 20, 2010
International Freedom Award
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati
September 21, 2010
Menschen in Europa Award
Menschen in Europa, Passau Germany
September 18, 2010
Honorary Citizenship City of Budapest, Budapest Hungary
May 23, 2010
President's Medal
Hunter College, New York
May 18, 2010
Doctor Honoris Causa University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
March 18, 2010
Nirmala Deshpande Memorial Award for Peace and Global Harmony
Gandhi Ashram Reconstruction Trust
February 23, 2010
Baccalaureate Honoris Causa
Broward College, Davie
February 19, 2010
Democracy Service Medal
National Endowment for Democracy, Washington
October 6, 2009 The Lantos Human Rights Prize
Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice, Washington
September 30, 2009
Doctor Honoris Causa University of Calgary, Calgary
September 27, 2009 Prize for Love and Forgiveness Fetzer Institute, Vancouver U.S.A.
September 23, 2009 International Freedom Award National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis U.S.A.
August 3, 2009 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Marburg, Marburg Germany
July 29, 2009 Honorary Citizenship City of Warsaw, Warsaw Poland
June 7, 2009
Honorary Citizenship City of Paris, Paris France
February 10, 2009
German Media Prize Editors of Germany, Baden Baden Germany
February 10, 2009 Honorary Citizenship
City of Venice, Venice Italy
February 9, 2009 Honorary Citizenship City of Rome, Rome Italy
December 8, 2008 Doctor Honoris Causa Jagiellonian University, Krakow Poland
July 25, 2008
Global Leadership Award
Aspen Institute, Aspen
July 13, 2008 Doctor Honoris Causa Lehigh University, Bethlehem U.S.A.
April 14, 2008 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Washington, Seattle U.S.A.
Oct. 22, 2007 Presidential Distinguished Professor Emory University, Atlanta U.S.A.
October 17, 2007 U.S. Congressional Gold Medal U.S. Congress, Washington U.S.A.
October 8, 2007 Ahimsa Award Institute of Jainology, London U.K.
September 20, 2007 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Muenster, Muenster Germany
June 8, 2007 Doctor Honoris Causa Southern Cross University, Melbourne Australia
May 12, 2007 BILD Award BILD Magazine, Germany Germany
May 9, 2007 Doctor Honoris Causa Smith College, Northampton U.S.A.
December 10, 2006 Order of the White Lotus Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation Kalmykia
October 14, 2006 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Rome 3, Rome Italy
September 19, 2006 Doctor Honoris Causa University of Buffalo, New York U.S.A.
September 9, 2006 Honorary Citizenship Canada Canada
May 4, 2006
Doctor Honoris Causa University of Santiago, Santiago Chile
February 16, 2006 Ben Gurion Negev Award Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheva Israel
November 6, 2005 Inspiration & Compassion Award American Himalayan Foundation, San Francisco U.S.A.
September 25, 2005 Doctor Honoris Causa Rutgers University, New Jersy U.S.A.
August 12, 2005 Manhae Peace Prize Manhae Foundation South Korea
July 27, 2005 Hessian Peace Prize Parliament of Hesse, Wiesbaden Germany
October 7, 2004
Doctor Honoris Causa
Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City
October 5, 2004
The Gold Medal
National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City
September 27, 2004
Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Costa Rica, San Jose
Costa Rica
September 24, 2004
Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan
Puerto Rico
September 23, 2004
Doctor Honoris Causa
University of Miami
September 18, 2004
Doctor Honoris Causa
Nova Southeastern University, Miami
May 28, 2004
Humphreys Memorial Award for Services to Buddhism
Buddhist Society of U.K.
April 27, 2004
International Acharya Sushil Kumar Peace Award
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Award for Promotion of Human Rights
Foundation Jaime Brunet, Madrid
September 19, 2003
Human Right Award
International League for Human Rights, New York
September 5, 2003
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December 5, 2002
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Basavakendra, Sri Murugha Math, Chitradurga
November 7, 2002
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Mongolian University of Science & Technology
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UN Association of Australia
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University of Tromso
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University of Lusiada Porto
June 10, 2001
Ecce homo Order
Kancelaria Kapituly Orderu
October 16, 2000
Doctor Honoris Causa
Comenius University, Bratislava

He gets the most promotion in the west. He is a FALSE HOOK for people to get trapped in from western countries who seek spirituality.

