Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

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Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Winston »

Warning: This may be highly blasphemous if you are religious! Read at your own peril! May also cause you to doubt or lose your faith too!

Some of my deep thoughts, rants, and questions below about why the Christian gospel makes no sense, is 100 percent unjust and nonsensical, seems to be a black magic ritual as well, and is also a man made abusive fear based control system too. I sent these rants to my friends on WhatsApp, so I thought I'd create a post about it too.

1. First, I heard that Christianity is a black magic ritual because it's based on human sacrifice (Jesus on the cross) as a central theme. Jeffrey Daugherty (aka The Christian Whistleblower) and Gosia (Pleidian Contactee) did some podcasts about that before. Is that true? It seems to be true if u think about it. Because thats basic occult science. Only black magic emanates from a human sacrifice ritual like Jesus on the cross right?

If you think about it, sacrificing your son on a cross is a form of black magic ritual. Decent religions like Buddhism or Hinduism do not contain human sacrifice. So in a sense the New Testament concept of God's son crucified on the cross is dark magic isn't it? Not good spirituality. That's the big bombshell Christians don't realize.

If so that would explain why Christians seem to be under a spell, perhaps a black magic spell, so they are not just brainwashed. That's why they've lost their sense of reason and reality and feel the need to convert everyone and "win souls for Christ" as they say. Right? Buddhists and Hindus dont need to convert people. So why do Christiana do? Perhaps they are under a spell, enticed by the gospel which is like a trojan horse. It suckers you in with promises of salvation and eternal life but instead makes u possessed and lose your own mind. That's why Christians aren't just brainwashed, they seem possessed too, and do not own their own mind, as any clear thinking unbrainwashed person can see.

The more you think about it the more it makes sense right? Human sacrifice is not a good thing. White magic forbids it. Its not genuine spirituality. Thats why Christianity is revolting to many people as well as enticing. It's sad that Christians dont realize it. You either love it or hate it. Its full of extremes, and as a rule of thumb, the truth does not side with extremes.

Its a bold statement to associate Christianity with black magic but some have already like Jeffrey Daugherty (Christian Whistleblower), John Lamb Lash (Gnostic Author), and Gosia (Pleidian Contactee Lady). What do you guys think? Makes sense when you think about it huh? How did we not realize this earlier? It seems obvious when you think about it, as if hidden in plain sight. Right?

Btw there are verses in the Bible that condone the occult, witchcraft, and astrology too. Former Christian Edward Babinski, author of "Leaving the Fold: Testimonies of Former Fundamentalists" and whom I correspond with, has a blog post about it: https://edwardtbabinski.us/scrivenings/ ... craft.html

2. Isn't it ironic that if a father on Earth sacrificed his son in an occult ritual, everyone would call him an "evil sick bastard". But when God does it in the Bible with his son Jesus, he is seen as wise, just and merciful? Makes no sense when you think about it huh?

Why is God always given a free pass? No matter how many times he violates his own 10 commandments, its ok, because hes God and can do anything and is always right. He can murder millions and commit adultery by impregnating a married woman like Mary, and its ok, hes still perfect. Shouldnt he throw himself in hell by his own standards? Why does he demand the standard of perfection to get into heaven when he himself is far from perfect, as evidenced in the Bible? Makes no sense at all.

Christians let me ask you this: What if God came and killed your children and raped your wife too for fun and laughed about it? Would he still be perfect since hes God and everything he does is perfect even when its bad? Lol. If so why don't Christians move to North Korea where authority is always right and cant be questioned and is infallible? Why do they claim to believe in democracy if they believe in a cosmic dictatorship that cant be questioned or disagreed with? Again, makes no sense at all and is completely illogical. So how can anyone believe this? Perhaps because Christianity is a black magic ritual that puts you under a spell if u embrace it? Christians do seem possessed by something. That's why they feel they need to convert others and "save their souls" so to speak. Think about it.

3. Also, if you think about it, it makes more sense to worship Mother Nature and the Sun and the Moon, like Pagans and Wiccans do, because u can see and feel those things. The Sun gives you life and energy, we couldn't live without it. So it makes sense to worship it or revere it. In contrast, you can't see or feel the God of the Bible, and he's based on a collection of books written by anonymous dubious men and are also full of contradictions, absurdities, and injustices. So that's not credible at all.

So Christians seem to have everything backwards. Worshipping nature makes more sense than a dubious book written by anonymous men. Therefore, Paganism and Wicca are actually more natural than Christianity. Christians think white magic and all magic is black magic when in fact their own religion is black magic. It's ironic don't you think? Lol

4. If you think about it with a clear head for a moment, isn't it the most absurd idea in the world that God has punished this world for the last 6,000 years (according to many Christians, e.g. Kent Hovind) with pain, suffering, and death, all because two dumb naive people ate a fruit off a forbidden tree? That has got to be the most ABSURD idea every invented! It makes ZERO sense! How is that just? It's 1 million percent UNJUST of course! Why would a just God do something completely UNJUST and insane like that???!!! It makes no friggin sense! You gotta wonder how anyone can take it seriously. Especially mature adults. Totally inexplicable isnt it? How could we former Christians have fallen for it ourselves before?

Ask yourself this: If a parent punished a child with pain and suffering for life just because he made a trivial mistake like eating a cookie from the wrong jar, everyone would claim that that parent was totally wacko and evil. No parents would do that, not even bad parents. So why would a just God do that with Adam and Eve? It makes no sense. Think about it. How is that just? Why does God get a free pass on everything when no one would accept anyone acting like that in real life?! Again totally nonsensical.

It seems way out of proportion to punish an entire world with pain, suffering, and death, for 6000 years just because of a trivial thing like eating an apple or fruit off a forbidden tree. Totally out of proportion. The punishment does not fit the crime at all. Even a court of law does not punish an innocent person for life for a little misdemeanor, especially if the person was dumb and naive and did not have malicious intent. So why would a just God do that? Its 100 percent nonsensical and illogical. So how can anyone believe it???!!! Totally inexplicable and baffling!

Have any of you thought about these things too? How do Christians justify or explain any of this? Surely they don't really believe it and are just pretending right?! No one naturally believes that the Bible is the word of God or that they are a sinner or that jesus is the only way to God. You have to be brainwashed into believing such things. So Christianity is not natural at all. Yet Christians never realize this.

5. I've also never understood why I should feel guilty and ashamed for the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden. I had nothing to do with it. So why should I feel guilty about it as if I'm at fault? That makes no sense at all. I'm sure most Christians have wondered the same thing but don't dare voice it.

In 1987 I asked a Christian friend named Brian Johnson about this and his reply was "Well have you ever done something you knew was wrong?" I replied, "Very rarely, maybe once or twice". Then he said "If you have done so even once, then you are just as guilty as Adam and Eve are and no better." WTF???!!! How can a just and all good God be LESS compassionate and LESS reasonable than most humans are, by demanding perfection, which is impossible? That's crazy and you all know it!

I've also heard Christians in my church youth group say these extreme crazy things:

- "Even if God provided no salvation for us and just sent us all to hell, he would still be a just God."

- "If I lived a perfect life and then one day I got angry and cussed someone out, I'd deserve to go to hell. Because God's standard of entry into heaven is perfection. He is just and perfect and cannot accept us into heaven if we are not just and perfect too."

WTF?! Isn't that CRAZY and WHACKED?! Those are ludicrous statements that are completely unfair and illogical of course. But Christians say them with righteous fervor. Thats insane. They gotta be totally brainwashed and their minds totally hijacked to actually believe that.

6. I've never understood why if I'm born imperfect and it's impossible to be perfect, then God will punish me for not being perfect?! That's like punishing zebras for being born with stripes! It makes no friggin sense and is completely unjust and insane! Again why would a 100 percent just God do something 100 percent unjust?! That's totally batshit insane! So how can anyone believe that???!!! It seems to be a form of cruel guilt tripping without basis. But why should we believe it anyway? Just because a bunch of anonymous men wrote it in a book and the church said so? Lol. Really??? Lol.

So basically, even if you're a good person like Mother Therese or Gandhi, youre still a "wicked filthy sinner" because the Bible says so in the book of Romans: "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." and "There is none righteous, no not one." So such Bible verses make a good person wicked no matter how good he or she really is? Thats crazy and totally unfair too!

7. My friend Alex told me I should blame my problems on Satan and not God. But why? If God is in control and in charge, as Christians claim, then shouldn't we have a perfect right to blame him for our problems and the problems of the world? Why are we only allowed to praise God for good things but not blame him for the bad things? Isn't that a double standard? Makes no sense.

Everyone knows that if an organization has flaws it is justifiable to blame its leader or leaders. If you don't like something in Microsoft, you have a right to blame Bill Gates, for example. And if u don't like something in a Stephen King book, you have the right to blame Stephen King. So why is God exempt from this basic rule? That's not consistent at all. I know it accomplishes nothing to blame God, but technically if he's in charge then we have a perfect right to do so right? I've heard Christian preachers even say that "if God didn't have absolute control over every atom and molecule in the universe, he wouldn't be God."

