What is Enlightenment? Q&As from Quora (very deep)

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What is Enlightenment? Q&As from Quora (very deep)

Post by Winston »

Interesting questions and answers about Enlightenment and its state of mind. Have any of you ever experienced this before? I did for a few days once. It was very blissful and transcendent.

https://www.quora.com/How-does-a-spirit ... ith-desire

How does a spiritually enlightened person deal with desire?

Yes. Desires are absent in an ‘enlightened’ state.

To be fully realized is to be entirely sated all the time. There is no longing - not even curiosity. So, no desire or suffering caused as a result. There is only benign compassion.

To covet, pursue and compete for things belong to the primate body and reptilian mind. To experience the connection of the ‘enlightened mind’ is to have made quiet those aspects of the brain which lie in the central and rear cortex.

So what does it feel like to be in this state?

Imagine that you are connected to a data cloud of all known information, aware that all about you is an illusion and thus there is nothing to fear; that there is no beginning, no end. Acknowledge that time is not linear, dimensions are many; all is fluid and that you are a manifestation of love

There comes an awareness that the body is a biological mechanism by which you can experience and process things viscerally, and that it is merely the vehicle, not the driver. The driver is the data cloud, of which you are but a minuscule fragment. The cloud has no needs other than to experience - and uses the body to do this. Hence you also have no ego, no vanity.

But you needn’t be enlightened to begin to have this awareness.

Begin by observation of yourself in stillness. It can be done by slowing your breath, or in meditation. Witness your thoughts and desires - as they appear - objectively, without engaging and chewing them over. Then let them drift away without acting on them.

Try the mantra I have put in the image - repeat it to yourself. Use it as a way of setting an intention for yourself and over time see if you can detach yourself from desire and tune in to your inner landscape where you will discover consciousness.


An enlightened person is always in the present moment. Generally then mind keeps wandering in past and future. The mind goes into past and goes nostalgia mode and goes in future and generates desires. When you are completely in present, there are no desires. For example, when you are in your favorite lecture, your mind is completely in present, without any desires of future. So when your are completely enlightened, i.e. in present moment all the time, you don't get any desires.


(I experienced the below before for a few days when i was 14)

I can only base this on my own experiences.

I do not claim to be a fully enlightened person - however I had a profound spiritual\kundalini awakening experience where I experienced a dramatic increase in spiritual energy. During this time my consciousness was severely altered to temporarily take on the enlightened state. Bliss, oneness all that jazz. It lasted for a few months and I then returned to something closer to my typical consciousness. So I will comment from what I experienced during that time.

What I found during this period was that thoughts - no longer had the same effect on me. Normally I lived my experience almost directly though my thoughts - a thought would arise - I then attached myself to it and then lived the experience through that thought. Emotions would automatically spring from the thoughts without really being filtered.

This might be something like noticing a pretty girl and the thoughts that followed - it might be noticing someone trying to beat me to the front of a line or cutting me off in traffic and the thoughts that arose from that. These would lead me immediately to certain feelings - desiring the girl, desiring to beat the person to the front of the line, getting angry that someone cut me off etc etc

During my spiritual awakening there was a great separation between my consciousness - and my inner voice \ thinking mind. It felt like previously there was no barrier - but now the thoughts and my consciousness were miles apart. The inner thoughts almost felt as though they did not belong to me. Like they were suggestions from other people I could simply ignore. They were quickly swallowed up in the blissful serene feeling I was experiencing. The thought might arise and I would actually find them kind of comical - like why would I care if that person beats me to the front of the line ? Or wow that guy must be in a hurry - I hope he makes it on time.

Normal selfish desires and emotions- lust, greed, the want to be first, the need to be right, the need to win ….. just no longer seemed to arise at all or feel like they were important in any way.

When you are experiencing heaven, joy and bliss in the present moment - thoughts and desires really don’t seem important :)


There would probably not be any desire left.
A fully enlightened person will be past the state of desire.
To desire is about the future.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh once said something along the lines: "The mind can remember the past, desire the future but not cannot see the present. The now is so subtle, so atomic, that by the time mind grasps it, it has already become the past."