Why would Illuminati promote buddhism in the west? is the question we need to ask

The happiness that you talk about in buddhism is only temporary just like christianity, islam and hinduism.

Buddhism can never permanently fix you just like hinduism, islam and christianity.

All measures are temporary.

Common Winston, You are underestimating the dark forces now. Of Course, they will give you some things to make you feel happy otherwise, no one will come into that religion BUT Ultimately, you will lose all.

Buddhism is NOT A PERMANENT FIX just like Hinduism. You will waste one whole life and have to incarnate again.

No religion guarantees permanent happiness. Eventually, all religions will blame you. :lol: :lol:

They all will say, you not doing it right, or you are a sinner or you sleep around, Don't blame gods but yourself line

Only Sanatan Dharma endorses you as a complete being as YOU ARE.


You are allowed to even curse gods in Sanatan Dharma. We get angry with god all the time...Don't we...WHY? because even after we pray, things don't change...This fact is ONLY acknowledged in Sanatan Dharma.

I ask everyone, which religion, god, man and beast has the balls to allow this? Sanatan Dharma is so vast, infinite, it knows, it can correct itself and rectify its mistake. You can talk to gods, become his friends, you can fight with gods, you can meditate on gods, you can get blessed by gods.

It encourages our growth as Winston, Eric, Starchild, Tandarin, ..It never wants to change you but show you the path to your greatness.

Its a very very practical religion. Its like your best friend you never had but you always desired you had one.

Don't go for temporary fix. Just jump in where the real action is.

Lets do this...

Lets ask every religion - Christianity, Islam, Buddha, Hinduism - the supporters in this forum can come for each religion.

Lets run a poll and see - Will any of this religion accept the life style of Winston and HappierAbroad ?


As a representative of Sanatan Dharma. I do. We are the only ones, who will never ever blame you for your sins but encourage you to find your greatness.

Sanathan Dharma Officially endorses, accepts the lifestyle of HappierAbroad members :lol: :lol:

Yes. Its ok to sleep with many women, go out for drinks, have fun. This is not satanic as christians will jump in now. There is a method to madness in Sanatan Dharma. As long as you do not disrespect women, Not try to FIX things around, pay them good, take care of family. You are good. Do your Dharma and then have fun.

Lets now see, how much balls Christianity have to accept members here who sleeps with many women and has massage in Thailand. :lol:

Lets now see, how much balls Islam have to accept members here who sleeps with many women and has massage in Thailand. :lol:

Lets now see, how much balls buddhism have to accept members here who sleeps with many women and has massage in Thailand. :lol:

Lets now see, how much balls Hinduism have to accept members here who sleeps with many women and has massage in Thailand. :lol:
Last edited by starchild5 on July 15th, 2016, 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by gnosis »

starchild5 wrote:Sanatan Dharma is so vast, infinite, it knows, it can correct itself and rectify its mistake. You can talk to gods, become his friends, you can fight with gods, you can meditate on gods, you can get blessed by gods.

It encourages our growth as Winston, Eric, Starchild, Tandarin, ..It never wants to change you but show you the path to your greatness.

Its a very very practical religion. Its like your best friend you never had but you always desired you had one.

Don't go for temporary fix. Just jump in where the real action is.
Can you recommend a good book or website for explaining the basic principles of Sanatan Dharma?
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by starchild5 »

gnosis wrote:
starchild5 wrote:Sanatan Dharma is so vast, infinite, it knows, it can correct itself and rectify its mistake. You can talk to gods, become his friends, you can fight with gods, you can meditate on gods, you can get blessed by gods.

It encourages our growth as Winston, Eric, Starchild, Tandarin, ..It never wants to change you but show you the path to your greatness.

Its a very very practical religion. Its like your best friend you never had but you always desired you had one.