But consider this: If a CEO or leader of a company refused to fix the problems of the company and blamed everyone else and said:

"I am perfect. I don't need to do anything to fix the problems of this company. All the problems of the company are other people's fault. The employees of the company have free will and made bad choices. So it's their fault. I don't need to do anything. I'm perfect."

NO ONE would accept that. A CEO like that would be hated by everyone and seen as a lazy scumbag. Everyone would demand he be fired. The shareholders would get rid of him. We all know this. So why then is the God of the Bible allowed to get away with saying that???!!! Makes no sense at all. Totally illogical and crazy if you think about it. All of this is basic logic and common sense, hidden in plain sight. So why doesn't anyone point it out?

I'm sure deep down Christians know all this too and sense it. But they are afraid to question their beliefs of course because it's blasphemy and they live in fear and don't wanna go to hell. So they dare not think these things or speak of it openly. Very sad. It's mind control and brainwashing, and a cult for sure, since it fits all the features of a cult. Just because a cult grows to a global scale and becomes established doesn't mean it's no longer a cult, it's still a cult at its core essence.

8. I've also never understood why Christians think the Bible is God's word when it was written by anonymous men and has no credibility or logic. They merely assume its a given, like 2+2=4 and doesnt need to be proven or examined. The only reason they give is that:

1) It simply is God's word. Its self evident. Like gravity. The truth is the truth because its the truth. Totally circular.
2) The church and other Christians say so. So it must be true.
3) Two verses in the Bible say scripture is given by inspiration of God (not dictation). So God wrote every word of the Bible.
4) The Bible contains fulfilled prophecies, which isn't true if u analyze it. And in fact it contains many failed prophecies too.

But two verses dont make the Bible God's word of course. Plus there are three verses in the Bible where Paul says his words are his opinion only and not God's opinion. So 3 vs 2 is not in the Christians favor. Lol

Anyway theres no valid reason why a collection of 66 books written by mostly anonymous men should be considered the word of God. It doesn't even say that God wrote every word in the Bible. So this basic Christian belief is without basis. If u think about it its also foolish and nonsensical to think a series of books by dubious anonymous men is the word of God. Makes no sense at all. Its not something anyone naturally believes. You have to be brainwashed to believe it.

If God had a word he'd write it himself and give it to you personally. If he did that I may consider it. If God is all powerful and smart enough to design the human brain and anatomy, which is more complex than any supercomputer, then why couldn't he write his word himself or have his secretary in heaven do it? Why would he use some primitive dubious men to do it and keep them anonymous? Men who dont have even the honesty to reveal their own identity? Makes no sense at all and sounds super shady when u think about it with an honest mindset.

So why believe it? Again, nothing in Christianity makes any sense at all. The nonsensical things in it are countless. So why does anyone believe it? No great genius in history does. They all see through it and are immune to brainwashing.

9. You know whats funny? Evangelical Christians, who call themselves "Bible believing Christians" assume they are the original Christians 2,000 years ago. But their religion is actually made in America and at most 150 years old only. Evangelical Christianity was a fringe movement in the 1800s. It didn't become mainstream until 1910 when Reverend and baseball player Billy Sunday popularized it, followed by Billy Graham of course, who turned it mainstream.

For the last 2,000 years Christianity was either Roman Catholicism or Protestantism. But the Protestant religion started by Martin Luther in the 1500s was not Evangelical Christianity, as Americans assume. It was a form of Catholicism without papal authority or popes. Luther was trying to reform Catholicism. Not start a new religion. The Protestant religion was more like the Episcopal church or Anglican church of England, which is a hybrid of catholicism and reformed Christianity.

They believed in purgatory and that you had to live a good moral life to get into heaven, because weighs your good works vs your bad works in the afterlife. That's why the Pilgrims and Puritans of the 1600s were trying to live a strict puritanical life. If they believed they could be saved in 5 min and never lose their salvation and held a guaranteed ticket into heaven, just by asking Jesus to come into their heart, as Evangelical Billy Graham style Christianity dictates, they would not need to do that. Think about it.

This is the funny irony that Christians and Americans today don't realize, that their version of Christianity was made in the USA and is only 150 years old. Of course Evangelical Christianity didnt form overnight. It evolved gradually in a series of steps, as anything else does in history.

Before the Catholic church waa created, Christianity was a potpourri of different sects and cults. Including Gnosticism. The original Christians were not like the Evangelical Christians of 20th century America. No way. That's a modern American version thats made in the USA. But Americans falsely assume its 2,000 years old. Thats the funny thing. Isnt it?

Did any of you know about this before? Historians and scholars of church history know this but its a taboo thing to tell Christians.

10. Btw wanna hear another bombshell? Not one verse in the Bible says anything about free will, even though Christians see free will as a central doctrine of salvation and God's law. No Bible concordance or dictionary in the world has any reference or index for free will. Not one. Zero. Its a totally man made concept.

In fact there are many Bible verses saying the opposite, such as verses that say God predestines people to be saved, and hardens people's hearts and causes them do evil things, etc. So it seems God makes people do things and selects people to be his children, according to some Bible verses.

The Bible says different things of course. Some verses say God loves everyone but others say god only loves a select few. Its a collection of 66 books written by men so naturally its going to say many different things of course.


As you can see, nothing in the Christian Gospel makes any sense. Not only that, but it contains many things that are completely UNJUST too, leaving you to wonder how a "just God" can be so extremely unjust off the chart? It's beyond mind boggling. And makes you wonder how mature adults can take it seriously. Any wise person knows that any system of control based on fear and threats (of damnation) is man made and comes from a weak insecure ego. Not something an all powerful, all wise Creator would need to do. After all, you can't control people with truth, only with lies.

However, at the end of the day, no one chooses their religion based on logic or reason. They pick the religion or belief system that RESONATES with them best. (And that includes Atheists too, they believe what they do not because of logic, but because the Atheistic personal philosophy resonates with them) There's nothing wrong with that. It's natural and we all do that ultimately, including myself. The problem comes when one religion claims to be "the only way" or "the true way" and declares all other religions false and even Satanic or Luciferian. That's where it crosses the line into arrogance, delusion, and narrow-mindedness. Just because there are Bible verses to support that doesn't mean anything. The Bible is man-made clearly and can be used to support almost anything, depending on which verses you cherry pick. Devout Christians don't get that, because they've been tricked into thinking the Bible is one book with one unified message.

Now I'm not saying Christianity is all bad or wrong. Of course the Bible contains some spiritual truths. It has to, otherwise it would not appeal to anyone. But the truths have been twisted, perverted, and distorted into a control system based on fear, and one that is abusive and self-deprecating. Because the Christian Gospel message is that you are a filthy fallen sinner who deserves to go to hell, and only by the grace of God can you be saved. In fact, in some versions of the Sinner's Prayer, used by preachers and missionaries to help new converts to "receive Christ as their Savior", the repentance portion of it goes like this: "Lord, I know I'm a sinner and I deserve to go to hell. Thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sins. I now receive him as my Lord and Savior. Please come into my heart."

So you see, it's very self-deprecating. You have to believe that you "deserve to go to hell", even if you are a good person who doesn't do anything wrong, simply because some Bible verses say so. That's crazy, and it overgeneralizes everyone too since in reality, people are all different, not all "filthy sinners" by default. It's also abusive in a sense, because you constantly have to hate yourself and deem yourself unworthy and deserving of damnation, in order to come to the Lord and repent. And you are threatened with hellfire and damnation if you'd comply and get saved. So you are under threat. Furthermore, you are not allowed to do what you want. You are told you have to abandon your own self-interest and be a total servant of God and forget about your own needs and desires and free will. Anything that uses fear and threats to get you to comply, is psychologically abusive in nature. Especially when the threat is that of eternal punishment, and based on a man-made book too. There's a YouTube channel I like about Kemetic spirituality (Ancient African & Egyptian) where the guy talks a lot about how Christianity is abusive and self-deprecating too, and he does so very eloquently. Check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL13bT ... LZBxdKW5Sw

That's why every great genius from Einstein to Tesla to DaVinci, has rejected both dogmatic religion and atheism, and has never taken the Bible literally either. Brilliant minds can see through that and are immune to such brainwashing and mind control. They all knew that religion vs atheism is a false dichotomy, and that the truth lay beyond such extremes. For a higher and broader view of comparative religion and spirituality, I recommend you study the following great authors of comparative religion, spirituality, and consciousness: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Huston Smith, Alan Watts, Manly P. Hall, Rudolf Steiner. Also research higher forms of esoteric spirituality and mysticism such as Gnosticism, Theosophy, Kabbalah, and Hermeticism.