So for someone who has transcended the state of mind, there is no desire left.
An enlightened person isn't identified with the body nor the physical world.
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Re: Q&A's about Enlightenment

Post by Winston »

https://www.quora.com/How-do-Buddhist-m ... al-desires

How do Buddhist monks quench their physical desires?

What you call "physical desires" is the word kāma, that can be translated as "sensuality" or "sensual desires".

They are called sensual because they relate to the senses, for example, one may desire to have a house with a beautiful and exclusive view, or to eat expensive dishes with a refined taste, to get an exciting job, or to have sex with an attractive partner and so on.

What you call "quenching" is the word nekkhamma, that can be translated as "renunciation".

A Buddhist monk takes vows to help him train for renunciation, but it doesn't mean that every monk is released from sensual desires. In reality, most monks probably do have such desires, as sensuality is very attractive, very comforting, so it's difficult to be completely free from it.

The Buddha himself offered some explanation on his personal path towards renunciation:

"I myself, before my Awakening, when I was still an unawakened bodhisatta, saw as it actually was with right discernment that sensuality is of much stress, much despair, & greater drawbacks, but as long as I had not attained a rapture & pleasure apart from sensuality, apart from unskillful mental qualities, or something more peaceful than that, I did not claim that I could not be tempted by sensuality. But when I saw as it actually was with right discernment that sensuality is of much stress, much despair, & greater drawbacks, and I had attained a rapture & pleasure apart from sensuality, apart from unskillful mental qualities, or something more peaceful than that, that was when I claimed that I could not be tempted by sensuality.
The Lesser Mass of Stress

As you can see there, complete renunciation is achieved via two steps:

1. realizing that sensuality is limited, stressful, ultimately unsatisfactory, an unquenchable thirst
2. achieving a rapture and pleasure more exquisite than the pleasures of sensuality

On a separate occasion he described this process in more detail:

"Just as in the last month of the Rains, in the autumn season when the crops are ripening, a cowherd would look after his cows: He would tap & poke & check & curb them with a stick on this side & that. Why is that? Because he foresees flogging or imprisonment or a fine or public censure arising from that [if he let his cows wander into the crops]. In the same way I foresaw in unskillful qualities drawbacks, degradation, & defilement, and I foresaw in skillful qualities rewards related to renunciation & promoting cleansing.

"And as I remained thus heedful, ardent, & resolute, thinking imbued with renunciation arose in me. I discerned that 'Thinking imbued with renunciation has arisen in me; and that leads neither to my own affliction, nor to the affliction of others, nor to the affliction of both. It fosters discernment, promotes lack of vexation, & leads to Unbinding. If I were to think & ponder in line with that even for a night... even for a day... even for a day & night, I do not envision any danger that would come from it, except that thinking & pondering a long time would tire the body. When the body is tired, the mind is disturbed; and a disturbed mind is far from concentration.' So I steadied my mind right within, settled, unified, & concentrated it. Why is that? So that my mind would not be disturbed.
Two Sorts of Thinking"

This non-disturbance of the mind was achieved through a meditation practice which provides pleasure born of seclusion, born of concentration, or, as quoted above, more peaceful than the pleasure of sensuality.

If one simply restrains and guards one's senses against the sensual pleasures, but has no pleasure to replace it, that produces a dry, hard, excessively restrained life. The idea is not to eliminate desire, but to have control over them instead of being controlled by them. Buddhist monks, the ones that actually manage to renounce sensuality, and not merely abstain from it, actively replace sensual pleasures with skillful mental qualities and, usually, pleasure born of meditation.
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Re: Q&A's about Spiritual Enlightenment

Post by Winston »

https://www.quora.com/Does-a-spirituall ... y-in-bliss

Does a spiritually enlightened person live permanently in bliss?

No, it’s actually far less interesting than that.

The tricky thing about the enlightened state is that it can’t actually be talked about in positive terms, because it is inherently transcendent of any concept or idea the mind can conjure up. It is prior to any thought or emotional state. What do you think it would be like to experience this world as an inseparable unity? We might have ideas like a state of interrupted peace or eqanimity with all of life, but these descriptions still miss the point because they still presume the presence of someone ‘having’ an experience, and thus a sense of separation. In the truly non-dual state, the sense of being a separate entity who ‘has’ experiences collapses completely into what can only be described as a seamless flow of experiencing. In this state, there nobody there to describe or take a position on what is happening because there is no difference between experiencer and experienced. Our natural state is a kind of causeless joy, but this isn’t something achieved by someone, but rather what is left in the absence of all sense of separation and personal selfhood.

