I'm looking for a new web admin

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I'm looking for a new web admin

Post by rudder »

What should a guy watch out for when trying to hire someone to run a financially lucrative website. The web admin would need access to my paypal account, website hosting Cpanel, etc. I just don't know much about these sorts of things, and I'd be worried that the web admin would screw me over with their computer nerd wizardry, and then I would have no recourse. Do you always deal locally with someone that you can meet and who has a verified physical address? Is there a thirdy party you could involve to oversee the operation so that you don't get ripped off? Currently, a friend is managing my website, but he has taken on a lot of other gigs recently, and is practically unavailable.

What's the 411 on being street smart when hiring someone to manage your online passive income stream?

Also, what sort of remuneration should be expected by the admin? A set fee for services? Or is it possible to offer a percentage of earnings instead?

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