The so called popular New Age teachings are a huge umbrella and potpourri, containing both good spiritual teachings as well as a lot of BS. So like the Bible it is a mix of good spiritual teachings that have been distorted and twisted for commercial purposes and self-delusion. But it is still better than Christianity of course, as it is more inclusive and open minded, and not based on fear, control, or self-deprecation. So they are worth considering, but as with everything, take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Don't get deluded by feel good messages that are ridiculous and delusional, just because they sound good, such as "You are infinite God. You can manifest anything you want." blah blah blah. You still gotta know the line between reality and illusion, genuine spirituality vs BS, what's realistic and what's not, etc.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Winston »

I have an obvious and important question thats never been addressed in Christian media or literature, oddly enough. Its the most important question on my mind when analyzing the Christian gospel logically. Does anyone have an answer to it? No one in Christian media or apologetics has addressed it to my knowledge. Here it is.

Why do Christians say that "we all deserve to go to hell?" Why do we deserve to go to hell, even if we are good people, just because we were born imperfect, and Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and the book of Romans says "all have sinned and there is none righteous"? How is that fair and just and righteous? That makes no sense at all if you think about it. Isn't that the most UNREASONABLE thing in the world, to say that you DESERVE to go to hell because you were born IMPERFECT???!!! Don't Christians wonder about this too? How can you not?

How is that fair and just and righteous? That makes no sense at all if you think about it. Right? Don't Christians wonder about this too?

This is the first question that comes to my mind when analyzing the Christian gospel logically. So I am surprised this obvious key question has never been addressed in Christian media or literature, since its the first and most important question that comes to my mind. Very odd. I must be on a different wavelength than everyone else.

Furthermore doesn't the Bible contradict itself when it says none are righteous in Romans, yet it says in the OT that Noah and Job were righteous? Also the Catholic church says Mary was born by immaculate conception which means she was born without sin. How do you explain that?

@MrMan , @Neo , @TruthSeeker come where are you guys? Why are you so afraid to answer such logical and valid questions?
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Winston »

Jeff Daugherty makes an interesting point here. When you invite Jesus into yourself to get saved, isn't that asking for unknown entities to come and possess you, just like when you play with ouija boards? I never thought of it that way before. Wow.


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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Gali »

Because to motivate people with that story to contain their animal parts. If the religion would say you are all good you would not change yourself and we would not have a civilization.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Neo »

Sometimes a man wonders about a person. At first he seems logical. He doesn't seem like he is mean or cruel. But then out of his mouth come ... To borrow a phrase, "What could such a man be thinking?"
Last edited by Neo on August 24th, 2021, 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
Warning: This may be highly blasphemous if you are religious! Read at your own peril! May also cause you to doubt or lose your faith too!

Some of my deep thoughts, rants, and questions below about why the Christian gospel makes no sense, is 100 percent unjust and nonsensical, seems to be a black magic ritual as well, and is also a man made abusive fear based control system too. I sent these rants to my friends on WhatsApp, so I thought I'd create a post about it too.

1. First, I heard that Christianity is a black magic ritual because it's based on human sacrifice (Jesus on the cross) as a central theme. Jeffrey Daugherty (aka The Christian Whistleblower) and Gosia (Pleidian Contactee) did some podcasts about that before. Is that true? It seems to be true if u think about it. Because thats basic occult science. Only black magic emanates from a human sacrifice ritual like Jesus on the cross right?

If you think about it, sacrificing your son on a cross is a form of black magic ritual. Decent religions like Buddhism or Hinduism do not contain human sacrifice. So in a sense the New Testament concept of God's son crucified on the cross is dark magic isn't it? Not good spirituality. That's the big bombshell Christians don't realize.

If so that would explain why Christians seem to be under a spell, perhaps a black magic spell, so they are not just brainwashed. That's why they've lost their sense of reason and reality and feel the need to convert everyone and "win souls for Christ" as they say. Right? Buddhists and Hindus dont need to convert people. So why do Christiana do? Perhaps they are under a spell, enticed by the gospel which is like a trojan horse. It suckers you in with promises of salvation and eternal life but instead makes u possessed and lose your own mind. That's why Christians aren't just brainwashed, they seem possessed too, and do not own their own mind, as any clear thinking unbrainwashed person can see.

The more you think about it the more it makes sense right? Human sacrifice is not a good thing. White magic forbids it. Its not genuine spirituality. Thats why Christianity is revolting to many people as well as enticing. It's sad that Christians dont realize it. You either love it or hate it. Its full of extremes, and as a rule of thumb, the truth does not side with extremes.

Its a bold statement to associate Christianity with black magic but some have already like Jeffrey Daugherty (Christian Whistleblower), John Lamb Lash (Gnostic Author), and Gosia (Pleidian Contactee Lady). What do you guys think? Makes sense when you think about it huh? How did we not realize this earlier? It seems obvious when you think about it, as if hidden in plain sight. Right?

Btw there are verses in the Bible that condone the occult, witchcraft, and astrology too. Former Christian Edward Babinski, author of "Leaving the Fold: Testimonies of Former Fundamentalists" and whom I correspond with, has a blog post about it: https://edwardtbabinski.us/scrivenings/ ... craft.html
Jesus is not just the Son of God. He also is God. And it wasn't about a human sacrifice. It was about God himself, in the form of Christ, coming down to earth, humbling Himself by taking on human form, and dying for the sins of humanity, in order to take our punishment, to prevent those who trust in Him from going to hell.

His sacrifice is what saves those who trust in Him. It isn't some kind of evil, ritual murder. It was about taking on the penalty of sin, so that no one has to suffer an eternity in hell.

Didn't you say that you had been a soul winning evangelist once? How were you doing that without knowing this?
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm

2. Isn't it ironic that if a father on Earth sacrificed his son in an occult ritual, everyone would call him an "evil sick bastard". But when God does it in the Bible with his son Jesus, he is seen as wise, just and merciful? Makes no sense when you think about it huh?

Why is God always given a free pass? No matter how many times he violates his own 10 commandments, its ok, because hes God and can do anything and is always right. He can murder millions and commit adultery by impregnating a married woman like Mary, and its ok, hes still perfect. Shouldnt he throw himself in hell by his own standards? Why does he demand the standard of perfection to get into heaven when he himself is far from perfect, as evidenced in the Bible? Makes no sense at all.

Christians let me ask you this: What if God came and killed your children and raped your wife too for fun and laughed about it? Would he still be perfect since hes God and everything he does is perfect even when its bad? Lol. If so why don't Christians move to North Korea where authority is always right and cant be questioned and is infallible? Why do they claim to believe in democracy if they believe in a cosmic dictatorship that cant be questioned or disagreed with? Again, makes no sense at all and is completely illogical. So how can anyone believe this? Perhaps because Christianity is a black magic ritual that puts you under a spell if u embrace it? Christians do seem possessed by something. That's why they feel they need to convert others and "save their souls" so to speak. Think about it.
God created the world and humanity. He owns everything, including everyone's soul and body.

No one had physical intercourse with Mary, which is part of the whole point of Christ's birth, that He is divine, and that His birth was divine, and that He was born without Mary ever having been touched intimately by a man.

Somehow in the theory you present, divinity is turned into evil. No intercourse means no adultery.

By the way, it is God's standards of what righteousness and perfection are, not a human's.

You mention Job. Job had his children killed, and God still counted him as perfect. Job did not blaspheme God because of it.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
3. Also, if you think about it, it makes more sense to worship Mother Nature and the Sun and the Moon, like Pagans and Wiccans do, because u can see and feel those things. The Sun gives you life and energy, we couldn't live without it. So it makes sense to worship it or revere it. In contrast, you can't see or feel the God of the Bible, and he's based on a collection of books written by anonymous dubious men and are also full of contradictions, absurdities, and injustices. So that's not credible at all.

So Christians seem to have everything backwards. Worshipping nature makes more sense than a dubious book written by anonymous men. Therefore, Paganism and Wicca are actually more natural than Christianity. Christians think white magic and all magic is black magic when in fact their own religion is black magic. It's ironic don't you think? Lol
The sun is glorious, but it is not man's Creator. Just like the sun had a Creator, man also has a Creator, and it was not the sun. The sun is a created being just like everything else is. It is far better to worship the One who created the sun rather than the sun. Because if the sun is glorious, life-giving and bright, how much more is its Creator?
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
4. If you think about it with a clear head for a moment, isn't it the most absurd idea in the world that God has punished this world for the last 6,000 years (according to many Christians, e.g. Kent Hovind) with pain, suffering, and death, all because two dumb naive people ate a fruit off a forbidden tree? That has got to be the most ABSURD idea every invented! It makes ZERO sense! How is that just? It's 1 million percent UNJUST of course! Why would a just God do something completely UNJUST and insane like that???!!! It makes no friggin sense! You gotta wonder how anyone can take it seriously. Especially mature adults. Totally inexplicable isnt it? How could we former Christians have fallen for it ourselves before?

Ask yourself this: If a parent punished a child with pain and suffering for life just because he made a trivial mistake like eating a cookie from the wrong jar, everyone would claim that that parent was totally wacko and evil. No parents would do that, not even bad parents. So why would a just God do that with Adam and Eve? It makes no sense. Think about it. How is that just? Why does God get a free pass on everything when no one would accept anyone acting like that in real life?! Again totally nonsensical.