All ‘enlightened people’ (the great oxymoron) know that the underlying state of reality is one of unbelievable bliss; this is the nature of the universe in its unmanifest state. This is a recognition that is as intuitive as the recognition of one’s own face in the mirror, but, alas, can’t be explained in language because language is dualistic. All embodied beings, however, do not experience a state of uninterrupted bliss, because the game that the Self is playing is the game of ‘How far away can I get away from my unmanifest bliss state?’ or ‘How lost can I get?’

For one of the best descriptions I’ve heard on the process of awakening, listen to the following talk by the great Shunyamurti (not for the faint-hearted):

You do not exist.
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Re: Q&A's about Spiritual Enlightenment

Post by Winston »

https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-reach-p ... ightenment

How can I reach personal spiritual enlightenment?

A person cannot reach enlightenment. Enlightenment is when the ever-present, eternal Consciousness, which is everything there is, recognizes that it had mistaken itself to be a person. This is waking up to one’s true nature, waking up within a dream.

After recognizing this, person-hood is seen merely as an empty shell, a temporary role that is played out in Consciousness, one’s true being.

It is, however, understandable to think that it is person that strives for and finally reaches enlightenment. After all, this is what we hear and read about – some individual, a person, strives for truth and then becomes an enlightened human. Yet, what we really experience is a “dream” of a single Consciousness, and “we” are countless individualized viewpoints that make up this dream. When a certain viewpoint has been “exhausted” or it has played out all of the worldly experience it had to, in that particular viewpoint Consciousness recognizes itself as Consciousness again. And longing for enlightenment is how the approaching awakening is manifested within this dream. Thus, this longing or striving is not the actual cause for awakening. It is rather a symptom.

Nevertheless, do what must be done, maintain and grow the intensity of striving for enlightenment, listen to fellow awakened beings and most importantly – be humble and lose the sense of self-importance.


First of all don’t try to reach a state. Don’t let your mind assume at any point that it has found it and now only needs to abide in it. Therefore, go on the path of negation. Find what is NOT yourself, rather than looking for yourself. This way you will avoid countless traps.

The fundamentals of what The Buddha taught are all you need really. Of course you can benefit from other teachings too, but don’t get scattered: the mind ALWAYS has a new question, a new query, and the search goes on forever in that way. Don’t get too caught up and what he said she said, stick to the fundamentals of the teaching of not self.

All is impermanent. Realize this deeply, then you will not invest in this world. If indeed it is happiness you seek, it DOES NOT come from this world. What does come from this world is pleasure, which turns to pain; then you pursue pleasure again and make such a mess on the way out of your confusion and ignorance regarding the nature of things, you end up with more pain.

As you ponder impermanence, and if you have lived a little, you will see nothing in this world is satisfactory because of its fleeting nature. Nor can you really cling to anything, because it’s always moving. Therefore the attempt to hold on to something (maintain) brings suffering: it is not doable. Therefore, you let things flow. This is where peace and beauty begin, at the end of attachment.

Look at what you take to be your self. Find out if the components that make ‘you’ up really do add up to a self: Thoughts are fleeting, emotions come and go, perceptions change, the body is rotting to death, and even consciousness is changing. Nothing stands still. What configuration of these do you freeze of constant movement and say ‘Now! THAT is ME!’ ? And so, all of these components are not self, not what you are, not yours.
This is a process of disidentification.

When you are practicing correctly, the payoff is felt. After all, enlightenment is about ending suffering.

It’s good to have a true teacher or someone you can contact when confusion sets in. There can be some serious traps/distractions on the way. Feel free to contact me if your guidance tells you to.

Lastly, there are a number of good teachings out there (and many incomplete ones). Some say the same thing in different ways, hence try to see beyond the words to what is actually be pointed at. Remember, the finger pointing to the moon is not the moon!

Best wishes!


First you have to know what it is.

An enlightened person has easy access to profound peace-of-mind, conventionally called happiness, the common human goal.

The Buddha Gautama gave us the psychology of happiness when he said,

“Nirvana is the extinction of dukkha.”