Don't go for temporary fix. Just jump in where the real action is.
Can you recommend a good book or website for explaining the basic principles of Sanatan Dharma?
Yes. Here ... d-and.html

This guy has written over 50 articles on Sanatan Dharma. Just start reading it one by one everyday and you will understand the real core of spirituality which was buried by the illuminati and spread so called Hinduism which is nothing but Poison infiltrated by dark forces.

I would categorically say...It has nothing whatsoever to do with India and Indians...This knowledge is for entire humanity. Indians who are brain dead do not follow this.

This information is for smart practical people and for those who seek truth and those who gets the game on earth.

This guy below is also good.

He is pure American, white guy ...I'm stressing this here because, it has nothing to do with Indians....This guy gets it more than Indians on Dharma. I follow him as well. You see, I'm not biased. I watch, follow even white guys who gets it.... :) :) ....I'm saying this, because many people think Its about India and I'm promoting Indian stuff etc. This information has nothing to do with India whatsoever.

You can watch his videos...

He makes you understand Sanatan Dharma in more western vibe/thinking/modern way which i also like, he relates to present days issues more easily....Its much more easier for people to understand.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Winston »

So why would the western media promote buddhism and tibetan independence? What does it have to gain from it? Because buddhism pacifies people so they allow the NWO to take over without a fight?

Instead of giving awards to the Dalai Lama, why dont they help him by sending troops to fight in his cause? Otherwise awards are useless? And why dont they promote the independence of Hawaii too, since it was forcibly taken by the US government as well? Lol. Oh let me guess......

Is Sanatan Dharma a sect of branch of Hinduism? I heard that Hinduism is not uniform or dogmatic. It is a wide umbrella of practices and adherents are allowed to pick and choose the ones that suit them.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:So why would the western media promote buddhism and tibetan independence? What does it have to gain from it? Because buddhism pacifies people so they allow the NWO to take over without a fight?

Instead of giving awards to the Dalai Lama, why dont they help him by sending troops to fight in his cause? Otherwise awards are useless? And why dont they promote the independence of Hawaii too, since it was forcibly taken by the US government as well? Lol. Oh let me guess......

Is Sanatan Dharma a sect of branch of Hinduism? I heard that Hinduism is not uniform or dogmatic. It is a wide umbrella of practices and adherents are allowed to pick and choose the ones that suit them.
Yeah, buddhism acts like a gate keeper to real religion from India. People are kinda lured to false spiritualism of nothingness, where they are trapped and devolved into being non humans easy to control and kill.

The present day hinduism is just rothschild creation. 90% lies. They removed Sanatan Dharma from India slowly but surely in a 800 year period. but this has been already predicted as age of darkness descents on earth, people will loose hold of truth and get more lies in their life. Eventually, god will get his hold on earth. Its all his play.

Hinduism came from SD, like Buddhism....As our DNA became two strands Indian seers wrote down books because they knew it would not be possible for humanity to memorize everything, slowly the corruption took over human minds.

Yes. You can pick and choose which god you vibe with. There are 100s of gods to choose from, its like your best friend who would guide you. Gods in India are representative of all cosmic forces in the universe but they can take the form as well...microcosm and macrocosm both works in SD.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Adama »

Why do Buddhists seek Nirvana when they aren't supposed to be seeking after anything because they're supposed to remove all desire? Don't Buddhists desire nirvana? No suffering involved in the desire for nirvana?
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Winston »

Tamdrin12 is right about something though. When you get what you want, you usually just exchange one kind of suffering for another. So both married people and single people have their own kind of suffering. Having lots of money doesn't reduce psychological suffering either. This is classic Buddhist teaching.