It seems way out of proportion to punish an entire world with pain, suffering, and death, for 6000 years just because of a trivial thing like eating an apple or fruit off a forbidden tree. Totally out of proportion. The punishment does not fit the crime at all. Even a court of law does not punish an innocent person for life for a little misdemeanor, especially if the person was dumb and naive and did not have malicious intent. So why would a just God do that? Its 100 percent nonsensical and illogical. So how can anyone believe it???!!! Totally inexplicable and baffling!

Have any of you thought about these things too? How do Christians justify or explain any of this? Surely they don't really believe it and are just pretending right?! No one naturally believes that the Bible is the word of God or that they are a sinner or that jesus is the only way to God. You have to be brainwashed into believing such things. So Christianity is not natural at all. Yet Christians never realize this.
God has mercy. God does not want anyone to go to hell. That's why He sent His Son to die for our sins, taking away the eternity penalty of hellfire for those who are able to believe in and trust in Him.

Also it seems that it is not understood that God hates evil deeds and He hates sin. It is evil doers who are going to hell. Good people will eventually get saved. God simply wants to separate the people who are worthy of eternal life from those who are worthy of eternal death (Read Matthew 13). Each person gets to decide where he or she wants to go by their behavior. Those who love evil to the point where God hates them enough will go to hell; they will never get saved. Those who loves righteousness enough, as demonstrated by their behavior, will eventually be sent the gift of faith and believe on His Son Jesus Christ and get saved.

(Is salvation by works? No. Is it by repentance from sin? No. It is by putting faith in Christ. But He doesn't want reprobate evil doers. Separating the weeds from the wheat.

The evil person's works condemn him to be a reprobate. The good person's works keep him from becoming reprobate, but salvation is by faith in Christ. In other words, works cannot save a person, only faith in Christ does that; but evil works can condemn a person to be a reprobate.)

This life is simply about proving to God who we are, and eternity is our reward.
And evil isn't simply a matter of eating a cookie or a trivial mistake. It is one that is capable of bringing God's eternal wrath down upon the sinner.

And salvation is not a matter of brainwashing. It is reconciliation, to bring us back to our Creator.

Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
5. I've also never understood why I should feel guilty and ashamed for the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden. I had nothing to do with it. So why should I feel guilty about it as if I'm at fault? That makes no sense at all. I'm sure most Christians have wondered the same thing but don't dare voice it.

In 1987 I asked a Christian friend named Brian Johnson about this and his reply was "Well have you ever done something you knew was wrong?" I replied, "Very rarely, maybe once or twice". Then he said "If you have done so even once, then you are just as guilty as Adam and Eve are and no better." WTF???!!! How can a just and all good God be LESS compassionate and LESS reasonable than most humans are, by demanding perfection, which is impossible? That's crazy and you all know it!

I've also heard Christians in my church youth group say these extreme crazy things:

- "Even if God provided no salvation for us and just sent us all to hell, he would still be a just God."

- "If I lived a perfect life and then one day I got angry and cussed someone out, I'd deserve to go to hell. Because God's standard of entry into heaven is perfection. He is just and perfect and cannot accept us into heaven if we are not just and perfect too."

WTF?! Isn't that CRAZY and WHACKED?! Those are ludicrous statements that are completely unfair and illogical of course. But Christians say them with righteous fervor. Thats insane. They gotta be totally brainwashed and their minds totally hijacked to actually believe that.
Cursing someone out is a violation of the commandments. However, the thing that a person should remember is that Jesus Christ lived a perfect life. Those who believe on Him have His righteousness imputed onto them, which makes them worthy to enter into heaven.

Christ not only died for our sins, He also kept the commandments for us in complete perfection. Just believe in Him is what saves us from our own sins.

So even though we are technically still sinners, the righteousness of Christ covers our salvation.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
6. I've never understood why if I'm born imperfect and it's impossible to be perfect, then God will punish me for not being perfect?! That's like punishing zebras for being born with stripes! It makes no friggin sense and is completely unjust and insane! Again why would a 100 percent just God do something 100 percent unjust?! That's totally batshit insane! So how can anyone believe that???!!! It seems to be a form of cruel guilt tripping without basis. But why should we believe it anyway? Just because a bunch of anonymous men wrote it in a book and the church said so? Lol. Really??? Lol.

So basically, even if you're a good person like Mother Therese or Gandhi, youre still a "wicked filthy sinner" because the Bible says so in the book of Romans: "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." and "There is none righteous, no not one." So such Bible verses make a good person wicked no matter how good he or she really is? Thats crazy and totally unfair too!
People aren't sent to hell for being imperfect. They are sent to hell because they are so evil that God has rejected them. That type will not receive the gift of faith and will not be able to believe in Jesus.

It isn't as rigid a standard as some people make it out to be. It isn't about being Christ in order to be saved. It is about believing in Christ in order to be saved. That's what many do not understand.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
7. My friend Alex told me i should blame my problems on Satan and not God. But why? If God is in control and in charge, as Christians claim, then shouldn't we have a perfect right to blame him for our problems and the problems of the world? Why are we only allowed to praise God for good things but not blame him for the bad things? Isn't that a double standard? Makes no sense.

Everyone knows that if an organization has flaws it is justifiable to blame its leader or leaders. If you don't like something in Microsoft, you have a right to blame Bill Gates, for example. And if u don't like something in a Stephen King book, you have the right to blame Stephen King. So why is God exempt from this basic rule? That's not consistent at all. I know it accomplishes nothing to blame God, but technically if he's in charge then we have a perfect right to do so right? I've heard Christian preachers even say that "if God didn't have absolute control over every atom and molecule in the universe, he wouldn't be God."

But consider this: If a CEO or leader of a company refused to fix the problems of the company and blamed everyone else and said:

"I am perfect. I don't need to do anything to fix the problems of this company. All the problems of the company are other people's fault. The employees of the company have free will and made bad choices. So i's their fault. I don't need to do anything. I'm perfect."

NO ONE would accept that. A CEO like that would be hated by everyone and seen as a lazy scumbag. Everyone would demand he be fired. The shareholders would get rid of him. We all know this. So why then is the God of the Bible allowed to get away with saying that???!!! Makes no sense at all. Totally illogical and crazy if you think about it. All of this is basic logic and common sense, hidden in plain sight. So why doesn't anyone point it out?

I'm sure deep down Christians know all this too and sense it. But they are afraid to question their beliefs of course because it's blasphemy and they live in fear and don't wanna go to hell. So they dare not think these things or speak of it openly. Very sad. It's mind control and brainwashing, and a cult for sure, since it fits all the features of a cult. Just because a cult grows to a global scale and becomes established doesn't mean it's no longer a cult, it's still a cult at its core essence.
A person has free will to do good or to do evil. Let's take an example that you may like, of a CEO-President-Chairman of a major 500 corporation.

What if he issues some standards of behaviors that he sets for the workplace for the sake of productivity, and things would work well if his employees did as they were told. But no matter how many times he issues his decrees, and despite being forewarned, his employees simply refuse to obey his decrees?

What will he do to those non compliant employees? Naturally he is going to fire them after he finally gets fed up and sick of them.

Think about it.

The problem is not God. It is the person. The employee.

To further the analogy, Christians are the shareholders, just as in some companies the employees are also shareholders. But in Christianity, there are no outside shareholders. ;) It makes no sense to make the boss angry.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
8. I've also never understood why Christians think the Bible is God's word when it was written by anonymous men and has no credibility or logic. They merely assume its a given, like 2+2=4 and doesnt need to be proven or examined. The only reason they give is that:

1) It simply is God's word. Its self evident. Like gravity. The truth is the truth because its the truth. Totally circular.
2) The church and other Christians say so. So it must be true.
3) Two verses in the Bible say scripture is given by inspiration of God (not dictation). So God wrote every word of the Bible.
4) The Bible contains fulfilled prophecies, which isn't true if u analyze it. And in fact it contains many failed prophecies too.

But two verses dont make the Bible God's word of course. Plus there are three verses in the Bible where Paul says his words are his opinion only and not God's opinion. So 3 vs 2 is not in the Christians favor. Lol

Anyway theres no valid reason why a collection of 66 books written by mostly anonymous men should be considered the word of God. It doesn't even say that God wrote every word in the Bible. So this basic Christian belief is without basis. If u think about it its also foolish and nonsensical to think a series of books by dubious anonymous men is the word of God. Makes no sense at all. Its not something anyone naturally believes. You have to be brainwashed to believe it.

If God had a word he'd write it himself and give it to you personally. If he did that i may consider it. If God is all powerful and smart enough to design the human brain and anatomy, which is more complex than any supercomputer, then why couldn't he write his word himself or have his secretary in heaven do it? Why would he use some primitive dubious men to do it and keep them anonymous? Men who dont have even the honesty to reveal their own identity? Makes no sense at all and sounds super shady when u think about it with an honest mindset.

So why believe it? Again, nothing in Christianity makes any sense at all. The nonsensical things in it are countless. So why does anyone believe it? No great genius in history does. They all see through it and are immune to brainwashing.
A Christian knows God's Word because God has sent them His Holy Spirit. Unbelievers and atheists do not receive Him. Therefore they cannot understand the Bible or spiritual things.