Which translates as,

“Happiness results when we abstain from conscious mental activity while staying alert and passively aware.”

If you wish to pursue happiness directly, independently of any external goals try meditation.

There are many ways for beginners to start meditation. The various systems are around to accommodate absolute beginners as well as those well along the path. Beginners must learn to be comfortable with introspection. Once you have done the basics [counted breaths, used a mantra or yantra, concentrated on a body part or tried a few koans etc] and so learned to turn your attention inwards and maintain a normal level of awareness while doing so, you can begin.

In meditation, we observe the workings of our mind in as detached a manner as we can muster, waiting patiently for thoughts to fade away of their own accord, neither encouraging them nor suppressing them while remaining alert and passively aware.

Don’t entertain ideas of a method or a goal.

There really isn’t anything to do.

Meditation is rest from mental work while remaining passively aware and alert.

If you want to see my attempt at explaining why meditation works, look up

“21st Century Zen” at Introduction.


In the enlightenment,

1. The mind is not disturbed.

Un-enlightened mind typically shakes itself, again and again, creating turbulence (vexations).

2. The mind is not caught by illusions.

Un-enlightened mind typically takes relative views as something absolute.

3. The mind is not losing the whole.

Un-enlightened mind typically amplifies some details (e.g. turning natural emotion into an excessive desire), and loses the harmony of the whole.

— Therefore, to be awakened, we practice the three highest trainings:

training in calmness, so that we do not shake up our mind;
training in wisdom, so that delusions do not hinder our seeing;
training in discipline, so that we do not lose the whole, being distracted by details.
There are many particular practices that we can use for the three highest trainings. For example,

in all the Buddhist schools the practice can be presented as the Noble Eightfold Path.

In Mahayana Buddhism, the path also can be described as the way of the Six paramitas.

In Zen Buddhism, we try to directly observe every moment, thusly absorbing the knowledge beyond words. And one day that knowledge becomes “a critical mass”, and our worldview shifts to a different foundation — of real phenomena rather than culturally conditioned knowledge.

PS. So how should we practice?

There are many various methods for various personalities. In Zen, practice can be like that:

We do special sitting meditation sessions (usually in the morning or in the evening, or both, and meditate more on weekends and other special occasions, such as Uposatha days) — to deepen our experience of tranquility.
We practice during all daily activities, whenever possible, keeping calm observation.
When vexations come, they would usually distract us, carrying away from the awareness. Thus the intention to keep the practice at all times shifts our attention from vexations to the calm openness of the heart. That's how we apply discipline and train in calmness.

Not distracted by vexations, we see clearly, on the non-verbal level, what goes on in our life, this moment, in terms of causes and results. For example, if we experience that fire burns, we would quickly remove any part of our body away from fire, often even before we feel actual pain from getting burnt. That’s an example of non-verbal knowledge: we don’t need ideas about fire, reasoning and so on: we just see causes and results. Thus by non-verbal contemplation of everything in our life we develop wisdom of clear seeing, not trying to rely on empty abstractions.

Finally, we practice care about others — to the degree of our current abilities.
Thus we dissolve oppositions and egoistic habits. That prepares us for the life of bodhisattva — the life of the awakened heart.

After awakening, we keep practising, to manifest that awakened seeing in every part of our life.

PPS. Question:

How do you train in Zen in all activities? And how to you evolve in meditation practice?

For Zen meditation, two most well-known ways are used nowadays.

One is to concentrate on a koan (gong an) or a wato (hua tou). Like “What is my face before my parents met?”

Whatever you do, you try to keep that questioning. It helps to keep your mind focused, observing what goes on, before you started to comment it. Otherwise we start to comment: naming, describing, comparing. Or we start to think of something else. In both cases, we’re losing the totality of our awareness of here-now.

That takes our mind out of our control. When the suffering comes, we can do not much, because our mind is distracted. Try to practise, and you will discover that by yourself.

When you are half here and half there, you feel helpless, enslaved. But when you concentrate your mind into one, then you can do much more, and feel more stable, like master of yourself.

Thus, the point of huatou practice is to

(1) keep the stable awareness of here-now.

(2) Directly seeing the reality before words came.

(3) Training our mind to concentrate into unity. That moves all things back to their natural self-control, rather than being helplessly distracted and torn apart into dualities.

