Question to Yohan

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Question to Yohan

Post by chanta76 »

You mentioned that you married a Japanese woman during the 1970's. I don't know if your American back ground or German nationality back ground but from reading your post you have this hard view that American women are horrible. My question is if you were American or even German ..were the western women in 70's that bad. Because I always thought western women got worst during the 80s and 90's.

And since you lived in Japan for so long how much did Japanese women change over the years. It was back in the 80's that Japanese women were consider the ideal bride but nowadays that's not true at all.
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Post by Yohan »

Yes, correct, I am living in Japan since 1976, married with a Japanese woman, no problems at all. - I am not from USA, but from Central Europe, native German speaker.

My present relationship to USA only started from Japan, with friends from USA who are working in Japan mostly in technical jobs, and also of course with my son-in-law who is Asian American (parents still are native Japanese speakers, but he is not).

About women in Western and Central Europe, they were always terrible, also when I was 20 and they were 20 too. The daughters around 1970, who were 15 or 20 at that time learnt such behavior from her mother, who was nothing better.

My mother was also a violent person and my 2 half sisters were violent too, against me and my father. About the same in the neighborhood. Not a children-friendly, father friendly environment, boys not very welcome.

My father was 2 times divorced (as not guilty part) and 3rd divorce did not take place as my mother died.

I was lucky looking back to my past, as I was poor as a child and poor as a student and never made it up to a local girlfriend even for 30 minutes.

Dating was already expensive and difficult around 1970, with few young women, very greedy and demanding, vulgar and violent. Often into thugs and night life and alcohol.

After I left for Asia I never came back.

In Japan, women are still OK, much better than in Europe, I don't think it changed so much - of course habits changed, as the living standard is different and better than in 1960 or so. I can only say that nobody in my neighborhood, nobody of my friends, nobody of the Japanese staff of the office where I am working and no one out of my Japanese relatives is divorced. I think, Japanese wife is still very much OK.

Many Western men are just looking for Japanese women in the wrong place, like bars, useless internet dating sites, Asian-Americans etc.

Often US-men expect a typical Japanese woman to react like an US-citizen, for example demanding Christian values. There is also the fact, that most Japanese are not good in foreign languages. etc.

Nowadays many Japanese, more men than women, are not interested into marriage at all. Not in an unfriendly way, but they prefer to remain single.

For dating Japanese women, you have to do it in the few large cities, where there is a significant surplus of women - as they move away from rural areas to find a more comfortable life in the cities. Anyway to find a reliable Japanese woman for dating and later on for marriage, expect a long time, maybe one year or so.

On the other side, most foreign residents like myself who are living in Japan, are married with a Japanese woman, and not with a Chinese or Filipina etc.

It works out, if the foreign man has a regular legal job in Japan. I do not recommend to bring any Asian woman to Europe or USA.

P.S.: I had some technical exams, in written Japanese, during the last 3 weeks, I had to study in evening, not much time for comments, sorry for late reply.
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