Also God created man. God can actually do things through men. Some people can't recognize this for some reason.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
God makes people do things ... according to some Bible verses.

Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
9. You know whats funny? Evangelical Christians, who call themselves "Bible believing Christians" assume they are the original Christians 2,000 years ago. But their religion is actually made in America and at most 150 years old only. Evangelical Christianity was a fringe movement in the 1800s. It didn't become mainstream until 1910 when Reverend and baseball player Billy Sunday popularized it, followed by Billy Graham of course, who turned it mainstream.

For the last 2,000 years Christianity was either Roman Catholicism or Protestantism. But the Protestant religion started by Martin Luther in the 1500s was not Evangelical Christianity, as Americans assume. It was a form of Catholicism without papal authority or popes. Luther was trying to reform Catholicism. Not start a new religion. The Protestant religion was more like the Episcopal church or Anglican church of England, which is a hybrid of catholicism and reformed Christianity.

They believed in purgatory and that you had to live a good moral life to get into heaven, because weighs your good works vs your bad works in the afterlife. That's why the Pilgrims and Puritans of the 1600s were trying to live a strict puritanical life. If they believed they could be saved in 5 min and never lose their salvation and held a guaranteed ticket into heaven, just by asking Jesus to come into their heart, as Evangelical Billy Graham style Christianity dictates, they would not need to do that. Think about it.

This is the funny irony that Christians and Americans today don't realize, that their version of Christianity was made in the USA and is only 150 years old. Of course Evangelical Christianity didnt form overnight. It evolved gradually in a series of steps, as anything else does in history.

Before the Catholic church waa created, Christianity was a potpourri of different sects and cults. Including Gnosticism. The original Christians were not like the Evangelical Christians of 20th century America. No way. That's a modern American version thats made in the USA. But Americans falsely assume its 2,000 years old. Thats the funny thing. Isnt it?

Did any of you know about this before? Historians and scholars of church history know this but its a taboo thing to tell Christians.
Ahh but history is kind of like Man's word. So why would a person believe it so freely without question? Much of history itself is false.

There's no real point to this one. I've written about the Catholic Church and its influence many times.

Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
10. Btw wanna hear another bombshell? Not one verse in the Bible says anything about free will, even though Christians see free will as a central doctrine of salvation and God's law. No Bible concordance or dictionary in the world has any reference or index for free will. Not one. Zero. Its a totally man made concept.

In fact there are many Bible verses saying the opposite, such as verses that say God predestines people to be saved, and hardens people's hearts and causes them do evil things, etc. So it seems God makes people do things and selects people to be his children, according to some Bible verses.

The Bible says different things of course. Some verses say God loves everyone but others say god only loves a select few. Its a collection of 66 books written by men so naturally its going to say many different things of course.
There are verses about free will, such as making a free will offering. But in any case, it doesn't matter. There are many verses admonishing people to obey, hearken, etc., about sowing and reaping, and works, etc. These are about obeying and disobeying, which is entirely about a person's free will to obey or disobey.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm

As you can see, nothing in the Christian Gospel makes any sense. Not only that, but it contains many things that are completely UNJUST too, leaving you to wonder how a "just God" can be so extremely unjust off the chart? It's beyond mind boggling. And makes you wonder how mature adults can take it seriously. Any wise person knows that any system of control based on fear and threats (of damnation) is man made and comes from a weak insecure ego. Not something an all powerful, all wise Creator would need to do. After all, you can't control people with truth, only with lies.
When I went soul winning or evangelizing, it wasn't even so much warning people about hell. Believe it or not, some people can believe in Christ without any warnings of hellfire. My soul winning was simply about telling them how easy it is to believe in Christ (that's for those to whom the gift of is given).
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
However, at the end of the day, no one chooses their religion based on logic or reason. They pick the religion or belief system that RESONATES with them best. (And that includes Atheists too, they believe what they do not because of logic, but because the Atheistic personal philosophy resonates with them) There's nothing wrong with that. It's natural and we all do that ultimately, including myself. The problem comes when one religion claims to be "the only way" or "the true way" and declares all other religions false and even Satanic or Luciferian. That's where it crosses the line into arrogance, delusion, and narrow-mindedness. Just because there are Bible verses to support that doesn't mean anything. The Bible is man-made clearly and can be used to support almost anything, depending on which verses you cherry pick. Devout Christians don't get that, because they've been tricked into thinking the Bible is one book with one unified message.
Works based religions, and karma (works) is Satanic for one reason: it makes the person his own redeemer, which is not possible. Only Christ is the Redeemer. Anyone who thinks that their own works can save them is confused and does not truly believe in Christ, but in themselves as their own redeemer-god.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
Now I'm not saying Christianity is all bad or wrong.
I find this statement to be astonishing.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
Of course the Bible contains some spiritual truths. It has to, otherwise it would not appeal to anyone. But the truths have been twisted, perverted, and distorted into a control system based on fear, and one that is abusive and self-deprecating. Because the Christian Gospel message is that you are a filthy fallen sinner who deserves to go to hell, and only by the grace of God can you be saved. In fact, in some versions of the Sinner's Prayer, used by preachers and missionaries to help new converts to "receive Christ as their Savior", the repentance portion of it goes like this: "Lord, I know I'm a sinner and I deserve to go to hell. Thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sins. I now receive him as my Lord and Savior. Please come into my heart."

So you see, it's very self-deprecating. You have to believe that you "deserve to go to hell", even if you are a good person who doesn't do anything wrong, simply because some Bible verses say so. That's crazy, and it overgeneralizes everyone too since in reality, people are all different, not all "filthy sinners" by default. It's also abusive in a sense, because you constantly have to hate yourself and deem yourself unworthy and deserving of damnation, in order to come to the Lord and repent. And you are threatened with hellfire and damnation if you'd comply and get saved. So you are under threat. Furthermore, you are not allowed to do what you want. You are told you have to abandon your own self-interest and be a total servant of God and forget about your own needs and desires and free will. Anything that uses fear and threats to get you to comply, is psychologically abusive in nature. Especially when the threat is that of eternal punishment, and based on a man-made book too. There's a YouTube channel I like about Kemetic spirituality (Ancient African & Egyptian) where the guy talks a lot about how Christianity is abusive and self-deprecating too, and he does so very eloquently. Check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL13bT ... LZBxdKW5Sw
Some people have a true problem with the fact that there are warnings of hellfire. Those warnings are not threats. They are warnings. As in telling the person how to avoid going to hell. It is not to hurt the person but to help. I don't know how so many people think that warning people about hell is a bad thing.

Also, consider, that there is God's will, which are really His commandments, and then there is the person's will. A person following his own will is often breaking God's commandments which is sin, and sin can lead to eternal punishment. So if God is the Creator and if He holds the person's soul and eternal rewards in His hand, does it make sense to argue against it?
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
That's why every great genius from Einstein to Tesla to DaVinci, has rejected both dogmatic religion and atheism, and has never taken the Bible literally either. Brilliant minds can see through that and are immune to such brainwashing and mind control. They all knew that religion vs atheism is a false dichotomy, and that the truth lay beyond such extremes. For a higher and broader view of comparative religion and spirituality, I recommend you study the following great authors of comparative religion, spirituality, and consciousness: Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Huston Smith, Alan Watts, Manly P. Hall, Rudolf Steiner. Also research higher forms of esoteric spirituality and mysticism such as Gnosticism, Theosophy, Kabbalah, and Hermeticism.

The so called popular New Age teachings are a huge umbrella and potpourri, containing both good spiritual teachings as well as a lot of BS. So like the Bible it is a mix of good spiritual teachings that have been distorted and twisted for commercial purposes and self-delusion. But it is still better than Christianity of course, as it is more inclusive and open minded, and not based on fear, control, or self-deprecation. So they are worth considering, but as with everything, take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Don't get deluded by feel good messages that are ridiculous and delusional, just because they sound good, such as "You are infinite God. You can manifest anything you want." blah blah blah. You still gotta know the line between reality and illusion, genuine spirituality vs BS, what's realistic and what's not, etc.
How does one know if what great men believed was even good or true?

There are theories out there that New Age was created especially to take people away from Christianity. The same with the splintering of Christianity by false denominations.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
August 1st, 2021, 1:19 am
I have an obvious and important question thats never been addressed in Christian media or literature, oddly enough. Its the most important question on my mind when analyzing the Christian gospel logically. Does anyone have an answer to it? No one in Christian media or apologetics has addressed it to my knowledge. Here it is.

Why do Christians say that "we all deserve to go to hell?" Why do we deserve to go to hell, even if we are good people, just because we were born imperfect, and Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and the book of Romans says "all have sinned and there is none righteous"? How is that fair and just and righteous? That makes no sense at all if you think about it. Isn't that the most UNREASONABLE thing in the world, to say that you DESERVE to go to hell because you were born IMPERFECT???!!! Don't Christians wonder about this too? How can you not?