(4) Support our strong wish to know the truth. That huatou (or koan) questioning — investigation — keeps our practice more and more concentrated. As they say, “You feel a Great Doubt and put all your being into solving it”.

After you gather “a critical mass of the Great Doubt”, it explodes, and the clarity of awakening reveals.


Another way to meditate in daily activities is to put all your attention on what you are doing.

For example, if you are an accountant, then it might be hard to keep concentration on huatou when you work, — so in such moments you just totally work.

Or if you are driving a car, or crossing a road, it’s dangerous to remain in huatou rather than watching what goes on.


The second most popular Zen meditation method is Silent Illumination (mozhao) or its variation “just sitting” (shikantaza).

This method have the same effects as I mentioned before, except that it doesn’t concentrate on the questioning, and doesn’t generate large “feeling of doubt”.

Instead, it’s more directly focused on the totality of the perception of here-and-now.

(Though some investigative attitude as our motivation can be present there, too).


I myself have developed and practiced a method in between of huatou and silent illumination. Probably it’s more like ancient Chan. It doesn’t require to concentrate “inside”, on the question. Rather, you open your attention like in mozhao, not dividing this moment to “inner” and “outer”. But at the same time you look at all the universe with that investigative attitude, demanding it to reveal the truth, wishing to see the reality, to solve the problem of your life. Instead of very great doubt, you gather kind of silent understanding, that heaps and one day turns your worldview upside down.

I call that method “The Path of Awareness” (zhidao).


Maybe we can say that all those methods lead to some kind of Great Letting Go, where our mind remains clear and non-attached. See:

http://www.chancenter.org/chanctr/ddp/c ... -1982.html


In reality, there is no such thing as enlightenment, but because human language is dualistic in nature, that word exists, and is used to describe the powerful transformation a human being is capable of going through.

Many sages would agree that, that transformation known as “enlightenment” is the end of the personal self, dropping the story of an “I” and realize, see and feel Oneness in multiplicity: the simple recognition of our True Nature.

At the beginning we are under the impression that there is a journey to enlightenment and that there is a seeker behind it, and that’s perfectly OK, so if this is where you are, then start by dropping your personal sense of self and take it from there.

Kind regards,

Thomas & Ruth

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Re: Q&A's about Spiritual Enlightenment

Post by Winston »

https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-reach-p ... ightenment

“You” don't reach it.

I understand what you're saying but personally I think that the phrasing of the question is the root of the problem. Letting go of your individuality and understanding the interrelatedness of all things, how you are not separate from the world but an integral part of it, how you only exist as the collective and not as an individual is the first step towards enlightenment. Part of this letting go is trusting that the collective will make “You” enlightened if it is meant to be. The knowledge will come to your hands, “You” don t have to seek it.

Understanding how everything is always perfect and flowing with it might be a good summary of enlightenment.