However, that doesn't mean that all lives are equal, just because they contain different kinds of suffering. For example, a spoiled rich kid's suffering isn't comparable to that of a Filipino street beggar who has no food or shelter and is dying of hunger and malnutrition and in bad healthy with no medical care, and probably won't make it to adulthood. Anyone would rather have the spoiled rich kid's suffering over the homeless street beggar's suffering. There's no comparison. So even though both lives eventually result in death, they are not equal or the same, since the former is definitely preferable to the latter. So sometimes theory doesn't match reality.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Winston »

Adama wrote:Why do Buddhists seek Nirvana when they aren't supposed to be seeking after anything because they're supposed to remove all desire? Don't Buddhists desire nirvana? No suffering involved in the desire for nirvana?
LOL Adama, it's obvious that you haven't read any good Buddhist books. Because that question is usually addressed and mentioned in any good Buddhist book. Yeah, you are not supposed to have "desire" for nirvana either, otherwise it will block you from it. It's an oxymoron. Nirvana is supposed to be a blissful state free from desire. So you can't get in by having the "desire" to get in. lol. You are supposed to get in naturally without wanting to, they say. lol

But then again, what's the point of life without desire? Without desire, there's no joy or sorrow or any feeling at all. Without emotions, you are no longer truly alive or human. You become numb like a robot. It's another form of "Brave New World" albeit a spiritual version of it. lol

Adama, please read some books on Buddhism and other religions. Study some comparative religion. So your mind will be more broad and you won't see the world in terms of one religion only, or think that only one religion is true while all the others are false.
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Re: Does Buddhism make one repressed and less human?

Post by Winston »

My dad is a Buddhist too. Here are his comments on this thread.


"You make a lot of good points about Buddhism. Many people have the same arguments and doubt about Buddhism like you said. It is hard to argue that. But, let's go deeper to your argument. How many people were sacrificed to accomplish Alexander, Napoleon, and Hitler's glory? How many dead bodies they stepped on to achieve their glory? Did they make the world better, more civilized? On the other hand, Buddha did not kill or sacrifice anybody, but people are influenced by his teaching for many decades that people are more civilized, peace loving and self content because of his teaching. When his own country was invaded, Buddha just move away to other country. What would have happened if he stayed and fought for his country, what would happened to him and his country? Would India became a better country now? We all have our agenda, purposes and limitation. We choose what we could do at each moment and we accept the consequences. Whatever we do, we follow our good conscience and do not hurt others. That is the basic principle Buddha and Jesus taught.

The main teaching of Buddha is to let us realize the true nature of everything which is impermanent, constant changed and nothing last forever, pleasure or suffering are the same. Once we are aware of the truth, we can go ahead pursuing our desires. While we are having fun in romance, sex, love relationship ..., we anticipate what will happen eventually. So gradually we learn how much we want to invest our emotion in the pursuing, either by our own experiences, experiments or through meditation. You can examine your own experience in the pass. If continue pursuing romance, sex and love will bring you more happiness, then continue but be aware of the consequences. Are you happier today than said 3 years ago? Of course you have good time and bad experiences along the process. But, you still feel lonely and wonder where is your next stop that will bring you happiness. I believe, more or less, about fate and destiny. Our other half is somewhere we don't know. It will come when the time is right. Your fate will lead you to her. Be patient and calm and follow your instincts and flow. She will come naturally. Next time when we are in Taiwan agin, I will take you to the place that will give you your fate prediction and tell you when you will find your other half and settle Dow. The place is near that dark noodle soup. He uses the Purple Star theory.

Honestly, if you can't find a warm hearted, kind and loving person to settle, I would rather you remain single and have temporarily fun here or there. To have a nasty, needy, cold, selfish and manipulating girl in your life will definitely give you a miserable life.

It is true that your happier abroad forum offers people some alternative to have a better life. You earn some points over Buddha. I give you credit for that.

We have limited lifetime and energy. We have to make a good use of that to improve the quality of our life. Let others who have lot of energy to spare fight the evils and elite who have conspiracy over our world. Good luck to them.

Happiness is in the state of our mind. We can sit quietly in a private room and recall all the miserable unfortunate events we encountered in the pass and immediately we feel sad and unhappy. But, if we recall all the nice people we met, the fun we had and the beautiful places we had visited, we feel happy right away. So in that sense, it is our choice to decide what we want to live our life. Always look at the bright side is a better choice.

So, after we understand the true nature, the reality, of everything, we can still enjoy what we love, pursue our romance journey with open mind, not to attach too deeply, just live at the moment to enjoy our life. No repress needed."
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