How is that fair and just and righteous? That makes no sense at all if you think about it. Right? Don't Christians wonder about this too?

This is the first question that comes to my mind when analyzing the Christian gospel logically. So I am surprised this obvious key question has never been addressed in Christian media or literature, since its the first and most important question that comes to my mind. Very odd. I must be on a different wavelength than everyone else.

Furthermore doesn't the Bible contradict itself when it says none are righteous in Romans, yet it says in the OT that Noah and Job were righteous? Also the Catholic church says Mary was born by immaculate conception which means she was born without sin. How do you explain that?

@MrMan , @Neo , @TruthSeeker come where are you guys? Why are you so afraid to answer such logical and valid questions?
Remember that God hates sin. The punishment for breaking the commandments, the wages of sin is death, according to the scripture. With eternal death being hellfire.

However, Christ has redeemed all those who believe in Him. So the people who believe in Him do not go to hell. It is the truly evil people who are rejected that go to hell. God is not willing that any soul should perish.

Also, people are not righteous on their own. A person's righteousness comes from God. Noah and Job are considered to be more mature, rather than babes.
Last edited by Neo on August 27th, 2021, 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2021, 1:38 am
Jeff Daugherty makes an interesting point here. When you invite Jesus into yourself to get saved, isn't that asking for unknown entities to come and possess you, just like when you play with ouija boards? I never thought of it that way before. Wow.


It's not a curse. It is a blessing.

Jesus is not "an unknown entity." I don't even know how anyone could think of such a phrase.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Winston »

The biggest CORE mistakes that Christians make are: 1) Not understanding the original meaning of monotheism, which is that we are all God within and connected to one ultimate source, which is plural in nature, not singular. Instead they take monotheism to mean that there is only one God somewhere "out there" that demands strict obedience and wants you to fear him and never wants you to think for yourself and wants you to loathe yourself. 2) Not being able to see the difference between God, the Bible and their religious dogmas and doctrines. They are not the same, but they cannot tell them apart. They see them as all the same, and take the Bible as if it were God itself when it is in fact a MAN MADE collection of 66 texts. Huge mistake there. 3) Taking most of the Bible literally when it was meant to be taken metaphorically. They do not understand that ancient people were not concerned with historical accuracy and spoke in parables and metaphors. They were NOT literalists nor fundamentalists. Neither was Jesus, since Jesus constantly repudiated the Pharisees' literal interpretation of Moses' law and interpreted them esoterically instead. Hence Jesus would likewise definitely NOT agree with today's fundamentalist interpretation of his words by evangelical Christians. That's the big irony Christians never see. Their fanatical gospel would never have been condoned by the real Jesus.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Winston »

While watching a Hinduism video explaining the differences between Christianity and Hinduism, something hit me. It said that those who are drawn to Christianity prefer a dogmatic authoritarian religion where everything is black and white and literal and the boundaries are very clear. Something just hit me that was hidden in plain sight. It may offend Christians though. And that is that:

It seems Christianity draws evil people to it, as if evil peopie resonate with it more or need it more to save them from evil. This is why people in prison find Jesus and turn to the Bible and get saved. But they never turn to Buddhism or Hinduism or New Age. It's not because Christianity is the only true religion or way to God of course. The reason is simple. I can't believe I didn't realize it before. The reason is that people who are innately bad or descending into evil, NEED a strict authoritarian religion that spells out everything in black and white dogma and is very literal, to KEEP them from descending into evil. You see, people who are broken and lost need a literal authoritarian black and white religion to keep them afloat. Christianity does provide that. So in a sense evil peoiple are drawn to it the most.

A classic example is David Berkowitz, infamously known as the Son of Sam serial killer. In prison he turned to Jesus too and became a minister. Being lost and broken, he needed a dogmatic literalist faith to rescue him from evil and patch up his broken psyche.

This is why you see Christians in jail, but not Buddhists or Hindus. Because only those who are INNATELY GOOD and have divine harmony and virtue within already, are drawn to Buddhism or Hinduism. Criminals are not. This makes sense if you think about it.

There's a reason why Christian missionaries are only sent to where there are broken people who are lost and have nothing to live for, such as prisons, homeless shelters, third world countries in starving villages, etc. You never see Christian missionaries going to Buddhist monasteries or Hindu ashrams for obvious reasons - they are not needed there because the people there are not only happy with their religion, but are also NOT broken or lost like people in prison are, like the David Berkowitz types are.

This means that Christianity only appeals to broken people or those who turned to evil and did bad things. Not to those with inner harmony like Buddhists and Hindus and New Age are. For some reason, Christianity doesn't appeal to truly spiritual people unless they grew up with it. I'm talking about converts here, not people who grew up in Christianity.

The thing is, if good and evil are on the same polarity, or two sides of the same coin, then in a sense Christianity is just the hook that prevents evil people from becoming more evil. Hence it sort of resonates with evil. What I mean is that it draws bad or evil people to it because it CONTAINS evil within it. That's why many people have been killed in the name of Christianity. So in that sense, it is much CLOSER to evil than Buddhism or Hinduism are. That's why you never see Buddhists or Hindus in jail, only Christians. And those in jail only turn to Christianity, not Buddhism or Hinduism or New Age. Do you see what I'm getting at?

Keep in mind also that only those who are Christian or Catholic experience demons or become demon possessed. You never see a Buddhist becoming possessed. Nor a New Ager who doesn't even believe in the devil. It's as if Christianity is a package that includes God, Satan, angels and demons, and so once you enter that paradigm, you actually ATTRACT DEMONS TO YOU because you enter their reality by becoming a Christian! Whereas if you were not a Christian, they would not be part of your reality. It's as if Christianity causes demons to enter your reality, as if they are part of the package that comes with Salvation and the Christian faith. That's a SCARY thought and may mean that Jeffrey Daugherty was right, that Christianity attracts demons to you, as if the beings behind it play good cop/bad cop, which means whoever is behind the Christian faith is playing you, and playing both sides, God and Satan, angels and demons. This means the Christian faith is a TROJAN HORSE! Hard to accept I know. But as Mark Twain said "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled." As always.

Isn't the scary implication here that Christianity is somewhat evil or at least contains evil or the seeds of evil? It seems to be an inescapable conclusion here doesn't it? Even though it may be blasphemhy to say that. But what if it's true? Why should following the data and logic be a form of blasphemy? How else can you explain this? Especially since Buddhism, Hinduism and New Age does NOT attract evil people or demons the way Christianity does?

All this seems obvious and hidden in plain sight. I can't believe I never realized this before. The pattern and connections are definitely there.

I'm not saying that all Christians are bad. Of course there are many good Christians. But aren't they sort of CLOSER TO EVIL in a sense, so they need Christianity as an anchor or buoy to keep them from descending toward the evil side or dark side? You definitely can't say the same about Buddhists, Hindus, or New Agers. They do not seem on the verge of descending into evil. Only Christians are, especially the Christian converts in prison. What I mean is that Christian converts, such as those in prison like Berkowitz, seem to ALIGN with evil, as though they are closer to it and on the same polarity as evil. Like on the opposite end of a see saw with evil on the other side. But you don't see that with Buddhists, Hindus, or New Agers because they are innately good and nowhere near evil or in danger of descending into evil because they are not on the same polarity as good vs evil. See what I mean?

This is a bit hard to explain or put into words. I hope I got my point across. Do you guys get what I mean?

Another way to look at it is like love vs hate. We've all heard that there is a fine line between love and hate, because love can quickly become hate and hate can quickly become love. The true opposite of love is indifference, not hate. So love and hate are closely aligned in a sense. Do you see what I mean? That's what I'm talking about.

What do you all think? Isn't this mind blowing and obvious when you think about it? It's like it was hidden in plain sight all along but we never saw it until it's pointed out. The video I saw on Hinduism vs. Christianity triggered a light bulb that made me realize all this as if it were under our noses the whole time.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
August 20th, 2021, 1:38 am
I notice that you didn't respond to anything I wrote to you.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
While watching a Hinduism video explaining the differences between Christianity and Hinduism, something hit me. It said that those who are drawn to Christianity prefer a dogmatic authoritarian religion where everything is black and white and literal and the boundaries are very clear. Something just hit me that was hidden in plain sight. It may offend Christians though. And that is that:
So by someone's conclusion, it would seem that Christianity has clear boundaries as to what is sin, while Hinduism and Buddhism do not.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
It seems Christianity draws evil people to it, as if evil peopie resonate with it more or need it more to save them from evil. This is why people in prison find Jesus and turn to the Bible and get saved.
It's quite perplexing isn't it? That some people can get things backwards.