WithOUT personal spiritual enlightenment, your status is body, mind and spirit, in that order. Your body is in control of all sensory given to your mind, and everything from the OUTside world molds and shapes you. I highly recommend you “treat” the body with care you never have before, upgrade eating and drinking to a more natural state by adding fruits, and especially green vegetables. I never stopped eating meats, I just upgraded to what made my body FEEL better, and for me that is grilled chicken. Many use fasting as a diet plan to get the body cleaner, less toxic. And don’t forget to add a little exercise. I also choose to chemically de-toxic using iodine, castor oil, potassium, magnesium, melatonin, amino complex, turmeric, B-complex vitamins, quality essential oils like frankincense, peppermint, lavender and orange— adding selenium and probiotics. Stop, Stop, Stop…. What works above MAY work for you too, but I highly recommend getting the foods right first. Narrow your foods and drink to minimal items you KNOW make you FEEL good. Then change or add one item at a time. Anything you change, PAY ATTENTION to how it makes you feel, that one item. You also have the greatest gifts in the world with Google, Youtube, Wikipedia and Quora “to learn” how each item can affect other items. But all the time pay attention to what works for you! You will often go for “cravings,” it's OK, how do they make you FEEL, before, during and after? The whole process above will alter your DNA, mitochondrial and such. I will mention this too, if you are making changes to you, you have already changed your THINKING process, to know, everything OUTside you can no longer affect you the way it used too. You now have control of you, self control. It is all the things INside that matter most, you are becoming more IN-control, self aware, INtuitive, INsightful, BUT you are still not there, that turning point that FEELS “I did it.” It’s all about the FEELING (Do you rush to see a doctor when you feel good, NO!) Health is the wealth all need and want. But you are still not there yet, add meditation. You now have the self discipline to control your thoughts and thinking process. Sit, stand, crawl, be in nature, bare skin to earth and relax. Close your eyes and KNOW you are Blessed. Dwell on this fact as long and often as you can, “I am blessed.” Then try to hold any good thoughts, improve them to be better thoughts about anyone and everyone, often. Now, if the FEELING has NOT already swept over you, try this- Sit, stand, crawl, be in nature, bare skin to earth and relax. Eyes closed, count backwards from 140, 139, 138, 137, 136….135…..134…………133………..132, let the “blank thought space” between the numbers get larger, longer. 131……………….130…………………………..129……………………………….and so on. Any weird change that can take place will be your nervous system resting, changing to a more peaceful state, your ego (that mindset the world built) leaves you. Now it is your turn to build you, from the INside. Your status is now Mind, body and Spirit in that order. You are now awakened to knowledge and wisdom and an understanding most will never know. You can now “see” what all the Bibles of the world want for each of us individually. No longer the blind person you used to be, it is heaven on earth. Welcome to your new life! Reborn as the bibles would state, or renewing of your mind. Now you are like a child again in learning. You want to know everything, yet will settle for the INNER PEACE that has taken hold of you, permanently. Only Blessings ahead, EVERY “THOUGHT” DOES MATTER………What do you THINK?


Without a doubt Kabbalah is the ultimatum method, decisive and much more appropriate to our time. (in Kabbalah do not use this term ‘enlightenment’, but spirituality)

While all other methods require calm, tranquility and a light way of life, Kabbalah deals with the ego developed to the fullest! In this singular method one does not try to avoid the ego, but uses the ego to attain spirituality.

In all of these other methods, attaining the goal is the result of a completely individual effort (each one by himself), in Kabbalah this effort is collective, you do not attain spirituality individually but in group (impossible to imagine anything less selfish than this!).

And furthermore if the practitioner does not have a sufficiently great desire, that is, desire sufficiently developed to attain spirituality, he will inevitably stay in half-way with empty-handed... as Kabbalah is the only method that offers a device to increase the desire of the studant!

The fact is that due to the increasing and incessant world crises that takes away the peace of everyone gradually fewer people will have the necessary tranquility to meditate or to realize what the other methods propose. In the case of Kabbalah, this is the ideal room. A Great Kabbalist of the XX century (Baal HaSulam - Yehuda Ashlag - Wikipedia) said: “The greatest despair of one person is his happiest moment, because at that moment his prayers are TRUE!”

Why Is It So Hard To Perceive Spirituality? | Laitman.com
http://laitman.com/2011/04/why-is-it-so ... rituality/

Kabbalah - Kabbalah Education & Research Institute
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Re: Q&A's about Spiritual Enlightenment

Post by Winston »

Great explanation!

http://laitman.com/2011/04/why-is-it-so ... rituality/

Why Is It So Hard To Perceive Spirituality?

The answer is simple: It’s because spirituality is opposite to us, to our essence, to our egoistic nature. Egoism rules over us; we wish to fill it. Hence, out of everything that surrounds us, we only see what we want to see in our egoism: something pleasant or, at most, threatening.

This is why a person who wants to reveal the upper world, to discover what surrounds him but remains undetected in his egoistic perception, needs to reconstruct himself. For this reason the environment is so critical for a person: It helps to rebuild one’s perception, to attune oneself to the importance of perceiving what is unpleasant to egoism, opposite to it. Then one will be able to witness a wide world that has always surrounded him or her. It is called the spiritual world because it is above the egoistic one.

It seems to us that our views are the result of our experience, but they are the upshot of the accumulation of information convenient for our egoism. And it makes no difference what they say, the truth or a lie: For us the truth is what coincides with our opinion—egoism.