All people are sinners. It is that those sinners who wish to do good and stop sinning gravitate towards Christianity and get saved. Whereas those sinners who think that they do not sin or who wish to keep on doing certain things that are forbidden, find all kinds of ways to avoid Christianity, because they like the pleasure that sin brings with it, although that pleasure is really false.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
But they never turn to Buddhism or Hinduism or New Age.
Because people who love truth and have a desire to find righteousness can find it in Christ. Those people who do not love truth and have little desire for righteousness will gravitate to false religions and all kinds of delusions.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
It's not because Christianity is the only true religion or way to God of course.
Actually Christ is the only way to God. Those who subscribe to false religions have all kinds of conflicting beliefs that escape their own awareness. Some people actually believe that they are God. How could such a person find his or her way to God through Christ when they are already trusting in a delusion that he or she is God?
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
The reason is simple. I can't believe I didn't realize it before. The reason is that people who are innately bad or descending into evil, NEED a strict authoritarian religion that spells out everything in black and white dogma and is very literal, to KEEP them from descending into evil. You see, people who are broken and lost need a literal authoritarian black and white religion to keep them afloat. Christianity does provide that. So in a sense evil peoiple are drawn to it the most.
It seems that here you are able to recognize that Christianity makes a clear distinction between what good and evil are, but then your conclusion goes in the opposite direction.

God has defined good and evil, and He uses the Bible to teach His children what to do and what not to do; or as you put it, how not to descend into evil.

Now, if God and the Bible are about teaching people how NOT to descend into evil, wouldn't He and the Bible both be about how to be a good person? Isn't it really about how a person should stop sinning? Isn't it therefore about righteousness?

I also find your word choice of "afloat" interesting. Maybe a better term would be to escape hell.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
A classic example is David Berkowitz, infamously known as the Son of Sam serial killer. In prison he turned to Jesus too and became a minister. Being lost and broken, he needed a dogmatic literalist faith to rescue him from evil and patch up his broken psyche.
I don't believe much of modern culture. Many things are presented to us as true which are not true, and there are many people who want to brainwash people into thinking that Christianity is evil with certain types of propaganda. So I don't believe or subscribe to everything, just because it is shown on TV.

You should read what Miles W Mathis has to say about serial killers.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
This is why you see Christians in jail, but not Buddhists or Hindus. Because only those who are INNATELY GOOD and have divine harmony and virtue within already, are drawn to Buddhism or Hinduism. Criminals are not. This makes sense if you think about it.
So if a person went to India or Asia, there would be no Buddhists or Hindus in prison? Not even say ten of them? Are Hindus and Buddhists inherently perfect and unable to commit crimes?

And I think there are two different things being conflated here. Christians being in prison, vs people who get saved in prison and then become Christians.

Also keep in mind, that many of the laws that are on the books are not for true injustice of man against man but are for other reasons. Not everyone in prison has committed assault, rape or murder. Some are there for other reasons, and everyone is prone to mistakes before they have knowledge of the commandments.

Also, a thing can be legal one day and illegal tomorrow. Also there are financial crimes that many people unknowingly commit.

There are sayings now that state that most people commit multiple felonies everyday without knowing it.

And did you know that a person can go to jail for an extended amount of time for back child support, unpaid parking tickets and other such things?
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
There's a reason why Christian missionaries are only sent to where there are broken people who are lost and have nothing to live for, such as prisons, homeless shelters, third world countries in starving villages, etc.
God has compassion for the poor. Shouldn't the poor and the broken hearted be allowed into heaven?

Also, pride can block a person's faith in God. Poor people are often rich in faith, while the wealthy are often rich in pride.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
You never see Christian missionaries going to Buddhist monasteries or Hindu ashrams for obvious reasons - they are not needed there because the people there are not only happy with their religion, but are also NOT broken or lost like people in prison are, like the David Berkowitz types are.
That's a misconception. The church where I go to has missionaries throughout Asia, who report that many Buddhists have converted to Christianity.

By the way, there are many Buddhist beggars, even the monks themselves have to beg people for food to eat in some reports that I have seen.

Are Buddhists by nature always wealthy and living awesome lives?
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
This means that Christianity only appeals to broken people or those who turned to evil and did bad things. Not to those with inner harmony like Buddhists and Hindus and New Age are. For some reason, Christianity doesn't appeal to truly spiritual people unless they grew up with it. I'm talking about converts here, not people who grew up in Christianity.
That's just the conclusion that you've decided to draw. The people who have become Christians are the ones who have a desire for righteousness and to keep God's commandments. While those who have no desire to obey God try to avoid becoming Christians.

Besides that, once again, it seems like there are people in your view who have never done bad things. In this case, they would not need Christianity. However, that is not possible, as everyone has sinned, which is why we all need Christ.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
The thing is, if good and evil are on the same polarity, or two sides of the same coin,
No, that is just one of man's false beliefs. There are simply those who choose to do good and those who choose to do evil.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
then in a sense Christianity is just the hook that prevents evil people from becoming more evil.
This is true. So the proper conclusion would be that Christianity is about righteousness, since it is about keeping people from doing evil. But in some person's view only the people who gravitate to Christianity are capable of doing wrong?? Astonishing.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
Hence it sort of resonates with evil.
Actually what it means is that it is the opposite of evil.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
What I mean is that it draws bad or evil people to it because it CONTAINS evil within it.
No, it draws people who wish to do what is right and to avoid doing evil. It is just you've come to the opposite conclusion than to where the facts lead.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
That's why many people have been killed in the name of Christianity.
I don't see how this connects to your thesis at all here, Winston. But since you've added it, some people will be persecuted by the wicked in this life. The righteous receive a reward for adhering to their faith in the face of certain death and persecution, while the evil get repaid in eternity for their sins against God's people.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
So in that sense, it is much CLOSER to evil than Buddhism or Hinduism are. That's why you never see Buddhists or Hindus in jail, only Christians. And those in jail only turn to Christianity, not Buddhism or Hinduism or New Age. Do you see what I'm getting at?
That was covered above.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
Keep in mind also that only those who are Christian or Catholic experience demons or become demon possessed. You never see a Buddhist becoming possessed. Nor a New Ager who doesn't even believe in the devil. It's as if Christianity is a package that includes God, Satan, angels and demons, and so once you enter that paradigm, you actually ATTRACT DEMONS TO YOU because you enter their reality by becoming a Christian! Whereas if you were not a Christian, they would not be part of your reality. It's as if Christianity causes demons to enter your reality, as if they are part of the package that comes with Salvation and the Christian faith. That's a SCARY thought and may mean that Jeffrey Daugherty was right, that Christianity attracts demons to you, as if the beings behind it play good cop/bad cop, which means whoever is behind the Christian faith is playing you, and playing both sides, God and Satan, angels and demons.
Well whose side are demons on? And whose side is God on? They are on opposite sides. Now, whose side are the false religions on, choosing from the two available sides?

BTW, Christians are under God's divine protection. He is greater than any demon.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
This means the Christian faith is a TROJAN HORSE! Hard to accept I know. But as Mark Twain said "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled." As always.
That's your conclusion. But is it correct?
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
Isn't the scary implication here that Christianity is somewhat evil or at least contains evil or the seeds of evil? It seems to be an inescapable conclusion here doesn't it?
No, it seems that your premises prove that Christianity is about righteousness.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
I'm not saying that all Christians are bad. Of course there are many good Christians. But aren't they sort of CLOSER TO EVIL in a sense
Quite surprising conclusions, Winston.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
, so they need Christianity as an anchor or buoy to keep them from descending toward the evil side or dark side?
Because Christianity clearly defines what evil is and tells the person to avoid it?? It seems righteous to me.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
You definitely can't say the same about Buddhists, Hindus, or New Agers. They do not seem on the verge of descending into evil.
I don't even think evil exists in the false religion of Buddhism, for example. So maybe there must be something else about that religion that they like.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
Only Christians are, especially the Christian converts in prison. What I mean is that Christian converts, such as those in prison seem to ALIGN with evil, as though they are closer to it and on the same polarity as evil.
Why would a person who prefers evil align with a religion that tells him it is wrong to do evil?
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 7:06 am
Like on the opposite end of a see saw with evil on the other side. But you don't see that with Buddhists, Hindus, or New Agers because they are innately good and nowhere near evil or in danger of descending into evil because they are not on the same polarity as good vs evil. See what I mean?
They are innately good? Do you truly believe this? So there are no evil people among all those other religions? Amazing.
Last edited by Neo on September 19th, 2021, 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 4:38 am
The biggest CORE mistakes that Christians make are: 1) Not understanding the original meaning of monotheism, which is that we are all God within and connected to one ultimate source, which is plural in nature, not singular. Instead they take monotheism to mean that there is only one God somewhere "out there" that demands strict obedience and wants you to fear him and never wants you to think for yourself and wants you to loathe yourself.
That is surprising, Winston. It does seem that some people get their definitions from obscure sources though.

Mono means one.

with Theism meaning the belief in the existence of God

So mono theism means the belief in the existence of one God
poly theism means the belief in the existence of many gods.

I also looked up the definition in two sources:


mon·o·the·ism (mŏn′ə-thē-ĭz′əm)
The doctrine or belief that there is only one God.


[ mon-uh-thee-iz-uhm ]
the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.


I actually have no problem believing that we all live within God, as in the Earth might actually be inside of God Himself. I also have no problem with believing that we are all connected with God, as Christians are children of God.