We always look only for what supports our opinion and reject what opposes it. Ultimately, we form ourselves and do not wish to change. Only suffering, the attempts to find the meaning of existence, and a strong spiritual environment, the group, will help a person to become objective, to replace the egoistic perception with the environment’s opinion. And then the upper world that has always existed around him will open for him! 
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Re: Q&A's about Spiritual Enlightenment

Post by Winston »

https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-reach-p ... ightenment

If you have genuine and intense desire for this, step one is to read about the different wisdom traditions and religions dealing with this endeavor. Read about the people who have been said to have done this, and the methods they used, the journey each had, and the fruit of their effort.

Look into the life of the dalai lama, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and others you come across. Saints of different traditions cam also be studied.

One good site to explore is the Internet Sacred Text Archives. It has the writings of many traditions and religions.

This is a lifetime scale pursuit, and requires that level of focus and pursuit. I'd say it's best to live life, see what it has to offer you, and do the homework mentioned above. It takes a mature personality to deal with the consequences of having become enlightened.


What you are already is enlightenment.

The problem is enlightenment is covered up with assumptions, conceptualizations and beliefs like birth, objects, time, creation, etc. that arise from the optical delusion of a biological consciousness.

Keep being curious. that's the key to the gateless gate.



You can do nothing to Awaken (i.e. for spiritual enlightenment).

The personal me that is in this world (i.e. the ego) is saying it wants to Awaken – which means seeing through the mirage of ego and no longer being fooled by the ego. How would that work? It should be very obvious that there is nothing the ego can do to overcome the ego. Anything the ego does only reinforces the ego and strengthens the reality of the mirage.

Instead be still…keep quiet. Cease doing anything. (This is often called meditation.)

Kind of like when you want to fall asleep at night. There is nothing you can do to cause yourself to fall asleep. Any attempts to try to fall asleep seem to keep us from falling asleep. The mere wanting to fall asleep seems to keep us from falling asleep. But there are things we can do to make sleep more likely. We can turn off the lights. We can go to a quiet room. We can relax our bodies. We can make the environment conducive to falling asleep.

Likewise, being still…keeping quiet…ceasing to do anything is just something that might make falling Awake easier to occur. If we are silent and still, Awakening may descend upon you. Not by your choice, not by you wanting it, but by simply letting it happen.
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Re: Answers about Enlightenment from spiritual practitioners

Post by Winston »

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Re: Q&As about what Enlightenment is, from Quora (very deep)

Post by MrPeabody »

I have had a meditation practice since the 1990s. I had a deep experience where all thoughts dropped away and I was in the present moment. I was in a complete state of awe and bliss and I realized that the present moment is what some call God. I use to believe in materialism, only matter exists, or physicalism, only matter and energy exist. The experience changed my perspective and I now believe that consciousness is more primary than material.
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Re: Q&As about what Enlightenment is, from Quora (very deep)

Post by Winston »

MrPeabody wrote:
June 28th, 2020, 8:06 pm
I have had a meditation practice since the 1990s. I had a deep experience where all thoughts dropped away and I was in the present moment. I was in a complete state of awe and bliss and I realized that the present moment is what some call God. I use to believe in materialism, only matter exists, or physicalism, only matter and energy exist. The experience changed my perspective and I now believe that consciousness is more primary than material.
Yes that's a good observation. Consciousness is truly a mystery that cannot be explained. Nothing in science can explain why it exists. No mechanism in Evolution can explain it either. It doesn't have any Evolutionary function or role. There are theories that consciousness creates the material universe, or that we are all fragments of God dreaming and experiencing itself, and that's why we are conscious. Both New Age and Hinduism contain such theories. No theory explains everything though. Like why would God want to experience senseless suffering and pain that is excessive and unnecessary, for example. That makes no sense.

I think in the book "The Power of Now" Eckhart Tolle also called the present moment God too. You might like that book if you haven't read it already.
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Re: What is Enlightenment? Q&As from Quora (very deep)

Post by Winston »

Interesting talks about Enlightenment from a famous Indian guru, yogi, mystic called Sadhguru.

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Re: What is Enlightenment? Q&As from Quora (very deep)

Post by Winston »

Buddhist Sifu in Taiwan explains Enlightenment. In Chinese with English subs.

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Re: What is Enlightenment? Q&As from Quora (very deep)

Post by Winston »

The great Alan Watts on the path to enlightenment.

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