But as far as being God - who is the eternal being who existed before time and before the world began, who created all things that exist, who created the world, heaven, hell, humanity and all life, and who has all power, and is the source of truth and righteousness - I do not believe that every person is actually God Himself.

I do not believe it is written anywhere that a person should loathe himself. He will however have to deny some of his inclinations to sin.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 4:38 am
2) Not being able to see the difference between God, the Bible and their religious dogmas and doctrines. They are not the same, but they cannot tell them apart. They see them as all the same, and take the Bible as if it were God itself when it is in fact a MAN MADE collection of 66 texts. Huge mistake there.
But, Winston, you yourself wrote that God can have people do things.
Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 3:07 pm
So it seems God makes people do things and selects people to be his children, according to some Bible verses.
So why can't the Bible be made according to such power?
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 4:38 am
3) Taking most of the Bible literally when it was meant to be taken metaphorically. They do not understand that ancient people were not concerned with historical accuracy and spoke in parables and metaphors. They were NOT literalists nor fundamentalists.
Some parts are literally, some are metaphors. Commandments are literal. Lessons can be metaphors.

As for ancient people, there may be different types just like there are today - some who believe and some who don't want to believe, some who are fundamentalists, some who are apostates, etc. I highly doubt that all ancient people were a monolith of one type.
Winston wrote:
September 19th, 2021, 4:38 am
Neither was Jesus, since Jesus constantly repudiated the Pharisees' literal interpretation of Moses' law and interpreted them esoterically instead. Hence Jesus would likewise definitely NOT agree with today's fundamentalist interpretation of his words by evangelical Christians. That's the big irony Christians never see. Their fanatical gospel would never have been condoned by the real Jesus.
The Jews were admonished because they made their own law, not because they were following the law that Moses gave. The Jews have their own commandments which God did not give them, and the problem is that by living by that false set of commandments, they were nullifying God's commandments in favor of their own.

It seems that some people do not believe that the One who made the law actually cares about His own law. He does care about His law, which is why some people are going to heaven, and many are going to hell. The law breakers are going to hell, but those who keep the law will be given the gift of faith, to believe in Jesus as the Christ and Savior, which imputes to them His righteousness, making them worthy.

(A person's own good works do not save them. Faith in Christ saves them. Maintaining good works keeps a person from becoming a reprobate before they are able to get saved.)
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Winston »

The reason I didn't reply to your other post is because you just repeat the tenets of Christian fundamentalism, which I already explained many times why they have NO BASIS or evidence or reason to back them up. You just repeat them, so what do you want me to do? Repeat the previous argument again? There would be no point since you didn't listen or take them into consideration. You didn't even answer my question about why God has to be perfect or the BIble has to be perfect and infallible. Christians don't back up those claims, they just take them as givens and default assumptions, even though they have no real basis or foundation.

Btw you said:
"I actually have no problem believing that we all live within God, as in the Earth might actually be inside of God Himself. I also have no problem with believing that we are all connected with God, as Christians are children of God.

But as far as being God - who is the eternal being who existed before time and before the world began, who created all things that exist, who created the world, heaven, hell, humanity and all life, and who has all power, and is the source of truth and righteousness - I do not believe that every person is actually God Himself.

I do not believe it is written anywhere that a person should loathe himself. He will however have to deny some of his inclinations to sin."
What do you mean? Pantheism is not compatible with Christianity at all. Christianity teaches that we are separate from God who is out there and angry and going to judge us if we don't repent. Christianity has taught that for 2000 years. Of course they teach a God of love and forgiveness too, so that is an obvious contradiction. He should not be angry and vengeful for something as trivial as taking a bite out of an apple, which is too trivial to even think about. Besides it was his fault for putting the forbidden apple and tree there in the first place so he has no one to blame but himself. None of this makes any sense. Deep down every Christian knows it, including you, but they have to rationalize it away.

Do you understand Pantheism? It is the concept that God is everything so we are all bits and pieces of God. That means if he casts us off he is casting off parts of himself. Not just that we live inside God like something inside a shell.

Panpsychism is the concept that everything in the universe has consciousness, including rocks and wood. It is similar to Animism. Both Pantheism and Panpsychism are very plausible and make sense, certainly more than Monotheism.

Monotheism implies that we are separate from the one God. It's original meaning in Hinduism was more similar to Pantheism, that everything is part of God. Christians distorted it for political purposes of social control.

Yes the Christian gospel does say you have to loathe yourself. You have to agree and admit that you are a guilty sinner, just because Adam and Eve ate an apple. Really stupid of course. You don't seem to understand the Christian gospel. That is very basic. Dude I been studying Christianity since the 1980s. Where have you been?
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Re: Why the Christian Gospel is 100% Unjust, Nonsensical, a Black Magic Ritual, and an Abusive Fear Based Control System

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
September 22nd, 2021, 10:32 pm
You didn't even answer my question about why God has to be perfect or the BIble has to be perfect and infallible. Christians don't back up those claims, they just take them as givens and default assumptions, even though they have no real basis or foundation.
His commandments are one proof that He is righteous and perfect. I believe some posts above even prove that.

It's also astonishing to me, that many people believe history, but as for the Bible, they are unable to believe the truth of it, preferring to believe in history as the truth.

And many people say the Bible is really the word of men, which is not true, but cite other men and their beliefs as though those men and their beliefs must be infallible. Yet those who do that do not see the contradiction with that.

Also, a person should consider, that a man cannot be greater or better than God. God created man. Man cannot be better or more righteous than God.
Winston wrote:
September 22nd, 2021, 10:32 pm
What do you mean? Pantheism is not compatible with Christianity at all. Christianity teaches that we are separate from God who is out there and angry and going to judge us if we don't repent. Christianity has taught that for 2000 years. Of course they teach a God of love and forgiveness too, so that is an obvious contradiction.
I have explained this all before, but maybe the answer doesn't agree with you.

God hates unrighteousness, He hates sin, He hates evil.

If people do enough evil, eventually that may make Him angry. If they turn from their evil, He is often willing to forgive them.

However, there comes a point at which the person has done so much evil that their chances with Him are over and then He gives them over to their evil desires, allowing them to be rejected, which is also known as reprobate. These are the people who go to hell.

The people who have not gotten to that point will eventually get saved, because they have not made themselves so vile that He no longer wants them.

So there is no contradiction. There is just a limit to how much He will put up with before it's over.
Winston wrote:
September 22nd, 2021, 10:32 pm
He should not be angry and vengeful for something as trivial as taking a bite out of an apple, which is too trivial to even think about. Besides it was his fault for putting the forbidden apple and tree there in the first place so he has no one to blame but himself. None of this makes any sense. Deep down every Christian knows it, including you, but they have to rationalize it away.
Actually it does make sense.

Now everyone has to prove to God who they are. Remember He hates sin and evil. Those who have chosen to become evil will eventually be rejected and will not able to get saved. Those who choose the good will eventually be given the gift of faith in Christ and get saved.

In other words, now everyone gets a choice: to choose good or evil; their eternal rewards, whether they go to heaven or hell, and whether they have eternal life or suffer eternal punishment, are based upon which of those two they choose.

And it isn't as simple as eating an apple. It is about the fact that evil and sin are causes of death, loss of eternal life, and eternal torment.

Now there is a simple way to attain or gain eternal life, that is to believe in Jesus as the Son of God, the Christ, the Savior. For those who are able to believe in Him, they will have eternal life. As for the wicked who love evil more than they love righteousness, they will not be able to believe and they will perish and be punished for their evil deeds.
Winston wrote:
September 22nd, 2021, 10:32 pm
Do you understand Pantheism? It is the concept that God is everything so we are all bits and pieces of God. That means if he casts us off he is casting off parts of himself. Not just that we live inside God like something inside a shell.
Christianity has nothing to do with Pantheism. However, in Christianity, those who are saved are part of the Body of Christ and He will never cast them out.

Pantheism itself, along with the other non-Christian religions mentioned, are delusions.
Winston wrote:
September 22nd, 2021, 10:32 pm
Panpsychism is the concept that everything in the universe has consciousness, including rocks and wood. It is similar to Animism. Both Pantheism and Panpsychism are very plausible and make sense, certainly more than Monotheism.
It would be easier to believe in Christ than to accept that a rock has consciousness.
Winston wrote:
September 22nd, 2021, 10:32 pm
Monotheism implies that we are separate from the one God. It's original meaning in Hinduism was more similar to Pantheism, that everything is part of God. Christians distorted it for political purposes of social control.
Christianity is about saving the person's soul. Perhaps other religions are able social control.
Winston wrote:
September 22nd, 2021, 10:32 pm
Yes the Christian gospel does say you have to loathe yourself. You have to agree and admit that you are a guilty sinner, just because Adam and Eve ate an apple. Really stupid of course. You don't seem to understand the Christian gospel. That is very basic. Dude I been studying Christianity since the 1980s. Where have you been?
Unless the person is Jesus Christ then the person is a sinner in need of Jesus Christ to be saved. IOW, the only one to ever be without sin is God in the flesh Himself. All others are sinners, even the best.
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